How are you supposed to stay fit as you age when father time seems unbeatable?
Just keep lifting and don't think about it.
>>75463835Go through his supplement list to figure out what's legit, what's le snek orly, and what's missing.
I want to do all the stupid shit he's doing aside from fat injection but I don't have $2m per year to spend on it. Gay
At this rate he'll look like Robert Zdar by the time he turns 19.
>>75463835Just don't answer the call
>>75463835idk why this guy pisses people off so much he's using himself as an anti-aging guinea pig and I find it fascinating
>>75463835ray peat
>>75464084Because he wastes his money to the point it's a psychosis. ANd it doesn't even work. He's in his mid 40s and looks like a well groomed guy in his mid 40s.
>>75463835You watched that critikal's video, didnt you, little shit?
>>75463835Just lift nigger
>>75464084>anti-aging>looks his age constantly even with plastic surgery to try to look younger
>>75463966Kek its matching
>>75463835I know this place is gay, but you really need to tone it back with beating off your father.
Y'all should check out Courtney Brown from the Farsight Institute. He's kind of under the radar, but he's doing something similar and has been for awhile. He said he should live to be 160 something years old.
>>75464084My issue is that his "anti-aging" is a nebulous term. Are we talking about biomarkers, kidney and liver function, staving off hormone changes, muscular atrophy, and neurological decline? If so thats completely fairBut most of the time his shit seems to come down to merely LOOKING younger, or trying to. There's nothing anti-aging about facelifts, fillers, and hair transplants
there's an old guy at my gym who is really fit, looks strong but so looks his age. he seems to be full of energy too. I don't think looking young fucking matters for a man. just look fit.
>>75464084He consumed the blood of his son
God's design is so perfect. He thought of everything. think about it. We have DNA that inevitably develops cancer. cancer is incurable. So our DNA shortens overtime to prevent cancer and we age and die as a result. So Jewish science tries to reverse the DNA shortening. But that just ensures we get cancer. God's design is flawless and we can never outsmart it. Think about it, why would evolution cause us to be stuck in this predicament? there is no basis for us to evolve to be immune to science's tricks. Rationally speaking it should be extremely easy to overcome evolutionary constraints but there is always some extra layer of design that blocks us. Just like theoretical physics, we'll never know the mysteries of the universe because they're always out of reach, like we were designed to forever search but never find
>>75465498what's your rebuttal? just a few more years and we'll finally outsmart God's design?
>>75465507>My imaginary skydaddy is real just because.Yeah, meds.
>>75465461That's because we're not suppose to be here forever and have other places to go. No matter what you try to do you're gonna get pulled along
>>75465558but it's not like we've made 50% or even 20% improvements in lifespans. lifespans have not changed with the industrial and technological revolutions in any meaningful way. yes, our decrepit lives can be prolonged but we still age at the same rate we always have. what is the force that prevents chemists from curing cancer or reversing ageing? it's just too hard? I don't think so.
>>75465389yeah its just vain, self masturbatory behavior. people want to see it work so they can use that knowledge for themselves, but nothing he does to himself is scientific.
Pic related is 62 and does P90X without caloric restriction. His diet is basically common sense healthy food from the 80s and 90s, lean meats, lots of fruit and veggies, little refined sugar, no low carb,Just don't listen to memes, simple as.
>>75465389>But most of the time his shit seems to come down to merely LOOKING younger, or trying to.Not really, it's about his biomarkers. His appearance is what you'd expect from a mid 40s guy who's grooming himself excessively (aka gay).
you WILL get oldit WILL suckyou WILL die
>>75463835This is the same as women bogging themselves. Why can't you fags just accept that you'll get older?
>>75463835Stay fit, age with grace, and don't obsess about it like this weird fucking faggot who probabaly gargles his son's cock while his daddy fucks him.
>>75465887the worst part is she didnt hit the wall yet
>>75465887>Why can't you fags just accept that you'll get older?Media, lack of spiritual/religious teaching and separation of larger family units have conditioned us that aging and death is bad and should be avoided at any cost
Don't worry too much. I'm sure in like 10-15 years we'll all just interactive exclusively in VR and then it won't matter how old you actually are in reality
>>75466198Conversely, imaginary sky man was invented as a cope for the lack of effective medical therapies.
>>75465887This. There is such a thing as aging with dignity. None of this shit is dignified.
>>75468627bro overdosed on reddit :skull:
>>75465461>God's design is so perfect. He thought of everything.then WHY the FUCK do modern girls hit the wall at 22?
>>75468889God has to be a male lmfaoHe probably made the first females and these females never hit the wall, then he realized what a pain in the ass that was, so modern females hit the wall.