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So results are in and apparently, even though Mike was aggressive roidtrannying the Jeff Niptard egged him on by saying to him something across the gym which the first footage didnt show....
>Jeff Niptard egged him on by saying to him something across the gym
>this justifies a throat punch
lmao, you niggers sucking Mike's cock are going to watch him get charged with battery. Now eat your overnight oats you fucking peasants.
Jeff is a delicate flower. He's weak and timid like a child. He has the brittle bones of an old hunch-backed woman. He should not be considered a man. I hope the court considers this in their ruling. Protect our delicate little boy.
Mike is still getting charged.
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i like how invested some of you retards are in this useless debacle between a manlet youtuber and a roider.
imagine being a grown man and getting emotional about this stupid shit lol.
I thought it was obvious that jeff nippletard started it. Mike might be a roidtranny but I think he'd be quite friendly if you didn't specifically try to piss him off.
Everyone who thinks jeff is in the right is a retard.
I hear ya but the charges should be worse than if it were hitting an actual man because hitting our weak precious Jeff is no different than hitting a child or an infant.

Fighting words/provocation means charges get dropped to misdemeanor assault if the prosecutor isn’t retarded. Judge will rule medical costs stay with nippard and the attacker will get community service and some type of anger management counseling requirement

>t. 11 year prosecution lawyer
>Fighting words/provocation means charges get dropped to misdemeanor assault
No it doesn't
>11 year prosecution lawyer
>not calling yourself a prosecutor
No you're not.
Imagine pretending to not care but taking the time to respond anyway.
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>bro they were chirping at each other across the gym it was totally justified to assault someone
What are you, are a nigger?
Go back to your faggot alien site.
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thanks for the (you) homie. im gonna take another 15 seconds to give you another funny post!
>Jeff worked his entire life to have strength and muscles only to do nothing and be pushed to the ground, humiliated and pitied by the world.
He's doing it wrong.
Doesn't matter. Violence over hurt feelings is a level of coonery we shouldn't be tolerating at the gym
Talk shit get hit. Pretty simple. If someone acts aggressive towards me then approaches me, in my mind shit is about to go down and I will hit first talk later. Not going to risk my safety when a roid monkey is chimping out in front of me.
You guys are such big pussies. The guy barely pushed him and he threw himself to the ground. Then goes full kike mode and takes himself to the hospital, calls the cops, and then calls a lawyer. You have no clue what real violence is. If someone I don't like approaches me with his buddy shit is going down a lot worse than what you saw in that video.
what the fuck is this webm
i'm going to kill myself
You wouldn't be singing this tune if a jigaboo had pushed this Jeff character. I know how you people are and think. A board full of people without principle
Post the video or buy an ad.
who gives a shit you fucking gossiping bitches
Is he taking a shit
ikr. OP is a faggot, I mean that's a given but holy shit this board and ecelebs is retarded
Jeff Nippletard is such a disingenuous pussy. I'm embarrassed to have accidentally watched some of his videos.
prosecutors are the in court reps you dumb nogger. not every lawyer that works for the DA is going to be in the courtroom you know nothing
The only correct take on this situation

You are obviously not a lawyer and everyone can see that you fucking retard
you have no idea what provocation means
Unless Jeff was screaming that he was gonna rape and murder Mike while brandishing a knife wildly and approaching Mike, he wasn’t provoking him
Jesus fucking christ, /fit/ really is filled with uncivilized niggers and pajeets, huh?
No I would have the same opinion. I am in full support of coon on kike violence.
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>So results are in
yes they are
Women can't even figure out if forward or backward movement is first.
Judge of 12 years here
Chat shit get banged, Mike won
it's all fake bullshit lol :D
I really don't understand the gay mating rituals.
>Jeff Niptard egged him on by saying to him something across the gym which the first footage didnt show....
Jeff mentioned this in his very first video about the incident. He said "what did you mean by that?" after Mike said "things are about to get real funny". It just got memoryholed so youtubers can pretend this is some exciting new information.
No, bot :D It is your posts that are all fake BS, bod :D Enjoy prison, bot :D
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>Things are about to get real funny, Jeff
I get that you guys hate nippleboy, but this is ridiculous
When Jeff approaches Mike that is when he asks "What did you mean by that?", and yes, you can clearly see he was hoping for this reaction, but it does not really differ (significantly) from his initial statement.
Interesting after the initial shove jeff gets up and doesn't really like intimated at all. He deliberately chose to release the part of the video where he looks the most vulnerable. Like he engineered this entire scenario to fuck mike over
bot poster pls go...
it's the inherent deceitful nature of manlets
Of course Jeff started this. People don’t want to admit or even acknowledge it because a lot of peoples siding with Jeff boils down to
>Self inserting and identifying with the little guy/manlet
>Not having known much if anything at all about Mike and either just auto siding with the guy they knew or were a fan of
The reality here is that Jeff was doing typical manlet behaviors and was behaving bitchy and passive aggressively under the false impression that no one would dare do anything because were a civilized species and we have laws. It made him feel big. He started shit talk way prior in advance to this day too btw, he then showed up at the dudes gym purely for this interaction hence him shouting some nonsense from across the gym.

>Manlets seething at this
Be a fucking man and take the critique and do better. Being a manlet is 100% in how you carry yourself and act. If you’re insecure about your height, fine, I hope you get through that take up a combat sport so you can beat someone’s ass and gain some self confidence. No one deserves to be shit on for things they can’t change and anyone to do so to you is a bitch. Being short does not, in my eyes at least, make someone a manlet. But behaving like a little bitch preemptively being a faggot to people bigger than you and trying to start shit then when someone inevitably shows you reality so you run and play the “weak little guy” role to make him seem like some unhinged bully is just fucking gay and absolutely what a manlet is and does.

>nuh uh he’s an unhinged roider
Possibly. But that doesn’t change a thing I’ve said in this post. Further proves the point in fact. Neither people in this truly conducted themself like men. The difference is one person started it and one reacted to it. You can’t justly fault how someone chooses to respond to someone else’s goading. You can be against it, frown upon it, but you can’t place blame on the victim for defending themself how they see fit.
This is too long to read, cliff notes please someone.
literally who(s)
Just ignore the middle part of
>manlets seething at this
And read the top and bottom. Those are the only important parts
it's funny that everything you say about that other poster applies to you
I will come to your place of work, chuckle at you, provoce you and you will do nothing like a little basedboy you are
>Jeff was screaming that he was gonna rape and murder Mike
Would really like to see this happen
You can absolutely provoke someone with tonality demeanor and intent behind your words. You can tell someone with words very nice things while insinuating you want to bash their skull in of that you think they’re a stupid bitch without saying it. If you cannot understand this then it’s indicative that you have very little world and social experience. This is the manlets favored way of starting shit. They’ll rarely flat out say what they want to, which serves to benefit them because if they’re ever called out or put in their place they can do what Jeff has done here and claim to be the victim who did nothing wrong and how the big guy is just picking on them.
>You can absolutely provoke someone with tonality demeanor and intent behind your words.
Sure, but it still does not give you permission to act like an uncivilized nigger.
Here's an idea, go shit inside a toilet first before posting, pajeet.
You wont do shit, nigger.
They both agreed to do this to get more insta snap re tweet likes.
Same as Kanye and T Swift all those years ago
fpbp. can’t believe people are still talking about this, honestly
Here’s a reality check for you who are sheltered like Jeff. Some people simply ARE uncivilized niggers. Nothing you can feel, say, or want will ever change this. That’s the simple reality. You simply do not know what someone has going on, how unhinged they are, how little they have to lose, or how little fucks they give about anything even their own life.
Go spend a day in black town and you should inevitably encounter a crazy nig off their meds throwing shit and screaming because someone didn’t give them money. You will understand what I mean.
To the same logic you present, this is why you conduct yourself like a civilized human with respect. Even MISpercieved passive aggressive between the lines disrespect is perceivable and enough to cause those willing to lash out and get physical to do just that.

This is a kin to Jeff walking up to a giant hornets nest after he already knew the wasps were pissy assholes, having the wasps do a couple fly-bys at him, then approaching the nest closer and getting the shit stung out of him, and then crying that “But I didn’t do anything”. Or if he tried to go to north sentinel island with bibles and cried about taking an arrow to the knee. It’s the same shit.

He CHOSE to engage with someone who he KNEW was going to act like a nigger. He KNEW the guy was confrontational and still chose to engage anyways. That in and of itself is agreeing to partake in whatever the chimp was going to do. He was only even in that gym to do this in the first place that’s what you all are conveniently overlooking.
>Big bald gear abusing dickhead covered in shitty tattoos has issue with me
>Go to his gym
>Guy walks past me invades personal space and gets very close to me being intimidating clearly dislikes me and wants problems
>Guy walks away to other side of gym
>Decide to try walking him down while yelling after him
>Wtf why’d he get mad and put his hands on me
You cannot in good faith shit on Mikes nigger tier behavior while simultaneously defending Jeff’s Nigger tier behavior.
>walking at someone justifies a throat punch
>Go to warzone
>Run at enemy
>Get shot
>Wtf all I did was run at them that hardly justifies attacking me
You are as much a nigger as Mike for trying to defend this.
Its a gym in the first world not a warzone
Damn Derek looks really bad in this one
The idea that "Violence is never the answer" is a cuck mentality. Your government taught you that as a kid to create a society of slaves and peasants who never protect themselves when abused. Evidently, it seems to have worked
>t. dumb gay retard fuckup
go tell the gorilla at the zoo that it's their fault you entered their enclosure.
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People rush to defend Jeff because, in him, they see their own insecurities personified. Jeff, with his unimpressive stature and tendency to be overlooked, embodies a certain vulnerability that resonates with them. When he was left sprawled on the ground, dazed and wide-eyed with that empty, bewildered look, it struck a chord deeper than just pity. They saw themselves—small, weak, fumbling for a sense of direction. Jeff’s blank stare was a mirror to their own past frailties, a reminder of those moments when they, too, felt powerless and out of place. Defending Jeff isn’t just about standing up for him; it’s about clinging to the remnants of their own wounded pride.
I am really enjoying the trend of accusing everyone of being brown.

>2015: Fedora
>2018: ꜱoyboy
>2020: incel
>2024: brown
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>a gym in the first world
>that you traveled to
>with your cameraman
>specifically that gym because someone is there that you got snooty with online
I bet you wouldn't be so tough IRL
Goading means it is probably going to be considered mutual combat but Mike still should have just called him a midget and moved on
How would you feel if you didn’t have breakfast yesterday?
Nta I’m who he replied to and pretty much this image.

It’s his own fucking fault it doesn’t even matter if Mike was over the line. No one gets to decide how someone reacts when they’ve been goaded into a reaction.
If they could remove all persons, themself included, it would quite literally be as plain as it is to the rest of us
>Influencer has online issues with big gear using older guy from generation that didn’t partake in the drama for fun
>goes out of his way to go to his gym to cause drama for social media content
>guy makes it clear he’s confrontational
>starts fucking with guy anyways, gets love tapped, likely first time he’s ever been hit or faced with any kind of physical confrontation
>immediately gets back up and walks around fine
>immediately goes to get CT scan to back up that he’s the victim and for legal purposes, starts making all these long posts about how bad bullying is
It’s just pathetic, on the part of those supporting Jeff and this kind of behavior. It’s especially ironic seeing people on /fit/ do it because under any other circumstance these anons would see it for what it is and not get roped into becoming view cattle.

Also it’s weird that Jeff won’t release the full footage where Mike first talks to him so we can see what he said. Barely makes any difference, he was still letting Jeff know not to fuck with him before he chose to fuck with Mike
"ypipo say the N word in their head" ass thinking

you have no law degree
Most intelligent white men on this board.
good we need less browncels kek
People will say that Jeff was innocent and turn around to say girls who wear short skirts at night where asking to get raped
>using older guy from generation that didn’t partake in the drama for fun
>likely first time he’s ever been hit or faced with any kind of physical confrontation
this is the part zoomzooms cannot wrap their head around. to them it's all about social media, the define their worth through the number of followers. without it they would have nothing
it's not mike place of work.
Nippard is there because Nippard trains there regularly.
>Nigger is obssssed with race to the point he can’t even make an argument or critique of someone’s statements without using race as an example
Hysterical. I know your whole existence boils down to descending from human cattle/cum dumpsters but this is genuinely gold.
Can you show me where I at any point
whatsoever claimed, implied, or insinuated in my post about common sense for those with any sliver of real world experience that I have a law degree or are you pulling more emotional babble out of that gaped and work out void you call an anus? Or perhaps, did the other anons mention of his law career strike you on such a vulnerable level you now think everyone who disagrees with you is that same anon? Well, Toby?
Jeff is acting like a weaselly bitch with all this. We all know Mike is in the wrong, but Jeff isn't an angel either. We all gave that Tom guy from Jujimufu a lot of shit, be I would never do something like this! Jeff's cameraman should have kept recording too.
best post.
Indoor gymrats are all faggots.
Outdoor gym in the park is where its at.
Ill run you over with my lambo
More blacks/browns there
>Decide to try walking him down while yelling after him
stop making shit up
Jeff Nippard = Johnny Pencilneck
Jeff is used to hanging out with other civilized whites/asians, maybe this will get him to stop playing shitty nig music in his videos at least since he got attacked by a wigger
these losers have likely nothing else going on in their lives so they latch on to e-celeb drama.
omg hopefuly the will ban brown people too from this board, like they did on kiwifarm and /tv/

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