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>hair is mildly thinning
>jump on fin
>/fit/ swears by it
>start shedding even more hair
>libido dies. Absolutely 0 sex drive. Wife unhappy now
>poor urine retention
>feel like a sissy
>poor gym performance
>still shedding hair

What the fuck is this Jewish poison? I’m 6 weeks in also doing minoxidil and dermarolling. Does it ever get better? Biggest fucking scam ever. I can’t believe I fell for this meme
>Wife unhappy now
almost had me
low T issue
>be me
>Norwood reaper at my door
>have gf I'm happy with
>things go from 60 to 0 real fast
>she breaks up with me
>fuck it, not using this dick anyway might as well give fin a try
>read all about it
>shedding period to start but after 1 to 3 months starts coming back fuller
>by 2nd month it is coming in fuller
>no ED
>no impact to libido
>no noticeable sides
You should contact scientists, I'm sure they would love to write about your one-in-a-billion reaction to this well-tested medicine.
Actually we should invite them to this board permanently, we seem to get so many of these one-in-a-billion reactions! Crazy coincidence! :)
I have another 6 weeks left of this prescription and if there is 0 imporovement (which is looking like it at this rate) then I’m dumping this Jewish scam and just getting plugs in a few years
How the fuck someone prescribed you 5mg when it's a prostate dose. For hair loss it's max 1mg and even that's is too much.
On top of that, you can stop being retarded and just use a low dose 0.005 to 0.025% solution topical 1-2ml per day.
>Wife unhappy now
Introduce her to Tyrone.
>start shedding even more hair
Yeah, that's supposed to happen. It stops after a few months and new, healthy hairs will grow to take the place of thinner hairs that fell off.

>libido dies. Absolutely 0 sex drive. Wife unhappy now
>poor urine retention
>feel like a sissy
>poor gym performance
Then get off it. What can I say, you're one of the unlucky 1%.
You're either a decent baiter, or the dumbest retard of all. Reduce the dose you're taking to ~1mg a day and skip some days
>getting plugs
You think this works like a liver transplant? You're on Finasteride for ever after getting the transplant you fucking imbecile.
It's useless dogshit for poorfags
I started injecting blood plasma into my scalp and I can already see results after 2 months
at least bait used to be funny back then
I’m on 1.2 mg. The 5mg pic is just something I ripped off of Google images to post


I’m reading leddit reviews that prp is also a scam

You think I should keep at it for 6 months then? Hoping my body adapts to the side effects

Fuck that I may as just accept baldness.
I’m also wondering if my recent hair loss was due to kratom usage since non of my parents or grandparents parents have alopecia. But considering I quit kratom 2 months ago and am still losing hair I guess not. Fuck me
Listen, retard. The guys who are telling you fin will grow you back the full head of hair you had when you were 16 are lying.
It gives modest hair growth back in the best cases. It WILL prevent further hair loss, however.
You talk about getting hair plugs but obviously don't know your shit. Because getting a hair transplant without fin is fucking useless.

5mg pills cut into 4 are the most cost-effective way to take fin. While fin has diminishing returns above 5mg, and while it's true very low doses (0.1mg, 0.5mg) show significant decrease in DHT levels, they're still not as good as taking 1.25mg.
Either way, fin will never suppress DHT to the level of dutasteride. I don't know about you guys but here in Switzerland dutasteride costs less than fin.
I had libido issues too. Hopped off and sex drive came back. I want to try again some day, maybe. I'd rather have shit hair than live like a eunuch.
>he fell for the fin meme
>things that never happened
OP just wants to go go bald
Fine ass to ride
Run creatine, eat at surplus, cut app sugar and do a bunch of cardio (while controlling your cortisol)
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>OP fell for the 90s derm meme drug that's almost as shit-tier as Accutane when a $2.50 bottle of peppermint oil is a stronger 5-ARI
Fin killed my sex drive too and made my orgasms very weak
You're not on it forever. As you get older and stop producing as much T, and hence less DHT, you can taper off the dose and by mid 40s to early 50s you can safely stop and still keep your hair.
You don't het less testosterone with agem it's a myth. If you are a fat sick flob you will have a low test at any age. Inflamation will result in low testosterone and this will result in a high dht. Thus as you health deteriorates with age you get less t and more dht.
Just try topical at 0.05% maximum dose 1ml per day, or 0.025% twice. This will reduce your systemic dht by 20% max while nuking your scalp dht.
This is a genuine question for you, and I'm not trying to mock you in any way or make fun of you. But why would you do anything or take any drug that was promoted on this board?
>peppermint oil is a stronger 5-ARI
source? proofs?
Why are you taking 5mg you fucking retard? Even the most cursory google search on fin for hairloss telss ypu that the standard starting dose is 1mg daily, amd a doctor can then evaluate if ypu cam take less or a bit more. 5mg is prostate medication doses
>start 0.5mg tuesday, thursday, friday sunday
>sex drive goes through the roof
>extremely sensitive penis
>after a few weeks some ball pain, watery semen
>few months and erections are a little weaker than I remember
>sex drive begins to drop off, maybe 30% of before, before was 6+ times a day
>after about six months hair shed slows and stops
>some insomnia, reduced desire to drink alcohol, some brain fog / difficulty controlling stress
>hair grows back like ... minus 5 years of my slow balding, also darker, also curly
>after a year add oral minoxidal
>about month 15 increase fin dose to 0.5mg every day
>By month 18 about minus 10 years of balding

Currently at year 4. I have great results. I have no side effects or anything which even bothers me in the slightest regarding fin. The biggest improvements to sex drive, stress, insomnia etc was getting healthy. I cleaned up my diet, started daily cardio, hit the gym, dropped out of obese range, fixed my borderline high blood pressure, fixed my borderline high cholesterol. Basically if you want to use fin don't be a fat piece of estrogenic shit and you'll probably be okay.
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Whats... whats wrong with accutane? I took it when i was 18 and cured my acne
Nothing it's just essential oil salesmen come here to fleece schizos after they try to sell theirshit dpor to door and get told to fuck off through the ring doorbell
None of this really happened.

15% of patients have abnormal liver function on it, and it has a huge list of rarer side effects. Other topical acne drugs like azelaic acid, adapalene, salicylic acid, glycolic acid, zinc oxide, etc usually mog it in combination anyway, especially with phototherapy added.
the people posting about hair loss are not /fit/ natives. They're invaders here to keep you insecure and trick you into ruining your body be putting weird shit in it. Report every hair loss thread you see.
baldcel cope
>start shedding even more hair
this is supposed to happen as weak hairs get pushed out for regrowth.
two more weeks anon
I'm late to the thread but I'll tell you what I'm doing:
>hims spray because the side effects weren't as bad seemingly
>biotin gummies
>collagen powder
yes the fin/min will make you shed more hair but that is hair that would have fallen out anyways. That initial shed is the worst too. I noticed after about 8 months the thinning basically stopped. it was at this point that I added collagen powder and over the last few months I've had a bunch of regrowth. I actually think the collagen has been the biggest help but the combination listed above is bringing my hair back.
t. receding hairline and thinning back/crown that's currently filling back in
not a single word about peppermint in it
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What the fuck is a sissy and why do you feel like one
>5 fucking mg
are you insane?

Studies dont go over 1
.7 where you start getting diminishing returns
A pansy. Girly boy.
retardbro here
rub peppermint oil on head? did i get important part
>feel like a sissy
THIS. I had never even considered dudes before taking this stupid fucking shit. I feel like it's a fucking kike drug now.
It turned you gay? tf?
I'm not opening that shit lil bro. Enjoy your (you)
It didn't break my dick and didn't make me gay. I do the topical with min tho, if that matters. I did have sore balls the first 2 days as sides.
Enjoy your vaccines and seed oils faggot. Make sure if you happen to reproduce you give that poor fucker all them shots too.
it takes 3 to 4 MONTHS for hairloss treatments to start working. during that time, it's normal to experience some accelerated shedding. didn't your doctor tell you that when you got your prescription? or did you just buy some unlicensed shit off the internet without doing any research on what to expect?
how old are you, and how long have you been using the treatments?
>Basically if you want to use fin don't be a fat piece of estrogenic shit and you'll probably be okay.
this is the part nobody tells you up front. i'm going to start the spray soon but i want to get back into better shape and clean up my diet a bit more first (yes i am DYEL)
28 when I started, 29 now
Get off it now. This is a tranny drug. Hims and Keeps advertise for free on here by gaslighting anybody who speaks out against fin.
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Fin is a slow acting drug, it's not going to make your dick fall overnight like the coping baldies like to claim.
Here's one of the shills for the pharmaceutical kikes.
Why are you here? you offer no advice and bring nothing to the conversation...kys
Another one
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cope slaphead

>baldcels are literally larping as homosexuals to stop people from preventing hairloss
why are anti-fin trannies so gay?

>le shills for generic medication
If DHT is attacking your hair follicles, it will also attack your new follicles. You will lose that hair too
Keeps and Hims advertise on this board. Which one do you work for, kike?

Only retards buy branded shit, anyone can just get a doctors script and buy generic 5mg.
neither, generic fin is extremely cheap. hell you could even synthesize it yourself if you wanted to
so which snakeoil haircare company do you work for? Dove? Pantene?
How can you have taken the drug, felt the effects in a positive way for seemingly years, and now suddenly because some schizophrenic retard on 4chinz says something retarded be fearful of side effects

how fucking decayed is your brain
>generic medication that costs $5 for months of doses without insurance
>shilled by pharma
>start shedding hair
Your hair grows and sheds in cycles. Old hair needs to be shed in order for new hair to grow.
It's quite shrimple, really. Give it a year.
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I used to think Fin-shilling wasn't a real thing until I saw this f'n video. IT'S A REAL THING, PEOPLE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gGMcLqATVk&t=255s

I shill mint products for free on here because eriocitrin legitimately mogs that 90s FDA meme garbage.

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>le in vitro
yes because generic drug companies operating on razor thin margins are spending money advertising on a tibetian camel yakking forum, idiot
>spending money advertising on a tibetian camel yakking forum
Lmao, it doesn't cost a fucking dime to shill here
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that's not the point you illiterate mong, most generic companies dont have marketing departments since the margins are so thin with so many competitors also making the same drug

An actual 'big pharma shill' would be telling you to buy hims or propecia or any other branded medication.
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>>le in vitro

How about
>Toxicol Res. 2014 Dec;30(4):297–304. doi: 10.5487/TR.2014.30.4.297
>Peppermint Oil Promotes Hair Growth without Toxic Signs
>This study investigated the effect of peppermint oil on hair growth in C57BL/6 mice. The animals were randomized into 4 groups based on different topical applications: saline (SA), jojoba oil (JO), 3% minoxidil (MXD), and 3% peppermint oil (PEO).
>Of the 4 experimental groups, PEO group showed the most prominent hair growth effects; a significant increase in dermal thickness, follicle number, and follicle depth. ALP activity and IGF-1 expression also significantly increased in PEO group.

Lemme guess, now it's le mouse model?
>Have perfect hair but low T
so uhh if I start TRT, ideally my hair is unaffected. But if I do start balding from TRT, do I take Finasteride or will that fuck my shit up or what?
For the love of god just resolve the thing that's causing your low test and be thankful for what you have
mad how people think we're gonna be uploading our consciousness into robots in 50 years while we can't even reliable stop balding
Why do trannies spam this board trying to trick anons into going bald? Serious question, this fucking thing doesn't happen anywhere else. Why do you care, why do you bother trying to well poison an anonymous basket weaving forum?

I want an answer please.
I have accounted for every simple explanation I can think of:
>Body fat
>Setting/achieving goals in life
>Blood work

I have sleep apnea, which is terrible for testosterone of course, but mine is about as minor as it can get before it's just not a diagnosis. That leaves... what...? Fucked up pituitary gland? Genetic abnormality? The CIA slipping estrogen into my water while I'm not looking? Where do I go from here?
Did you test it? How do you feel? Because low t isn't always a bad thing as long as you don't the symptoms of it
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lol that doesn't say anthing about preventing hair loss caused by DHT, which is the main point of the thread. just like taking minoxidil alone isn't gonna stop DHT from raping your hair follicles

I mean, I know you queer folx are kinda starved for options because of how much fin fucks with your transition but surely you guys can do better than some useless rodent study? I mean it's no secret why trannies absolutely depise fin
It's unique to every person and your genetics so you won't know until you try.
I have always had a good hairline and healthy, thick hair and high natty test. A 500mg test only cycle sent my DHT through the roof and turns out I'm pretty sensitive to it, didn't affect my hairline too much but I could definitely feel the thinning. Worst side effect was how much oilier my skin got and the acne. My point here is, you've gotta try the TRT, see how you react to the additional DHT (most men on trt still get high DHT sides) and decide if you need dut or fin.
Fin only reduces DHT in the scalp and will save your hair, dutasteride will reduce it everywhere include sebaceous glands in your skin. On trt you won't get the low DHT sides from fin or dut.
Cut back to 1mg MWF and stay on the treatment. My hair got worse at the start but really started rebounding around 9-10 months, it’s the best it’s been in years. Also it’s common for sides to go away once you’ve been on for awhile
>be mpb repper
>reach 30s realize "mature" hair line is receding hair line
>get on duta
>loss of motivation
>brain fog
>libido increase
>urge to workout come back
>started eating healthy and lost weight
>hair is now stabilizing
>brain fog is still
Damn it, things are so good now.
all the side effect are minimal for me, and maybe even better now in some.
Maybe it was just depression I dunno.
But the brain fog is a bitch.
>taking pills to fight nature
Don't take tranny pills Anon.
You will never be a woman.
You are a man.
So when you get a headache you don't take any meds?
>be me losing hair
>gets on fin for 5 months
>realizes I need regrowth and get on spiro and estradiol
>hair is fuller and my skin is softer
>still shoots fat loads and can chain orgasms
I'm thinking of adding spiro to fin.
How much of regrowth did you get?
Assuming you're legit and not bait?
Yeah because I'm not a fucking pussy
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>lol that doesn't say anthing about preventing hair loss caused by DHT

can't even run a basic Google Scholar search, eh?

>Life (Basel) . 2023 Nov 1;13(11):2152. doi:10.3390/life13112152.
>Virtual Insights into Natural Compounds as Potential 5α-Reductase Type II Inhibitors: A Structure-Based Screening and Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study
>we report two potent flavonoid compounds, eriocitrin and silymarin, that interacted strongly with 5αR2, with binding energies of -12.1 and -11.7 kcal/mol, respectively, which were more significant than those of the control, finasteride (-11.2 kcal/mol).

Mints actually mog fin fr fr.
My scalp was still pretty visible before I added spiro.Now it's just thin but basically looking like how I did a few years ago. 100mg spiro a day.
enjoy your headache
any side effects?
I mean I'm on E too so I am basically infertile. No more random erections. I have to purposefully get hard to keep my size..but the thing about multiple orgasms is insane. I also feel attraction differently but I'm still a top/domme so I don't think it changed too much.
You willingly decided to crash the most important male hormone, DHT, then you come here and complain about the side effects?
Do your own research instead of listening to /fit/ shills.
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>posts same study twice
LMAO try again sweaty, anti-fin trannies aren't sending their brightest

>the most important male hormone
lol, lmao even
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Kill yourself
Hang on are there literal big pharma shills posting here? I mean if you think about it of course there are. Why wouldn't they? As much as we like to think about ourselves as a bunch of dumb gay retards, 4chan is the centre of internet culture and therefore /fit/ is at least somewhat influential on broader internet fitness culture.
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i used to have really thick cum that smelled like bleach and pancake batter. now its really thin.
thats the only side-effect i noticed. i wasnt really balding, but kind looked like im starting to go on one side. haven't noticed it getting worse in the 3 or so years since i started, so i guess its a win.

ill not give u an snwer, but a >you
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How much are you using?

I had the same thing happen and while it doesn't really affect anything, I wanted to have thick cum to shoot on my woman. I ended up titrating my dose down through trail and error, I take 1/3rd of my prescription now and still have zero hair loss and coom frothy buckets again. I invite you to research this, apparently in the US we over prescribe the Finasteride dosage and everywhere else it's lower, .25mg is common in Japan and that's more or less what I do now (for some reason they refuse to prescribe this low in the US, so I just take 1 pill every 3rd day). Combined with pic related my cooms are bigger than ever.
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>anti-fin trannies

what's next, anti-TRT trannies? I'm anti-fin and anti-TRT, but not a tranny. I just know about more effective therapies without all the silly 90s FDA meme side effects.

Literal fintroon.
Explain those gooning.
>most important male hormone, DHT
Citation needed.
people are really taking pills for headache???
no wonder everyone is so retarded
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>silly 90s FDA meme side effects.
PFS doesn't exist. Sides from fin are about 2% and mostly only affect literal trannies that cant handle the test increase. Try to keep up
>A study by Marberger et al, attempted to determine this relationship and determined sexual function was more apparent with testosterone levels below 224ng/dL.55 Furthermore, men with lower baseline testosterone scores experienced more adverse sexual effects than males with normal range testosterone levels suggesting that baseline testosterone levels may be useful when considering treatment with 5ARI in patients with possible low testosterone.

Anyway you're the same person who thinks pharma is shilling generic drugs on an imageboard LOL, any opinion you have is rendered invalid
Meanwhile you think HRT pills make you a woman. Crazy!
ive been on fin for 8 months, has been great. my hairloss has stopped and i am seeing some slight regrowth. the psychological torture of going bald is gone now, life is so much easier when i dont feel like shit every time i look in the mirror.
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>Anyway you're the same person who thinks pharma is shilling generic drugs on an imageboard LOL

>hasn't seen the video where a fin-fluincer literally admits to being a paid Youtube shill who gets fin for free in >>75473077
Blood plasma works in stimulating the growth of existingbhair folicles. The issue is that insuline in plasma increases dht even more, which results in even more miniaturization of hair folicles.
In other words, existing hair gives more volume, but you are losong hair at higher rates.
FDA label literally says 25-30% rate of sexual side effects so not sure where the 2% meme comes from
So keto is good for hair?
Topical fin in small doses like 1ml of 0.005% solution will reduce it only in the scalp. Oral and higher doses will reduce it everywhere.
>wife is unhappy

Send her my way, limp dick.
It's not at all because keto will deprive you from a shit ton of vitamins needed for your hair. For example a common reason while ketoschizos go bald, is lack of folic acid. But yes it will prevent androgenic alopecia. You will just go bald, without any male pattern baldness.
Topical dutasteride is better but some people are still sensitive
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>"actually pharma is indeed shilling generic medicine here!"
>proceeds to show a video of an e-celeb not only shilling topical BRAND-NAME fin, but using supposed oral sides as a fearmonger to sell more expensive products

jesus christ anon, did those oils by any chance seep into your skull and infect your brain? your literally just proved my point!

>FDA label literally says 25-30% rate of sexual side effects

from the FDA themselves:

>Questions and Answers: Finasteride Label Changes

>Q5. Do all men experience sexual adverse events when using Propecia or Proscar?
>No, Only a small percentage of men using these drugs have experienced a sexual adverse event. The frequency of sexual adverse events is best obtained from controlled clinical trials. Analysis of these controlled clinical trials showed that during treatment with Propecia, 36 (3.8%) of 945 men had reported one or more adverse sexual experiences as compared to 20 (2.1%) of 934 men who did not receive Propecia (received placebo).

TLDR = nothingburger, you didnt even read what you posted
I would disagree because it blocks both types of enzimes. While it's mostly type 2 in the hair folicles. Why would you block type 1, when fin blocks only type 2.
Brand name is not big pharma. It's just like a toilet paper company telling everyone that their toilet paper is the best. They still have razor thin margins considering the expences on ads.
And yea, it makes sense. Because one topical fin can be produced in a clean environment with all the precautions for no cross contamination from other drugs it can be sources from reliable labs.
Or it can be ordered from a randonm online pharmacy in india crushed into powder in the kitchen and mixed in a dirty bottle in the kitchen that is used by 20 other indians. Brand name matters.
Big pharma is when a patented drug that costs 1 cent per pill is shilled to boomer and sold for 100 usd per pill every day for the rest of their lives.
ray peat
You deserve all of that if you're dumb enough to get married these days lol.
>On top of that, you can stop being retarded and just use a low dose 0.005 to 0.025% solution topical 1-2ml per day.
lol enjoy your hair loss you dumb retard
I've seen you posting the same study for a few weeks now, and the only thing you are able to talk about are meme results done on mice that don't translate into the real world, instead of posting actual results done on humans (that aren't also using min and fin on the side to shill their small time social media eceleb hair growth oil like that one guy that does anime hairstyles).
If fin and min didn't work for you, that's fine, but no need to showcase your desperation fueled by alternative treatments to save your wispy, thin hair.
you fuck with dht you pay the price

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