Never done this Am I missing out?
>>75465799>dragon flagsyeah bruce lee did it and now u shill it as abs motion lol >goodmornini llike unilateral gluteham bridges, exploring with this atm, like i can hold few seconds with other leg extended (off ground) with upper back elevated and lumbar spine flexed and posterior pelvic tilt i think, i think it;s somehere in whether u pull or oush or stay neutral with legs, whether it;s quds hams or nothing but glutes flexed >u can't hold it one legged u will roll then sprea arms in eagle and don't roll lol, careful, i got sick from hams doms
>>75465799Almost the same as SLDL. If you want variety I guess it's fine, but use safeties.
>>75466071is this the schizo that calls everyone bots
>good mornings>it's 7 PM
>>75468054Based east coaster. I'm in TAMPA myself.
>>75465799Do you do rdls?They're the same, but with different leverage so you have to use more weight.Meaning, rdls are easier to progress, but you might need straps after a while.GMs are more practical to load, and will give you less general stress since you aren't moving a big weight, but every step of progression feels bigger, since the load you can use is so much more limited, and it's way easier to get hurt, and the movement will have the bar pressing on your neck, not comfortable.
>>75468456The bar should be on your traps still. GMs also allow you to get a deeper stretch than rdls. You can also switch to zercher GMs, SSB GMs, etc.I think they're more versatile and beneficial than rdls but both movements are great at what they do
>>75467496you know it. Notice how he brought up an ab exercise for no reason at all out of nowhere
>>75468068whats that abbreviation stand for?