is this an ok leg day?squats 25kg 4x12leg curl machine 36kg 4x12prone leg curl machine 38kg iirc 4x12calf raises with 82kg 4x20-15-12-12
>>75469586It's minimalist but you can go far with it. I'd consider it the basic leg day, perfect for a beginner.However a 25kg squat is literal pussy weight.
>>75469586For optimal gains use weight you fail between 10 and 20 reps, and go to failure. If you don't get to 10 on set 2-4 that's fine. For squats stop a rep or two before failure.4 sets per is good to start but if it gets too draining you can lower it. Cut back when your legs are as big as you want, it's the thing that can get too big natty.