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Are BBLs basically getting the results of decades of glute training immediately?
Damn I wanna smell that ass hole
>someone gets to inhale that brap every day, nestling his face between them cheeks every night
what is my life in comparison. everything is so fucking pointless
Gay, not man enough to fuck n chuck
there's no way you are having a cheeky sniff if she was bent over right in front of you
Backshots probably feel like pots and pans clanking LMAO
imaging the smells coming out from there tho
Muscle butts are gross. They look nice but they’re hard.
>>jail doodles
slut confirmed
Because you can afford to be picky
Im sure it will look great in 24 months and she will age gracefully
Not from someone with a BBL. That's kinda gross. Tattoos as well, I'd avoid any woman with tattoos. Just disgusting
It really is so sad how ruined all the hot women of this generation are
don't imagine it can be unpleasant from an ass like that
>didn't get a sweat going in the sauna
death to vapid whores
i'd snap my finger to be shrunken to an inch tall and dropped in her water bottle and she sips and swallows me without realizing
imagine being forced to lick her ass clean of sweat after being in the sauna
Women like this didnt always exist right? like we're all fucked nowadays cus were exposed to seeing women like this and dont know how to appreciate a girl with a much more modest body, and same goes for women obviously with seeing tall gigachad in movies and social media. but that also makes me realize women like this couldnt have always existed, like theres no way there were 10/10 venuses walking around in medieval towns either in nobility or in the peasant class. so this kind of is uncharted territory for our species and societies. having women like this (and the equivalent roided/whatever men) walking around. but whats gonna happen to women like this when they get older? cus they didnt really exist as much in the past so we dont have a good idea of how this type of person turns out. likes it pretty much impossible for a women like that to ever be a good wife and mother right? thats really the only cope i have for being okay with never having a girl like that, is that they simply cannot be normal and are a forbidden fruit that will eventually fade out of existence.
>thats really the only cope i have for being okay with never having a girl like that
incels are so pathetic lmao, but at least you are honest.
Just learn to appreciate beauty and your desire even if you don't get to possess it, otherwise you'll be a seething 4chan frogposter all your life
this. True happiness comes in simply imagining the smell, knowing full well that if you had that ass up close, it would turn into a smell of shit. It is in the lack that desire thrives.
bro idk what you thought i was trying to say but my point is lust is at an all time high for both women and men and even myself i imagine how good a body like that might feel, even if otherwise normal attainable girls are just as good but nobody realizes it because of the hyper sexualized social media and culture
Back shots sounding like an aluminum baseball bat
Her bare ass on the sauna? That's disgusting.
I don't get this
her bare ass on my face
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That sauna is an abomination.
saunas should be a mandatory inclusion in all properties like bathrooms and kitchens are. saunas are fuckign amazing and i shouldnt be forced to go some disgusting public spa and share a sauna with abunch of greasy old men
Her ass is harder than a rock. It’s not gonna jiggle or is she made of slime?
Call me a fucking gay homosexual or a low test beta or whatever you want, but what I see there is a pretty much perfect top half of a woman, with a flabby exaggerated looking bottom half which ruins her shape.

I would much rather fuck a girl with a slightly above average face, and a slim fit slightly rounded ass.
Fucking gay homosexual low test beta
Fit hates tattoos but I keep saying, you guys should be happy so many women have tattoos nowadays. So you can just look at them and know to stay away from them because they are a degenerate whore. It’s like animals who are brightly colored and it is meant to tell other animals that they’re poisonous and to stay away.
thats just your preference man. as long as what you like a woman to look like isn't something untenable or unhealthy then no issue. i prefer a bigger butt but thats me.
There is literally footage of this chick having sex with a black guy. I wish I was joking, but I'm not. When I say every single time, I mean EVERY SINGLE TIME
whores dont have boundaries. makes sense why a woman with so little self respect would fuck a primate
This indicates this >>75472562

I’ve found most white women who have sexually engaged with black guys have also unironically sexually engaged with dogs and other animals. They literally have a zoophiliac fetish is all. Probably about as common for men to be pedos
Wow, gee, you mean the fucking slut with a BBL and tattoos has an onlyfans account? No fucking way. And the fact that you had to single out that she fucks black guys and not recognizing what’s mentally wrong with you that you see a girl and you immediately start seeking out her sex tapes is pathetic you incel coomer
suck her ass
I may be autistic but when I see this, I can just imagine her running back and forth for her tripod to turn on/off the video, move it about, reset it, do the shot again. etc.
Like she wasn't even enjoying herself, she was just jumping from place to place moving the tripod around. He set up her tripod, sat down, drank some water, stood back up, move the tripod to the other side, sat down, sat up again to pretend she was just getting up, went to the tripod, checked the video, did it over again because it wasn't good enough.
Then went outside and set the tripod up again, walked into the pool, immediately got out the pool, dried her hands, checked the video, if it's all good then pick the tripod up again, set it next to the bench, aim it property, start the video, sat on the bench with her towel, etc.
you have a scat fetish. gm sars!
yeah i know filming of your daily activities is insanely cringe woman tier bullshit when you realize how stupid and gay you must be to actually do it.
>incel realizes that shooting video clips requires shooting video clips
Yeah and that’s just for her Instagram. You didn’t even mention the filming she does for her onlyfans account because she’s a disgusting slut
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>There is literally footage of this chick having sex with a black guy
wtf, why isn't she having sex with us instead!?!??
>Unironically calling people incels on 4chan of all places
4chan is Chad central, speak for yourself lil nigga.
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>4chan is Chad central, speak for yourself lil nigga.
Nice selfie cuck lel
kek, incel BTFO
shit you got me cuh ima go hot box the whip pce
Muscle is denser than fat, it's not ideal
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Are you stupid? She has a fucking BBL. I drew picrel to show you why you would most likely wanna go for black guys if you have a BBL. The pink line is her pussy, the circles are obviously her butt cheeks. You can't spread apart BBLs to make a clear shot fuck like regular asses, so you gotta be able to get through all that BBL meat to get to the pussy
Germany has the largest measured erect cock size on the planet. The average African nation measured about 20-30% smaller in most studies.
Spoken like a virgin. Muscle isn't hard until you flex it
Hey can you guys stop posting this trash on here? This is a gay man's board and I'm tired of pretending like it's not. Pic related
>he never gripped a rock hard girls ass
You are a lucky man
That actually kinda makes sense, in Ancient Rome they would collect giant dicks they severed from Germanic warriors and make casts out of them as trophies
I suck my girlfriend's ass, it's slim and fit and slightly rounded. She could do with a bit more desu but we are working on that. She wants to look good for me* at the beach in her bikini this summer
>*not actually me, but who cares as long as she looks good
You’re a cuck?
No just realistic. If you're years into a relationship the woman you have seen naked 1000 times is not going out of her way to improve for you, she just wants to look good generally and feel like she is attractive. I want to look good for her, but I also want to look good for other sluts, even if I don't fuck them it's nice to get the mires.
nah you're right.
Brother you are on an online imageboard where closeted homosexual go to look at hot men's bodies, drawing fictional diagrams of oversized brown dicks fucking white women. You need to reevaluate your life choices.
it looks nothing like a natural trained butt
just like implants look nothing like big saggy milky booba
plastic surgery is talmudic
that's not how sex works
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that's because it looks unnatural
your brain gets triggered by whatever governs the uncanny valley
"that thing is fake, stay away"
You can tell when it's a BBL, they have a very unnatural look. Quite literally like they got all the fat sucked out of their gut and stuffed into their ass and hips. A lot of beañeritas do this and look goddamn ridiculous. Most don't have the genes for those fat insertions, the just look misshapen.
post body, moshe silverstein
you're just nervous that your cousin will lose clients on his plastic surgery/ abortion clinic
You know why guys are disgusted by tattoos on a deeply psychological level? Ots an immediate indicator that she's not of ideal breeding age (underage/teen). The only attractive women are teens or still teen passing in their early 20s, or the very rare case of a girl passing as a young fertile teen in mid life (24+).
How can you tell? There's so many gym girls that pretty much focus on building a nice ass 24/7 they don't care about anything else. So eventually they'll have this massive ass
yeah but only with pumps and specific poses in mirrors. in leggings without a pump suddenly their butt is a lot more normal looking. still very nice and round, but theres no ridiculous perfect circular curve to their buttcheeks.
how about the ones that don't sleep with niggers ever and only let the dog in on the goods?
This is really the root of it.
Girls with tattoos indicate age. Which means she has a lot of lived experiences that you'll never be a part of, and will be looked down upon in scorn by her for not being there for her in her past times of need. A lot of shit needs to happen to make her want to get a tattoo.
It also explains why non virgin women have an inability to pair bond. They hate every man that isn't their first, and they will resent you for not being their first. She never will truly respect you, you're just captain save-a-hoe in her eyes. A man with no self respect to demand the best of his woman.
We call those women mentally ill.
The sheer volume those brap resonators can emit. It would be like Brapatoa
And they always say it’s natural
The vast majority of girls have done something with the family dog. It may just be letting him lick her pussy and feeling his balls, they've done something. Search online. Women get something from it, it's not like males fucking animals.
I hate women of this personality type.
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>Imagine forcing her to lick my sweaty ass crack after 45 minute sauna
>brown hands typed this post
Ngl would much much rather marry a girl who let rover schlop her meat flaps over a non virgin girl.
Then again, what girl is saving herself and getting freaky with the family dog? Thankfully not many I'd venture to guess.
>Women get something from it, it's not like males fucking animals.
a hole is a hole, and men are far more depraved
getting your cunt licked =/= using the family dog as your personal fleshlight
This but unironically. The women that somewhat resembles the instathot phenotype are teenager/early twenties girls, and that assuming they have godly genetics. That mixed with unreal lifestyles (traveling with no money, eating at expensive places, driving luxury cars and shit) has completely fried the brains of people. Everyone overrates themselves, everyone thinks they are looksmatch to a model, every woman thinks she deserves a millonaire who doesnt shit on their chest and then kicks them out. Hell, i dont even find porn attractive anymore because the women in it dont even look real, nor the thots on social media. Then you step outside to go to work and the most model-like women you see are solid 6's with god complex. It even happens to me, i find everyone ugly/respulsive and i think i deserve better than that because i put effort and money into my appearance, but i still look low-mid and women will always think im a loser/cuck me even if i win the lottery. Look at single moms, they dont seem to understand why chads wont settle for them, they think their mixex kid is an upgrade or something
In fact they used to be far more common because they had to work the fields instead of being chained to a desk all day.
Besides, most beautiful women have great fat distribution, which used to be more common due to people being healthier due to healthier diets and active lifestyle.
So this is actually a regression.
yes but less excess food meant their bodies couldnt create such smooth curvy figures with body fat and instead had more stringy muscular frames and lower bodyfat. sure that might mean nice glutes and thighs but not in the same way we see today. only recently did we have healthy diets and excess food to produce good fat distribution and health, which is still noticeable today just not as much and girls that do have it usually lose it due to poor lifestyle choices that lead to hormonal disruptions, inactivity, obesity, and poor circulation(very common).
Do they compensate for small breasts?
I pray every day she does not get a boobjob
I like small boobs, but yes probably a lot of women say that
More fakery from women
Glute pump isn't a thing, it's too large a muscle with too much fat around it to be affected visibly by a pump. Maybe if you're shredded to the gills about to step on stage it might but in every other case, no
Where is sauce
No ur lying, BBC poster liar
This will never cease to confuse me
>attention whoring
>posts her ass online for everyone to see
All good
>A single tattoo
Why don't you just build your own instead of begging for daddy government to mandate one?
who is she anon
BBL is not only cheating your way through years of training, it also looks terrible in a bikini because the legs aren't proportionate. If women just do squats for one single year she'll look infinitely better, plus she will be much healthier.

Don't even get me started on the health risks of BBLs:
Based and true, who is the quad girl?
The ass is great, the tattoos aren't. Attraction is usually about the whole picture: Ass, tits, face, tattoos, skin color and personality they all count towards her total hotness
Real women don't fuck black men, even pornstars demand thousands more in hazard pay
Black men in porn are an extremely Jewish invention. Real white women don't respond to black men
IR porn was my first redpill into the rabbit whole, here is the whole article
This nigga has a pHD in virginilogy, he's outstanding in his field.
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tattoos are just plain old ugly, sorry anon, that's all there is to it
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BBC is a myth, only perpetuated by Jewish pornographers
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You implied his comment was emotional and deranged, which is far from the truth
damn, i want to smell her asshole
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Hirsh is savage.
not today satan
>It’s like animals who are brightly colored and it is meant to tell other animals that they’re poisonous and to stay away.

You mean like leftists?
He's right though, tattoos are an affront to G-d. Isn't that right, fellow gentiles
smells of female brap
tfw completely immune to this shit and I fap almost exclusively to homemade porn with overweight women far from being perfect, all this modern insta aesthetics with 1000 enhancements doesn't do much for me sexually, looks pretty, but doesn't turn me on
anon is imagining bags of sand
How about you pray to God to take control of your demonic simp behaviors
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We should also pray on her behalf to cure her of her thottery, if only we had sauce to do so.
How is that simp behavior? I simply prefer the way God created her
>praying to God for a woman to sexually please you
>not a simp
can you really blame her? Look how big it is
>no tits
clearly not a woman
i'd fuck her bloody, but never marry the slut. yes tattoos are gay but so are you
Tattoos have, and always will be major red flags. Especially so on women.
>buh buh muh tribal women tattoos
were some of the most depraved women in history; adultery, infanticide, bestiality, none of it was off the table for those tatted tribal women.
If that's what you want, go hog wild my man. But don't act surprised when you find out she's an awful woman.
No one gives a shit retard.
I'd bang any girl provider they were hot, as would any man with functioning genitalia would.
Guys all want to bang hot girls, it isn't that deep.
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>that BBL smell
imagine the smell
The dude's dick wasn't even big. I unironically dickmog the guy
link bro
I found it on a site called simpcity, but it seems like the site is down rn so I can't find it. There was a thread on there with her nudes and also a leaked sextape
name please
Good morning saar
Please do the needful and redeem dog inside bitch lasagna
alright, her name is Skye Sutton. But if you give her money in any way, shape, or form, I will find you and I will kick your ass.
She looks lost. Like she stationed the camera and now doesn’t know what to do.
Yes, same with nose piercings and colourful hair
No I like the way women are created differently, some small boobs and some big. I'm not having sex with her.
But getting a boob job is the deathly sin of vanity.
was it with a black guy?
thats probably true, im low bodyfat and rarely get an ass pump from working glutes and legs
your retarded. i can have my own yes, the point is it should be culturally popular like hot tubs or swimming pools are.
as is your apparent lust and her sensuality, both of which you seem to conveniently ignore for the sake of what, hoping she doesn't disfigure her boobs?
do better is what i'm trying to tell you kid, this behavior is not becoming of a man of God.
Well, try living in a first world country like Finland.
Her leg tattoo looks like scar
>But getting a boob job is the deathly sin of vanity.
And thankfully, BBLs are morally sound.
>And thus saith the Lord: "For those that augment her breasts, let her be to you as a gentile and cut her off from the tribe as she has committed an abomination. But for those that augment her rump, let her be to you as the prized treasure. Pray for her to never augment her breasts."
>Book of Coom 69:420
>>And thus saith the Lord: "For those that augment her breasts, let her be to you as a gentile and cut her off from the tribe as she has committed an abomination. But for those that augment her rump, let her be to you as the prized treasure. Pray for her to never augment her breasts."
>>Book of Coom 69:420
Kek'd and check'd
OP has a BBL and looks ten times better than right
Steroids work, ozempic works, most BBLs look good. Stop viewing the world like an autist and accept reality
It's incredible how much a small phrase or image on the skin can make people seeth
Like you are literally having a cortisol spike from just looking at somebody's own choices
Lmao nice
>I'm making myself ugly on purpose!!! Trolololololol!
Truly mental illness
Being a contrarian is cringe on the internet and even more cringe irl
you made a bad decision you can't take back easily and you're mad about it :)
>To you, it's meant to be a read as a 'Fuck You.'
Similar to how women get obese on purpose, shave their heads, get outrageous piercings, lob their tits off, etc etc.
Because discouraging women from disfiguring yourself makes you the idiot for some reason. Because normalizing this stuff will have no actual negative repercussions at all. Because hating what's ugly and/or scandalous means you fell for the "bait".
I got a BBD and have no regrets. The compliments on my new penis size is well worth it
You are the homosexual
Checked, HH brother.
This anon makes a good point.
We hate ugly/fat people and have a whole dang general dedicated to it as well /fph/.
Tattoo apologists are quite literally no different than the plapjack/architects. They let their dick do all the talking and mental gymnastics to shame guys for daring to say their deformity fetish is gross.
But then again, all cumbrains/coomers are the same. Their fetish is their entire being, just like homosexuals. Coincidentally, they argue exactly like homosexuals too.
>OP has a BBL and looks ten times better than right
No she does not look better than that chick
Do you see what I mean? You get so upset about people having different opinions rather than accepting it
If they look at their tattoos and feel happy or believe it's a work of art then it is, to them
>Challenge time, try not to respond in a angry manner
they’re having a mid off
No in fact I do not see what you mean.
Why did you include me in your reply?
Just to imply I'm angry and not respond to the content of my reply? For some fake 4chan thread "victory"?
Seems very petty to me.
Why do so many black people say : "You know what I'm saying" at the end of their sentences?
Who knows, niggers are an enigma to the white civilized mind.
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When the fuck did you spergs stop posting BBLs
Built for _ _ _
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Not a bbl faggot. Please keep conversation on topic
Fill in the blanks!
The only reason I come to fourchan is my priest recommended to donate 30 minutes a day trying to help people find some level of peace
>Desist my brother, for this shall not help
>unironically believing this shit
some very wishful thinking going on there zoophilic jeet
you aren't going to win becky over by letting her cuck you with rover, sorry to break it to you pal
A woman, also men, with a lot of trauma get a lot of tattoos to mark themselves as mentally unstable to scare off people and to attract like minded traumatized people. Usually from childhood trauma.
You don't get it, it's like salting the earth. If a woman has been raped or molested ofc she wants to turn herself ugly, so it's less likely to happen again. Also why some women become trans now.
Tits too big.
You are right and thank you for calling me out on it, I am not without sin and I have work to do.
I heard saunas are bad for you balls because the heat ruins your sperm.
fuck that's hot
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>Posted by chud md
>The compliments on my new penis size
Yeah women on the street approach you to compliment your penis?
Log and speck, faggot
No, OP has fake hair, fake ass and probably a fake nose. Fit girl in my pic has amazing proportional legs and great tits with those. Plus her personality will automatically be 10x better because she knows about hard work and reward
Her name?
Demonmika did BBL too.
so close
Unless these "new guidelines" include doing away with diversity requirements then I don't see how they will improve anything. Except selling even more dangerous surgeries and selling even more hospital visits after that
should've been called the British Republic of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BRAPS)
>noo don't point out my sins! judge not! judge not! lemme sin!
grow up kid
Even with years of going to the gym, you can't achieve the same BBL look. Trained glute muscles just aren't the same shape as an implant, they have completely different proportions. It's like training your biceps and hoping they'll magically become star shaped or some shit.
I want to caress her hips while I eat her ass.
with your face between her ass cheeks you would likely be experiencing an unpleasant smell from her anus
I see you have descended from aristocracy and would only take the highest quality meat as worthy, just like me.
It's okay, i'll put a bottle of perfume in before I dive
You're right
Every ass stinks, no matter the beauty who has it. Truly poetic but unironically. Like mainly fantasies and fetishes they would shit irl.
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What the fuck are you talking about?
Paranoid schizo ramble.

I agree with this fucking gay homosexual or low test beta.
in case you were wondering, this is what being terminally online looks like
I had no idea what knotting was a few weeks ago and it disgusts me. Women get porn brain rot too.
Only r-selected go for ass before face.
What is a bbl, like an llm?

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