>Who is /fat/ for?For Charismatic Chubbos who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/>What do I do first?1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).>Now what?Count calories, all of them.Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.Buy scales, be accurate.Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy diseased heart, but you can offset the risks.Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and lose fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body eating away muscle AND fat.Drink more water.Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html>DON'TEat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of carbohydrates.Eat processed foods.Drink your carbohydrates(alcohol, soda, Starbucks).Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks."Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.>Other resources:Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faqPrevious thread: >>75459382
Threadly reminder.
>Dogshit zoomie op againCringe
Confess my /fat/ children.
>>75464972I confess that I hate the Papacy
I walked for 4+ hours today, but then convinced myself it was okay to eat the dinner my parents prepared.
>>75464965>OP thinks he's making a fph threadplease fuck off, next time.
Are supplements a meme or no?
>cheese hot dog>chicken nuggets>crunchy chicken pieces>Dr Pepper>500 ml of masala tea>6 Digestives™>an apple>2002 kcal totalIt's good to live good.
>>75465065>All slop>Live good
>>75465049Depends on the supplement, for the most part you want to get your vitamins/minerals from food when you can, supplements aren't always bioavailable and many of them literally do nothing as you just piss them out.Creatine supplementation works as does various electrolytes, its a case by case basis if the thing they put into the supplement is actually bioavailable or not.
>9kg lost in 10 monthsnot great, not terrible
Fatty ContestFatGermanFuck97.7kg
>>75465103>less than 2lbs a monthPretty terrible anon
>>75465129know what, fuck you
>>75465136I'd rather you didn't fatty
>>75465136You don't have the stamina to fuck me, pudgy.
>>75465137>>75465140I have a normal BMI, can you say the same
>>75465151I can indeed. I need not track and boast of my losses, I enter these threads to keep you lards accountable and force you out of the crab bucket. Now get to work, 2lbs a month is horrendous.
>>75465103anon ngl that is terrible and you should listen to the anons warning you, progress is progress but with a decent deficit you'd ordinarily lose that in four months (rough estimate since I dont know your personal details, but assuming standard 500kcal deficit youll lose a kilo in 15,4 days, or 9kg in 138 days, or 4,62 months). I can understand setbacks but on net you went at less than 50% the speed compared to recommended weight loss guide lines. Shape up, you can do better.>b-b-but I have a normal bmithen why did you lose 9kg and brag about it in a fat loss thread? methinks the fattie doth protest too much>>75465049the only good supplement, whey protein, is not a supplement but food.
>>75464972I am stuck in a loop of eating slop and then going on a 48 hour fast, and I'm stagnating
>>75465242>then why did you lose 9kg and brag about it in a fat loss threadbecause I lost weight and this is a fat loss thread
>>75465245As penance next time you go on a fast make it 72h, and do not eat the slop.
Sorry i didn't see new thread >>75464523 #>>75464531 #I have no idea what you're talking about. Either of you. Every bone broth I've ever made just tasted like the animal i used. Beef or chicken. Sometimes for extra strength i combine beef and chicken.>buy cheap riblets and cut off the meat>buy chicksn feet, inspect each one abd cut any imperfections off>buy beef marrow bones>roast all bones until browned>save the oil and fat that's melted off>use some in my stock pot to start sautéeing my several garlic cloves, ginger cut into 1" cubes, and quartered onion>toss in my herbs (thyme, rosemary, parsley, leek tops, whole peppercorns)>toss in the bones>pour on the water>pour in 1% salt by weight>set to simmer and let it get to a low boil>scum will float to the top, but this is essentially all protein so I only scoop it out if I'm serving the broth to others (it will make the broth cloudy)>the bones must be covered by water at all times>once the water gets too low, I'll take a sample in a shot glass, put it in the fridge, and see if it's jello yet>if not i just add more water and test again when it gets low again>if it's ready I kill the heat, wait for it to get a bit cooler, and start fishing out the bones n' bits the best i can>next get another large pot and put a sieve over it to filter your peppercorns and other tiny debris>optionally taste test for salt>next get out all your jars and start portioning your broth>clean up
>Covid mask eraI get pretty damn angry thinking about how they shut down EVERYTHING for a virus that has a < 1% fatality rate. If they wanted to keep fatties safe, they should have told fatties/old people to hole up in their apartments for 2 years instead of forcing all of us to sit in apartments and stare at a computer screen for 16 hours every day.t. went on senior spring break, never went back to college, Fauci talked at my delayed graduation ceremony
>>75465611No one asked
>>75465611I think you meant to post in this one >>75464530, that's where everyone is crying about shit from four years ago.
>>75465619>>75465624ok fatty
>>75465511Do you use/save the fat that forms on top after it has completely cooled in the jars? I have a lot stored in the freezer from last summer and have just started eating it fresh from most recent batches
>>75465629Sure thing, fatty.
Fatty ContestIgnatiusJReilly231.8lbs
>Year almost over>Still fatHow do we cope bros?
>>75465736Just keep going, took me 11 months to lose the weight I needed to lose.
>>75465736I've made a ton of progress and every week the results become more and more noticeable, so desu i'm coping quite wellIf you're making progress keep going and you'll be like me too and you can be smug and exert your superiority over people. It's very very fun.
>>75465736>How do we cope bros?I'm coping with the fact I'll be below 100 kg by the end of this year.For the first time in ~7 years or so at that.
>>75465736dates on the calendar are meaningless, the only things that matter are the numbers on the scale, and the tape around the waist, those determine the shape of the man in the mirror
Fatty ContestCarryABigStick140.3kgGood week this week bros.Abandon Ultra-Processed Food.
>>75465759king shit, it's the same target for megonna be a close call but I should make it (since, of course, WAGMI)thank carbs for existing else I wouldnt have the energy to make it this far (not bait, sincere opinion, but I do hope it pisses off ketoschizo)
I'm walking 30 minutes to the the shop, help me decide what meat I should have for dinneroptions are>chicken breast>beef mince 5%>beef mince 15%>pork loin medallionsif not on the list assume I've already eaten it this week, e.g. salmon, tuna, chicken thighs, pork mince, turkey mince, etc.
>>75465836Chicken Breast
>>75465630I do save it yeah, but I'm not a maniac so I don't just eat straight up fat. I just use it as a cooking fat. >use it in place of butter and oil to give more meat flavored>use while sautéeing vegetables for vegetable brothI also save fat trimmed off beef and pork, put it in a large use relative to fat amount pot, add water so it doesn't burn, and set ut to low. Render the fat, save the lard.
>>75465836Is that deer porn
Fatty ContestHouse_Hippo226.2 lbs
I have picked several of you out as my fatty contest opponents. I will defeat you.
>>75464965Don't public shame like this, you have no idea what his story is. Fatty Contest RamMan242.4
Being fat but not technically overweight has to be the most demoralizing thing ever. The gains are almost nonexistent and dieting any more will probably do more harm than good
>>75464965Is it okay to roiding?
Fatty ContestHealthy2026508.2
>>75466063if you roid youre ngmi and if youre unsure if roids are okay youre for sure ngmi
>>75466055Fatty ContestRamMan246.2I need to correct my weight entry.
>>75466097Why did you lie?
What did he mean by this?
>>75466063Yes. One day natty is one day wasted.
>>75466099Numbers are hard
So we all know that zero carb is best but how many people here are actually doing it?
>>75465103When are you going to start losing weight?
>>75466231I am doing 0 carb to cut, usually mid carb when bulking.
>>75466231I won't give up bananas
>>75466231Zero carb is nothing more than a meme like Keto.But to you point, yeah nobody's actually doing it when they say they are - also like Keto.
>>75465736>Will be under 200 lbs for the first time since highschoolI will be fat, but I will be less fat, and that's good.
>>75465836Saved for /k/
>>75466231>we all know that zero carb is bestMaybe if you say it enough times it will become true
Did you guys find the losertown calculator to be accurate?
>>75466231I am not pushing for zero carb because I know that is way too unrealistic for me. I am though tracking my carb intake as a percentage of caloric intake on a weekly basis, my goal is below 20%, but right now I am in the high 30s. And no, I am not subtracting Fiber from the Carb count, so my numbers are better than I am recording.
I binged today
Will you lock-in today?
>>75465736not there yet but won't mind having my photo taken at christmas
>>75466383Just purge.
Fatty ContestCrusty197
You know when you think about it eating carbs really doesn't make sense.
>>75466335If not zero carb, then what?
>>75466482Eat less food and exercise
Am I retarded? I always see these people online "an easy weekday dinner in 15 minutes" "oooh I made lunch in 10 minutes" and I swear I can't cook ANYTHING in less than an hour or even more and I end up making a terrible mess in the kitchen, which would take another hour to clean up.It's literally the one single barrier I still can't break to finally manage to lose weight: to cook all my meals at home instead of eating takeaway crap.Any advice on how not to be this retarded?
>>75466542Seconding this. Cooking takes forever
>>75466542A lot of recipes only say what the actual cooking time of a meal is and either hide/obscure or don't even mention the prep time which can take a while to prep meat and vegetables. The more you do it the faster you'll be at it though.
>>75466542>Any advice on how not to be this retarded?Seek purity. Seek simplicity.One snack I make: Cook grass-fed steak in a skillet. Slice it up into cubes and put something on it (pepper, turmeric, whatever). Stick it in the fridge. Now you have steak bites for snack. Sautee veggies in butter. Cook meat in tallow. I hate the way recipes are online, so much bullshit text, so much unrealistic prep instructions and finished look. And they all want to have 50 fucking ingredients that you will us only once.
>>75466542>>75466557>>75466559>>75466594Nigga put steak into pan and fry it for 2 min.Put 5 eggs in a pan -> 1 min.What the problem?
>>75466542>>75466557find a few meals that fit your diet plan and seem tasty, then just force yourself to cook them over and over again until you get more efficient at doing all of the prep and cleanup and can actually hammer it all out in 20~ minutes
>drop 2 kilos>dips and pushups are now sigificantly easierhow the fuck can 2 kilos make such a difference
>>75466603>have to salt the steak at least 2 hours in advance>have to warm the plate for your steak>have to season it>have to do the dishesWhat you are describing IS basically a "15 minutes lunch".Any proper dish takes way more time.People saying they do it in 10~15 minutes are always conveniently forgetting about another 15~45 minutes that went into making the thing.
>>75466231The Good Book does not say 'Give us today our daily fats'. Bread is good for you. Gluten is healthy protein and the carbs are satiating. >>75466542Food tubers who cook lunch reveal that they are trust fund babbies. Cook one meal a day max, use good old sandwiches or dairy for breakfast and lunch. Then its fine if that one meal takes an hour but you can do faster, the secret is not to strive for perfection. Or in other words, to half-ass it. Fry up some potatoes, rice cooker some rice, breaka some spaghet. Add protein. Now add veggies and a low-fat condiment. Wa la, bone apple tea.
>>75466739>have to salt the steak at least 2 hours in advanceNo, takes 2 seconds either way, that's a nonissue.I rarely put salt on my steak, and if I do it after, takes 2 seconds either way.>have to warm the plate for your steakTakes literally 1 minute with induction, but you can also eat your steak raw if you don't wanna spend 1 minute on warming up the pan.>have to season itNo.>have to do the dishes>what is a dishwasher?>What you are describing IS basically a "15 minutes lunch".So if it is a 15 minutes lunch, why do I only need 5 minutes in total?>Any proper dish takes way more time.That's a proper dish. >People saying they do it in 10~15 minutes are always conveniently forgetting about another 15~45 minutes that went into making the thing.See above.
>>75464972binged and ate tdee+500 last night.weighed in at a new low yesterday morning (lowest in 5 years) and was just feeling great all day. just had a happy-go-lucky "fuck it" attitude last night and wanted to have some buttered popcorn and slop while watching a movie.i will atone today. i will exercise. i will not eat until dinner. i will have a large deficit and i will get back to my normal eating pattern/deficit tomorrow. i am in control. i am going to make it.
>>75466777trips of falsehood, wagmi
>>75466770>have to warm the plate for your steakPut it on the stovetop next to the burner while cooking.
>>75465736Just keep going bro, I was in this thread a year ago making good progress and then I broke my foot and basically went on maintenance for a large percentage of this year, but now I'm back and I'm almost where I want to be maybe even by the end of the year
>>75466770>not letting the steak rest>not seasoning itwhackalso boringyou going to have a steak and 5 eggs every fucking day? multiple times a day?
>>75466834Why would breaking your foot mean you have to eat maintenence?
>>75465281>>75465151>>75465103honestly, if i was at a normal bmr i might be perfectly fine with that rate. yes you could work harder and lose weight faster, but it seems like you're essentially tapering towards maintenance--which is the end goal unless you're serious about building muscle.
>>75466836>not letting the steak restRest for what? >not seasoning itI like the taste of meat, not seasoning. Also that's a you problem or quality of meat problem.Its boring for you maybe because you need new tastes all the time, because you have a fatty brain influenced by the food industry.For normal people it tastes as good as it is.>you going to have a steak and 5 eggs every fucking day?Of course, when I can afford it. Every day.
>>75466836>not letting the steak restLetting something 'rest' is not considered cooking time.It's like saying I am cooking for 10 hours because I had to defrost my meat.Doesn't make sense.
>>75466838It was not like a stubbed toe, surgery, 0 mobility for months it was shit.
>>75466883Yes but why would that mean you had to eat maintenence. Seems like fatty cope.
>>75466846Not considered cook time but it is part of prep, yes. Making sure meat is defrosted is also part of prep, as in, prepping a meal to eat. >>75466841>bragging about not using seasoning ok buddy
>>75466891>Not considered cook time but it is part of prep, yes. Making sure meat is defrosted is also part of prep, as in, prepping a meal to eat.Yeah but that's not what we are talking about here.Its about the time you need to cook the steak and thats literally 3 minutes.
Fatty Contestkoronesuki-chan61.6kg
Fatty ContestGreaser93kg/205.3lbs
>>75466542i tried one of those "super easy, time-saving" meme food delivery services where they send you all the ingredients and you just have to cook it. took over an hour (honestly fuck chopping vegetables) and i had a load of dishes to wash. if you're cooking a for a lot of people make it's worth the hassle, but when you're cooking for one? fuck that noise, i'll buy a cooked chicken and throw a bag of veggies in the microwave.
>binged for the first time in 5 monthsI feel so disgusting, I've had my fatty brain under control for so long and yet I still failed to control it. Fuck I'm so angry with myself.
What are some good websites to find healthy recipes?
>>75467017Youtube. But anon if you need recipes you're NGMI.
>>75467030This, people who make it are the kind that can unironically just fry a skinless chicken breast and broccoli in a pan and eat it every single day for years. The people who "get bored" of eating the same thing every day are the ones who always end up eating shit they shouldn't and then yo-yoing.
>>75466949Congrats anon, it's a magical feeling
>>75464965Can any fatties here help verify something for another fattie?If you jog in place do you have to stop after like a minute/minute and a half? Or is my cardio that shit tier?
>>75467103Your cardio is shit tier
>>75466482Zero carbs is an extreme intervention that should only ever be appropriate for extreme cases, and on a short term basis.On the other end of the spectrum, underweight people would tremendously benefit from eating carbs, as part of a balanced diet and exercise routine that'll allow them to reach a healthy body composition.For the rest of us, it's somewhere in between. People with metabolic syndrome will usually do better on a low-carb diet, particularly if they're diabetic type II, but forcing them to not eat whole vegetables and fresh fruits would be counterproductive.
>>75465031You're on 4chan you fat retard, you don't have a safe space. Disgusting maked fat fuck deserves ridicule.
>>75467103You're just fat anon, it's not even your cardio, it's the massive effort of moving all of that fat around. I'm willing to bet you can masturbate for like half an hour with zero issues and that's putting the same stress on your cardiovascular system.It's gonna get better with time as you keep losing weight.
>>75467103When you do cardio get a heart rate monitor and go by BPM, if you can sustain it at ~150BPM for 15 minutes you're good, fit, and healthy.If you can't you need to work on it, start by getting your heart rate up to 130 for 15 minutes, then try to sustain 150 for 5 minutes and go back down to 130 for another 15mins repeat, after a month or so try to see if you can do 10 minutes of 150 instead of 5. So on and so forth until you can do 15mins of 150.Then just do 15mins of 150, 15mins of 130, 15 mins of 150, 15 mins of 130 4~5 times a week as maintenance.
Im literally not hungry at all but having severe food cravings. I want pizza, or chicken wings, at least a fries… What do i do?
>>75467103Don't jog in place, you're literally just damaging your knees for almost no benefit. Muscles and bones can get strengthened, but joints only ever get fucked up. Be kind to your joints. Make them last.Walk around instead. At your pace. Take breaks when you need to. Progressively walk more over time.
>>75466542steal/chicken/porkfrozen carrot/peas/broccoli/mushroomspre microwaved potatoall cooks in 25 minutes in the oven on one tray
I am terrified of hitting my goal weight because I feel like I'm going to start binging again and gain it all back. Anyone else feel the same?
>>75466542Cook in bulk. I usually make containers of chicken + rice, or 4 containers of soup. Can last 3 days to a week
>>75467224Before you hit your goal weight start doing mainentance phases for you to get used to eating at mainentance while having a goal
>>75467224It occurs to me you're meant to eat whole unprocessed foods. My plan is to when I reach my goal weight to completely overhaul my eating style and eat only that which I think won't have me put on any fat if I limit the meat intake. If the strategy doesn't work I'll do the same but limit my calorie intake.
>>75466542>>75466557>>754667391: Use less dishes. Don't prep on a plate, go straight from container to pan. Dump from jars instead of using spoons. 2: Practice and learn which steps you can skip. Sometimes a quick slice is as good as dicing.3: Clean as you go. There's a lot of downtime in cooking while things are heating. Don't just stand there, rinse things off, throw the garbage away, put food back in the fridge.4: Defrost in the microwave. It's fine. Just don't overdo it and start cooking the meat. 2:20-3 minutes for a 1lb chub (the little metal clips are too short to spark, they're fine to microwave)5: Multitask. Don't stand there and stare at the pan, keep an eye on it but do something.6: Make one pot/one pan meals. Cooking your veggies together with your meat makes everything taste like meat and only dirties one pan.7: Choose things that cook fast. Duh. A 3 hour pot roast is going to take 3 hours.Really though the answer is just more practice. You will get better at it and learn to economize your actions more and pretty soon you really will be slapping out 15 minute meals. Alternately, learn to use the downtime. Something that takes 45 minutes to simmer doesn't have to be cooking time. Set an alarm on your phone and go shitpost on 4chan. Then the cumulative time is 15 minutes.
>>75467174>being on 4chan means every thread has to be negativewe're not all 16 years old anymore anon
>>75467335Yet you're still on 4chan. Sad
>>75464972i let myself go and hit 118 kg
Fatty ContestPonponpon272lbs
>>75467196eat healthier versions of whatever it is you crave
>>75467224my main concern is that a major traumatic event (like my parents eventually dying) will cause me to turn to alcohol and food for comfort. short of that, no, i will start tracking my food immediately again if i see a number that's 10 pounds above my goal.
>>75467326based advice giver
>>75467202>Don't jog in place, you're literally just damaging your knees for almost no benefit.Not >>75467103 but would repeatedly walking and climbing up/down a hill fuck up knees? I am doing it since it forces me to use more muscle and burn more energy, but am I ruining my knees with this exercise?
>>75466530"Eat less, move more" doesn't work at all.
>>75467445I built up to walking 4.5 miles a day and then figured I was ready for a short hike My knees felt kinda weird and overworked on the descent, not specifically injured or anything but I would've stopped like halfway down if I didn't have to get back to the bottom of the trailAnyway that was almost 3 weeks ago and I've had a limp ever since and am not able to get steps in for nowThis was at 270 lbs btwYou really do have to be careful as shit with the joints
>>75467445Anyway its the descent that adds impact stress, using a treadmill to just do inclines works really well to increase heart rate while lessening impact This is what I was doing on top of the neighborhood walking and thought that would mean I was ready for a hike but didn't take the descent into account
>>75466838The sugar industry successfully psyopped Amerigolems into believing they are fat because they don't move around enough.Sugar addicts are happy to play pretend with them. Everyone knows it is false. Fat people are just fat because they eat carbs and everyone knows it.
>>75467445You still wouldn't get the impact on your joints you'd get from running or jumping, but it's certainly more strain that walking on a flat surface.If you're super-obese, you should probably mostly focus on controlling your food intake, since almost any kind of sustained body motion comes with a risk of injury.At the obese level, walking is fine, some incline walking might be fine, but don't mix cardio and workouts. Keep strength training as a separate thing. You can build the same muscles by doing lunges. Heck, do them while holding dumbbells if it starts to feel too easy.At the overweight level, you can start to go wild. Even jogging would be fine there, as long as you build it up gradually.As you get healthier, combining cardio and strength, usually by picking up some kind of sport, becomes a very viable option as you've become a lot less likely to injure yourself from your own body weight. Various exercises (lunges, squats, etc) will build the muscles around the knees and lower the risk of injuries. But pay attention to your body, and don't strain body parts that are already painful.Also, if you have access to a swimming pool, you should use it, regardless of your shape. Even at a crazy weight, swimming can provide some solid cardio without straining your joints.
>>75467554>the doctor is fat toohmm
>>75466542It's fairly normal, and yes they are bullshitting. I've been cooking for years and I definitely have to plan around actual cooking time, which is why I make sure to have at least 1 out of 2 meals prepped after coming home from work.That being said a lot of it is just veggies being absolute bullshit to work with, and extra steps to improve flavour that aren't technically necessary.
>>75466542I take a frozen chicken breast out of the freeze, throw it in my oven basket on air fry mode at 350F, I wait about 45mins then I get out the broccoli, rinse it, chop it up and throw it in the basket also, making sure to spread everything out evenly, about 15mins everything is done.1hr total cook time, but like <5 minutes of actual preparation on my part.
Fatty ContestSlobberinFatso92.5kg
>>75464972I'm recovering from a flub. I was losing 10lbs a month all year, down 120lbs so far. Then I just lost momentum and stopped counting calories for a month. Didn't gain anything back thankfully because I was still doing OMAD most days, but it sucks to be behind a month. Now I'm nearing another 10lbs down after the stall. Lesson learned: I can absolutely go over my daily 1650 deficit target in one meal.
>>75466542My method for remaining healthy is that I try to only cook one food per meal and then I fill the rest of the meal with ready-to-eat healthy foods.Pic related is an example of a meal I have been eating recently. 3 burger patties cooked under the broiler in my oven (6:30 each side, middle rack, broiler on high). That's 1lb of meat which should be minimum for a meal. They are frozen costco burgers so they are a good price and very convenient.Then I eat it with aged cheddar and a dill pickle. Both of those can be eaten right out of the refrigerator.
>>75467554Ketoschizo spambot, you are the most entertaining part of these threads. Post that collage you made of "keto bodies" again. Someone might listen to you this time, honest!
>>75467535Post body
>>75467326>grass right up to the edge of the house>murican flag>mosquito thunderdome>super short wide blade grass>5 bedroom 1 story blob houseWhy is florida so easy to tell apart from other states?
>Bad cold>out two days and the weekend>fell off the wagon cause I just feel like shit>work tomorrowGotta get back in the saddle
>>75467538Sorry to hear that, Anon. I've been doing the walk/hillclimb for almost two months now and thankfully nothing like that has hit me yet. Hope your limp recovers though, dude. Christ.>>75467545Makes sense, thanks again! No treadmill but I have an exercise bike if need be. >>75467560Cardio/walking are my main methods of exercise now. Otherwise I do pushups and that is it. No gym access but I plan on starting squats come tomorrow. I am obese going off my BMI, but I can feel the strength I am building back up. Shit is addictive. Forgot if I was obese or overweight currently. 234lbs at 6 foot tall as of last Monday.
Big shout out to food poisoning for breaking my plateau.
>>75467535Those contestants lost weight because they were placed into an environment where they were given tons of outside motivation to do it and access to millions of dollars of resources. Then after being swarmed in all that, they were just dumped back into their old fatty lives.Their bad habits weren't broken, they were reinforced. Learned helplessness.The only way to lose weight for life is solo. No one else gives a shit, you gotta give a shit.
>>75467695This image is too large
>>75467707They were given bad advice which led them to guaranteed failure. The same advice which caused the obesity epidemic.Proper advice for weight loss is to avoid carbs. Pic related. Note how metabolism increases on low-carb whereas anyone who falls for the "eat less, move more" scam ends up with a catastrophically reduced metabolism.
sticky disagrees so youre wrong ketolard
Yeah, carbs cause obesity this is why Japan is full of fat people
>>75467326Why does your face look like that
>>75467757Yes, carbs cause obesity. That's why the obesity epidemic started when the US Gov told their citizens to eat less dietary fat, resulting in higher carb consumption.
>>75464972My one week maintenance break back in august turned into a three month one and now I'm back to lose those last kgs before 2025. I feel fantastic though. Didn't gain weight and actually got stronger.
Fatty ContestCaptainPlanet142.8kg181cm
>>75466459No. Fast for 16 hours if you must.
I gotta blog post/vent. So far my fitness journey has been a mixed bag. I have been successful with the weight loss, having dropped 50lbs and nearly reached my goal weight of sub-150. I track calories and I enjoy cardio and feel somewhat energized by it, or at least like I achieved something. Unfortunately the strength training has made me depressed. I know there is something wrong with me but idk what. I'm weak, not just physically but mentally, but I think it goes beyond that. After just two exercises I am wiped out enough that anything afterwards feels pointless. I get obsessed with form and "doing it right" in my head but can't for the life of me actually figure it out. Everyone says different things and my own feelings/intuition is unreliable. For example with the lat pulldown, I never ever feel it in my back no matter what I do. My strength went down instead of up. The weights I started with are impossible for me now. For some reason dumbbell curls were the only thing that "worked right" for me and I actually got bicep growth and made strength gains. But then my left arm started going numb and now permanently ruins the exercise because I lose sensation in it way before my right arm is ready to give out. My back gets a weird feeling like someone tracing a fabric over my skin, except actually in the muscle. I don't know why the tiredness and exhaustion kicks in for the lifting but not for the cardio. I feel incapable of doing it but I really wanted it to work. I wanted something good for my mental health. I guess I know if nothing else that I can continue with cardio and keep the weight off.
>>75467813Go in to the doctor and get your blood work done. You tried all the internet solutions, take a deeper look now.
>>75467832Haemoglobin estimation:147 g/LNormal range:130 to 180Total white cell count:5.30 10*9/LNormal range:4 to 11Platelet count:265 10*9/LNormal range:150 to 450Red blood cell (RBC) count:4.59 10*12/LNormal range:4.5 to 6.5Haematocrit:0.430 L/LNormal range:0.4 to 0.52Mean corpuscular volume (MCV):93.7 fLNormal range:80 to 100Mean corpusc. haemoglobin(MCH):32.0 pgNormal range:27 to 32Mean corpusc. Hb. conc. (MCHC):342 g/LNormal range:320 to 360Nucleated red blood cell count:0.00 10*9/LNormal range:0 to 0.2Neutrophil count:2.23 10*9/LNormal range:2 to 7.5Lymphocyte count:1.95 10*9/LNormal range:1.5 to 4.5Monocyte count:0.62 10*9/LNormal range:0.2 to 0.8Eosinophil count:0.41 10*9/LNormal range:0 to 0.4Basophil count:0.10 10*9/LNormal range:0 to 0.1According to my bloods I am normal. I am trying to see if I have sleep apnea but the doctor refuses to refer me because ironically he says I'm not fat enough now.
>>75467695I'm proud of you ketobro. Only took you three years, but you finally did it. Way to go!I took a picture with a timestamp yesterday just for you. I know you wanted it to make another of your comparison images you love, so I took the liberty of making it for you. Meant to post it with yesterday's thread >>75459382 but had to get to a dinner party. But hey, it worked out. I went ahead and changed it to use your new image instead of the one from 2021.
>>75465736there's always next year
It's been the year of weight loss for me. There's only 6 weekends left this year and then its all over. It's time to move towards focusing on the gym rather than purely weight loss.It's been a good year and the scales have shown my consistent progress. There have been some weeks where I have stopped dieting but my weight gain was minimal. The downside is that losing weight hasn't magically solved all my problems.I wonder when I gain 10kg or more of muscle that I will have the same problem. At least by getting healthier and somewhat happier with my day to day life it doesnt really matter if I never reach the end. perhaps thats the point. There isn't an end. You just keep improving until you die and then you can at least say you gave it a good go and it wasnt all a doom and gloom spiral into death.We fight! If one thing doesnt make you happy move onto the next thing and eventually health will win
>>75467883>I took a picture with a timestamp yesterday just for youNo you didn't.Post body right now with timestamp and we can do a real comparison.
>>75467883>keto>posts body with timestamp>cico>doesn't post body with timestampHmmmm
>weight is going down>lifts are going (back) up>clothes are fitting better>confidence is growingthe honey moon phase where everything progresses is fun, before it all turns to a slog grind with nothing but stalls, but so far so good
Day 2 of Prolonged Fasting: Round 2. Last time day 2 was the hardest, this time it's easy. I took 500 mg of potassium (recommended: 3400 mg), 835 mg of magnesium (recommended: 420 mg), and 1665 mg of calcium (recommended: 1000 mg) last night in addition to some table salt and had an upset stomach because I can't actually eat with them. I don't know how I'm supposed to get 100% of my daily recommended amount, especially for potassium. Taking some today was easier because I had it with tea.Either way, I'm still getting way more electrolytes than last time, so I'll probably be in much better condition. 18.5 BMI or bust.
>>75465736>Still fat I GOT fat this year. I gained 45lbs but am down 10 so far. I'm making it back and you're all coming with me.
>>75466684Add 2 kilos to your max rep and tell me that. Congrats though.
>>75467927Why do you have to turn weight loss into some bizarre science experiment? Just don't eat so much and you'll not only lose weight but gain some experience on how to live once you hit your goal weight.
>>75467965I frankly don't need to lose anymore weight, BMI is sub-20 now. But I set my goal as 18.5 by the end of November back when I started, and the length and inconsistency of plateaus along with feelings of burnout have led me to just get it over with. I want December onward to be focused entirely on core workouts and recomp, and once I hit 10% body fat, I'll switch to bulking.
Fellow fattieanons, how much protein are you guys eating?
>>75467965Don't eat so many carbs, specifically.
>>75468071I don't track my food intake because that is silly. I try to choose food with about 1:1 protein to fat by weight. Zero carb, obviously.
>>75465736I'm on track to end the year merely overweight instead of obese. I need to look slightly passable in time for May, when I go on an overseas research fellowship in a group that is almost entirely women. Once the isolation sets in, I'll win the heart of at least one of the cute grad student girls.
>>75467880This would have been a fantastic opportunity to use one line per test, anon.This looks like a long list when posted here, but this is in fact a tiny slice of what could be tested through blood work.This basically only says you don't have anemia, nor an infection, nor various weird blood disorders.Have you considered you might have a thyroid or endocrine disorders? TSH and Free T4 tests could find those out.While you're redoing more test, ask to get a hormone panel. Low T could account for a bunch of your symptoms too.More simply, you could be dealing with vitamin or mineral deficiencies. It's common, and even more so among people that engage in restricting dieting.You could get tested for that too, or you could just start taking supplements optimistically. A good multivitamin, a good amount of extra Vitamin D and B12, and a magnesium supplement (I just take a good ZMA supplement at bedtime for this) might do wonders for you. Throw some fish oil in there while you're at it.
>>75464968Thank you.
>>75467813Your diet is bad.
Had to go pick up my dogs, and imagine my surprise when:>>75467904>>75467912>sees post with clear timestamp>nuh uh, he's lying, must be photoshop.Lol ok bros. Here's you another one, and after a full day of walking around a renaissance fair drinking beer and eating a turkey leg and chicken on a stick. Oh and if typed instead of written is somehow a problem for you, zoom in below the typed text.
>>75468130Yeah you do look quite bloated.
>>75468072I live at home and trying to avoid carbs here brings up arguments. Family seems to believe that you can still eat carbs and get the effects of keto, or still fast while eating food. I'm trying to tell them to pretend like I have a life-threatening allergy, like how they wouldn't give nuts to someone with a peanut allergy but they think it's too much to think about.They were also deadset against me fasting the first time, so I did it in secret and revealed it after the week was up. Now they're not arguing because I proved to them that people don't die after not eating for a day, but they are grumbling this time.
>>75468151Hey man, gotta live once in awhile. Going out and doing stuff with friends is fun.
Fatty Contestlazymechanic111.3kg
>>75468160Good luck long term.
Cico WON
>>75467813Pay for some sessions with a personal trainer to get your form right, it might help you feel better knowing that you've had some credible advice.
>>75468178Don't need luck bud, just keep doing what I do and I'll be just fine, carbs and all. I appreciate your concern though.
>>75468186No it didn't.
>>75468191You already have problems with weight fluctuation. Your idea of fun is slop consumption. You have to track and measure all your food while desperately exercising to outrun your diet.Good luck. You need it, I assure you.
>>75468194this literally doesn't prove CICO wrong, it just means that the powdered calories were absorbed better (Calories IN) or for whatever reason weren't used as much (Calories OUT).
>>75466770>why do I only need 5 minutes in total?Because you can't count time for shit
>>75468200"You can't outrun your fork", as the saying goes, so no I don't exercise to outrun my diet. I lift weights to add lean mass, and I row to improve my cardiovascular fitness. If I want to add lean mass I eat at a surplus, and if I want to cut fat I eat at a deficit. And damn if it just doesn't keep working like it's supposed to. Since I am in control of my diet and my body, I can allow for a day now and then to just go have fun and not worry about it.And if you are so autistic that you can't allow yourself to break your "diet" once a month or so and enjoy the company of friends and family, I legitimately feel sorry for you brother. That just seems like a shit way to live life to me.
This general is the only thing keeping me on this godforsaken website. I am striving to cut out all the unhealthy things in my life, but this is the only place where I can confess my weight neurosis anonymously.
>>75468223It literally does, you're just too dimwitted to understand.
>>75468233You're projecting.Have you logged your food in your food diary today? Don't forget!
I was never into black coffee but was shown to whisk up the instant coffee with a tbsp of water before adding your hot water. Oh boy what a difference. On my 2nd one today, jittery as fuk and ready for gym. Not sure at what cost, but im still not hungry and its near on midday.
>>75468236you basically just typed out a downvote to my post, reddit retardit should be obvious that powders are easier to absorb than solid food, it's a purely mechanical thing. CICO has always been about what you actually absorb.>durr de durr I drank a gallon of gasoline and just got really sick instead of gaining 9 pounds CICO lost!!!eat less tubby, that guy's not even you lol
>>75468236post body
>>75468242>You're projectinglol, lmao even>Have you logged your foodNah, no need. I just ate my chicken thighs and rice and beans for dinner, and this morning I had greek yogurt with granola and a bit of honey. With the turkey leg and chicken at the renaissance fair, protein will be in the ballpark of where I want it to be for the day. And the calories for one day are inconsequential.>>75468257he did earlier in the thread, he's the one on the left here >>75468130
>>75468268>>75468257also to be perfectly fair to ketobro>>75468236 that image on the left was taken about three years before this one >>75467695He looks functionally identical over that time span. Now if your goal is to look like that forever, then hey, maybe keto is a good option.If you have other goals, then maybe not.
>>75468072 >>75467912>>75467904 >>75468076>>75468194Ketospammer, your dedication to spreading bad advice is truly inspiring. With this dedication maybe you can get a job someday. Please update us on your heart attack(the spam filter will only let me tag about half your posts)
I can't stop drinking bubble tea fuck
>>75468308How bad is bubble tea? has tapioca or something in it right?
>>75464965The problem is not that he ate two packs of chocolate, it is that he is fat.
>>75468280Yeah if your goal is to struggle with your weight until you finally fail and return to your starting weight, do CICO.If you want to get lean and stay lean forever, quit eating carbs.
>>75468309it's probably like 300 calories of sugar water. I don't get tapioca but i'm pretty sure i'm getting breakouts as well because of the pure sugar contents of a single cup.
>>75468326You should stop then
>>75466383It's alright. Back on the wagon tomorrow and stay accountable.Before you eat it, log it. Think really hard. "Will I regret this?"
ketobros...are we bussin? sussin? or trussin(the science)?
>>75468329Yeah thanks for the no-nonsense advice anon. Been stuck at 150 for a month now because of weekend binges.>>75468235this but gacha generals on /vg
>>75468361>replying to moxyteHe's a vegan.
>>75466476My body be runnin. If I could eat what I wanted every day with no family meals or budget constraints I'd probably eat mostly meat and vegetables with protein coffee. Speaking off, mixing the vanilla zero sugar muscle milk with black coffee results in a fantastic tasty drink, but is there something better i could use? 160cal for 25g of protein but I think premier is 30g for 150cal. I just don't like super expensive shit
>>75468372Make homemade kefir instead of using powdered slop.
>>75466542>>75466557I like Ethan chlebowski on YouTube, he does a lot of meal prep and videos where he times himself cooking in 15min. Take note of what he does, how you can do it too. Learn by watching others.
>>75466838Because he needs more protein and fat and, well carbs. That's how healing works
>>75467103I just hate jogging in place. I do way better on an actual run where I can see the end goal.
>>75468394>and, well carbsThe amount of carbs humans need to eat is: zeroHumans don't need to eat carbs.
>>75467196Chug water and GET A HOBBY.
>>75468368>veganIt all makes sense now
>>75467660I love it. I can always spot my homeland EASILY and it brings nostalgia
>>75468319>Quit eating bread>Quit eating pastries>Quit eating sugar>Quit eating pasta>Quit eating rice>ForeverWhat a shitty life
>>75468415>measure all your food>log it in a diary>eat disgusting low-fat foods>constantly hungry>always craving goyslop>only happy when eating slop>bust ass in gym so you can eat more slop>still look like shit with all that effortVery healthy physically and mentally. Doctor recommended.
>>75465736Wouldn't know, currently just overweight and I'll be ending the year at a healthy weight for the first time since childhood.
>>75468415Non-schizo low-carb enjoyoor here. It's really not that bad.For one, you can eat plenty of bread, keto breads have gotten much much better since the ultra-slop makers have gotten around to inventing resistant wheat starch. They're even starting to make pastries with this. What a time to eat slop!No, the real problem with a hard-zero-carbs approach is that it removes fruits and vegetables entirely from one's diet, which strikes me as a dire mistake.
>>75465736My goal right now is to lose it by my birthday in April. I was actually able to fit in an old medium sized shirt this week. I can't wait to see how I'll look with another 25 lbs gone.
If most of what I "eat" in a day are protein shakes... What are good vegetables / fruits to ensure I get regularly?
>>75468484Grow broccoli sprouts in a jar and eat them. They are the most powerful food in nature.
>>75468442my BMI is finally 'normal' and not overweight, but weren't the BMI numbers changed a few decades back to be more friendly to fat people?
>>75468494One of the longevity influencers I track is big on this stuff. I have yet to fall into that particular rabbit hole, but I am intrigued.
>>75468437It's wildly funny that you think you look good.
>>75468507I look better than you.
>>75468494>>75468506What's so good about broccoli sprouts? I've seen people grow sprouts of various things before, just because they like the taste/texture though, not for any particular health benefits.
>>75468484Beef, eggs, dairy fat.
>>75468526Post body.
>>75468494Based. Everyone should eat broccoli sprouts and leave all the meat and eggs to just me. I'll take the hit so you bros can fly close to the sun
>>75468519>nutrient dense yet low calorie and filling>nice crunch taste good (imo)>cheap as long as you sprout them yourselfThey're also high in sulforaphane, but the jury is still out as to how useful it actually is. Add some mustard when you eat them or grow some radish sprouts with them if you want to get into that.
>>75466231I did it. It helps with hunger and not eating that one carby food that sets off a binge, but it's really not magic or anything. You still have to eat under your TDEE.
fatbros why the fuck am I seeing stars
>ketoschizo made the whole thread unusable with his griftingI'm not even feeling like triggering resident fatlards with my updates anymore :(
>>75464972It took both gastric bypass and ozempic for me to lose the weight for good, but I'm not ashamed.
>>75468578hypertension or mini-stroke
>>75467224One of the major problems with just going 500 calories under TDEE as your entire diet and not full on fasting is that it never breaks you of your need to constantly shove food in your face. It doesn't force you to find other ways to entertain yourself other than eating. It doesn't force you to improve your life to the point where you have enough comfort and confidence to go long periods without eating. Fatties will look to eat as much as possible to meet their limit and do their best to rules lawyer more food and think about it constantly instead of realizing that they should just move on.Anyway, just be mindful of yourself and what your body is doing and work on your bad habits while improving your life. Not much else to do about it. Sometimes the answer really is just do better.
I've had a powerball for over a year. I got memed on and even bought a really good one.I have, however, not used it much, and pooh-poohed it on /fit/ when people talked about them, as it really doesn't feel like it does anything.I recently started doing a lot more weightlifting as I'm now more concerned with body comp than only losing weight, so I thought: let's use this thing for prep and cooldown when doing upper-body exercises.It still feels like it does nothing. It still feels like a weird physical therapy tool for old people.But, it burns an incredible amount of calories and raises my HR like I'm jogging. It does that easier than an under desk bicycler that I basically can't get get any HR out of without HIIT exercises.Just pacing around, after some lifts, and using this powerball two-handed, got me even times in zone 2, 3, and 4, burned 77 kcal in 12 minutes of continuous use. Max HR of *** 185 *** which is higher than I've seen from speed rope.And it still feels like it did nothing, although I'm sweating too much to believe that it confused my watch for those HR numbers.I don't want to shill but this feels like an incredible discovery for /fat/.(It's still not as good as an hour of walking)>>75468621if it's just mindset, OMAD gives you the whole rest of the day to think about not eating.After1. fasting2. lengthy caloric deficit without much exercise3. controlled caloric intake with deficit purely from exerciseI think both #1 and #2 fucked with my body slightly by atrophying 'unimportant' muscles in my back and neck. With #3 I felt great the whole time.
>>75468621>with just going 500 calories under TDEEThe thing you gnome women don't realize that for most man-sized people who got fat a "500 calories under TDEE" is a 1000~1500 cut in calories compared to what they are normally used to.If you think that doesn't "break out of the need to constantly shove food in" you're simply being delusional.A blanked suggesting to go further than 500 kcal under TDEE is completely retarded and is in fact griefing.There's an about 80% chance that the reason anon is terrified is because he's on more severe calorie deficit because he's """""dieting""""" when what he should've been doing instead was just eating as usual but at a deficit. Then the end of the """""dieting""""" wouldn't mean shit.
>>75466231sorry 35% fatty. I need carbs to fuel my workouts so I can go from 18% to 12% and retain as much muscle as possible
>>75468401>Very fat vs still fat. Wowee
>>75468691guarantee her bloodwork went from "how are you still alive?" to "you're prediabetic but fine otherwise"
>>75468130Looking good as always, love the humor you bring to thread
>>75468378Slop is such a fucking buzzword. And I have kefir sometimes but I don't LIKE it
Fatty contest Mithra108.5kg
FatToFit, Day 18Current Weight: 203.0lbsCalories Eaten: 1,475 (cottage cheese, protein shake, snickers mini, rice, grilled chicken, sausages, egg whites)Protein Eaten: 120gExercise Today: 4x25 push upsStarting Weight: 211.8lbsHeight: 5'10"Goal: <15% bodyfatI planned on doing a lot more exercise but I wasn't feeling it and so I cancelled. I am very sore after the last two and a half weeks and especially after my 3mi run yesterday where I really pushed it.Tomorrow is a rest day for recoveryPrevious: >>75464063
>>75468521I need to learn to cook saucy juicy ground beef. Its always dry and chewy. Perhaps Im best just making a bolognaise sauce and enjoying it with potatoes or something.
>>75467940Based. Im lighter that I was at the start of the year, but still feel like its been a maintence year. Not really made any significant changes. Just enjoying the gym, doing /fit/ things outdoors like walks, and cycling. Enjoying looking better in clothes but I need to accend to the next level. Starting to get my diet in order so I can hit the ground running very soon. Im just not sure how good I can look once it becomes apparent how much lose skin ill actually have, for now I have just enough fat still on me to fill it out, but thats not going to last forever.
>>75468667>There's an about 80% chance that the reason anon is terrified is because he's on more severe calorie deficit because he's """""dieting""""" when what he should've been doing instead was just eating as usual but at a deficit. Then the end of the """""dieting""""" wouldn't mean shit.Ehh. There isn't a 1 size fit all approach but people like to take shit to retarded extremes. Like ketotard, CICO is the rule for weightloss and you can get there on a low fat, low carb, low protein, or combination of diets. Different goals and approaches will exist for different people.
>>75467314>It occurs to me you're meant to eat whole unprocessed foodsyes>plan is to when I reach my goal weight to completely overhaul my eating stylewhy wait until then? you can start making changes now, you already are making changes if you're losing weight >eat only that which I think won't have me put on any fat if I limit the meat intakeI would recommend limiting carbs instead of meat, but whatever works for you>If the strategy doesn't work I'll do the same but limit my calorie intake.I think this is the way to go
>>75468130CICO bro, would love to know what a typical day of eating is for you now. What does working out look like for you now too?
>>75464972i've eaten 4 klondike bars today.
>>75467695kek you posted this same pic in the thread the other day.
Fatty ContestUndiagnosedADHD93kgThe diet break has been good. Maybe it's time to start losing again.
Starting back again5ft7, 240lbsStarting gym tomorrow. Plan on walking at least two hours. Any tips?I'll try to keep calories on 1500k
meant tips for the gym btwheavy weight few reps or heavy reps few weight (iykwim)
>>75468862It's nothing fancy. Same kind of stuff most everyone else does.In a competition with brother right now to see who can get to 190 lbs of lean mass at 10-15% bf first. I've got another 13 lbs of lean mass to add to get there, and I'm at 14% right now, so I'll do a short cut sometime in the next six months.Currently aiming for ~3,000-3,100 calories a day. Minimum 225g protein, 60-75g fat and rest carbs. That would be high 300s to low 400s for carbs with the other macros, but I often get a bit more protein and fat, so a bit less carbs.Vast majority of days I eat clean: lean meats; dairy; eggs; carbs primarily come from potatoes, rice, and beans.; plenty of vegetables—anything crunchy I can eat raw. Only drink coffee, tea, water and some milk (in coffee or with protein powder). I only drink alcohol once every couple of weeks, and only when I hang out with friends or family. I'll ease up on what I'll eat then too, but I don't binge. I like to bake something once a week or so—I'll have one piece of whatever I make and then spread the rest out among neighbors/family.For lifting, I started at a gym in March. I was doing 3x/week full body routine. Eight weeks on, one week off, one week of half volume, rinse and repeat. Added ~16 lbs of lean mass since March doing that, but I expect that to slow down a lot (noob gains). This last go around I switched to a 4x/week UL program with a few little modifications to even out session lengths.On days I don't lift I row at home for 30 minutes or so. I'd like to add more rowing to help improve cardiovascular fitness, but I haven't figured out where to fit it in yet. One full day of rest a week—no lifting no cardio.
>>75468923Oh and it's not a huge surplus. I was eating around 2,800/day, aiming for 200g protein, 40-50g fat and rest carbs. But my weight completely stalled, basically sat at 205-207 lbs for a month or two. So if 2,800 is my actual maintenance, 3,000-3,100 is only a 200-300 surplus.
>>75468445I absolutely love pastaI lived and am going back to live in Japan, where rice is a staple food, and their bread is fresh and superb.I can't do low carb for the rest of my life, I enjoy specific foods too much. What I intend to do is be low carb for the rest of my diet, and then work them back into my diet while maintaining good exercise habits to offset calorie intake. That being said, my current weight is somewhat low as it is, and I'm only aiming for my current goal for symbolic reasons, definitely not for the rest of my life.
>>75468919>>75468920help me fatgotts
>>75468839Loose ground beef is always gross.To make it good you have to make it into a beef patty and cook it sort of like you would cook a steak but less rare.
>>75469001It makes sense I think. If you're at maintenance and not having a high hba1c, there's little downside to having reasonable amounts of carbs. If you're the Shinji dude, I'll wager you're going to be just fine.I'll probably always stay away from candy bars and similar slop, but I could see myself having the occasional pasta or rice once I get my body in a happy place.
>>75468664ok the numbers are absolutely wrong. It must be the timed vibrations confusing the sensor. There's no way I spent 10 minutes in zone 5 and just be a little sweaty. I should be dead after that.it still seems like surprisingly good exercise.
>>75468923>>75468948Wow this sounds like an absolutely miserable existence.How long do you think you will keep it up for?
>>75468920I'm old, so for me it's always high reps before high weights.The worst thing you can do is hurt yourself right as you're starting again and delay everything by a week or two.
>>75469001do not come
>>75469011However much weight for any given lift to get you in the rep range of 5-10 per set. Start with ~3 working sets per muscle group for the first few sessions. You can increase sets later if you feel you can handle them. No more than 6-8 working sets per muscle group in any given session, anything more than that will almost certainly be junk volume.
>>75469020Really? What's miserable about it? Feels just fine to me, and I can do it indefinitely. I'll certainly keep it up until I finish the competition, and then I'll set a new goal and adjust what I do if necessary to meet it.All that above works out to about 4-4.5 hours in the gym per week, another 1-1.5 hours of cardio at home. Still plenty of free time after that, work and chores/errands to do whatever else I want—baking, hunting/fishing, reading, hanging out with friends/family, etc. Not like I have no social life. Spent the weekend with my brother on his lease for opening of deer season two weeks ago, went to a wedding last weekend, ren fair with friends today, got plans with some neighbors for next weekend, spending Thanksgiving with family.Get plenty to eat, and what I eat tastes good because I know how to cook decently well. Plan on staying between 10-15% body fat long-term. When I hit 15% I'll cut down, but I won't have to do it forever or be extreme about it since there won't be much to lose.I don't know, what else do you need?
24500 steps today so far. Likely to crack 30k.My feet are in pain.
>>75469112Why you walking 30k steps in one day? That's a lot.
>>75469115I want to lose a lot of weight in the next month. There's a single's convention for my church next month and I'm tired of being eligible.
>>75464968I struggle with this all the goddam time
>>75469121Did you just start walking/running? I understand the desire, but trying to do too much too fast you're a lot more likely to injure yourself or just burn out and give up.
>>75469128I've been pretty lazy lately, but it's not the first time I've done long distances in walking. 140kg makes it difficult.
>>75469140Better to vary it up a bit. Join a gym for a month to do some cycling, rowing, incline treadmill, weightlifting, and calisthenics. Combine it with a high protein diet restricted to around 1400-1500 calories and eat some multivitamins.
>>75469121adding to this, how unrealistic is to be able to lose, lets say, 25kg from now on till march? I'll be starting college again then and I wanna be a bit thinner. If I achieve it I'd be around 80-85kg. Also wanna lose the fat to not suffer from the heatwaves in my coutnry.
>>75465103>19lbs in 10 monthsJesus Christ, that's fucking awful. You should've lost that much in the first 2-3 months, maybe less depending on how fat you are.
I put 15kg weights in a backpack and I'm about to go for a walkI hope my backpack can hold upTrying to get my heart rate up a lot
>>75469329My grandpa used to do this.Now he's dead.Think twice.
I graduated from /fat/ about a year ago. I'm edging the upper limit of my goal weight so I will now do a couple of weeks of deficit to get the buffer range back. One issue is that my life changed since the last time I went on a deficit. I changed job and I have free food in the canteen now. Obviously I have no clue what exactly they put inside. How do you estimate canteen food calories?
>>75465736I cope by knowing I'm almost at my weight goal after 16 months and that by next summer I should have visible abs.
>>75469387>I'm edgingSame, brother.Same.
>Monday to Friday weight never goes down>Saturday to Sunday weight goes down>repeat for 4 months Atleast my body is consistent I guess.......
>>75468116ty anon
Fatty ContestPeakedIn201087.4kg
I'm so fucking hungryI saw a picture of a bacon cheeseburger on /ck/ and I can't stop thinking about it goddamn
>>75469016Dunno who the Shinji dude is here, but I don't think I could ever truly give up sloppa. I appreciate whole foods more now, but I'm also going to eat an entire 1100 calorie half pound Reese's in a day after I'm done my diet and readjusted (I'll work it off after). There's this pizza place I really love that I've given up eating from for over 5 months, and there are so many foods that I've abstained from. I don't intend to just gorge myself everyday or anything, every meal has its price to pay and time, because I'd at least like to maintain my weight for a while.
>>75464972I told my friend I wasn't gonna eat anything today. No calories. no coffee. Just water....But I ate two potato chips, and had a cup of coffee, and I'm about to have another. I'm a fat failure.
im so close to my goal brosthe scale isnt going down, but the fat is visibly going awayi should have started lifting earlier, my muscles arent as big enough as id like them to bebut as long as my abs are fully visible without tensing by next year, ill be happyim tensing in this pic, when i dont tense then my belly sticks out a bit more
>>75469001low carb is silly. Just remember, CICO. Eat whatever you want.
>>75469624Low carb is a good idea I think
>>75469609Shit, that looks good. I have really bad rib flare, so I have to get a lot of core exercises in to fix it or else I'll never look like that. There's so much torso work I have to do...
will watching my 600lb life help me? going in the wrong direction atm and never seen an episode of this show
>>75465736obliterating the front half of my skull with a 12 gauge or perhaps going pedal to the metal off a pier into the ocean
>>75469669temporarily, but you'll run out of episodes
>>75469669person gets instructed to lose weight and generally fails. there I just saved you two long boobless hours
NEW THREAD>>75469747>>75469747>>75469747>>75469747
>>75469609You look amazing, I'd literally kill to have that body.Even in my best case scenario I don't think I'd end up looking half this good. A good like 80% of women say they prefer exactly this body type. The 'lean-and-sorta-muscly-but-not-too-muscly-body' type and you did it without any stretchmarks or loose skin. Damn, fucking amazing. You made it bro, just got to maintain it now.
>>75469755im having trouble posting right now but im writing this anyway in case i can still postthats just lighting and angle and flexing, without any of that i dont look half as goodill post some pics that show what i really look like in the next thread
honestly, I would sign a contract with the military if it included a 'fat camp' type thing before your service
>>75467103your body just can't function properlyI managed to lose 90 lbs once, still obese, but I could run, jog, do push ups and pull ups without even training to do those thingseven your flexibility is massively reduced by being obeseat my highest I couldn't even get my arms behind my back to hold the bar when squatting, at my lowest it was no problem
I have successfully evaded the police who wants to ERP with me??(he wasn't taking his 80s police training seriously)
>>75468839I'm not sure what you could be doing besides straight up burning it. Set the stove to like 4 or 5, let it brown up, when almost all the pink is gone pour out the extra grease (you can save it) and put it back on the stove top to get a bit crispy. Are you using enough salt?
>>75467554as long as it's natural sugars it's fine like honey, or raw milk.
I have a month to lose as much weight as possible, any advice?