I do. It was like a month ago.Now 4chan retards will pretend it never happened.
>>75472310literally who
His entire career is faking things.Vine didn't die.
>>75472323and women and 4channers fall for it hook line and sinker.Trannys too
>>75472310>Make funny picture exaggerating that Jake Paul looks doughy >Anons pretend to go along with it>Some time later some autistic anon with a boner for this faggot youtuber misses the joke completely and simps for him on a Saudi iron smelting forum
>>75472310when's (s)he due?
>>75472310I never argued it was real, but I thought for a little bit it might be because Jake Paul is retarded enough to get that fat (especially while bloated) and it's a good fat suit. While it was fake, the correct opinion at the time was at first glance to be unsure and to think it was real. Imagine being so desperate for an ego boost this is the sort of thing you cling to to try to prove yourself smarter than other people.
Remember when we didn't care about this faggot?
>>75472453>>75472534lmao niggers fell for an obvious troll job and now you're here making excuses>w-w-we just went along with it for th-th-the lulz
>>75472409>4channersIsn't summer like 7-8 months away?
>>75473079Arent you like 35 years old lmao
>>75473396You need to be atleast 30 to post on 4chan now.Go back zoom zoom.
>>75473442Wait bro you deadass 35 posting on here?
>>75473539Have black people actually succeeded in making young whites dumber, or are you actually black? Why do you choose to communicate like that?>t. 35 years boomer
>>75472310Really?looks like some sort of fat suit
>>75472310No, it was fake as fuck and obvious.
>>75472534>While it was fake, the correct opinion at the time was at first glance to be unsure and to think it was real.Just take the L thirdie. Grow up.
>>75473566>black people actually succeeded in making young whites dumber, or are you actually black?35 years and still an idiot.Jews created "black" culture, which was adopted by blacks, then appropriated by whites. The only group responsible for making young whites dumber are the Jews, you dumb fuck. Also Ebonics is a valid form of speech, it has existed throughout time, even in the Old World. Get an education fuck boy.>t. 34 year old who learned to read a book
>>75474314NTA, not even american. Look at this fucking kid. Point at him and laugh. Zoomers always wondering and giving lessons about why farts smell bad without knowing shit.
>>75472310I've never seen this picture before.
>>75474314>ebonics is a valid form of speechIt’s not. >jews created black cultureCope, tyrone. The only thing you ever “read” was your probation papers
>>75473396I'm not THAT old.