What do the intellectual giants of /fit/ think of walnuts? What about nuts and sneeds in general? not sneed oils.
only activated almonds for me please
>>75466775theyre pision
>>75466775IQ of 121 here.
>>75466775You will get 2 opinions>plants are poison (ketoschizo)>yummy nuts in my belly (nut gobblers)
>>75466775Trash.Bad fats, bunch of Phytates and Tannins, Oxalates and Lectins. Worst 'food' you can eat.
>>75466798Ketolard alert
>>75466798>Bad fats>omega 3s
>>75466919no such thing in plants.>>75466913kys vegan
>>75466775wall deez nuts lmao
>>75466775not a bad choice but if you're trying to be optimal you'd be better off with anything else it feels like, eggs/beef are better protein/micros, fish is a better omega 3/micros, avacado/olive oil a better monosaturated fat source
>>75466798>Oxalates and Lectins.a meme
>>75466775Kinda bitter to me, though I like almonds, cashews and pine nuts are a little too expensive, peanuts are rarely sold without sneed oils, pecans, hazelnuts, and brazil nuts are alright, and pistachios are a fun snack. Sunflower and pumpkin seeds are good as well.
>>75466952Agree its a meme to eat those toxic things.
>>75466952enjoy your kudney stones
>>75466775Great for mixing with bananas and honey in some greek yogurtSome people think that these things are loaded with dangerous omega-6. Me? I just go wherever the road takes me.
>>75466775The only bad thing about nuts is shitting them out, other than that, they are a perfect food.
>>75466775Love 'em. Walnuts, flaxseed, chia seeds and pumpkin seeds are my go-to. Occasionally other nuts like almonds, hazelnuts or macadamias.I don't use seed oils because they're heavily processed and have a shit omega 6:3 ratio.
>>75466775walnuts are good for ridding parasites. 5 a day forever and you won't have a parasite.
>>75466775They can be tasty, but y tho? It's not really a seed oil, and seed oils from the food itself is not the problem. The problem is that you're extracting a shitload of oil in far greater quantities you could ever eat naturally from seeds that are more or less inedible solely because it's cheap. Nuts though, why eat them if there is other food? They're pretty bland all things considered. They're high in fats so a small handful is a large amount of calories and not very filling. Good for bulking but not much else.
>>75466775They look like brains. Therefore they are good for your brain. Add dried cranberries.Almonds and dates are God tier though. Make your balls YUGE.
>>75466952Post kidneys.>>75466955>Brazil nutsNigger toes. Don't eat more than 3 a week or risk selenium poisoning. Good for balancing tuna's mercury though.
>>75467283>Almonds and dates are God tier though. Make your balls YUGE.qrd??
>>75466928Ketotranny alert
it tasty so i eat