Bulk or cut?
>>75467261ha ha. classic /fit/
Start to workout.. In your case I would start to cut when I would be stronger. Maybe one month later.
>>75467261Six month of dedicated PPL and eating could save this man
>>75467261SS + GOMAD
>>75467261Cut throat
>>75467261I don't think it's healthy to diet when you're pregnant.
>>75467261Cut like a 14 yr old girl with daddy issues who just found his straight razor. Also consider water fasting and various body cleanses.
>>75467261Just do something. Anything really
>>75467428>>75467261Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
This is why I don't post body pics here. I don't want to become a meme
>>75467430The chicken, for God created animals in pairs>>75467261Bulk. If you're ngmi you might as well enjoy some good food long the way
>>75467261Just do full body twice a week for a whole year and stop eating shit. Don't worry about that shit until then.
Daily reminder pear and bbc bad genetics blanon both killed themselves and just get LARPed as
>wide hips>long ass torso>sickly pale>moobs at relatively low weight>forearms look like he has edema>trimester gutit's over
>>75467452Prove it
i understand this is a shitpost but how would you unironically fix this guy without trt?
How do you have nicer shaped tits than me as a tranny?
>>75467261Cut for 6 weeks, 1.5-2lbs per week, while lifting and eating 1g of protein/lb of bodyweight, then go straight into a lean bulk gaining around 3lbs a month, bulk for at least 6-8 months before cutting.
>>75467819>without trtLiterally impossible and I’m not even joking.
>>75467819go back 20 or so years ago to prevent his mom from drinking or doing drugs during pregnancy
>>75467978Could easily just be hormonal problems as a early teen which never got resolved
>>75467819>>75467963I'm not convinced even TRT would help him. His frame is so small that he's end up like some mutated chimp. The best he could hope for is to lean out and go for the thin skinnyjean look.
>>75468220agreedhis main issue is such a bloated fat body on a rather small frame for his height, he looks like an ecto who abused his metabolism one too manyif i were him i'd proabably just get to 130-140 and be the skinny guy, trt or gear wouldn't fix the bones or sickly lookobviously would be better if we knew his height, but if he's not manlet he can prob just get slim and go for health/ wellness as it would be a comeplete waste of time focusing on getting shredded or big with his building blocks
why he built like he ready to steal christmas
GRAM OF TREN>nofap>omad until the fat is gone>no porn>quit vidyaboom. fixed
>>75467261currently on my skinnyfat to shredded journey. wish me luck bros. God is with me!
>>75467261lift while cutting
>>75467261Lift and cut out excess sugar from your diet
You can’t salvage thisReroll
>>75467819Body recomposition>1. Eat at maintenance calories, balanced diet>2. Lift weights, PPL routine>3. Start running, couch to 5K program>4. Start grooming, shave daily, get a good haircut>5. Get a tanIn just 12 months, he'd have a really nice physique. His gyno would be gone, his belly would be gone, his chest, arms and abs would be developed, and he'd look great overall. But will he do this? Nope.
>>75472672all good advice but none of that will make his shoulders wider than his hipsor his frame bigger,
>>75467261That's a classic " I will die from bowel cancer at 29" physique
looks like xxy/klines
>>75467261Bro are you me?
>>75472796Yes it will. Losing weight will remove the love handles around his hips, and lifting weights will make his delts wider. You have a shit body.
>>75472531why mean anon
>>75467261Become my boiwife x failure
>>75467261i look like this, but i have chest hair
>>75467444retarda chicken like bird laid an egg that hatched the first chicken millions of years ago