Just finished at 12.5hr nightshift should I train or not?
>>75469141if you're sleeping and eating well, then go for it. your body is capable of more than you think it is.
Start working 24 hour shifts.Eventually your boss will be intimidated by your immense willpower and unbreakable human spirit that he will pass on the leadership to you.
>>75469141Yeah you should. What age are you?
Don't listen to the roid trannies anon.
>>75469225K I’m not sure about 31, but I know for sure 20s, you can handle it. Try it and report it to /fit/ in future threads. We are the first generation to truly have leisure and the information to take care of ourselves and try out new things. We are kinda pioneers. The first generation to do all this -maxing stuff.
I went it was a good workout
>>75469141what the fuck that's my fit