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>Programming Advice?
>Training History

>Previous thread
Thanks for cutting the trans fat OP
>programming advice?
Try harder. Autoregulate.

>diet advice?
Put the fork down. If you can't see abs, you're fat.

Post lifts if and only if you can meet at least one of the following:
>2x bw bench (no archmaging)
>2.5x bw squat (high bar atg)
>3x bw deadlift (conventional, no straps)
>150kg clean and jerk
>110kg snatch
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give me her socials
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Messed up my wrist position in vidrel (265 x 3), but fixed it up for 243 2x5 and it was smooth, could've done 2x7
Tomorrow I'll do SSB squats, I've never done them, it'll be fun. Only did SSB a few SSB good morning some months ago. Is it true it emphasizes more quads? Like between a front squat and a high bar I think.
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I benched 145kg 4x2, think i can do 160 max?
You're here for my entertainment. You know who you are. Oink for me.
we put her on fire watch, shes basically collared and chained to the general. she isnt allowed to leave without permission
hands and wrists pretty nearly the same size. coen's like a massive giant that got squashed down before he was fully formed.
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>Not starting from a pause
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How much do I need to lift to kill Chaos?
Sonic can kill chaos by throwing them against walls. Chaos weigh only a few grams, so lifting is unnecessary. It feels cooler to throw them with knuckles or rouge though.
>shes basically collared and chained to the general. she isnt allowed to leave without permission
Wtf?? I trust they are at least being compensated at a fair market rate for this servitude?
good job
yes she is being paid 1.5x the going rate of $000,000.00 annual salary.
why do strong>men have the same retard smile?

lolmao look at this fat powershitter kipping half rep fat ups... bet he can't even squat and be bred ATG like me
Could someone give me a breakdown of what are some good big 3 total numbers? What are novice / intermediate / advanced / elite numbers for men and women?
Simple as:
Less than 400 DOTs is beginner/newbie
400+ DOTs is intermediate (less than 450 early intermediate, more than 450 late intermediate).
500+ DOTs is advanced.
550+ DOTs is elite
That should answer your question buddy
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Rate my deadlift genetics

S 3x5 230
B 3x5 165
D 1x5 250
pls be lbs
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3rd times the charm eh?
Took a looong time off, getting back into lifting but really want to bump my numbers up
Gimme advice
225 bench, don't squat because back hurts doing just 185, dead 315 with gas in the tank but again don't wanna go too far to strain myself for back, but can rdl 185 for reps
Been eating a lot and hitting it 2-3x a week
Typically just dum press, OHP, inc press, then flat bench, been doing some inc bench lately too. Lat downs, rows, deads, and I clean n jerk 145 for reps because idk I love it lol
Program me, lords of lifts.
my lifts aren't good enough to post yet, just laugh at my width maxed build

my presses and squat are pretty solid and easy formwise
>complaining about short arms
So your barbell row must be pretty good then? Shorter arms less ROM for BB rows.
500+ dots is intermediate, typically where SS late beginner runs out.
600+ is advanced.
maybe, I'm doing ss so I don't do rows

I'm not even complaining that much because I'm finding that I have pretty good leverage for most lifts except the deadlift and power clean

you have to admit my lockout is pretty anomalous though, I'm here to entertain you long armed folk
>I'm doing ss so I don't do rows
Yea actually you a-
Good man.
sieg heil
got his ass
if lbs, do starting strength again

if kg no idea
if you were over 6'3" and weighed 300+lbs I bet you'd be smiling as well
Lbs, yes
Idk squats are scary lol I've been watching low back ability and building my inner muscles back brace up again. Will start there. Is that a good program though? Heard it's kinda meme ish
it depends on your build but if you're an average man I think most everyone here would recommend ss until you can hit like 200lb bench for reps, 300lb squat for reps and 400lb deadlift for reps

or something close to that, you can't really be a powerlifter if you don't squat lol
Boohoo. You're such a special snowflake novice. There's just no way tried and true programming that has worked for hundreds of thousands if not millions would work for you.
Isn't this a rack pull?
>mentions SS

Public Announcement for /plg/ posters:

You may disregard all posts that include anything related to Mark Rippetoe.
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Good post.
200kg for 5 today top set, pretty happy.
no I was done with my lifts for the day, I was just posing and showing where my deadlift lockout is on my thigh approximately

it's closer to my hip than mid thigh and slightly above my wiener
ss is right about everything except the low bar squat, hand position on the presses, and maybe it over analyzes the deadlift
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There's my little bitch right on cue
Nah. Rip says its for general health and fitness. Telling people that are 40 at 5'9 to be 300lbs isn't that. High hips isn't how you clean or snatch, they aren't deadlifts. A 10" wooden bench is a retarded peice of equipment. All of their equipment choices (shitty thin racks with large holes and seperation, the weightlifting boot/shoe, powerbars they use as weightlifting bars instead of buying multi or weightlifting bars) Cheating the ohp to use all hips takes away all the reason to do the lift. Rip only likes the press because he can cheat it with lower and make nobody bring up why everyone associated with rippetoe has dogshit bench presses. Stealing Glen pendlay's row technique and then turning it into all hips is another eexample of upperbody fraiding rip is known for. You could go on and on about his stupidity.
GDE tears
I just want to be strong and not kill my shit but I hear you. Just looking for a little help with my own program. I'm getting stronger but advice is cool.
You sir can suck on my chocolate dipped nuts and herniated discs in my spine lol
meh that's a good point

I guess my point was the simple outline of the lifts and reps and sets is basically perfect

we could criticize all the details quite a bit, like I said, I agree the press hand position I like to widen it out a bit and I like the high bar more than the low bar

yea I got hurt doing ss in high school which was 14 years ago and I'm back in it and making adjustments to make it more comfortable for me and it's going great, I changed low bar to high bar and I widened the grip on the bench and ohp, feels better, I don't try to overanalyze the deadlift like I did back then and I think that's why I hurt myself I kept trying to get my deadlift form perfect and my low bar squats were tiring out my back so much I think that stalled my deadlift and that's when I hurt myself
You’re fat.
It happens.
Post a video, dumbass.
>Muh look at my lockout height
Post a video of your deadlift top set the next time you do it. So we can critique technique and see if your leverage are that horrible. Post. A. Video.
Or quit being a bitch.
whoa why so hostile brah

do I look like a wizard, how am I supposed to set my phone to record my wonderment

they seem pretty shit for deadlift though, but my high bar squat and my ohp are money, can't win them all but it is what it is

I'll try next time for the content
You need a nippard in your life to push around and intimidate and yell at and kiss and hold hands with
I'm sorry for being hostile I have a headache and was mad. Yeah, I wanna see your lifts buddy, good luck!
No. I immediately realized I was wrong after posting my reply. I tend to act before thinking, shouldn't have insulted TrexAnon :(
I feel slightly bad spamming and not showing lifts but my lifts are so shit I thought this would be less offensive

next time I will though, for science
It's k, tm we liff buddeh
>simple outline of the lifts and reps and sets is basically perfect
Its not. It doesn't matter what beginners do to see success. Even the most retarded shit will see progress for months if they go consistently. A perfect program would make advanced lifters. SS and TM doesn't make advanced lifters.
What is better then, rippy has this one locked down
Of course I know nothing about herniated discs so that's out of my area of expertise I have no idea if you can squat then, maybe try different variations of it to see if you can find something that doesn't hurt
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Bench 5x185, 4x2pl8, 3x265, 5x3x295lbs
Dead stop bench 5x2pl8, 4x255, 4x3x275lbs
Lat pulldowns and triceps
Really happy with today's session. Bench felt great. Paypigged for a lever belt. I may need to adjust it to be a bit tighter but i'm liking it so far.
@smiggy-sama I tried out heaving on a few sets, but light touch still feels stronger/more consistent.
Good work.
>emphasizes more quads?
For me it did.
Nice, justin. That was the strictest press you've ever posted. I was expecting a meme press. One question tho, why did you blur out your nipples?
Good job. Mirin boob jiggle.
GDE tears
you got the stock belt on sale off pioneer too? i paid like 120 shipped for mine (size medium)
As earlier, it does not matter what beginners run. Experimenting is likely better than doing a long program because it gives you exposure.
RPE based training seems to be the best for strength right now.
Texas Method is not a Rippetoe program, it's a Glenn Pendlay program. Because of this, it actually works.
To expand on this, since I have now decided I aught to, the program was originally 5x5 Monday Friday with a light day of 2-3x5 on Wednesday. As the story goes, Pendlay's lifters were bitching about doing 5x5 all the time, so he offered to let them skip the final 4 sets if they PRd their 5rm on Friday. If they missed, they had to do the 5x5 on top of it. That's where TM came from, not Rippetoe, not Andy Baker. The cycling intensity day garbage is Andy Baker and Lascek, hence why dragging Texas Method out doesn't work. Beginners should do Texas Method to start since it gives experience doing both 5x5s and handling heavier poundages. It also has the frequency to facilitate learning the squat on Wednesdays. Ignore it for the bench and deadlift/cleans, since that was a Rippetoe invention and not part of the orignal program. It is a squat program for beginners and intermediates, and it's really good at that.
oh, so it's a result from cpap usage
Poor sleep bros, what works better for you in terms of stress/cortisol/whatever? Volume or intensity? I've been having awful insomnia on lifting days and I'm not sure which I'd be better off cutting. Would doing just a single top set on sbd be the play?
>you're overreaching just deload/rest
I'm not, I just have unrelated health issues.
being obese is not unrelated
I am not obese.
Jesus Christ how does the little man have mits that big.
Wow you have midget legs. Good job
It looks good, man. By the way, I really can't tell if you have long or short femurs. Also, Do you prefer squats or deadlifts?
How's your grip width? Can't really see from that angle. Do you do or have tried doing max width grip for your bench?
why is candy toe so goofy
I prefer squats, best set was 220 x 3.
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Yeah. Wanted a custom one, but I refuse to spend that much just so I could have something cringe embroidered on it.
>grip width
Middle finger on the ring. I have previously benched max width. No real difference in strength or ROM but feels more comfy.
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hb squat 505x1
cgbp 3x3 @ 325
sumo w/straps 635x1 605x4
spoto 3x5
think I'm going back to low bar sharts, one cycle of high bar was enough.

Ssb is great you will like em. Nice wide bench. Solid gym attire
Unimpressed by the lack of loose bands
Solid reps
Good benching. Do you feel that much of a difference with the Belt?
>think I'm going back to low bar sharts
Great. You did it.
Brilliant form m8.
That bench seems a little small. Looks like your ass is falling off lmao.
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Just hit a 20 pull ups pr, but my 1rm is 90lb (tested it like 5 months ago) in weighted pull ups.
It's over, I'm a type 1 muscle fibre dominant lifter.
Body weight must be around (185-190lb), it fluctuates A LOT.
Also, did this extremely sleepy at almost 1 am NO warmup, so I think I could get 25 on a good day, and my palm blister was open too, so who knows.
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Don’t fall for the shart meme. High bar atg master race stay winning. VVE VVILL MAKE IT TO AGARTHA
redpill me on the hand position for the press, i've been stalling on it
Experimenting leads to everyone doing 5 chest and arm days a week

It's retarded

If we left it up to the average man to determine his program, a weight would never be squatted or deadlifted
I'm not an expert at all but rippy teaches narrow grip on both presses

I put my pinky on the unknurled rings of the bar and I go down to my collarbone instead of mid neck

Of course this depends on your shoulder width
Symmetric strength makes me feel better about being a rotundly fat fuck I only need to hit 140x5 ohp to be intermediate at 320lbs hell yeah
140kg ohp is intermediate for that weight thats correct
Wake up /plg/. It's feeding time
Nah, ima go back to sleep.
Nice form. I have an attack the bar grip it and rip it method.
Stay weak then.
goodnight darling
welp even before reading this I widened my grip this morning and it felt way easier, even though I did not use one as wide as you suggested
no matter the grip width I've always been keeping the bar in a front rack though
in SS he also instructs to keep the bar on the deltoids and collar bones, and grip width is more a matter of keeping your forearms vertical
Didn't get feed back on these last thread. Sorry if the angles are shit.

I don't own a tripod
If you define a squat by a vertical translation of the pelvis, and a hinge as a horizontal translation of the pelvis, then a Back Squat is not a true "squat" and a Conventional Deadlift is not a true "hinge." In fact these two movements are probably more alike than a Front Squat is to a Back Squat, and a Romanian Deadlift is to a Coventional Deadlift.
absolutely no one gives a fuck you sperg
dyels like you suck the fun out of lifting. you would rather talk about lifting than actually lift
Lumbar still sore from Tuesday. Even leg raises hurt. It's so over.
from what we can see we can just tell you good job: bench is solid, while it's impossible to give suggestions for the deadlift because of the angle from which you recorded
if you want more you can give us your thoughts, how and what you felt, what you think you need to improve
A back squat is a true squat because we say it is, faggot.
If you had only stopped being a midwit and listened to me.
I could have saved you.
I fucked up and will listen now. Tell me what to do.
I have to do a heavy sumo pull today. Would it be retarded to put the heavier plates on the outside and some bumpers on the inside to mimic the bend of a deadlift bar in a normal gym bar? Or would the bend be actually kinda accurate, wdyall think?
1. Go to archive
2. Search for posts by user "Gym Shaman"
3. Memorize every post
4. Re-read the OP
We already told you what we thought. It's up to you now to do the work
So what do you do for bench and deadlift on TM if not TM?
I don't remember asking this before, but I probably did because I tend to ask the same question twice (maybe I just wanna chat with y'all). Well then… time to do the work! I guess
I feel like pulling 300kg yolo 'max' because I failed my exam, like barely filled the sheet because I studied the wrong topic.
>wdyall think?
Rexbro here, when I film my deadlift what angle do you want to see
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I'm black tho
say it then
It's insanely skewed at giga fatso body weights
>Pulls sumo
>Looks like a fag
>Fails exam
Kek. What a bitch.

I thought you were half Chinese/half Irish?
He identifies as black, you fucking racist
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it's called whipmaxxing

no, peru
I made my own program and I squat and press x3 a week, I don't bench. When I was weaker I desperately always tried to fill in "enough" volume for all body parts, now I limit it to 2 main lifts + 2 accessories a session and just rotate what I'm trying to improve.
You're asking if you can cheat more on your cheater lift
>>Looks like
I assume 90 percent of people in the gym make their own program, that's why they're small and only work arms and chest
Some fags don't look like fags. Being a fag and looking like a fag is a double whammy
Fries go in the bag.
I only listen to 500+ DOTS lifters in regards to programming.
this kills the blob
>I have to do a heavy sumo pull today.
Stopped reading right there. At that exact moment, I knew you were irrelevant—not just as a lifter but as a human being. Sumo? Really? Might as well call it a weighted stretch session.
What's the point? Just for aesthetics? Putting the plates farther from the center of the bar will make the weight harder to lift; to what extent, I'm not sure, but definitely to some degree.
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Anybody with a 'good' (> bodyweight OHP) with advice for getting good at OHP beyond just doing it a lot?
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>he wears a shirt under his singlet
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>think I'm going back to low bar sharts
Based. Don't listen to little sleeze and his highbar propaganda.
>difference with the Belt?
Kinda but I think it's just a reminder brace. If I feel the belt get loose, then I know i'm losing my brace.
It's a little narrow but normal length. Stop looking at my ass.
>20 pull ups pr
>1rm is 90lb
Oh rip
>It's over, I'm a type 1 muscle fibre dominant lifter
>extremely sleepy at almost 1 am
>think I could get 25 on a good day
>palm blister
Some tips:
1. Don't immediately start divebombing bench after unrack.
2. Record better angle for deads.
3. Don't drop the bar like a tard
4. L2webm so we don't have to hear your sex noises.
Other than that good work, anon.
Quads confirm you're a brainlet.
>300kg yolo 'max
Conventional? Plz be conventional.
More torque. But it also reduces ROM due to the bar bending more. Not sure which has the stronger effect. Would need to do a calculation. The hard part is knowing how much extra the bar will sag if the weights are at the edge. Assume they're an extra distance x out. Then the torque increases by (weight_on_bar*x) whereas the sagging I expect to increase by approximately x. So on the one hand the work you need to do decreases by (total_weight_lifted)*x whereas the extra work you need to do is (weight_on_bar*x). The former is larger in value. For about 300 kg we can estimate the difference as 300/(300-20) ≈ 1% increase in total lifted, or about an extra 3 kgs.
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based templeOS priest
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Here are the 20 pull-ups at 1 AM with no warm-up.
Would you count it? I technically didn't let go of the bar so this was all in the same set. First time trying the switching arms thing.
Southern English larp is fun
Over for ponycels
Based. Time to set up my ghettobuki bar then
Sumo lifting is an art. Also, women biologically can't do a proper sumo (Starting upright with hips close to bar, like Danny Grigs for instance), because their weak pelvic floor won't let them pull in an upright position with enough power. That makes pulling upright sumo funny to me because they can't do it lol. Maybe I'm wrong and they indeed can, but most of their sumos are just wide conventional.
True, but only for deads.
:c I'm playing my strengths dude.
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>Here are the 20 pull-ups
Ok, EconMike, if you say so
Thanks, highly appreciate you doing the troublesome bits. 3 kg is definitely significant enough to not do it at that weight. Much less pronounced, at a lower weight like 100 kg, but at that point there is, well, no point since the bar wouldn't even bend.
If you need to stop beyond the period needed to exhale and inhale I wouldn't count it. Impressive hanging on though.
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Your basic definition makes sense.

Research has been done on this and a set of popular barbell lifts were placed on the Hinge - Squat continuum.

This is mostly correct, but in reality autists also lose to psychopaths because psychopaths turn the normies on the autists once they realize.

Additionally, psychopaths lose to psychopaths because they don't want to share power.

Also based Terry.

I'll grant you 12, but that's it. Too long rest periods, those are new, smaller, fatigued sets you're doing.
215x5 ez next week 220x5
Whomever the anon was that told me to men up last week when i did 210x4 thank you, youre a fucking lad.
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no way we got sumo smiggy before gta 6
Don’t reply to me midwit dyel
>belly protruding beneath shirt
you did not lift the weight
that was from 2021
didnt you pull sumo recently?
yes I think I hit 6pl8 again like 3 weeks ago but still failed 635 lel. That helped clearly identify abductors as a major weakness, having not gotten any stronger in the past 3 years.
learn the self unrack technique. you are pressing it out instead of leveraging ot out.
buy one. theyre like 15 dollars
Get a friend
>abductor weakness
So your knees cave when squatting? Mine do when I don't engage them.
Also, your (old) sumo pull looked good. You should try doing a dynamic start just like Cailler Woolam does his sumo lifts, explosive jerk. I dont think you have abductor weaknesses if your conventional is good, doesn't conventional train your whole glutes/ass?*
True, after the hang rest it becomes another exercise. Although I wonder how much can one milk the hang rest and then claim "50, 100, 150, 200" pull ups. Might as well do that but specify it's with a hang rest.
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>Would you count it?
I say those are good. Pullup schizos will always have some retarded rules why a pullup doesn't count. As long as your chin goes above the bar, lower yourself all the way and you hold onto the bar the reps count.
>I'm playing my strengths dude.
I guess you're forgiven then.
>3 weeks ago
Forgiveness revoked.
>abductors as a major weakness
I think that's one of my weaknesses too.
>explosive jerk
That's only when watching vtubers.
I swear I look this up every few weeks and I thought I finally got it right but I guess not. My ADDUCTORS are weak, not ABDUCTORS. I hate whoever decided to name them that way.
>Kipping is a valid pullup
Retard detected
Good girls adhere to rules
Bad girls get abducted
Or you could recognize what the Latin prefixes mean, illiterate retard
Prairie dogging. Dunno if I'm gonna make it home in time bros.
Bobbyjugate arc soon lads

The way I always remember is adductors add your legs together
47 seconds is the time to beat lads
neat. what's the diff from bobbygarian?
real bobby?
just another obese pedophile character
>getting 900 second wait periods
Wtf hiroshimoot

It's Franku approved and it'll be 4 days upper/lower. I'll be doing full DE, ME and not being a lazy shit with RE.

The king is back.
when's the stream (smiggy hasn't streamed at all this week (baka)shaking my hips)
>getting 900 second wait periods
>Wtf hiroshimoot
even he knows it's for your own good fat fuck
>I'll not be a lazy shit
I feel so fucking stupid literally all i had to do this entire time is just 1x5 and add 5kg each week...
I'm kind of figuring out my new phone still and want to take the time this week to fiddle with it.
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Deadlift? Turns out all I had to do was go down a weight class this entire time.
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Post pullups.
>900 second wait
It's the only way he can stop your instant replies, bobbu.
>figuring out my new phone
Yeah, also I literally warm up with your sbd maxes but you ohp the same as me lmao
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no benching in like 7 weeks. i still got it baby! i feel like the ohp work give my tricep some more horse power
eat a burger skinnyman
a lot has changed since 2018 apparently, but mostly I have to give every app permissions again and now there are many new ones that I have to read the TOS for.
yeah that counts as 20 i'd say
>One question tho, why did you blur out your nipples?
dm me
sis that is a warm up weight
now open your eyes
ALSO I feel like doing OHP improved my bench form because now my bench isnt uneven and its like smooth and not retarded looking. ALSO CLOSE GRIP, PAUSED, DETRAINED LOWER ARCH BTW
I'm gonna blame the brain rot that is cartoons that you watch
can't be that i watch the same cartoons and recently bought iphone 16 and had no problems figuring anything out.
this thing doesn't run Arch KFCE and I'm extremely confused why not
im gonna be honest with you lad at some point you just buy a fucking iphone. It just works(tm). I would probably kys if i had to deal with android phone at the age of 30
I'm not a woman, a homosexual or a blue bubble henpecked teenage boy so I am not interested in an iPhone. Happy for you though
>>getting 900 second wait periods
That's what you get for spamming schizo shit in every single fucking thread
Fair. My phone is from 2018 also. I'm sure it's going to be fun when I finally need to upgrade.
Extremely based.
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>single malt
yes but I never drink
not nearly retarded enough to unironically consider a phone a fashion/status symbol
not retarded enough to enjoy paying x3 for a worse product
it's ok
medium to medium rare
>man cave

0/10 meme
sis iphone is like 500$ name a good android phone for ~165
>/plg/ - psychosocial lifestyles general

Why does he hate fatties so?
You should set the horizontal pins to catch the bar on failed reps. Otherwise keep up the good work.
literally who? if I google the name and it doesnt show up on the 1st page the opinion doesn't matter
he m-mogs you, f-fatty
in this moment I am euphoric
Possibly the fattest fuck ITT right now, bow down tripfag twinks
I'm trexman

bow to me
that only happens if you spam. how did that happen if you were away?
How r u still novice level at 270 squat? Awful...
I weigh 315lbs

I'm still doing ss
270 is novice unless its kgs...
How new?
220 is the minimum intermediate squat weight for my height and weight on symmetric strength. 270 is very high, at least in terms of the site.
Fat zoomerito got mad.
>220 is the minimum intermediate squat weight
yeah in kgs
Wait nvm these are 1RM, not 5RM. Teehee!
f-fat z-zoomerito go..... go-.... go-t m-m-ad!
I am bigger than you, I have more talent than you, I have more brains than you, I have more ability than you, and I am wiser than you, so why would I respect you when all you can articulate is rage?

If I don't respect you, then why would I listen to you? Oink for me if mad
Stuttering fat zoomer lol
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zoomzoom value is measured by google and instantgram hits

This website is kinda cool. It’s is a community project that aims to create a permanent, open archive of powerlifting data from around the world.
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porked his ass
Still not refuted.
>Suck it reddit.
Probably my phone provider is being used to spam 4chan. Aren't whole IP ranges banned for that exact reason?
>Probably my phone provider is being used to spam 4chan.
phone user*
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Holy shit, this set up it's working. I feel like Danny Grigs and the Nik guy.
>So this is the power of cheating… heh, not bad, not bad at all.
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Didn't test that well so switched up my programming.
Squat 310->305 lbs, -5 lbs
Bench 255->255 lbs, 0 lbs
Deadlift 370->400 lbs, +30 lbs
Press 160->150 lbs, 10 lbs

Weight: 171-175 lbs

Deadlift 6x2, 340 lbs
Bench 3x8, 155 lbs
Hammer Curls 3x12, 25s
Calves 3x10

OHP 9x2, 130 lbs
Shrugs 3x10, 155 lbs
Skullcrushers 3x12, 70 lbs
Neck Harness 3x12-17, 20 lbs

Squat 6x2, 260 lbs
Weighted Pull-ups 4x4-5, +25 lbs
BB Wrist 2x20
GHR 3x10
Abs 3x15

OHP 3x8, 90 lbs
Pushdowns 3x12, 100 lbs
Hammer Curls 3x12-15, 20s
Neck Curl 2x15-20, 10 lbs
Calves 2x20

Squat 4x6, 230 lbs
Deadlift 3x8, 240 lbs
Pendlay Row 10x4, 165 lbs
Unweighted Pull-ups 2x8
GHR 4x10-12

Bench 8x2, 215 lbs, more if i can
OHP 3x8, 90 lbs
pushdowns something probably
forearms probably
was in a car accident today, have some mild pain in my groin/adductor area, feels like a pulled muscle or something
what are some good stretches/exercises i can do to rehab it?
obviously skipping clean/squat day tmrw
>bobby "returns"
>new program
>quit cut
10th time the charm?
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I so weak

Bench 110x1
Bench 95 3x3, 90 2x3
Das it. Tomorrow i'll bodybuild for the ladies
3pl8 when?
Who knows bro, training has been grim lately. I'll try my best though
lol did he actually stop cutting again
Not surprising but still lmao
New to powerlifting, any advice / rate my lifts?
>54kg bw
>Bench: 43kg
>Squat: 59kg
>Deadlift: 50kg
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6 6 6Lb
Has fallen (302kg/666lb)
>Inb4 sumo + straps + belt
Yeah yeah… let me have this one.
Hamstring exploded, body feels destroyed. I'm eating a whole turkey. I feel like shit after this, not just because it's heavy, but because I haven't been treated with kindness or love since I was a kid. Thats why Tomorrow I'll do a YOLO pull again. However, this time I'll "pull" (haha see what I did there??) a gf. If I fail, then I'm cooked and the 700 attempt is 100% happening.
Try to retract scapula /slight arch. Idk, standard powerlifting technique instead of bodybuildrr bench. However, maybe you care more about building those Tris.
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Holy shit dude that's crazy
>I haven't been treated with kindness or love since I was a kid
>Try to retract scapula /slight arch.
I'm actually doing both but i think i do need to exaggerate more, i've received this advice before but i keep forgetting to correct it
Maybe this but go slow
> I haven't been treated with kindness or love since I was a kid
blud. deadass just like interact with as many women as possible and youll turn into a cool mf. I thought I was an autist until I got this job that has me around a lot of girls and i just decided to be like fuck it ill just be my positive authentic self and now I basically just shoot the shit with said girls for like my whole 4-8 hour shift and its been amazing for my mental health also girls unironically approach me for my number now despite nothing changing in my appearance. its all about your confidence and like not being a weird freak
in addition stop using social media and browsing the web as much. that shit skews your mental hella and makes you feel worthless
>that head movement
now I know where you get your pullup form from
Deficit deadlift 8x4pl8, 2x4x5pl8
18" deads 4x545, 2x6pl8, 2x2x635lbs
CGBP 3x185, 3x2pl8, 4x3x255lbs
Pendlay rows 5x2pl8, 4x245, 3x3x265lbs
Belt squat 5x5x5pl8
Leg extensions with pause 5x10s
New belt will take some getting used to on deads. 2nd lower day of smiggy 6 week. Feeling hopeful this will maintain my squat strength while my knees recover.
>phone provider is being used to spam
By who I wonder....
Good job. Keep working at it.
Based. Good fight.
>fabuloso looking for gf
>señor looking for gf
Match made in heaven.
>thought I was an autist
You are.
>until I got this job that has me around a lot of girls
>just be my positive authentic self
You mean schizo.
>shoot the shit with said girls
So taking their orders.
>amazing for my mental health
Clozapine would be better.
>girls unironically approach me for my number
You mean they approach when you call their order number.
>all about your confidence
You mean delusions.
>not being a weird freak
Didn't you yell "we're freaks" when you broke the floor at your gf's house?
I hate women.
I hate the antiChrist
Thank you, i will
>fabuloso looking for gf
>señor looking for gf
>Match made in heaven
It's a match made in heaven for 2 bros going out getting shitfaced drunk and hitting on women in the streets at 2am while obnoxiously reeking of cigarettes
lmao but fr tho. the kid needs to get out more and experience the real world
>t. never left santa clara county
>Israel attacking Iran
well /plg/ are you willing to put your strength to use and die for Israel?
>fat fuck coincidentally emerges
you aren't eating to build mass now, why is that
Thanks, I'll look more into my technique unracking and be better on the descent like the other tripfren said. Then I'll get a tripod and record better. I'll also disable to audio so you guys don't have to hear my fucked up incel rage screech.
This ferments the kimchi
thanks rick
Biggest lift of the night. Apparently this is the bar and wheels from

It's like an inch and a half axle, very weird size. One kid here had huge hands and was able to hook grip it although I couldn't. Center of the bar was 17" off the ground.
805 fairly smooth in comparison
impressive. I like how you turned into a tomato
My proctologist told me that small muscles (such as biceps and triceps) recover faster than big muscles (such as quads and hamstrings) and should therefore be trained more frequently. Is she right?
Your doctor lowkey called you dyel.
She may be right as far as recovery goes, but the frequency doesn't matter as long as you have enough volume (sets x reps) and apply progressive overload. Any exercise involving the biceps or triceps is included in the total volume for the biceps and triceps, so any program with compound exercises is usually sufficient.
Do you ever feel like a girl begging for attention when you do these gimmicky 2mm bar path lifts in the middle of the gym?
Not sure if your being obtuse but it's clearly some sort of event in the gym.
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mirin (even if GAY)
> I feel like shit after this, not just because it's heavy, but because I haven't been treated with kindness or love since I was a kid
remmeber mental health is not real and emotions are a government psyop
>guy on the left
He said the thing!
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>>getting 900 second wait periods
>my phone user is being used to spam 4chan.
not only was I invited specifically to do this, but also after the top single the owner asked me to do 755 again with everyone else in the background for a picture. So to answer your question, no not really.
why is everyone in your gym obese?
crazy that edp showed up
Omg save some mires for the rest of us.
>All the fatties cheering
Guys if you're gonna go for strength route don't bloatmaxx just take steroids. This is pathetic...
based. cucked by powersharter poster is def SEETHING rn 2bh familia
Norman khan is coming out into the toilet
>Not only do I lie about not taking steroids while having enough breast tissue to nurse a baby, and I am surrounded by beta males licking my taint, but I also STILL don't understand how to lockout a deadlift
What did he mean by this?

Why should your lumbar NOT be sore? You DO understand that the muscles of your lumbar are involved to a significant degree in many movements in the gym?

This is your PI speaking.

No one cares fag, this impresses normies because they just want someone to tell them how things are, and this way they feel like you've told them you're a genius when you're really a midwit who is afraid of the real world.

We know you're an idiot who is getting intellectually dogwalked by the handful of elite thinkers in your program when they feel the need for amusement at your expense, or to get a brief surge of testosterone from your pitiful submission.

You're just a stooge who is there to be exploited for cheap labor. Now shut the fuck up, and get back into the lab.
Why not both, that's what I do
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good lift by the way. Not a huge fan of the comment but good luck with the girls
It's a "strongman" "powerlifting" gym.
Man... I miss cigarettes.
I agree. Also, where is this wisdom coming from? When did you stop being so retarded?
Based and mirin. Looks like it was a lot of fun.
I don't like sensible wisdom Justin... it makes me nervous. Please go back to reckless angry mode thanks
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if you aren't eating like this are you making strength gains
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Only a redditor would even say something like this to begin with.

Guess what, dumbass, there are similarities in website backends that mean behaviors like this are commonalities due to the architecture on which the platform rests, and that they are engaged in because one learns the simpletons on the specific hellsite need anything more complicated than sticking a needle in their ass spoonfed to them.

Now oink for me

I remember watching this exact video during my massing phase when I was frequently watching lifters eat while downing one of the five meals a day that I needed to eat every three hours.

No idea how the guy on the left got everything down. He was on two thousand calories a day at the time. It almost has to be assumed that purging was involved during, or else the hospital was afterwards.
Aren't you a gymcel that commutes to school from his parent's basement?
brian shaw is a genius honestly, some variation of hamburger helper every meal basically

good macros and filling
sprayed his ass full of pikachu juice
I didn't say the muscles in my lumbar. I said my lumbar.
Today I did four singles across with what I assume is ~95% for overhead.
Tuesday I do 5x5 80-85%, Thursday is light day same weight as the 5x5 but 5x3, Friday is intensity day where I just go for 5-10 total reps 85%++ as singles, doubles or triples.
Is this tard gramming or am I onto something? Doing the same thing with squat but different percentages and volume.
>Saturday* is intensity day
on sunday I do diddly
thanks chatgpt

when starting SS and progressing your 3x5 squat (overhead) always remember too increase weight in increments of +1pl8 (red) from rep to rep, do not get fooled by GDE lies of adding session to session
>OHP four days a week
>Is this tard programming
how much does bench height impact your bench? Just saw a female lifter that had plates under her feet. Made me think about the mechanics and if they really change much.
Yeah, I'll stop venting on the internet, this is not my vent chamber anyways. Bench today. It was a flop there were no girls I got baited, but who cares I'll just bench to forget, let's go! I won't talk about personal shit for some time, sorry guys.
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am i doing these right?
nice lift! thats your best elavated pull, right?
>I agree. Also, where is this wisdom coming from? When did you stop being so retarded?
quitting the web for a bit. also getting a job that revolves around interacting with and getting along with people. oh yeah and becoming platonic friends with women helped too. ig the tradeoff is losing my trenrage hell style shi and caring less abt lifting.
How fucking short are you
>1pl8 good morning
dont you have an ssb at that gym?
>thats your best elavated pull, right?
I did 850 last year in a suit and would have had 900 if I remembered to tighten my belt but that's my heaviest raw pull for sure.
>am I doing these right
no you're still facing the wrong way
>am i doing these right?
Deadlift 165x1
Deadlift 140 3x2
Deadlift doh 100 3xamrap
Barbell Row 80 3xamrap
Back and biceps after

Relatable, i was venting a lot too and i owe this general an apology too so my bad guys, won't do it again. I was drunk and i'm retarded

>socializing and living a happier life
>caring less about lifitng
Yeah i'm in the same boat

Yeah... i miss them a lot too

Weight so big my mind just goes blank and i dont comprehend it, happens a lot to me in the general. That event looks hella cozy though
>Elevated pull
Kek what a coping fat fag
>no lifts posted
we're done here.
it's three days a week
>Squat intensity, OHP vol, pressing accessories
>OHP easy, squat easy, posterior/pull accessories
>OHP intensity, squat volume, pressing accessories
>DL or variation volume, posterior/pulling accessories
Is powerlifting a good hobby for a woman? I see a lot of other ladies at the gym at that one wooden area. I want to deadlift, but I'm nervous since I feel like if you aren't lifting heavy in that space everyone is judging you. Also looks like a really intricate movement.
>Bench 195lbs x 1
>Squat 150lbs x 1
you know the rules
What’re those
Why do you have that banner?
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