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At what age did you grow out of heavy squats and deadlifts?
There is no exact age for everybody, but your body will tell you when it's over.
there is a video of him squatting 14 years ago. he isn't getting high on his own supply it seems. he's a really funny redneck on his podcast, a barrel of laughs.
Around 22
whatever age I was the second time I pulled the same muscle in my lower back and could barely walk for a day
Have better form.
>Looks like shit
>constantly pissed off
>Thinks he knows better than everyone else
I hate this faggot so much he needs to get hit by a car.
>what is any competitive coach
Its almost like you nerds never competed at any level to see what the average coach looks like
no. think of driver. poor lad does not deserve trauma. he needs to be thunderstruck!
>Average coach
Hes not even average hes a fat fuck.
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21. When I bought this fellow
>average coaches are fit
yea, you don't even watch any sort of sports let alone play one.
I dont play sports because I dont like sports.
Im 44 and squat 180, dl 210, 6ft, 88kg/194lb. I am working more on running, bench and OHP at the moment so not looking to progress squat and DL, just maintain it. Im not squatting three or four times a week anymore, was doing 190x3 then, no need unless I wanted to do a competition.

32 and squat 180, DL 220.

Unironically a skill issue
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didn't start working out until 30+ and i'm at 5pl8 diddly now after a few years of casual lifting

the compound lifts are the most fun
pls be kgs
His coaching record is appalling. No-one that's trained under him in his 40 years coaching has ever done anything noteworthy.
Squat and DL are highly overrated. Best to skip them. Machine squats or Leg Press are generally better for most people who aren't powerlifters. DL should be replaced by RDL or Hip thrust.
i wasnt grown into it, in first place
The dudes I see doing deadlifts and squats are either huge or very smol with no in between. I squatted 3x a week for years along with other leg exercises and my legs are still big despite dropping them a long time ago.
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>Squat and DL are highly overrated. Best to skip them. Machine squats or Leg Press are generally better
MMA fag here, I've noticed those who do strength training compounds have worse bodies but btfo out of all the hypertrophy/size fags in sparring
If you want to follow this logic, never let your children get into any sports in school. I can almost guarantee you the school coaches accomplished even less.
That whole meme about substitute coaches being better than your actual coach is real. So don't tell me grade school coaches are somehow good as your argument
I do it all and I still like squats and DL more. Not shitting on bodybuilding, just saying I have different preferences.
I don't expect my kids grade school coaches to turn them into olympic athletes, anon. Kind of a retarded argument you're putting forward, but if you're suggesting rip is on the same level of proficiency as a half hearted school coach then you're probably correct.
>I don't expect my kids grade school coaches to turn them into olympic athletes
>Kind of retarded argument
You are making your own arguments to argue against. The main observation was that coaches don't need to look like athletes, lets try to stay on topic anon
>The main observation was that coaches don't need to look like athletes
Right, then we moved on from that to fact he's never coached anyone to achieve any noteworthy success which reflects poorly on him as a coach. Your rebuttal to this was to bring up grade school coaches.
Whats the argument then? Or are you just arguing with yourself?
Anon... I literally just explained it to you. Are you esl or do you have a learning disability?
Explain it again. I just want to see if you can come to the realization
The realisation is that rip is mediocre coach at best and therefore should not be considered an authority on training.
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for me, mid 20s. it wasn't worth snapping your shit up. I barbell squat/deadlift my body weight. go "heavy" on the machines. keep it safe my niggers.
So where was the argument? I hold a mirror up to your face about who is going to coach your children but you want to backpedal and say its okay for these kinds of people to coach your children? Apparently rip isn't good enough for you but good enough for your children?
Again, im just holding a mirror up to your dumb logic and putting it back onto you
Rippetoe is a joke.
>Steriod user
>Shit numbers as a lifter even with roids
>Teaches wrong technique
>Retarded "Just keep pushing 5lbs" attitude
>Zero (0) actually strong guys trained
>"We promote general strength and health", no cardio, no endurance
>"You need to be 300lbs @ 5"9 and 50 years old"
>"WE AREN'T POWERLIFTERS", focuses on single rep strength
>A fucking wooden board bench
>Cuck fiction author
I already answered this here: >>75348395
I would not consider my kids' school coaches to be authority figures on whatever sport they coach. I would not consider rip to be an authority on weight training. To compare to rip - if my kids' football coach decided one day he was an expert in his field and went against orthodoxy in favour of his own esoteric ideas then I would pull my kids out from his coaching.
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>blah blah blah
lmao, you really can't connect the dots? You should look the mirror and continue this argument there, I think you will be there for a few days but at least it will entertain you.
I understand what you're implying and I've just preemptively rebutted it. That's why you can't come up with a proper argument for your position and are too chickenshit to even openly state it.
I hadn't been on fit in a little while, was this board always this fucking retarded?
>>75349747 are retarded
>You should listen to this retarded, fat, failure of a coach because your kid's soccer coach is also mediocre.
Holy shit, kys you fucking retard
(You) aren't going to be an Olympian. You just need some basic advice. So many people out there who aren't lifting cuz they're confused by the endless shills and scientific jargon. Fact is most people who lift would be better off if they just did ss or something equivalent for 6-12 months and got some decent numbers. But the majority of gym goers squat less than 2pl8
I'll let you know when it happens (it won't).
Still makes zero sense to listen to a fat retard who's advice os contrarian to everyone what in the industry rather than someone more respected.
if you cannot squat or deadlift you are doing something wrong

you have quit, you werent good enough for the lifts, anti-dl and squat drivel like in OP is just rationalising that surrender.
he mogs me
Stop with the ridiculous generalisations that just aren't true. Ss, grey skull and strong lifts are staples that work and everyone knows it. But you can't sell recipes to a salt and pepper grilled steak, just like nobody makes money telling you this stuff has already been figured out, as you said it's an "industry" to make money, not to make you fit. Also nobody wants to admit they're still a beginner who needs a beginner program. So many people who go to the gym twice a week doing 4 different chest exercises then go home
>Ss, grey skull and strong lifts
All shitty meme programs from a decade ago that no-ones anymore and everyone accepts were shit.
Literally who?
controlled atg squats on the smith machine are many fold superior to ego weight powershitting parallel shit
This + hacksmith machine
Superior in what way? Still looking awkward and unathletic despite going to the gym 4x a week and not being able to talk to girls? Go outside.
>His coaching record is appalling
What were the goals of the people training under him? I think its simply to get stronger.
Did they get stronger?
He has helped a massive percentage of people achieve their goals.
I fucking love how much he upsets queers
Yeah, rip has a great record of training guys to bench 315lbs at 250lbs bodyweight and 40% bodyfat. So if that fits your goals by all means listen to what he has to say.
Superior in looking athletic
>Squat or deadlift
I just don't want to.
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>I just don't want to
He's literally me
Sure, but his hog will look bigger with small legs.
he said he leans on everything because his back is fucked
What has this all been for then?
I just do leg press and rack pulls, I don't wanna fuck up my 30 year old boomer back

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