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For fitness or for like, inflicting brutal bodily harm on another human? Because the latter doesn't so much take training as it does determination. A sparring heavy martial art that allows some of the things that happen in real violence (like punches to the head) will work to develop muscle memory and split second decision making, but the person out to fucking murder the other person is usually the winner assuming roughly similar bodies.
Such fucking bad timing, not doing the move explosively or even fast and bad feet positioning for the kicks. Cant even blame on karate when shes doing it all wrong, its people that shouldnt be teaching it just selling it for profit and not caring if students are really learning or not, actual karate can be really cool while actually making you strong and teaching you how to fight
Dumb bitch fuck karate china dick
Anything that is a full contact sport and or used in MMA
>Most effective martial art?
weight lifting
Tell me you've never been in a fight without telling me you've never been in a fight
The fuck is up with the stupid face she's making.
Muay Thai
Or some mix of the above. I hear Sambo is pretty good also but its near impossible to find a legit teacher in the West so idk. Ultimately the angrier and more aggressive person is going to usually win; you can be the best boxer in the world but it won't matter for shit if you're scared and pussyfooting around
Bjj and Muay Thai seems good

mixed. it has been proved time and time again.
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>Most effective martial art?
Crew Served Weapons
>most effective martial art
how is any of that even supposed to help with self-defense or even self-discipline

it's just memorization, like school
It's not about which art necessarily, but about intent and mindset.
Find a school that actually cares about combat and real violence. That's all.
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Whatever this is
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My uneducated guess is that it's training certain movement patterns until they become second nature, the same way a boxer would train a specific combination over and over until he can throw it in a fight without thinking about it.

Of course you can never do the full kata in a fight, but I imagine reliably being able to throw part of it helps.
it's all a meme to get you to pay guys to show you how to be a man
bro wtf that’s somebody’s daughter
I wish I had a buddy I could get oiled up with and slap fight :-(
you know that crew served weapons are the most vulnarable to enemy assault, right? they are heavy and thats why need protection by built up defenses like barbed wire, minefields etc and ofc an infantry detachement
In a way he's right, a guy that looks physically intimidating is more likely to be left alone that some scrawny guy that practices Muay Thai and BJJ.
effective for what? the bar for 'effective' with dealing with an asshole at a baseball game or your drunk cousin on thanksgiving is really low. that's really the most likely situation anyone's going to get into in a civilized country.
>pick 1 striking: boxing, kickboxing, muay thai
>pick 1 grappling: judo, bjj (pref no gi), wrestling, sambo
just pick whatever is closest to you doesn't really matter what. train each one 2-3xweek for at least 6 months tho 12 would be ideal. do this on top of your regular training. congrats you're now a better fighter than 90% of dudes walking down the sidewalk.
MMA, retard.
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kek, anybody see Ritchie?
lmao that first slap is some anime shit
Anybody know why Richie did Bobby Lupo?
Why does this look like a physical slam poetry reading?
Not just somebody. That's Mila Jovovich's daughter Ever. OP is a cunnyfag pedo from /tv/
>it's just memorization
Committing movements to your muscle memory makes them faster when you want to execute them on the fly. It's like labbing inputs and combos in a fighting game except in real life.
Superpower by 2020 is getting out of hand and is not even 2025 yet
>but the person out to fucking murder the other person is usually the winner assuming roughly similar bodies.
>> u dont get it its about LE MENTALITY OF KILLER DOOD
Embarrassing level of retardacy.
>actual karate can be really cool while actually making you strong and teaching you how to fight
These days the only plays to learn ACTUAL karate and not mcdojo bs is Okinawa.
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Being the strongest living being.
I got a "black belt" in a mc dojo like this when I was in middle school/high school. There was a lot of goofy, cute homeschooled girls there and I had crushes on all of em. They were wholesome and sweet not like the filthy cock suckers at my shit hole school.

Kyokushin is probably the only real karate you can get anymore. I did that for a while, it was insanely expensive and rough.
for what? Fighting? MMA and it's not even close, ik technically it's not a martial art but it might as well be.
> the person out to fucking murder the other person is usually the winner assuming roughly similar bodies.

You can see all the red you want but even an amateur level fighter in any respected non bushido martial art (muay thai, boxing, wrestling, bjj, judo, kickboxing etc...) will kill you without even trying
>Karate in 2024
If you're looking for striking muay thai or kickboxing are 10x better.
You get cardio, striking, and defense.
Ive never seen a regular normal webm of Indian culture where they arent doing some extremely unusual ballsout retarded stuff
Once i saw that zookeeper slap a full adult hippo in the face i knew they were just a different species altogether
Here’s the redpill answer: Boxing plus jiu jitsu is the only true combo. Boxing because every fight starts standing and it teaches you to both throw and take a punch. Jiu jitsu doesn’t focus on wrestling style takedowns but more so clinch grappling/collar tie takedowns, which all happen from a standing position. Jiu Jitsu teaches you to control someone on the ground and slip in a choke or armbar. Combine the two and you’ll know how to quickly deck someone with a quick one two and then throw him to the ground and choke them or hold them down. Kickboxing is a superior striking SPORT but go watch videos of street fights with actual trained fighters and you’ll see very rarely they’re throwing fucking leg kicks in a split second fight situation
>t. one year jiu jitsu training and six months boxing overall over the last four years
Jungle rules, retard
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Serious answer? 2-gun.
Jungles rules? tf does that mean?

Why not MMA? it includes every aspect of fighitng from clinches to kicks to boxing to wrestling, ground game including ground and pound etc...
>Jungles rules? tf does that mean?
It's a cope for people that don't know how to fight
>yeah bro there's no rules in the jungle bro! i'll just go ape mode and fuck em up dude! i'll totes bite the guy's fingers off and squeeze his nuts bro! combat sports just train you to follow rules that you shouldn't do IN DA STREETZZZZZ!!!!!
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Frauds? No one uses frauds here.
I saw a video of a dude doing that same slapping sport, except for the fact that he has out of this world athleticism, mf was jumping like Michael Jordan, and instead of playing an actual sport and creating generational wealth that motherfucker was slapping half naked old men

I found the video:https://www.tiktok.com/@blackandketo/video/7289220543302159658?q=Indian%20slapping&t=1731992479094
>nobody responses to a based thread
well, to be fair, you’re posted her post wall

Btw, the real answer is Muay Thai and bjj
I've honestly found the opposite. I went from fat to /fit/ around 18-19 and I feel like more guys want to fight me for the challenge. I'm about 5'9.

I feel like if I was tall but muscular I would not get challenged as often. Even though I am pretty big.

Also every time it has come down to my cardio since I don't really have technique. I feel like I'm trying to speak a foreign language the few times I've gone into a wrestling/bjj gym. I just don't know what to do really and get pwned instantly. To be fair I was going to an insanely high level gym (D1 state wrestlers) I would tap even before they started the submission just because of the shit they were doing to my posture.
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gun kata
Embarrassing level of delusion.
Every thread somebody says this shit, come up with something new.
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Never instigate, just shoot when they attack.
weak bait
>no wrestling/judo
I did a form of karate as an adult, went to a really good place (not a McDojo), got a black belt, and ended up quitting.

The problem I had is that most karate in the U.S., even the "good" stuff, is obnoxiously bipolar. It rapidly oscillates between:
>Memorize this form and do it exactly as we tell you because it might teach you how to kick, this is all for confidence!
>Let's spar but only touch sparring and also do sweeps and stuff sometimes but let's mostly fantasize about people jumping you in the street!

I kinda discovered I didn't care about either. The former is more in the domain of wushu/dance/whatever (fun, but a different thing altogether), and the latter is more in the domain of something else (boxing/muay thai/etc.). Worse yet, the sparring doesn't work well if you're a heavyweight: all of my advantages (strong punches, overall size, ability to throw people) go out the window if we're basically playing tag with gloves. It ends up being a silly little hopping game for pocket rockets - good exercise, but silly.

Role playing the 0.0001% chance that someone is gonna fight you in a bar is retarded. Either do the real deal (e.g., UFC) or just concede that you're doing stuff for giggles and go do fun stuff like kung fu (which is equally dumb but at least historically interesting).
Not true at all. You should just review how and where and what school your instructor studied. Kyokushin and Shotokan are good. Just do the basic research over what karate is and you can find a good place to learn and practice. If you can't do that much then just sign up for kickboxing as it is just combat karate that was founded after karate got its as kicked by muay thai.
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karate is obsolete nowadays, everything that works was integrated into japanese kickboxing the rest ist just larping
It won't teach you everything you need to know, but it is a good launching off point for beginners and will give you useful and tricky skills and techniques that can be used at higher levels. Perfect for someone who hasn't done any martial arts before.
Most people have never been in a fight. Violence is very rare in modern society unless you live in Haiti.

We outsource our violence' to the government and movies.
Anything that is full contact.
>Why not MMA?
You wont have the time to train MMA. Better to pick one sport and stick to that. Leaning to box, wrestle, kick, grapple is hard on the body. Its why only a select few are good at it. Kickboxing is probably the best option.
Such a pointless sport.
What happened here?
Is 4chan for anybody so slow in the last weeks? I use Brave + 4chan x
yeah but why waste years doing silly katas or breaking boards when you could join a kickboxing/muay thai gym and just go to the beginner classes instead?
>if you ko your opponents, they win
jusuke turodu, ancient karate master
Board breaking is a good exercise for building punching and kicking technique. Katas are just an easy way to memorize and practice techniques. Useful if you are teaching someone else or are just practicing on your own. So they have their place. Are they as productive as sparring, hitting a heavy bag, or being one on one drilled with coach. No, but you can practice katas anywhere and anytime. If you can't make it to a gym on certain days then you can still refine your technique. Breaking boards is just a way to measure your striking ability.
Why should you try out karate first instead of doing kickboxing/muay thai? Well if it is a pure beginner then the slower pace is easier. Even a beginner kickboxing/muay thai class will run you ragged. There is also the philosophical side of karate which is important when you are training someone how to hurt/kill someone. The sparring practices are a lot lighter and structured so someone can get used to getting hit. A lot of beginners get angry and get themselves hurt while sparring. Also karate is very form and technique focused. Getting those down can prevent a lot injuries down the line. The flexibility and strength training in karate will also serve you well in any martial art you might want to get into. It is worth a year or two of training to just get some basics down so you don't throw out your shoulder or try to take a guys head off in your first sparring match.
Yet a shrewd person will just sucker punch your temple whilst your back is turned
such an effeminate nation
if a girl wins against me in wrestling I would just propose on the spot
nah it was some b12 deficiency shit lol
>not licking
In a street fight, Judo is better because BJJ puts too much emphasis on wrestling on the ground, which is great for a fair and honorable 1v1 but most street fights are not 1v1, or they won't be if the thug you are bodying on the ground's friends see that their home boy is loosing to you. Judo puts more emphasis on staying standing and being able to react while throwing your opponent down to the ground, which is more practical in a no rules street fight.
As for muay thai, it doesn't get much better than that for a street fight. I'd even go as far to say that it's better than western boxing because it incorporates elbows and kicks.
yeah, we're missing something here. it doesn't matter how mucha blackbelt u are in anything, if the guy ur fighting is 20kg heavier than you, u aint winning in a brawl. the movies give false hope
Why is the other guy rolling around? Nobody does that in real life
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>Most effective martial art?
ninjitsu , absolutely
even gun fu is no match for a proper ninja. by the time you pull out your gun , he has already leaped from the shadows and thrown a shuriken at you
It will teach you irresponsible defense and improper distance management because you need minimal contact and the ref stops combat on contact
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Just learn to throw a punch.
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>come up with something new
this thread is the same shit made day in and day out, how about OP come up with something new?
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Yep, it's why weight classes exist. A tall heavyweight guy with some rudimentary training will usually beat a world class featherweight in most martial arts. When I was in the army, our manlet hand to hand combat instructor was choked out by a recruit who didn't even have a week of training under his belt, simply because he was a lot heavier and taller, lmao. Weight, height and strength is like 80 % of what matters when it comes to fighting in hand to hand combat.
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imagine getting your asses beat by the chrome incognito man
Judo is goated as a self defense martial art. Put more focus on your Ne-waza (more than most clubs focus on I guess) if youre worried about it moving to the ground. A well placed throw ends a fight pretty quick, especially off mats. You also usually have the option of taking off right after.
>cntr + f
>no mentions of rape
you disappoint me fit...
I did Aikido once - there's a lot of bullshit around it, with people going on about "using your ki to move people". the instructor I had was also a judo background so what we did was "aikido" but probably really mostly judo where it's mostly throws based on joint locks. People can bleed into the bullshit because we'd practice rolling to safely get out of a lock, but people then get too accustomed to rolling for anything even if it wasn't needed yet. It gets a bad rep, wish more of the "real" stuff was around
Disqualified for a head kick lol
I've been in fights and anon is right. You can learn all the wrestling techniques and proper boxing/kicking form you like but you're still gonna get annihilated by a dude that can bench twice your weight that is seriously trying to hurt you. There's a point where differences in size and strength levels simply cannot be compensated for which is why most women that take up martial arts get fucking destroyed in sparring by men who are barely putting in 50% effort.
If they don't do that it will break their bones.
Imagine just clocking this dipshit right in the face

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