HOLY SHIT IT'S THE COMFY **MINIMAL EQUIPMENT TRAINING** THREAD GET IN!ITT we discuss:> weighted calisthenics (backpacks, weight vests, etc)> sand bags> home gym setups (guillotine bench, n*gger squat rack etc) NO BANDS, NO TRICKS, NO 50 REP SETS, NO ISOMETRICS.We are here for results, not larping.> inb4: hurr calisthenics means no weightsFuck off autismo.> inb4: can I still upload a cool trick I did?Fine.
>>75453010So let's say you ONLY HAVE YOUR OWN BODY LIKE A FUCKING SPARTAN or a broke faggot lol.What do you do to ACTUALLY make STRENGTH GAINS and not just muscles? FINGER SUPPORTED CALISTHENICSWe talking > finger supported one arm pull up> finger supported one arm push up> finger supported one arm inverted row> finger supported deficit jackknife handstand push ups> finger supported deficit shrimp squat> hanging wind wipers > nordic curl (with fingers grabbing the pole if you wanna keep your body straight)> reverse nordic curl> candlestick/dragon flag> finger supported wrestler's bridges> finger hangsYes, you're still missing out on deadlift, but you will make ALL OF YOUR BODY STRONGER aside from that and desu strong nordic curl is still a great assistance exercise for full body hinging. Benefits: > makes your fingers strong as fuck which otherwise people neglect> gives your whole body general strength and resilience > easily progressed by going from 5 fingers to eventually one> no need to pay for ANYTHING> no need to go anywhere aside from finding a high bar for pull ups, mid bar for inverted rows and low bar for nordics> looks based as fuck> requires 0 balance and is not a meme or a party trick
>>75453010> hurr durr what kinda routine do I do if I wanna get JEKKED AF as well as STRONG AF???* Day 1: 3xWeighted finger supported pistols 2xReverse nordics (as low as possible and have some way to gauge whether you're hitting that depth or not)5xModified candlestick (do concentric explosively and not necessarily with a straight body)2xWater jug bicep curlsBonus points: 2xWrestler's bridges * Day 2:3xJackknife handstand deficit push ups5xIncline deficit lever push ups (one hand on a chair, another one TOTALLY STRAIGHT on some box, go as low as you can; this already includes rotation which is based)2xOne arm water jug upright rows2xDecline/weighted Inverted skullcrushers* Day 3: (for this one you gotta leave the house and find a high bar and a super low bar to put your ankles under it)5xWeighted underhand pull ups5xNordic curls - keep the body as straight as you can while doing at least 5 reps5xHanging leg raises (as high as possible)Bonus points: 2xFinger hangs* Day 4: 2xWeighted finger supported pistols 3xReverse nordics3xWater jug bicep curlsBonus points: 3xWrestler's bridges * Day 5:2xJackknife handstand deficit push ups3xOne arm water jug upright rows3xDecline/weighted Inverted skullcrushers* Day 6: (for this one you gotta leave the house and find parallel bars of sufficient height and well as super low bar)5xWeighted/finger supported one arm inverted rows5xWeighted dips5xNordic curls - keep the body as straight as you can while doing at least 5 repsBonus points: 2xOne arm hangsFeel free to add corresponding explosive movements for 3-5x3-5 before work sets
>>75453010Oh yeah and post ur current routines
dyel general
>>75453010minimal training options:1. body weight exercises, just do a fuck ton of pushups, squats, situps. and pullups from a tree branch. other bodyweight exercises are also fine. pushups get harder the more you raise the height of your feet and easier the more you raise the height of your hands. 2. find a heavy object (rock, log, etc.) and do a bunch of lifts with it for full body, it's not hard.3. (sort of related) laws of loading (see picrel) your muscle adapt to whatever exercises you do. that's why people who can do really heavy bench press have trouble doing pullups if they've done very little pullups before. their bodys haven't been conditioned to do pullups. this is why everyone should cross train multiple styles of weight training.
>>75453010why post a drawing of a body that is only achievable from proper bodybuilding in a meme thread? calisthenics won't make you any stronger after the first month, won't get you big in the slightest, and you can still risk injury. If you want a runner's body you're better off running - at least that way you'll have good cardiofuckin nerds
>>75453531> calisthenics won't make you any stronger after the first month>> being this retardedWhat's your max weight on weighted pistols, dips and pullups? > won't get you big in the slightest100% fucking wrong. Strength in hinge is definitely hard to train with cali, but getting big is EZ. (tho suboptimal yes)
>>75453599>What's your max weight on weighted pistols, dips and pullups?I dont do pistol but I do 190lb split squat for 8RM. I do 155lb weighted dips for 5RM. And I do 60lb pullup for 7RM.I still consider myself dyel since I am only 160lbs and not big at all.>getting big is EZI wouldn't say so. On top of my weighted calisthenics, I also do bodybuilding, cardio, and powerlifting over 6 days out of the week. Ive only been training for 2 years now and have made a lot of gains but im still quite skelly. Don't lie to anons here if you genuinely want these kinds of threads to exist.
>>75453531You can do:>one arm push ups>upside down leaning on the wall -pushups (adjust your body angle according to your strength)If none of that makes you any stronger then you would already need to be able to over head press more than your body weight
>>75453010Always knew calisthenicsfags were homosexuals.
minimalist tip of the day:get a job
>minimal equipmentThe type of person who browses this thread is the type who says "lube is unnecessary because I have saliva," "why prep your ass when shoving it in will stretch it out anyways?" and "I don't need a condom because I can pull out."
>>75454830> hates on calisthenics> is a closet faggotLike a pottery
>>75453010> found a way to do perfect weighted inverted rows> do 6 sets until cant touch the bar> feel nothingYeah I should probably add lengthened partials at the end fr
>>75454819> waste about a third of the whole day on wage cuckingYeah nah
>>75453010>We are here for results, not larping./thread
>>75454830>"I don't need a condom because I can pull out."Haha you got me Started the pull out method on my gf a month ago. Gonna go back to condoms though. Cumming inside with a condom on feels better than pulling out and cumming on her or my hand
Can someone recommend a calisthenics routine/prog? I am currently doing pushups, squats, plank, deadhang, and farmer walk
Why no bands?I have pretty much fixed my shoulder pains and issues with only bands.They're also a fantastic tool when you don't have barbells.
>>75456976They are super situational. Yeah maybe you can do some rehab with them and train explosiveness, but for strength they are shit due to backwards force curve and shit for hypertrophy for same reason, basically making it the hardest at the lockout and not the stretch
>>75456968I'll give you mine DAY 1: - Weighted underhand pull ups: 1xAMRAP to chest explosively (until can only go to clavicle) 1x3 at ~3+ RIR (80%+ RM)5-6x5-8 ~1 RIR (75%+ of 1 RM /ss- Weighted dips: 1x3 at ~3+ RIR (80%+ RM)5-6x5-8 ~1 RIR (75%+ of 1 RM - Nordic curls 3-5x-5-12 RIR ~2-1/ss- Hanging leg raises for top height3-5x5-10 to failure DAY 2:- Weighted pistol squats: 1-3x3 max height jumps (maybe try touching something with the hands to have an idea where I'm at)3x1 at ~3+ RIR (80%+ RM)3x5-8 ~1 RIR (75%+ of 1 RM - Reverse Nordic curls 2-4x~6-12 DAY 3: - Incline deficit gf push ups1-3x3-5 clapping push ups (or whatever the next progression in Explosive Cali is)3x3 at ~3+ RIR (80%+ RM - Deficit Jackknife handstand push ups (try with a backpack)~5x6-10 - Leaning Single arm Jug upright rows overhead5-6x6-12 - on last set continue until 0 ROM) DAY 4: - Weighted overhand pull ups: 1xAMRAP to chest (until can only go to clavicle)3x1 at ~3+ RIR (80%+ RM)5-6x5-8 ~1 RIR (75%+ of 1 RM /ss- Weighted dips: 3x1 at ~3+ RIR (80%+ RM)5-6x5-8 ~1 RIR (75%+ of 1 RM - slight incline deficit weighted push ups on lower dip bars2x5-10 reps- Nordic curls3-5x-5-12 RIR ~2-1/ss- modified candlestick variation5x5-10 DAY 5: - Weighted pistol squats: 1-3x3 max height jumps (maybe try touching something with the hands to have an idea where I'm at)3x1 at ~3+ RIR (80%+ RM)3x5-8 ~1 RIR (75%+ of 1 RM - Reverse nordic curls~3+x6-12 RIR 1-0 DAY 6: - Incline deficit gf push ups 1-3x3-5 clapping push ups (or whatever the next progression in Explosive Cali is)3x1 at ~3+ RIR (80%+ RM aka can do no more than 7 reps)- Deficit Jackknife handstand push ups 5-x5-10 - backpack inverted skullcrushers2-3-8-12 to failure, last set until no ROM- jug bicep curls (may not do it if keep getting great pump from jug upright rows)3-5x8-12 - last set until 0 ROM
>weighted (ring) dips>weighted (ring) pullupsthere you go here's your minimal equipment training program or whateveralso consider getting a job
>>75457640> no legsRetard.> also consider getting a jobConsider that people are into MET because THEY DON'T HAVE EXTRA TIME DUE TO WORK FUCKING RETARD.> arrogant and condescending> is retardedLike pottery
>>75453010I'm of the opinion if you're fat, a barbell is the best solution for quick gains.If you aren't fat, you can make decent upper body gains with a pullup bar, an up to 40kg adjustable dumbbell and kettlebell attachment for dumbbell, dip chains, and calisthenic rings. Bands to progress if you aren't making progress with negatives and other stupid shit is also a thing if you can't do one pullup.Here's a A/B routine that isn't stupid.3x8 Chin ups/Pull ups3x8 Kettlebell Swings/Leg raises3x8 Ring Dips/Ring Rows3x8 kettle/dumbbell overhead press/bicep curls.Do timed dead hangs/ring holds if you want. Use the dip belt for progressive overload.If want leg gains do 3.14x1618 goblet squats or go find a barbell and stop being a retard.If you want to save even more money. Go outside, find some rocks, weigh them, then put them in a small backpack and use that instead of actually buying chains/dip equipment and dumbell/kettlebell/whathaveyou.
>>75457684>legs>with calisthenicsfunny>THEY DON'T HAVE EXTRA TIME DUE TO WORK FUCKING RETARDjust invest in a home gym them, what's the issuecalisthenics is the most beginner friendly choice because it's almost always free, you literally need a floor to do pushups and a place where you can do pullupskys redditor and get a job for real
>>75457719> 3x8 Kettlebell SwingsMeme.> Go outside, find some rocksRetard I don't know in what fucking mountain you live BUT THERE AREN'T ROCKS IN REGULAR FUCKING CITIES HOLY SHIT STOP SAYING THAT.Otherwise sound.
>>75457728>>legs>>with calisthenics>funnyRead the post above you with 3 exercises that completely cover legs you fucking retard.> just invest in a home gym them, what's the issueThat is the ultimate solution which is why it's mentioned in OP.> kys redditor and get a job for real>> he literally cannot readGrim.
>I can't do le pullupDo-scapular pullups-negative pullups-jackknife pullupsand additionally do your goddamn INVERTED ROWS motherfucker
>>75458745If you can't do a pull-up as an adult male, get your testosterone checked, seriously.
Is it normal to get severe drop-off on pull ups?Like 12 reps on first set, 2 minute rest, and then I can only do 9?
>>75453010yeah i use rings pull up bar backpack w books and some misc weights feel good mane
>>75458745> -jackknife pullupsthese are good but good fucking luck finding/making a set up that allows to do them
I only use one single medicine ball.
>>75458775Of course it fucking is retard. Otherwise you're not going close to failure enoughHOW ELSE COULD IT FUCKING WORK? You can do sets of 12 forever? What could an answer be? YEAH BRO YOU LOST 4 REPS AFTER A HARD SET YOU NEED MEDICAL HELP DUDE CALL AN EMERGENCY
>>75458903On other lifts I usually only lose 1-2 reps after going to failure. Only on pull ups do I lose 3-4 reps.
>>75458812>good fucking luck finding/making a set up that allows to do themMine is a box that you carry water bottles in and rings that hang from a roof beam.
>>75459118My way of doing inverted rows in putting a bench on a curb around the training spot and putting my feet on it. It's all about creative thinking in MET
>>75458903>>75459847nobody participates in your threads because you're an asshole.
>>75459853> I'm a sensitive pussyAs a non-OP I hope you never come back, it's annoying to deal with insecure people.
>>75459853As OP, sorry bro you don't meet the official minimal IQ requirement of these threads. In fact, you are forbidden from even opening these threads from here on out. Failure to comply WILL lead to "problems" of undesirable nature.
>>75459888He's not OP, I am. But who gives a shit? You got your answer, why cry about "le meanie person in the thread" unless you're 8 or smth. It's 4chan, not tiktok where you are literally not allowed to be slightly rude.Also there isn't one single OP for MET, this isn't a Rothschild empire lmao
>>75459912>>75459888Never mind these faggots bro, they are just meanies. I'm the real OP. Listen I know it can be tough around here, some gents could definitely use some manners. But you know what? I can protect you bud, so you can ask questions without worry.But. It's gonna cost you IYWIM ;)
https://freakathlete.eu/products/hyper-proSaw this today. Seems interesting for a lot of accessory work. What does /fit/ think?
>>75460010Looks based and I'm actually surprised things like that are not super widespread. It is a shame it doesnt seem to do dips or pullups.The only thing is make sure it's a not a piece of shit that would fall apart in a week, but yeah I would totally want shit like this if only it also gave me dips
Thoughts on doing weighted dips inside of a squat stand?
>>75460083Do whatever THE FUCK YOU WANT.It's your world. Not theirs. (unless you're non white)
>>75453010calisthenics means no weights. I don't care if you put this disclaimer in your OP.
Are jute sacks a good material to use for sandbags? I want to put sand in trashbags and stuff those in the jute sacks. Will this shit rip quickly or degrade easily?
>>75453599>weighted pistols, dips and pullups?NOT CALISTHENICS
>>75454819My job is the reason I have to use minimalist tactics.
>>75459866>>75459912>hey guys so i have a questionYOU FUCKING IDIOT DON'T YOU KNOW I'VE ANSWERED THIS QUESTION ONCE ALREADY IN AN OLD THREAD.seriously, half the posts in this thread are you sperging out that someone doesn't have your arcane knowledge. it's cringe and off-putting.
tinytrip said calisthenics was bad
hey guys. how can I incorporate calisthenics to gain hypertrophy and strength. is it the same as the gym, better or worse?
>>75460217weighted calisthenics is still calisthenics :)
>>75460953It's weight training the moment you add external load.
>>75460944Keep in mind that the hypertrophy rep range has been observed to be between 5-30 reps. If you can do <30 reps on a given movement there are hypertrophic gains to be squeezed from it. Once you can do 30 reps in a set pick a harder variation. Gaining mastery over calisthenic movements improves coordination in your daily life and can be considered >functional.
>>75461016so if u bulk w cali and put on weight does that count as weight training
>>75461032forgot the question mark
>>75461028so can I start of by doing pull ups/ dips/ chin-ups until failure. keep going until I can do more than 30 and then I can start adding weight and do weighted exercise? >harder variation is that things like wider grip, or doing crazy exercise like lifting myself up on the bar and bringing myself to the bar while I'm above. also muscle ups too?
>>75461032No. You're just rikishimaxxing now. Bodyfat is not an external load.
>>75461095>adding weightIts not calisthenics anymore, but yes you can do this and it will give you the best of every world. >harder variationsOftentimes it involves loading more of your own body unto your limbs like a handstand pushup or single leg squat. These can be programmed in the place of light compound work. Other times harder variations will bias one muscle group making them valuable as a pseudo-isolations. For example the pseudo-planche pushup heavily biases the chest. Dragon squats heavily bias the glutes. Etc.
Fuck OP. Have a trickAlso started doing full plache attempts and have surprised myself.I'm doing them bands but am able to hold myself up for a few seconds.
>>75461235Post your latest trick then
I live about 20 minutes from the ocean. Should I buy a refillable sandbag? I can just empty it and fill it every time I go, right? What are the drawbacks here? And what are some good refillable sandbag brands? I was looking at cerberus but i don't know.
>>75461272Sure, why not. You've got nothing to lose.I also live next to the sea. I use 8ltr water bottles to fill up with sand. Ezpz cheap weights.
>>75460487> knowing the most basic fucking bodyweight exeercise is "acane knowledge"Not those anons, but you are officially retarded as well as a faggot. Fuck off back to instagram where fake politeness is enforced
>>75460944Obviously worse, but in terms of hypertrophy not by much, you can see an example of strength+hypertrophy program above.There are some issues with strength via weighted cali: no hinge (although weighted single leg hyperextension might do the trick) and you aren't loading your body as much with pistols as with barbell squats. But still you can get quite strong
>>75461182Not bad. Is this California?
>>75453010Doubt I qualify for this but growing my homegym has proven quite the fun little project. >start lifting from my dorm room during the first lockdown with a pair of borrowed dumbbells and 60lbs of weights>May 2020 bought a barbell>December 2020, bought my own dumbbells, an ez bar and 315lbs of weights >June 2021 commissioned stands and a bench from a steel worker>June 2022 commissioned dip bars from the same dude>November 2022 get a pair of silicone grips >July 2023 made a wrist roller out of a metal pipe>This month got a neck harness and installed a pull up bar on my ceiling >Getting more plates on December and thinking of making a sandbag for grappling To all the boyos that are intimidated by building your own homegym, don't be. You don't need to buy everything all at once. A pair of dumbbells and a pull up bar is all you need to get started. The rest will come naturally as you progress.
>>75461692looks like spain
>>75456968well how many reps of those can you do? If you can do 50+ push ups or 100+ Squats then you're strong enough to add weight.
>>75461095You will never be able to do 30 pullups, chin ups. Where do you people get these crazy ideas about these advanced exercises. Unless you're a gymnast you're never going to get close to 20.
>>75461945> unless you're a manletFTFY
>>75461945> pull up> advancedIntermediate IF THAT. But people overestimate humanly possible muscle endurance. Or at least how easy it is to improve it
>>75453010Saw this in a different thread> The only good ring exercise: PELICAL CURLS.> Everything else is literally a downgrade from weighted calisthenicsDo you think it's true? I was thinking of buying rings but now I dont know
>>75453010Has anyone tried hyperextensions on parallel bars? Specifically those bars that have low bars right underneath which you can use as support for your ankles. I feel I'm onto something here man
>>75462141I don't think it's true. You can still do weighted exercises on rings. The only issue that could've been brought up is the instability of rings which technically makes it suboptimal for hypertrophy since you'll accumulate fatigue through the additional stabilizing work especially for pressing exercises. I can't tell you how much gains you lose that way but personally I don't think it can be that much.The instability pretty quickly becomes not so much of an issue especially if you trained the rto support hold beforehand.Looking at ring push ups or ring dips what would the "stabilizers" be? Mostly chest and shoulders which you train with those anyway. Hypertrophy training is about bringing your muscles to failure and fully exhaust them. I just can't see how that would hinder hypertrophy then. Also someone should do sets of e.g. ring push ups to failure and then attempt to do normal push ups on a stable surface and report back. I couldn't do more so that makes me think that I've reached muscular failure and a good stimulus for hypertrophy. Another point is that dumbbells are also moving freely and yet no one complains about nogainz with them.Also rings are a very versatile tool and you can do loads of exercises with them even if they only serve as a support handle for something like sissy squats. You can hang them anywhere and put them at any height.Other benefits are that exercise tempo is built in into ring work. Take for example pull ups. You can't just do them super speedy and crash down on every rep because then you would start swinging like crazy. It forces you to have good controlled negatives which again are important for muscle building.And they're cheap as fuck, literally a noncommitment financially.
>>75461926>add weight.Not calisthenics. >pushupsPseudo planche pushups, pike pushups and elevated 1 arm pushups are all good next steps>squatsCossack squats, Deep step ups and curtsey lunges will help you achieve 1 leg variations >deadhangStart doing pullup negatives and inverted rows >plankPractice hollow body holds>farmers walksNot calisthenics and imo a meme anyway. Do deadlifts.
>>75462446>>add weight.>Not calisthenics.Autism.
>>75461945I used to be able to do it a few months starting out however it was more like doing 10 reps and then taking a little break and then continuing to do it until 30 and then I’d move on to the next exercise
>>75453010I've been using bands for simple arms and chest stuff but looking to do more soon
>open thread thinking I might learn something useful>it's a bunch of faggots arguingOK then
>>75464130If you do learn anything on fit chances are its gonna be hereAlso truth is borne in argument
>>75462583Sorry but it's by definition not calisthenics. It makes you better AT calisthenics but you are performing a lift.
>>75461945Pussy ass bitch
>>75464661You are autistic. Get help.
>>75464130was just about post this after skimming the threadrelax amigos
>>75466837> watches anime> is autisticLike pottery
>>75467222>cropped screenshot of a gifAlpha as fuark
>>75453012>FINGER SUPPORTED CALISTHENICSsounds like arthritis for less gains than kids get
>>75468062He's been coping for months because he doesn't want to practice dragon squats
>>75465358Film yourself doing 30 good form pullups and not that Mark walberg kipping nonsense. If you can do 5 I would be impressed.
>>75468122Not him but I want to prove you wrong. 30 pull-ups isn't that crazy.
>>75468062> arthritis Literal meme>>75468093Actually I've been making good progress. How are you dragon kun?
>>75468277Not for a 100 lb manlet but for normal people yeah
>>75468479I'm doing alright. Getting closer to doing them on the floor. After my vacation next week I'm going to focus harder on barbell work to put on mass. Have you hit any PRs recently fren?
>>75468479>Literal memejust like your finger workouts kek
>>75453010I'm doing inverted rows using rings. Should you use rotation? Like start off with palms facing away from you at the bottom, and rotate until you're using neutral grip at the rop?
>>75468795>Have you hit any PRs recently fren?Yeah I've been adding water bottles to the backpack. At this point hard to say if it's still neural adaptation to the specific movement or if I'm making general strength gains. I try to do 5 sets for strength a week and then just add reverse nordics but holy shit does it fucking hurt. I do 10-11 reps progressively increasing ROM at the bottom and it FUCKING SUCKS but the pumps are great.Speaking of barbell work I just got myself a barbell with some plates so all the arms/delts work I can do daily any time I want.Only thing I need is to now buy 6x45 lbs so I can do heavy dealifts and I'm set. Fuck the gyms.
>>75469808No reason not to, I think it's actually the one advantages of rings is this freedom makes it much easier on your joints
>>75453010Does anyone have some YouTube video on dip bar progressions, mainly looking for new exercises to try out.From beginner to expert etc.
>>75470903Bench dips => regular dips > weighted dipsThat's all you need champ
>>75469611In 10 years you will see a generation of people with fingers so strong they could kill you with a pinkie. Your frail shitty ol fingers wont even be strong enough to jack off
>>75453010Are there any problems with using 2 in plates on a 1 in barbell?
>>75471651>>75469611Hell yeah brother. You're going to truly ascend when you can train at home. Impressive reps on reverse Nordic btw. I attempted them once a while back and almost dislocated my knee, so personally I stay away. Are you working towards sissy squats?
>>75471888>Impressive reps on reverse Nordic btwThe stretch guy says he can only do 5 good ones or smth but I suspect it's because he's so tall and heavy. I go pretty slow and touch slightly above the floor and could totally do more. Admittedly my knees do get detached due to limited flexibility and I extend my back and neck to get a touch but that makes each rep harder than if I used more limited rom but perfectly
>>75471888>Are you working towards sissy squats?Away from more like. I could them for 15+ before I ever lifted weights as such. I WAS thinking about doing weighted deficit sissy squats but reverse nordics seem to be doing their job so far
I don't have time for shit, but I can set aside 15 minutes a day, which pretty much gives me time to do one pulling and one pushing exercise.I started a few months ago with a max of 6 chinups and 15-ish pushups, now I do 4x10 chinups (+8.75kg) and 4x13 pike pushups during rest.Is there a better combination for more complete muscle activation?
>>75472847Weighted push ups or dips prolly better
my job is a relatively taxing 9 to 5, between the commute and everything else i only have like an hour in the morning to train, i'm doing this routine day one- >5 sets of 8-12 reps of assisted headstand pushup>5 sets of archer pushups, with chest flies to failure as superset day two- >5 sets of pull ups to failure >5 sets of rows, with facepulls to failure as superset day three >5 sets of weighted bulgarian squats >5 sets of ring hamstring pulls repeat every day of the week, except rest on sundays, 90 seconds rest between sets. I'm thinking of including some abs work on sundays but i'm already tired as is, i already reach failure in most of the excercises, but is tehre any opther way i can improve this shit?
Can someone recommend a routine for someone who has never dipped before?
>>75475053Bench dips - if you can do like 15 - try regular dips. If you still cant do like 5, add weight to bench dips
>>75473511>>5 sets of 8-12 reps of assisted headstand pushupI would go for jackknifes if you can do at least 5 reps - they give you the stretch that you're cutting from headstand pushups> >5 sets of archer pushups, with chest flies to failure as superset Great exercise I was doing for a bit - is incline deficit lever push ups where working arm in on a chair and supporting arm is as straight as possible on a crate. Gave me an oblique soreness too > >5 sets of rows, with facepulls to failure as superset Here you may be limitting your rows with rear delts, better to superset rows and pullups and then finish with facepulls.> >5 sets of ring hamstring pulls Whats that> I'm thinking of including some abs work on sundaysYou can prolly add hanging leg raises or modified dragon flags for a couple sets.Also maybe add a couple sets of bis, tris and definitely side delts there. Side delts is the one thing that is trained a bit by overhead pressing but overall will lag behind with compound only approach
>>75472930I might try the countertop dip thingI add weight by putting dumbbell weights on a dog leash and strapping it to my belt so doing weighted pushups with those is impossible
>>75475208Try using dog collar with weights on the leash, free neck gains
>>75469808Doesn't really matter, do what is most comfortable to you. I do them like you described. What you should pay attention to is to fully engage your back when pulling. That is to retract scapulae first and then pull your elbows back.>>75475208>I add weight by putting dumbbell weights on a dog leash and strapping it to my belt so doing weighted pushups with those is impossibleMaybe get a dip belt to make things easier. So why can't you just move the belt up to your chest? Learn some knots and you can tie your dog leash better onto your belt. Helps with inverted rows too.
>>75476258>dip beltI really recommend one of these things if you have cash to burn.
>>75476276Doesnt look like you can put a lot of plates on. I guess you probably wouldnt need more than 3-4 but I dunno.
>>75476276>>75476510Get one of these instead.
>>75476519Wouldn't people assume I'm racist?
>>75476510Not unless you buy really thin ones, but yeah unless you're doing bilateral squats with them you won't need that much weight. >>75476519I've unironically been dying to get one for years, but with shipping it's $600 and I haven't been able to justify the purchase yet. It's called a powerpohl btw.
>>75476869Powerpohl these nuts
>>75476869>powerpohlBrilliant name, I bet it's easy to remember and search for ffs
>>75475138thank you so much for this, for real. I was at work i couldn't answer earlier but yeah, i had a lot of doubts with my supersets cause i'm still not exactly sure how to set them up properly, this helps a ton >hamstring pulls meant to write hamstring curls , they can be decently heavy if you apply enough tension and do them one leg at a time. I really like doing these so i'm shy from moving to nordic curls as for side delts, do you think Y-flyes (with rings) will do? if not i do have some adjustable dumbells that i can use to do lateral raises with, but i'd still prefer to use rings if possible
>>75476276i just reinforced a shitty backpack with some ratchet straps, i can put so much weight on that bitch
>>75476258pretty sure it'd fall downI decided to expand because my shoulders, chest and somewhat abs are lacking from focusing on chinups/pulluos too much>superset 4x10 chinups +10kg / 4x10 pike pushups (with better form)>superset 4x10 weighted countertop dips / 4x plank
>>75478486Also right now I'm (173cm) at 69kg cca. 22-23% bf, looking to get to 65kg 15% bf. I was 66-67kg a few months ago but I got out of something like prison and have been eating a lot lately.I walk a lot at the moment, about 10k steps a day and have no problem with watching my food intake but I don't have time to count calories.What timeframe am I looking at if I can exercise every day?
>>75478212>hamstring curlsThought so. Never tried them but they look easy > Y-flyesLooks like top range upright row. If you feel them in side delts - fine. But honestly just doing one arm water jug upright rows or lateral raises may be better
>>75478486>plankChange that for modified candlestick on the counter grabbing the edge of it
>>75478850>but I got out of something like prisonPsychiatric ward?
>>75479723thanks>>75479728nope, I started hating psychs and hospital a long time agosomething like an organic rehab work camp, in any case I didn't have internet access for 2 years but I'm not blackpilled and hopelessly addicted to sedatives anymoreI also went from 88 to 66kg in something like 4 months
>>75453010Fun fact I looked all around google maps for a calisthenics park with A FUCKING HYPEREXTENSION YOU KNOW THAT THING IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO FUCKING EMULATE IN ANY WAY AND WHICH YOU WOULD EXPECT IN A CALI PARK and found one in some uni field. Got there, paid for parking and guess whaat? THESE FAGGOTS REDID THE FUCKING TRAINING GROUND WHICH WAS KINDA DECENT AND MAKE INTO A 100% USELESS FAGGY BS THAT DOES NOTHING.Holy FUCKING SHIT. Being a cali "athlete" is a humiliation ritual. It actually motivated me to get those stands and a barbell so I never have to go through with this.Huge city btw, one of the biggest in US
>>75480569>being a cali athlete is a humiliation ritualCalis mindset is about finding solutions. You're telling me you have NOTHING hip height to lean over?
>>75481568Hyperextension is not retardedly leaning over a bar. The angle has to be ANYTHING like 45 or 90. Not fucking 180
Can someone recommend a Calithesics workout?I got pushups, planks, squats, and dead hangs (can't pull D=), but I need the rest.
>>75482043> planksand dead hangs (can't pull> D=What is it with retards and planks and dead hangs? FOR FUCK'S SAKE DO NORMAL EXERCISES LIKE LEG RAISES AND INVERTED ROWS HOLY SHIT.
>>75482482Planks are normal, see?>>75482545
>>75453294>Davis's LawDoes that mean bros were right again and you gotta "attack the msucle form every angle"?
>>75483139No thats what makes that picture fucking retarded.
>>75482545This is fine and all, but be aware that most of those progressions have a point where the jump to the next exercise isn't realistic. For example, you're not going from deep squats right into Bulgarian split squats without a month of trouble balancing.
>>75483784Thats true for starting to do them at any point ever. They are a shitty exercise
>>75483800I feel like in order to do them, you have to build the strength and balance separately somewhere else and then combine them. Good for maintaining what you've got, maybe, but shit for getting it.
>>75483815>build the strength and balance separately somewhere else and then combine themFirst of all they dont take any strength, if you can do 10 regular squats you can do bulgarians no problemSecondly balance is specific.I literally jumped to leg supported pistols after only doing 30 regular squats and eventually could do pistols only with finger support
I did bench dips and holy shit that is a weird sensation
So what is a pistol
>>75482545I skipped from regular push ups straight to decline pu. Reps went from 24 -> 14. I'm already doing wall one armed as a warm up and nearing my 24 rep cut off in the declined, do I do as I had originally planned and go for incline one armed next or are the inbetween progressions elbow in and diamonds pu useful?
>>75483957It's called being a man. Wait till you start getting erections
>>75484004Do incline one armed with another arm straight pushing on something. It gives you stability makes it easier and you're still working out your obliques
>>75484090I hope one day I can pull and chin up again.
>>75484107> again?
>>75484126I did them a decade ago...now out of shape and trying to get back in shape
>>75482482>What's with retards and dead hangsI can't pull. Holding your weight is the first step to being able to lift it. Leg lifts won't make my arms stronger.
>>75485952What the fuck is an inverted row? If I invert a row the machine is just facing the other direction on a horizontal plane (or the boat is).
>>75485970Jesus what retard. GOOGLE IT
mark u there?
>>75485952Never did those. I started with 10+ negatives supersetted with lat pulldowns and once I could do them started replacing negatives with as many singles as I could
woah why are you so mad at everyone
>>75460953>bodyweight squats are calisthenics>weighted calisthenics are still calisthenics>therefore the barbell squat is calisthenics
>>75487897> madOnly kids use this word constantly. This site is 18+. Get the fuck out.
>>75487897> people keep asking the same retarded question> anon gets sick of itWOAH WHAT'S GOING ON HERE IS THIS.... IRRITATION!?!??!? HE MUST BE LITERALLY MENTALLY INSANE Fucking retard.
>>75488512Hate this fucking shit too. It's always > you're LE MADor > you're LE CRYINGAnd they don't seem to understand what those words actually mean.
>>75487897Stop being a bitch and learn. This is a good thread, one of a very few ones on fit.
>>75489962Weighted "calisthenics."