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What's the worst advice you have heard on here?
When people here were unironically saying we should get the covid vaccine so they will open the gyms again. That’s double whammy bad advice, both getting the vaxx and thinking complying will get you what you want.
CICO, started loosing body fat eating more calories of quality food and felt much better
Most of the running stuff is just pure garbage. I was a full scholarship distance xc and track runner and I had to give up giving advice on roon generals because it was impossible to convince anons of their pure retardation. >>75356034 kys
CICO, 2000 calories of sugar isnt the same as 2000 calories of veggies and theyre metabolized differently,
this silly billy is a good example, listen to this genius and you will have seedoil and microplastics in your body and flouride calcifying your brain and fuckign with your thyroid.
big legs are desirable on men
I once heard someone that the optimal diet is to cut all carbs lmao imagine being dumber than a middle school kid
Can we just ban anybody who brings (you know what) this up across the whole board for a month? Can't even use the acronym or you're banned.
We know you're all insufferable faggots arguing semantics or just trolling.
Make it happen mods seriously.
>A lb is a lb
>An inch is an inch
>A cup is a cup
>But no not calories I'm a paradox rivaling the dark matter in terms of endothermy
>leafy greens are terrible for you
>fish is terrible for you
>chicken is terrible for ypu
>protein is terrible for you
>running is terrible for you
>fasting is terrible for you
>not fasting is terrible for you
>if you haven't started lifting by 20 you'll never make it
>if you're not married by 30 your life is basically forfeit
Eat ONLY beans
that might be worse
Weeklong dry fast.
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had some guy tell me that I should always train to failure and to train every muscle group every day and that I could eat whatever I wanted because "the bacteria in your gut will turn it into protein if you need protein" then said something about how your body releases some kind of chemical when your muscles take damage that tells your gut bacteria to turn everything into protein or some shit. Literally said "if you wake up sore that means it's working." and even if I was in pain, to just "work through it".
>dry fast
This is it. This is the single worst advice I've ever seen on this entire website, to the extent that I thoroughly believe anyone promoting it is trolling.
The idea that drinking water is somehow preventing you from burning fat is simply insane.
Kek, so... did it work?
Did you fall for it?
Insulin stimulates carbs to be deposited as fat, guess what doesn't trigger an insulin response?
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Watch this mainstream film with MDs and other highly qualified scientists explain how the body processes sugar. A calorie is a metric, but it is at times a variable metric.
Remember when Starting Strength and le compounds over isolations was sacrosanct gospel and people said retarded shit like "nah bro you deadlifting will build your bis too because the movement is so complex it releases growth hormone everywhere in your body bro"
CICO is just Calories in, calories out. I've never even seen anyone say it's healthy to eat unhealthy. What the fuck.
People just say CICO because dumbfucks say they cant lose weight while never tracking macros and making excuses.
If you gain or lose weight, its because of CICO.
They know anon, you're feeding them the slop they like. Stop it
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>kegels are good for sex.
men DO NOT need tight muscles for sex. we need the exact opposite. kegels can give you severe ED. that's how men who edge all the time end up with a limp dick. what you want is pelvic stretches.
when people talk about calories in food, they're just taking all macronutrients and asuming they will oxidize everything, when that is just not true
Hell no. I might be retarded enough to use 4chan, but I'm not retarded enough to take advice from 4chan.
>>train forearms
lol, waste of time, it's genetics
It doesn't matter it's accurate enough for our purposes and there's larger spaces for error to occur like expenditure. Outside of locked diet ward I don't think using a more nuanced model would make much if any difference.
Every time I look at the music threads I'm reminded of how low brow this board really is.
>Every time I look at the music threads I'm reminded of how low brow this board really is.
I've never been on there for that reason. I know I'd lose even more faith in humanity than I already have and music is all I have left to enjoy.
>I should always train to failure and to train every muscle group every day
Full body works very well and is a valid routine though you should take rest days as necessary
>I could eat whatever I wanted because "the bacteria in your gut will turn it into protein if you need protein"
and that is the most retarded shit I ever heard
>Literally said "if you wake up sore that means it's working." and even if I was in pain, to just "work through it"
Muscle pain is good. Joint and tendon pain is bad. You should be working out enough to get DOMs, but you can still get decent growth without it.
>waste of time, it's all genetics
Depends on what your goal is. There's female circus strongwimen from over a hundred years ago who are legitimately so huge but attractive that they mog anyone.
Go on Instagram and look at the comments on any photo of a male rugby player. Literally all the comments are just women ogling the legs and ass.
>the optimal diet is to cut all carbs
It is if you want to lose fat and do it quickly. Otherwise you should eat a ton of carbs as they are great for recovering quickly and having more energy.
To not drink coffee.
Pretty sure all the doomed threads are made by losers who need to be crabs in a bucket to justify their personal failings.
But don’t kegels help you shoot your cum farther? When I was a teenager I used to pinch my dick shut to deal with explosive cooms to make it easier to clean and it actually killed my ability to shoot ropes I am very insecure about it I can increase my load size but not my range to speak
eating any vegetables
>fasting is terrible for you
Personally fasting started messing with my health. Take that anecdote how you will, it just didn't work out for me.
>leafy greens are terrible for you
all vegetables are poison
>fish is terrible for you
heavy metals are bad for you
>chicken is terrible for ypu
2nd best to beef
>protein is terrible for you
fat and protein are the only good macros. fuck carbs
>running is terrible for you
it's fine, but only on a track. running on the street is bad
>fasting is terrible for you
it's great
>not fasting is terrible for you
not eating is the easiest thing you can do, so i don't see why you can't do it.
>if you haven't started lifting by 20 you'll never make it
make that 14
>if you're not married by 30 your life is basically forfeit
for women, yes.
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women didn't want me because I never stabbed someone for crack like he had
apparently my low points weren't self destructive enough
>just drink your stimulants bro
>vasoconstriction is totally healthy
>totally thousands of years, how can it be bad
>coffee is my pre workout
coffeefags are the worst because you delude yourselves into thinking that being an irritable brain fogged women until you drink your 3 cups of shit water so you can function throughout the day is totally normal
Literally retarded. Why would I want to feel less energized? What is the benefit in that? How long did you workout today? I have worked out for 4 hours today and I am about to start another workout. I am sure sitting around like you are is 100 times more unhealthy than coffee. I am trying to be a world champion and the kind of training I am doing would mind break you.
i knew a guy on discord who did kegels excessively and he would have to piss out the rest of the cum everytime
You gotta be really big for legs to look better bigger and it's more that they just look stupid so small.
>But don’t kegels help you shoot your cum farther?
no. shooting is a prostate/muscle coordination issue. i had it too. your best bet is daily pelvic stretches.
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Just lift.
>start smoking
>drink shitloads of energy drinks
>no cardio
>dry fast
>What's the worst advice you have heard on here?
Go fuck your mother
>What's the worst advice you have heard on here?
All the novelty diet shit, and schizo ingredient paranoia.

Just follow general advice from before the internet died, like don't eat too much, don't eat too much junk food, get your vitamins, blah blah. There could be something that's secretly killing people but YOU don't fucking know it, because I looked it up and there was no evidence.
I want every CICO tard just to go on a short bulk where they supplement extra calories with sugar, and then have another group of CICOtards going on bulk with paleo diet and compare how your body responds
Yea, 2000 calories of veggies/fruits/meat will give you more energy, will be absorbed better, will make you more full, will enable body to burn it quicker. Calorie isnt a calorie when talking about how body processes it
red meat diet
taking sarms
deadlifts are bad for you
not doing cardio at all
That you should take the vax because "I'm vaxxed and I'm fine" kek
The concept of bulking and cutting, easily the worst
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Conventional bench advice, I saw some dude flat backing it one time and it changed my life.
Did you take this advice?
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CICO is a psyop to get us to keep consuming goyslop
Being told to kms never felt like particularly generous advice, though frequently given.
>weight gain and loss is a simple equation, as a silly example you could even eat a calorie deficit of pure cake and lose weight!
Really just fatties push it because they won’t give up goyslop
>just b urself
Beginners should do SS
Yeah. Got me into a whole lot of trouble with Dad
Anything from /plg/
i wonder if this polish faggot knew the damage he would do to the landscape of the internet
>eating 2000 cals worth of sugar
You won’t hit your macros doing that so this is kind of a retarded argument. CICO requires macro counting. Every single bodybuilder on the planet follows CICO/macro counting.
At this point you’re just trolling and I took the bait.
just shave it bro
Keto obviously, it only makes you fatter, dumber and balder
That and salted coffee
>Starting Strength
>Carnivore meme
>Ohp will give you big delts
>Zercher meme
post body
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You know nothing about human body if you just extrapolate it as a black box, implying it absorbs everything you eat is downright moronic, tto imply the absorption is always the same and spends not energy is also short bus level rarted
You simplified human body and digestion to a one stroke engine, your masochism you carry around and posture it as a virtue and don't help anyone

Paleo diet has shown to lower body weight, WITH HIGHER CALORIES
The mental gymnastics you went through there probably burned more calories than the thermic effect of food and other such calorically insignificant nonsense you fatties hyper fixate on like leptin. Just stop being fat zero calories is always an option and it requires no guess work.
this thread: TL;DR
You just suck at calorie counting.
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squat plugs
>zero calories is always an option and it requires no guess work
So ketosis? Got it
This is the right answer. Of all the stupid shit retards peddle on here the only thing that will literally KILL you is not drinking water.
Calories in and calories out is bad
I do not understand the idea behind dru fast
Going without water will only worsen the hunger pangs
Do SS.
No need to do isolations.
Build a strength base first.
I don't know if all women like legs and asses on men, but my wife definitely does. So squats and deads stay on the menu.
Is this the original wojak? Changed history forever.
That deadlifts, squats and OHP are mandatory lifts for natties
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Meme diets in general
Don't have gay sex
It's fucking awesome
Squats are based and probably the only one with real life functionality, you will actually better your health overall by getting a good Squat number
>No need to do isolations.
Tremendously retarded once you learn even the slightest about human anatomy and muscle building. Like, how did that get a following out of all the retarded memes
>tto imply the absorption is always the same and spends not energy is also short bus level rarted
We have more or less verified the estimated calorie expenditure of a human being, add to that that we also have an estimated amount of the calories for each food, and turns out by using both numbers people have successfully lost weight by eating less that what we burn.

It's not perfect, but it's also foolproof. If you eat less food, and you only eat quality food high on protein, you literally can't fuck that up
"be yourself"
>zero calories
>So ketosis? Got it
the fat must have made you extra retarded
it works if you aren't an unlikeable faggot(you)
Someone said dips are a shit tricep exercise and that pushdowns are superior...LMAO
nonsense i edge all of the time and i could beat a twink to death with my dick
try /squatplg/ instead
----> /r/lgbtqia++
yeah, 2000 calories of veggies will impact your colon, at least 2000 calories of pure sucrose is fucking digestible
Read Nigger, read! If you eat 2000 calories of veggies and your metabolism takes some amount to process the food you haven't had 2000 calories
you literally don't do anything fitness related whatsoever.
can browsers even process multiple plus signs in URLs?
No they aren't, it's a meme lift made for women or faggots who want tumor legs.
Heavy squats are 10x more harmful to ur spine than deadlifts and the cherry on top is that it gives you hemorrhoids and makes ur physique less attractive. Just do leg press instead.
light squats > nothing > heavy squats
Who the fuck is saying that? Who the fuck even cares about covid? That shit is old news and will be forgotten once trump has died of old age or faggotry.
>Give up
Lmao retard. You're eating less calories.
What is that? And why is onion s filtered out?
>What's the worst advice you have heard on here?
i do not seek dvice from u bot, i straighten ur bullshit up till u give up and seek inspiration in the process, nothing else, like this thread:
> lats and teres
u just gave up, i am actually curious now what is the relation between teres & lats in constext of pullups i do not do and will not do at all ever
Wrong. I am never letting it go. Lefties must be hounded for their entire lives over the pandemic as the truest representation of who they are.

Leftism = covid pandemic
Leftists = vaxxies
>>fasting is terrible for you
That's good advice. It's all based on some meme that you'll get ultra instinct from being in hunter mode after not eating for a while. Pure bullshit that kills gains, since your body objectively needs to metabolize muscle mass to use its protein for other vital functions after a while.
How haven't you been scooped up by a trad cutie yet?
>more or less
Wishy washy
Lmao ok
>the estimated
Wishy washy

>also have an estimated amount of the calories for each food
And apple to apple for same amount of grams don't have same amount of calories because soil and sunlight is different, your estimations mean nothing to me

>people have successfully lost weight by eating less that what we burn
You know people have succesfully lost weight by other methods too? CICO isn't end all be all that works in every situation 100% of the time

>It's not perfect, but it's also foolproof
Oh youre just trolling, ok retard
Be more sure about your estimates somewhere else
CICO is the end all be all that works in every situation 100% of the time
>eat anything you want, whenever you want. Just remember to meticulously weigh everything you eat and be at a 500 calorie deficit so you can spend an entire year only losing 50lb. Don’t worry about being invited out because you’re too socially awkward anyway so you don’t have to research calories on menus. In the odd chance you actually leave the house and eat out, make sure to post about it on 4chan
Yep, truly cringe and awful advice
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>CICO is the end all be all that works in every situation 100% of the time

so just eat a pound of sugar erry day? isn't it the right number of "calories"? all that bougie shit Bryan Johnson does just a big cope for ur "necessary" meals really costing $3/day?
Talk to women

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