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In a sane world, this public display of betaness and faggotry would be the death of Science-based lifting.

Discuss where we go from here. I fear the space has already been overtaken by Redditors... the overwhelming outpouring of sympathy from all the beta males might only embolden them...
get off the steroids psycho
science based lifters have been the laughing stock of the fitness industry for a long while, it's not a death sentence because their reputation is already at the bottom
What a fucking sook
talk shit get hit, nice to see these people who hide behind a camera finaly get caught
we used to be a country.......
he needed a ct scan after that? What the fuck
He's a dramatic little fairy. If his gf had any desire for him before this, it's surely gone now.
>nigger behavior good because le roid man is taller
>death of Science-based lifting.
>calls natural lifters mediocre
>called out by a more accomplished lifter
>roid rage
I'm doing lengthened partials tonight for Jeff
>ct scan
how did he talk shit? boomer was talking shit.
This would be like if someone attacked a famous bodybuilder because they said " yeah i won a comp"
>Gets swatted away like a child
>gets a CT scan
>Cries about it on the internet
What an utter faggot. He even states he was on guard in case of "funny business" and he still got swiped across a room.
>muh science based lifting
In this case has been proven to be an utter failure he was easily swatted away. Does he have any self awareness? Is he not ashamed that he was so easily taken down?
if you get assaulted around the neck area they throw you in the scanner as a precaution
>Its free in Canada
>the hospital probably recommended he do it
Perhaps they should have recommend MAID
For social media influencers, being a "victim" is a massive business boost. You HAVE to milk it to maximize the money earned. I don't blame him for it.
Roidtranny needs to have a gym "accident" where weight gets dropped on his throat during bench press
if he goes to jail thats a possibility, thats how they deal with guys like him there
Jeff's gf is so hot. And shes still with him pegging him. Whose laughing now?
Probably some legalistic or insurance thing, but yeah, his gf must be dryer than the Sahara
What exactly even is science based lifting? Targeting specific muscle groups? Tracking macros? Pinning steroids? Finding good rep ranges?
All of this shit is based in science one way or another.

And what even is anti-science lifting? This is an imaginary extension of a retarded culture war that exists in your heads. Being “anti-science” is probably the dumbest nonsense position you could take.
False i can confirm shes moist
Canada doesn't believe in jail unless you defended yourself with a weapon or protest the government.
in all seriousness devoting your life to critiquing big violent men with tiny brains. Is not the smartest idea. Thats bound to go wrong.
Im not saying all big guys are dumb or violent. He just found one.
>Get the vax, Black Lives Matter, no human is illegal, trans woman are woman, trust the science
The two groups are basically "lifting is super complicated and as a natty you need to min-max every aspect, and if you do this particular lift at this particular angle you'll get the most activation," vs. "go lift heavy, eat a lot, and have fun - and maybe worry about putting on 1-2% here and there when you're almost at your limit." It's not about taking the stance that science doesn't matter when it comes to lifting, but rather that overcomplicating things when your target audience is beginners is just a way to portray yourself as an authority on the subject, and that they need your wisdom to build muscle. I'm not saying that's reprehensible, if you are an expert on a topic and want to offer your services, you won't tell your customers that what you're doing is actually really simple, and they don't even need you.
yes no no yes yesno
its obsessing over pubmed studies to find out you have 0.03% chance at gaining 0.5% more muscle gain if you bend your arms at 43 degrees instead of 45 degrees etc

it does get really fucking obnoxious how some of the "le based science" lifters talk down to you if you arent autistic about precision in your exercises like they are
i think its a bit excessive. Weightlifting requires smarts just not science smarts.
confronting people who shittalk you isn't nigger behaviour, it's simply normal male behaviour. Do you think there was any period in history except for modernity when men of all races didn't do this? lol
how did he shit talk him? he basically said "i won a comp"
the boomer went full retard
So like I said this is just a useless extension of culture war crap. None of that has to do with lifting at all you stupid faggot.
you hear the word science and it twists up your political programming
...and then he went out of his way to go film one of his videos at Mike's workplace.
>In a sane world, this public display of niggotry would be the death of roid based lifting.
This is what it actually is funny how you ignored it and just acknowledged the joke as if it were real
>Insecure roid rager got mad because he can't achieve with roids what a nobly natty was able to.
Very smart thing to do for insurance and to be able to sue the shit out of the roid monkey if something was wrong.
you are a dumbass
Kind of a stretch. If I write freelance articles on a library computer is it my workplace?
When you’re a bodybuilder the 1% margins matter. Almost all of the fitness industry is dealing with marginal improvements anyways. Creatine will give you a few percent more. ECA stack will help you burn a few percent more. This is just natty lifting in a nutshell, always has been.

If someone is talking down to you that’s different. But there is literally nothing wrong with spreading knowledge about marginal improvements in youtube videos.
this. What faggots like Nippard don't understand is that lifting heavy and eating well will give you a good physique no matter what (at least if you don't have really shitty genes). All you need to know as a beginner is:

-eat enough protein and get your vitamins
-lift heavy weights to failure, targeting as many muscle groups in your body as possible
-don't do too many reps per set (more than 10 or so), if you can do more than that with a given weight, increase the weight
-stop and deload if you are in pain (other than muscle soreness, that's okay to a certain degree) so that you won't fuck up your joints
-don't lift more than you can do with proper form.

All the other "science" he talks about makes almost zero difference for beginners, maybe 5 % difference for intermediate lifters and 10 % difference for pros. So if you've been lifting for 10 years and reached your absolute natty limit, yes, thinking about the exercise science behind it will help you. But if you're a beginner, don't bother. You should rather spend your time on actually lifting instead of getting lectured about "muh science!" by some influencer.
lol vitamins are a placebo they do nothing. just eat fruit or vegetables
>dont do more than 10
retarded advice, do you even loft
He didn't just use the gym as a place to train people there, he was hired by the gym. (They fired him now)
>Literally the best natural bodybuilder
>there is literally nothing wrong with spreading knowledge about marginal improvements in youtube videos.
yeah, there's nothing wrong with exploiting the worries of insecure noobs by convincing them the only way to progress is to consume your super secret special information and buy your shirts instead of telling them to work hard and consistently. deceiving people about what is important for your own profit is good, actually!
fucking retard dyel
>content for the intermediates/advanced is le bad because noobs exist
You sound like a fragile retard
>When you’re a bodybuilder the 1% margins matter.
I agree, but 99% of his audience are not bodybuilders.
Jeff is a fragile retard that got sent flying with a one handed push kwab
Jeff won bodybuilding competitions natty
has a hot exotic wife from the pyramids
and he is handsome.

Boomer got jelly, he should have controlled his attitude.
By "get your vitamins" I precisely meant eating fruit, vegetables, fish etc. You should always get them from natural sources, not from some sketchy multivitamin pills Dr. Shekelstein sold you. Only exception is vitamin D if you live in a country with too little sun or spend too much time indoors, as it's really hard to get enough of it from food.
>What exactly even is science based lifting
I think it's currently viewed as being too obsessive about minor things that don't really matter, like which way your pinkie points during lateral laises.

Like most things it's a spectrum and probably the golden spot is somewhere in the middle. Horsecock some heavy loads and do some lighter big ROM shit aftweards.
advanced wont get their advice from clickbait and intermediate dont need anything jeff says. you have been grifted
It's not wrong if you actually preface it by saying they won't need that information until they are advanced.
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he has videos on what you should focus on as a beginner, he emphasizes training hard, sleeping well and getting on a caloric surplus. I don't watch his stuff but you faggots are pathetic
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>one roidtranny punches another roidtranny

And we're making a fuss about this because...?
He has no obligation to hold your hand retard
Why would beginners seek advice if they don't need anyone to hold their hand?
he says not do do the basics and to do dumbass machine memes. and he overanalyzes every bs detail becsuse it plays on noobs insecurities and need to be told what to do. you simping for this five foot two dork thst got owned who gives terrivle advice is pathetic imo. to each their own, gay retard
>becsuse it plays on noobs insecurities
take your meds
>calling you out for having a clear hate boner for le heckin e-celeb is simping
grow up
>sharing valuable information makes people insecure so… fricking stop
just a completely worthless argument
It has very little value to them
It doesn’t hurt them either like you’ve been pretending. Nobody would come away from one of his videos nitpicking range of motion or rep range or whatever for 1% marginal gains and think “yeah I can forego hard work and consistency now”
Paralysis by analysis is a real thing for many people. You can see it on /fit/ where half the posters don't even lift because they don't feel knowledgeable enough to even start lifting yet because they're afraid of wasting time if they do it wrong.
thats just dyels who were never going to lift anyway.
Eh, maybe, but I still find it hard to believe that breaking down pubmed articles on youtube has this net negative effect on society. Also from what I have seen he is splitting hairs but keeping it pretty digestible.

I would assume he has encouraged more noobs to start than discouraged.
literally not what i said at all but i guess youre too dumb to get it or know how to read
kek yeah hold that L pussy
weightlifting is so simple, you just do it. Even bro advice gym goers dont get it.
It doesnt matter if you do it badly, it just matters you do it
For Jeff, I mean
Surely there's no way anyone unironically thinks that roid ape is in the right. What an embarassing display of fragile ego
It's a mix of social outcasts that seethe with unbridled rage at anyone better than them, simply enjoy being contrarians, or have extreme political ideals that makes them have an irrational hate for the soiyence.
lol you're actually mad
>>Where we go from here
If you truly care about some gay shit from YouTube you need to get your head checked. Go to the gym and lift some weights .
You gather paperwork through reporting the assault and getting scans done, you throw a bit of MUH EMOTIONAL TRAUMA in, and then you squeeze him on a civil trial

i know its a pussy move but I did the same to an asshole lol. The police presses charges and they usually get some community service or some shit, but then if they can't afford multi year lawyer fees you BLEED them dry financially (usually happens fast if the guy is some manual worker / shit salary)
Kek roid schizos really showing their true colors
>roidtroon wigger
>only dare to beat a white manlet
Adding to this
>be proven wrong
>instead of growing and learning
>assault a manlet
Didn't this roid monkey piss and shit himself before running away like a pussy when Joey Stax called him and his "mob enforcer" friend out for threatening to kill Stax's friend?
he's a Canadian dwarf? Now I like him even less. Go work in the mines with the rest of your ilk Jeffe.
Its nerds who were bullied in highschool recently flooding our gyms. Its an idealogy whereby they remove any of the fun and magic from working out and it also allows them to feel more virtuous because there are "heckin following le Science!"
Tatted up insecure roid freak attacks you unprovoked at the gym, do you
>A) fight back like a nigger, get banned from gym, presumably injured, possibly face criminal charges?
>B) Leave, get a CT scan, press criminal charges, publicise the incident and ruin the other guy's life?
I don't care about any of this, but it sounds like that Mike guy is just a roid-raging nigger.
I like how youre ignoring the fact what led up to this is having a career pushing Le Science and being a gossipy bitch in the name of your gay religion. I guess when you do that it does make it somehow less gay that jeff ran to get an Xray after getting launched across the room like he was nothing.
or you know
you could have also just move on with your life, instead act like a jew to your fellow white man
>le science based fag reacted to me
>better punish him or I'll be damned by le science
Play nigger games, win nigger prizes
It's obvious the roid guy feels insecure/wants to emphasize his manliness as opposed to science/university trained middle class people. It's pretty similar to those forklift operator memes or a low middle class Trump voter
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Lifting advice was absolutely swamped with misinformation in the 90's and 00's and it was largely due to anecdotal evidence bodybuilders would tell journalists and magazine writers.
If you were going the gym in the 90's and 00's. You probably were also eating 1.3g of protein per lbs and crying that you missed a day of creatine and now lost all the benefits of creatine. You believed in the anabolic window (Must eat within 30 minutes of working out) and how if you don't feel sore then you didn't train hard enough and how you should always train to failure and all sorts of stuff.
People still hold onto these outdated views despite all the evidence "science lifters" have that prove otherwise. People with the mindset of "You must always go to failure" and stand by it will hate on "science lifters" who say it's absolutely perfectly fine to stop at 2 reps to failure. Almost like These people have built their identity on these outdated views and see it as some sort of attack when "nerdy" people tell them they're wrong.

Science based lifters will take what current studies have said on the topic and apply it to their workout, while people who hate on science based lifters will hold onto their outdated views despite all the evidence that goes against it.
40-60% of "studies" are not replicable. It's likely even higher for fitness/nutrition because the quality of the "studies" is so low and control groups are incredibly hard to manage. "Science" based lifting is a joke. You'd be better off just listening to broscience.
What studies aren't replicable?
They're not exactly doing cutting edge rocket science or anything. 90% of these studies is literally just getting some guys in, measuring them, telling them to do these exercises this way for a few months and/or eat these foods, measuring them again, then posting the data. How could they possible not be replicable?
dood got a ct scan over a scratch on his neck? if you're taking selfies in a hospital you don't need to be in a hospital.
Yeah m8 I totally followed your instructions to the T and look at my gains and also dick hard 24/7, science lifting wooo
>Mike brushed by me and said "sup"
>I chuckled
What the fuck was Jeff's problem? Is he autistic?
They do those exercises and eat those foods at the lab under supervision, they don't just get told to do something and expect the researches to just have blind faith that they did it.
Lmao your arguments are as retarded as flat earthers.
> They do those exercises and eat those foods at the lab under supervision
Nigga noone living in a lab 24/7 like a fucking rhesus monkey for some shitty nutrition study with a funding budget of $500 and some $5 GNC vouchers the fuck you smokjng
Shouldn’t of said the n word
>My muscles will save me in a fight!
Yet people were fitter in the 90s and 00s.
>being fit when 70% of the food you ate were natural and you walked during 40% of your day
>being fit when 10% of the food you eat is natural and you walk during 10% of your day
why were they more fit!? i dont understand!
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>thinks diet matters

the most jacked dudes I've ever known eat garbage. they would just go get a bunch of McDonald's after benching 4 plates. Now the whole meta is DYEL faggots trying to figure out some way to do less work in the gym and wondering why they look like twinks.
>When ice cream sales goes up, murder rates go up
>Ice cream must cause more murders.
Imagine spending all those years in the gym building up your strength, all that effort, just to get manhandled like a child.
>you need to live in a lab 24/7 for a researcher to supervise you doing a workout a couple of times a week
Holy fuck you are a hyperbolic faggot, maybe these roidtranny memes have some truth to them.
He started it. If anyone did what he did to me I would go to his house.
You deserve death, cring wignat.
All those jacked dudes are using drugs, and you're a fool to follow them unless you use the drug protocols they use as well. They also eat like garbage because that's the easiest way to put on weight.

Also, nobody cares if you bench 4 plates or not. If you're not becoming famous or making large amounts of money off torturing your body to get to the point you're benching that much for basically no reason.

Nobody benches 4 plates without looking like a fat gorilla that can't scratch the middle of their back

you are a fool to "bodybuild" as a natty retard and think you are going to look like arnold.

either get on the sauce, be an obese powershitter or find something better to do with your time like being a runner or some shit.
The same fellow white man who assaulted him? At least he admitted it’s an underhanded move, but the end result is still a strategic victory. Who cares about the stupid petty disorderly assault charge he’s gonna get, it’s more so about dragging him through court for two years and ruining him financially. Classic Jew move and not the preferred method of beating him to death, but still a “technical” victory.
A coping mechanism
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>get on the sauce
no thanks, I'm not mentally ill + don't want to look like a shrivelled up ballsack
>roidrage retard assaults someone while being filmed
lol I don't really care for this hobbit but the bald psycho is gonna have a rough time
if you get jabbed in the throat you can take proper medical precautions if you aren't a low IQ nigger with no money.
Punching someone while being filmed at your workplace is a much better move I agree
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was the use of a hateful slur really necessary there incel?
If you're not in the lab 27/7 the study is worthless. You could head straight to the gym and train the way you normally do. They have no control over calories consumed etc. This is all very basic science.
Only midwits like you fall for these garbage tier "studies".
Jeff's statement was autistic cringy shit but the roidhead and OP by association deserve 45 lb plates 'accidentally' thrown on their heads.
Mike lost his white man membership when he decided to act like a nigger
I don't care for nippard or ever watch him at all but this Mike guy has been making videos talking shit about him to get views. If he doesn't want nippard talking about him why is he making all these videos about nippard?
Starting Strength and any other programs that advocate for big compound exercises are “science based lifting”.
You retards don’t understand why you do the things you do.
100 years ago lifting “science” was all hogwash and everyone was a dyel doing retarded exercises because they hadn’t figured anything out yet.
hi pajeet!
Attacking people you have minor disagreements with is peak nigger behavior.
take celebrity drama to
better yet, behave like an adult male and don't post about it at all
Mike has an unsuccessful youtube channel where his makes videos constantly and gets like 2000 views. Jeff releases a video once a month and gets literally millions of views. He must be absolutely seething that a natty manlet is mogging him like this.
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>oh things are about to get real funny
>He didn't just use the gym as a place to train people there, he was hired by the gym.
No he wasn't. The gym have already said he wasn't an employee and they had no formal relationship with him. They just tolerated him training clients there. Why are you deliberately lying to defend a roidraging boomer?
it's uncivilized and primitive
people just hate jeff nippard
>Always done close-grip bench and dips for triceps
>He explains that these movements don't engage well its long head
>Incorporate an overhead extension to my routine
Thank you Jeff

I don't see how well-documented information freely available is bad.
>science based lifting
Kinesiology and exercise science to maximize hypertrophy
>"normal" lifting
Weight-swinging like a monkey and leaving gains on the table to spare your ego
Exactly. Science based lifting is just "oh this study says XYZ so you can try incorporating this into your training this way". It's always a stretch or lengthened partials or a different angle on some exercise. He's not saying that you shouldn't train hard or that weird exercises are a substitute for honest effort and you should tweak your whole routine.
This is probably bait but they're not that different. Normal lifting comes to the same conclusions as science based lifting half the time through trial and error. See >>75342781. This guy found out that you need overhead movement from watching jeff, I found out cuz I saw a big guy at the gym do it.
NTA but it depends on the lift. Isolations and shit like that 10+ is fine, compounds nah.
Option A gets you women
Option B gets you pitty points on the internet and praise from other betas
Plus let's not pretend like misdemeanor assault has any serious legal consequences anywhere in the world
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>hooooly guys, he was going to kill me. Look at my serious face int he hospital, im such a brave guy right!?
>ct scan
kys dyel
fat roider just pushed the midget roider
don't let their wording of "jabbed" fool you lol
he probably can't fight to save his life, see: >>75338315
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>I chuckled.
the "science" of lifting should be giving the world
>Starting Strength
>basic info about protein diets
and then locking off all fitness content until a base level of strength has been achieved and proven. it would completely decimate "science based" and all this youtube garbage, as 99% of the audience is incapable of lifting their own bodyweight. it's trash entertainment for the lazy.
Good bait
It’s even got the wall of text and everything, very nice
The boomer was wrong for attacking him
But Jeff is just whining and exaggerating so he can hit him with emotional damages and milk the e-drama

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