It's diet time... I WILL NOT stuff my Thanksgiving plate with uncessary calories. Sorry gram gram, your apple custard pie looks delicious but I will not have a slice. Remember to OMAD on Thanksgiving>2 servings of turkey>1 serving of potatoes>1 serving of stuffing>1 serving of vegetables>go light on the gravy>(1 thin slice of gram grams pie)
>>75470820>pathetic cico tards not taking full advantage of thanksgiving to boost strength gains for a day or two after from the caloric surplus because they're afraid that their slave master myfitnesspal will beat them for going over their daily allowance of food
Terrible image kys
>>75470850Post body. You look nothing like those guys
>>75470838>local schizo retard has zero reading comprehension>proceeds to sperg outkysim not even on keto btw
>>75470820>cuck fantasies in the bottom rightLmao>>75470856>those guysLMAOOOOOOO get a life