Is it low intensity cardio on rest days good for you?like riding bike for an hour
I'm a DYEL so take this with a grain of salt, but I do exercise stuff every other day. I start with 30-45 minutes of calisthenics/weight-training then I finish by walking 6 miles. On my off days I treat them as off days so don't do any exercise. Though I still do light house/yard work, if I need to.
>>75471279Yes. Bike, take a walk/jog, go for a swim, all great for recovery. Swimming especially.
>>75471279Yes, blood pumping means more recovery to muscl. Plus its usually the most convenient time to fit in cardio which = more stamina = better lift performance = more gains
Has anyone used a stationary bike for low intensity cardio consistently for at least a year? Commitments not an issue, I can do a lot of running but not sure if the bike is sustainable for long term from the seat making your ass sore.
>>75472881I've had a bike for four years, I love it. I ride for 30 minutes everyday, never taking a day off. The key is to adjust your positioning every so often so your ass doesn't get fatigued. Alternatively, you can ride and do light standing exercises every 10 minutes.
>>75471279Obviously yes
>>75471279Yeah don't start a day with more than 10mins cardio or it'll lower your strength.
Useless desu, you just put more stress on your heart. Just take the rest day and lift heavier tommorow. If you want to focus on ‘cardio’ just do more steps during the day
>>75471279LISS cardio on off days is the classic method for fat loss, yes.
What is zone 2 cardio anyway? Light biking? Uphill walking?