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>casually presses your deadlift

and people say SS doesn't work
What's his spine feeling at that exact moment
>standing bench press
wow what great form. He's cheating with his chest. OHP is supposed to be all shoulders.
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>arched back
0 reps
it's not even a bench press it's more similar to a jerk but instead of jerking from your legs like oly lifters he's jerking his spine and only have to lock the last bit.
kek, this image never fails to get the dyels out of the woodwork
Why did you quote me?
when i arch my back even a littile bit on OHP the lower back screams. dont know how these guys go back so far without snapping
They have two belts and a mecha suit
>What's his spine feeling at that exact moment
405 overhead
>>standing bench press
with 405
>>arched back
with 405
>it's not even a bench press it's more similar to a jerk but instead of jerking from your legs like oly lifters he's jerking his spine and only have to lock the last bit.
with 405
180kg jerk off the rack is not really impressive
Such a fucking stupid lift. Yes I'm mad.
Not a jerk, not even close. That's the way they used to press in weightlifting. While impressive it really is a standing bench press.
Found the DYELS
Then you do it or name 5 people who can do it who aren't also top competitors in strength sports. Yeah. Thought so.
Use that anger to get your fucking press up you faggot.
>doesn't mention Texas Method
more of a push press, just using your gut instead of your legs to get the weight off your chest initially
it's neither pushing nor pressing. Look at the bar position he locks out at the same position he begins the lift and just straightens his back.
Jerking is mostly skill you dip and catch the bar it's the same here just he's dipping with his spine. It's almost 0 to do with any pressing strength.
>b-b-but... it's,... he's strong... but.. but... it's... not PRESSING strength, HAHA gotchu. SS is for losers, omg they're so fucking weak
You're such a faggot.
This is your life? Get help you insecure fucking loser
He could probably strict press 160kg with good form which is extremely impressive.

here is a press
ripeshits "strict press" is a unique combination of both useless and retarded
>want to put the most weight overhead?
do a split or squat jerk
>want to train static overhead strength?
strict press
>want to do something in between?
push press
>want to undeniably come across as an absolute fucking retard?
do the ripeshits press 2.0
I feel bad for him
too small to be a bodybuilder
too weak to be a weightlifter
he retired over a decade ago
>too weak to be a weightlifter
here is (you)
I doubt he could do 160kg strict
>162kg roughly 360lbs, otherwise not 400lbs
So... what's your point?
>ripeshits "strict press"
shitting on rip, that's strike 1 for the dyel detector.
>is a unique combination of both useless and retarded
He explains the entire point of doing it, but retards like you have never read the book because you're incapable of reading on a Texas-grade level. The hip thrust is to engage the rest of the body making it a full body movement to lift more weight. Engages your core, your traps, your back, your legs, etc. If you've never had leg soreness from pressing, you've never pressed heavy. Took me until I was doing roughly bw for singles before I realized that pressing like that took a lot out of me. Pussies like you have never experienced that. Strike 2 for the dyel detector.
>do a split or squat jerk
Why? For the sole purpose of going against what the program says? What a retarded reason. The press is used within the context of the program.
>strict press for training static overhead strength
But it doesn't use the whole body, which is the entire point of the exercise, which you'd know if you weren't a fucking DYEL and did the fucking program.
>>want to undeniably come across as an absolute fucking retard? do the ripeshits press 2.0
This coming from a guy who can't even press bodyweight. The dude in OP's post? A chad. You? Some fucker who probably joins the incel threads bitching about why women are terrible. NGMI
rate my form
Why are you holding him to a different standard because he's strong? If that was a dyel pressing the bar with an arched back you'd be pointing.v out how shit the form is. Yeah this guy is fuckin strong, but he likely would be lifting less (but still a lot) if he had to use the correct form
>Why are you holding him to a different standard because he's strong?
This is the most unbelievable cope. Do you not see how retarded it is? The man can press that much weight, and you're acting like his form is an issue.
>If that was a dyel pressing the bar
That's the entire point - A dyel CAN'T press heavy. And when you start to press heavy, some people begin doing it. It makes you seethe because you're weak, BECAUSE you're dyel. One retard literally said, "It's not true pressing strength" as if people on here give a shit. Man lifts 400lbs over his head. Get fucked dyel.
>how shit the form is
Shit form is when you do a partial squat. When you don't lock out a deadlift. What he's doing is lifting more than you squat over his fucking skull bro. There's nothing shitty about his form
>inb4 - It's not shoulder strength
You try doing that with weak shoulders then. Without any "pressing strength". If you can even walk the bar out with 225lbs, I'll take back my DYEL comment. But you fucking can't. I bet you can't even stand up in the proper position with 225. This man fucking shot it over his head.
That's a cute workout fit
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I'm not reading all that, you still did 0 reps
Lmaoing @ retards who cannot even flat bench that amount never mind incline bench

Lmaoing @ klokov nut huggers imagine being a "pro athlete" who is weaker than some fat bong

rip is retarded tho and chase could have been so much more if he had a halfway competent coach

triggered dyel with his battle images lol
>Lmaoing @ retards who cannot even flat bench that amount never mind incline bench
Yeah because you can't jerk the bench.
I didn't read most of your post because it reeks of SS cultist derangement.
>This coming from a guy who can't even press bodyweight
I can, actually. You cannot, because you are cheating the lift. Everybody can intuitively look at your faggot circus tricks and decide that it's fraudulent. This is why you feel the need to write out all this seethe.
oly lifters are very weak on strict pressing he's the same it's essentially a jerk
Holy shit hahah I can tell a faggot wrote this comment. If he can't maintain good form, then he can't lift the weight. The first fucking thing they teach newbies when learning to press is to brace your core and not arch your back. Arched reps don't count, everything in this thread knows this, except for you apparently hahaha
Mf is doing an incline press at this point wtf is this
still not a press in any way. It's a spinal jerk
yes it is, just because double layback pressing is stupid doesn't mean putting 4 plates overhead isn't strong
idk but jerking is heavily skill based
Let's see you bench press 405 on a bench nigger
The weight moved downwards during the lift. 3 red lights.
You can't just technique 180kg overhead without at least a 200kg squat, and in reality more like 220-240
>You can't just technique 180kg overhead without at least a 200kg squat
Did you even watch the video? It's from a rack he's not cleaning it. He's not even catching it with his legs like oly lifters it's a jerk with his spine
you're implying it's a press of any sort. It's not an ohp/incline/flat bench. Watch the video - it's a jerk.
> 155 lbs deadlift
Are we talking about a 5'4 woman or something?
mark rippetoe and starting strength retardation aside that is an insanely strong press. Also based judge for red lighting him
It literally says press in the bottom right are you retarded
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my boy Alvin mogs tf out this dude
i arch my back a bit just so the bar clears my chin but not this much that looks like snap city
absolute unit
>36 years old
>Height 5'9
>Weight 28stone+
392+ pounds HOLY
>Natural lifter % drug free *say yes to hugs and no to drugs*
why are Anglos so naturally strong
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Like this?
Not saying it isn't impressive, but man it dumb as hell.

There is a reason they removed the press from the Olympics,
fucking idiot
>did he get the weight overhead?
then it's a good rep
i don't care how he did it

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