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well boys i just turned 35 and here's where im at
>dropped my aggressive nature to FUCK FUCK FUCK like i had at 17-27
>no longer think about dominating women, only missionary is appealing because im touch starved
>Tinder useless at my age, 24 y/o was prime pussy feast (17-22 year olds BEGGED)
>make $22/hr
>still the same weight I am when I started browsing in like 2012 or something
>got scammed by Tinytrip
>negative $7k net worth
I love the positivity behind WAGMI, but it's not true. We can't all do it, because for some us to prevail, some have to fail and I'm one of them. Don't get me wrong, it's not all doom and gloom I'm not blackpilled and it's not a kms post, I just wound up average as fuck, maybe less than. However, if you're 25 or younger maybe I can offer some advice.
>getting rich
compounding interest is fucking insane. you don't see it today. you don't see it next year, but after 5 you're like "okay nice" and after 10 you'll be like "hmm, I can put a down payment on a house" don't save your money. put it in S&P500 and forget it. do not touch it. i don't care if you're broke. i don't care if you "need" to move. I DON'T FUCKING care if you're homeless. don't fucking TOUCH it until you 1) put down on a house 2) retire. fr fr no cap m'niggas
>getting girls
social status is the best method. not apps. not game. if you're a megaintrovert like me, figure out a social scenario that you feel comfortable in, because there is one. and then create them regularly. life isn't binary and there are people who want to socialize under all conditions. maybe a sorority hosting the hottest frat party at their mega delta gay gamma phi house on daddy's dime is the coolest thing ever. maybe a blacked out room with a preset youtube playlist where no one talks on massive bean bags is the coolest thing ever. spectrums. doesn't matter. create it, do it, fuck a girl.

>well boys i just turned 35 and here's where im going
>saving enough money to take half a year off
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tl;dr. Should I buy test, lmao?
nigga you need meds
I am about to enter med shcool next year at 22 yo, dropped out of engineering because of the exact same reason you mentioned: status is everything. I even read it in the book "The Evolution of Desire". Tips?
And for tips I mean, how can I get the most pussy, most friends, best grades?
>social status is the best method. not apps. not game. if you're a megaintrovert like me, figure out a social scenario that you feel comfortable in, because there is one. and then create them regularly
This is true. Looking back at most of my hookups I was
>fit and good looking
Yes, but
>new comer to group who only some people knew and were close with
This made sort of a mystery about me fo the girls. Like I was clearly liked and respected by some of the core members of the group, and quickly became acquainted with the others. But they still didn’t know a whole lot about me. My jokes were laughed at, I was asked for opinion and input etc.

I’ve more recently been a new guy in a group where I was close with 1 core member but he was super insecure about me and tried to cock block constantly, would go out of his way to exclude me and shit. There were like 5 instances with 5 different chicks I could have fucked and this manlet sabotaged them.
>social status is the best method
What is social status to you?
>social status is the best method
I've known this for a while now but what I hope you can shine a light on is how tf do you have "social status" if you're in a group setting with the same people over and over (like a volunteering group) and there's one dude in the group that's clearly the "alpha" and beats you in looks, confidence, status, etc. by a significant margin. Seems like the "status" you're relegated to is one of an inferior guy that only the less attractive girls will be interested in.
find a new group. If you cant win then change the game. you have a whole globe
>just turned 35 and here's where im going
>>saving enough money to take half a year off

Sad. Have kids.
You haven't learned anything in 10 years on a self improvement board? You didn't try. Most people here that long go home from their 6+ figure job and bang their hot wife before shitposting all night.
The center of attention for your group
>and there's one dude in the group that's clearly the "alpha" and beats you in looks, confidence, status, etc. by a significant margin.
remove yourself from the group. become the host of activities. become the dude that is the head of the volunteer group
>have kids
yeah my parents did the barefoot and pregnant thing, i don't want to continue that cycle
yeah uh huh
So you are some mentally fucked up 35 year old who's life goals are shooting steroids and gambling and taking time off and you are here to give life advice?
Post body from ten years ago.
Post current body.
Too much about your post signals mental illness. Not even being a hater, just keeping it real. Most of your post shows shallow goals and gratification for external things, not from developing yourself internally and deriving pleasure from that.
As someone who has been coming to this site for over a decade, it's all about the CHOICES YOU MAKE. Those choices were poor and the results were poor, but it was your choice to continue to make those poor choices leading to your current situation, and now you are going to make more poor choices which will make your situation even worse.
When I first came here I was working my way through school, with part time jobs, studying as much as possible, then training when I had completed my studying, I did that until I could get a decent job in my field. Worked hard at my job(s), saved money, fucked a tonne of women, kept training because i wanted to be the best version of me, for me, not for others. Women sensed I was driven and would throw themselves at me, men would also and form friendships with me. Your choices will wither attract others towards you, repel others away from you. Based on your post, you choose to behave in a repulsive way, which is now why you are at this junction in your life.
I hope you choose to make better choices because it is not too late to turn it all around anon. When you give up, that is when you lose forever. Set better goals, make better choices, be a better person.
Doctor isn't high status anymore, you'll be broke well into your 30s too.
Do you have any idea how many people want to kill themselves because they have kids but can't because they have kids?
A whitepill to counteract this
>Dropped out of college during my final year
>No idea what I wanted to do, got a barista job at starbucks
>Six months later apply for a sales position at a tech company, get it, work hard
>Now making roughly $160k a year at age 30
>Planning to have kids with a beautiful woman
You can always turn it around. The compound interest advice is good but pair it with "EARN MORE" if at all possible. Get out of your comfort zone, do jobs that take little to no experience but most people are too shy to do. Make it happen
>social status is the best method. not apps. not game. if you're a megaintrovert like me, figure out a social scenario that you feel comfortable in, because there is one. and then create them regularly. life isn't binary and there are people who want to socialize under all conditions. maybe a sorority hosting the hottest frat party at their mega delta gay gamma phi house on daddy's dime is the coolest thing ever. maybe a blacked out room with a preset youtube playlist where no one talks on massive bean bags is the coolest thing ever. spectrums. doesn't matter. create it, do it, fuck a girl.
this is accurate. do you have any tips for 25 and older though? not everybody is hanging out in the dorms in a small rural town
>The center of attention for your group
That's the problem when people talk about social status
The classical meaning is socioeconomic status
Others like you say that it's pretty much being popular
Looksmax retards say it's having thousands of ig followers
Etc etc

>Doctor isn't high status anymore
Terminally online looksmax retard
What would be high status to you?
Firefighter is like a cheat code, its relatively low pay but very highly respected by both men and women, and the only real prerequisite is a few months of fire school training and to be /fit/ enough to pass the exam. Women especially love firefighters, its like a huge turn on for them.
>negative $7k net worth
Firefighters are dumb as fuck and make shit money. Only the lowest iq scum like firefighters
35 y old, man I will be there in 3 years and Im still fucking prime 17y old (legal here in Europe)

>getting rich
Over here you cant get rich but the social security is strong. paid leave, paid sick days off, unemployment benefits, cheap medical care, etc. My wealth is the fact that I work part time, enjoy a shitton of free time, but make average salary. If you dont look for such a job you are a cuck in my book.

>getting girls
Social status is a way, but I dont have it. So i do daygame. Learn it, its a super power. Depending on how much freetime and how good looking you age, you woould get awesome results. Im a manlet so for me its just a numbers game. If I approach 1200 teens a year, atleast a couple will hop on my dick. Some of them will be the untouched virgins. As a man you get to choose who to approach and who you dont. Filter them. Dont bother with the extrovert, loads of makeup girls, they have a shitton of options because of social media and tinder. I mean if you have the looks go for it, whatever. I target the introverts. Some of my fun memories is a girl telling her parents she is going to jog but actually getting her pussy crushed in the back seat of my car and got to come inside because she was on birth control and also a couple of virgins who were literally untouched by any guy getting so turned on that they were feeling the rush to heaven for the very first time. I rarely interact with 25y+ olds girls, if she looks like a tourist and well preserved, why not. But such girl has had about 10years of getting pumped and dumped. Where is the fun. But yeah, one again it all depends on where you live and if fucking teens is legal or not. The real challenge for me is going to be converting one of these teens into a wife or baby mama something (casual sex is much easier to get), the longer I wait, the harder it will get. I might have to finally hop on roids but even then it wont be easy
>and Im still fucking prime 17y old (legal here in Europe)
Fuck off with these stupid fucking larps.
ive been browsing this site since 2015. It stopped being enjoyable around 2018.
Where is this? What school?
you could just go to a bar and actively approach women, you'll get rejected but maybe start getting laid in a few months, instead of spending 10 years of your life to become a dr in the hopes it gets you pussy.
What sort of approaches even still work in 2024. Last shit I was reading was back in 2008 when I read the game. kek
What if I want to find someone to date and eventually marry instead of just hook ups
goto church/temple/gurudwara and volunteer.make it known that you are very devout and very down to marry.
only problem is people WILL approach you with fatties and borderline down syndrome daughters to marry so ymmv. try and goto places in more expensive areas but not so expensive that the community isn't accepting.
I coomed inside a pussy today and I'm exhaused.
I coudln't get it up again
aging sucks
as a man you only have a few options for dating women past highschool, job/hobbies, bars, dating apps, or cold approach.
> jobs/hobbies, no women
> dating apps don't work for most men
> bars is difficult to approach people and start conversations if you're an introvert, don't want to drink
> cold approach is the same thing

you might work up the courage to try, get rejected multiple times, or finally get a number, she doesn't call you back, or ghosts you after a week.
while women have access too many options, endless matches on tinder, they get approached, they don't have to approach & get rejected.
there's a serious imbalance, men are struggling and you get called an incel for pointing it out.
You can lead the interaction where ever you want wtf. Plenty of girls refuse to fuck without commitment. Plenty of girls want commitment after the sex.

Filter your girls so traits you value, stir the relationship where you want and see what happens. Rinse and repeat.
Been here since 20, I'm 28 now
>$600k net worth thanks to investing in crypto and AI before it blew up
>5k in passive income per month
> working on my 5th indie game (hoping this one "makes it)
> 3 YouTube channels
>hired a personal trainer this year
> 3rd year in an engineering degree (full time student) after dropping out years ago, 1 more to go
>lost virginity at 25

Damn bro, you made it.
Where do you even find the time?
How many girls have you fucked in your life (not counting prostitutes)
I don't work
I've only been with one person but we are long distance right now.
I have lots of time because i don't work, the dividends pay my bills. This gives me time to invest in moonshots (like the games and youtube)
Investing in dividends vs growth? Having passive income so you have the time to focus on other things is pretty fucking based.
Whats a girl ghosting you when you are chatting up a couple of new babes every day? Cold approach and playing the numbers game is the only logical path. You get rejected a ton but you also get laid. But most men are too much of a pussy to do it. And thank god because it would be crazy if every guy approached 40 girls a week lol
This thread is full of idiots and is not fit.
Where/how do you get women?
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>for some us to prevail, some have to fail and I'm one of them.
Thank you for your sacrifice.
>Most people here that long go home from their 6+ figure job and bang their hot wife
You actually believe that? LMAO
>looks, confidence, status
Looks don't matter for social status. They matter for sex, but only until you clear the minimum requirements. Status is easy to get, and confidence is easy to fake.
If there's an "alpha", the trick is to disregard them. Not to ignore or challenge them, but simply act like they don't matter. Don't ask what they think or go out of your way to appeal to them, but don't tell them they're wrong all the time, either. If they're running the conversation, start a separate convo on the side, if you're organizing some event, invite them as an afterthought after others have already agreed, ditch some events they invite too (but not all - you're not looking for conflict, just making clear that they don't own you).
Once you understand human psychology somewhat, manipulating it is easy.
Probably because he knew you're a sex pest who jumps from group to group just to molest the women lol
Read his whole post, he has a 0.016% success ratio with them, he just works fucking hard for them.
Actually every dude I know with a 200+ body count spend hours every day working to get pussy.

I'm 36 with a 32yo gf, but I work with a lot of 17-20 girls and I fucked enough all my life to know I could get a few of them.
The ones wanting to bang a way older dude are crazy so I'm not interested anymore.

I'd go to a climbing gym if I were you. Shit ton of single women or groups of them. They're usually serious, healthy, educated and you can approach them without issue, just talk about climbing first.
>ai and crypto
>Looks don't matter for social status

>Physically attractive men tended to attain higher status in both the fraternity and dormitory samples with substantial effect sizes (mean r = .42).”
>getting rich
$7k in the hole at 35? I'm 23 and have 40k in the bank, so advice from you is dumb.
>getting girls
Dating apps are the foremost way people date nowadays, if you're not getting matches, you're just ugly.
>However, if you're 25 or younger maybe I can offer some advice.
You don't have either money or women.
Why would I ever get advice from a failure like you except as an example of what not to do?
Build a time machine

>t. 6'4 supposed Chad that regularly have women hit on me when I go out but will most likely die a virgin by choice because hook ups are degrading and depressing for everyone involved.
On this site, the only posts that get responses are people who are either laughably wrong or asking for advice. People giving advice tend to get looked over, unless it's obviously incorrect. We get these money/life/work/relationship etc advice threads often and I've posted before (even with proof of income) and only one time had anyone ask for more details. People don't want to CHANGE or IMPROVE, they just want excuses about why their life sucks. They want to be told it's not their fault, that it's too late to try, that they can continue giving up and complaining.
Lmfao im close to this but quit barista for amazon as I get paid more and less micromanaging from dik head boss. I am looking to get into sales. Any advice or recommendation? Same boat in droppingo ut of college final year. HOwd you land the sales job?
>HOwd you land the sales job?
Walked into the dealership, asked to speak to the VP of sales. I knew his name from looking on Linkedin. He had a free moment so we sat down and talked in his office. Good eye contact, asked good questions, listened, got the job. He tried to talk me out of it, saying there's a lot of cold calling and most people quit, just kept saying that doesn't bother me and I'm in it for the money/career. You can do this at almost any type of dealership. Just be sure it's actual business to business, not business to consumer. Selling to companies is much better, pays better and has fewer rude people hanging up on you.
Eat a dick newfag, youre part of the problem
That chick on the left looks like the most smug bitch in the world
Got any advice to get started? Luckily my sisters in tech/operations. My resume is honestly less than splendor I have general manager positions at my dad store and being a appointment setter for a solar company along with starbucks haha. So you recommend going in their in person vs applying online? Yiou bring a resume? And what kind of dealership a tech dealership? I know im askin ga bunch of question I appreciate it. Would you be willing to talk outside of 4chan if i give contacT?
My resume was simply "barista" when I got hired, you've got a lot more experience than that so I'm sure you'll be fine. Absolutely go in person. They may still require you to apply online but the entire job of B2B outside sales is going into offices, figuring out who the decision makers are and convincing them that it's worth their time to meet with you. Do that when you job hunt and you will impress people who are looking to fill that exact role. Bring resumes and a notepad, take notes during any chats you have. Remember the receptionists/office managers name, remember the person you met with, follow up with them over email after the meeting to thank them for their time and confirm that you're applying online/whatever next step you agreed in your meeting. Not every company will be actively hiring but most are, outside sales roles tend to turn over somewhat quickly. I work for Xerox, the copy machine company. I sell about $700k-$1M in a mix of hardware, software and IT services each year, mostly through leases. $55k base, about another $90-$120k in commissions.

You can do it anon, good luck. Rather not share contact info but you got this, I believe in you. Find any tech company that hires sales people and get out there.
Bad advice from a dumbfuck, disregarded.

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