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If you're above 30 BMI, you will be:
>charged 40% more for food at supermarkets and restaurants
>charged 30% more for XL clothes
>Forbidden to ride public transport until you lose weight
>Public humiliation against fatties will be made legal
This will give them no choice but to lose weight.
Anything else?
jews would block that bill in less time than it took you to type this post
BMI is a retarded way to implement this. You're punishing people for having more muscle.

Most men can achieve 25+ BMI while being relatively lean and healthy. Why should they have to pay more when objectively speaking they're healthier than the 18bmi sickly meth addict?

Instead it should be health markers like blood cholesterol, testosterone, bf%, etc...
That's not how capitalism works. Like it or not fat people consume more food and require extra of everything. I'd like to see less fatties like anyone else but why destroy the client that buys more from you? That without mentioning that obese people are less healthy which translates in more profit for the pharmacy industry but also private health and insurances.

Now if we think about this from a state angle yeah, making people less fat can save some of the public spending dedicated to all of those who not just end in hospitals more and carry diseases that require chronic medications such as diabetes. Although them dying before reaching the age of retirement is a way to cut some spending budget... in countries where pension funds are not private of course.
Great idea. Now how long is the line going to be at the Piggly Wiggly while they weigh and measure everyone and calculate their new grocery bill?
And where does the store get the money to hire all these people weighing everyone?

tdlr; you have to be 12 years old to post here, kid
>>charged 30% more for XL clothes
I am 185lbs at 5'10 and I switched to XL tshirts recently because the L are tight as shit around my arms and upper back, looks stupid.
sizes are all over the place
>the gov'ment will save us!
What's stopping us from having a collection of city states and small communities with their own laws and constitutions under one united in a federation in order to exert international strength. The federal government would be more akin to an EU/NATO institution
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We're just shitposting here in the Himalayan Yarsagumba harvesting board.
New world order scenario, we developed a virus that killed all semetic people, thus saving the entire world and now we have to fix their mess.
Just train employees to use their own criteria.
>"Ok boogie2988, those cupcakes will cost more until you lose 100 lbs."
Built in scales and scanners near the cash register, it detects their weight and height and applies the fat tax.
Just use Broca Index like in the good old times.
>>charged 40% more for food at supermarkets and restaurants
The vast majority of lardasses can easily afford that and those who wouldn't will just ingest cheaper slop.
>>charged 30% more for XL clothes
Imagine the smell. They'll buy less clothes and wash them less frequently.
>>Forbidden to ride public transport until you lose weight
You know what kind of transport burns the least calories? Sitting in a car.
>>Public humiliation against fatties will be made legal
So they'll be more defensive about it than they already are? You ready for landwhales having a protest/picnic blocking your grocery store entrance?
powerlifters riled up in this thread
>profiting from the poor
Fuck this corporate mind set. you've been brain washed by them.
Instead, make healthy living more affordable.
My BMI is 30.8
I only have 16% body fat.
How is this going to work?
It'll backfire because the most thinning foods are the most expensive and the most fattening foods are the cheapest. So the fat will simply get fatter and the thin will get thinner. Very eugenic, I guess.
Also check out racial stats the headlines would be epic about 75% of black women having to pay extra but only 25% of white women having to pay extra.
>the most thinning foods are the most expensive and the most fattening foods are the cheapest.
People say this when they eat chips that are $5 per bag and expensive fast food instead of rice and beans and chicken which are far cheaper
>30 BMI
this is my goal weight, and its possible natty at 18%ish bf. im 193cms and just need to bulk 10kg to get there
BMI is a direct correlation to unnecessary medical care.
Even if you are low body fat.
The heart has to pump more blood the higher your BMI regardless, leading to the eventual heart disease you will have and care you will assuredly make other people pay for it.

Kidney, liver disease is also higher in high BMI persons, regardless of body fat.
Numerous diseases increase the higher your BMI is.
Just lose weight kid.
public humilation against people like you who post degenerate images
My arse - BMI is based on nothing.
Rugby/Football players would be dropping like flies if this were the case.
>Blocking taxes
I mean... they are, but the TBI is faster than the other problems.
poverty effectively reduces people's IQ and stress increases impulsive behaviors. We have tried this "plan" with everything imaginable. It's called a sin tax, and it doesn't work.

Put the CEOs in prison
it's not extreme enough. 30 percent would be negligible, they're already spending like 100% extra on food vs a normal person. and they have their own cars. and fat shaming is already legal but most people don't have the stones to do it.

now here's my plan: anyone too fat will be sent to fat island which is a parallel society for fat people. any problems they would have subjected us to are now only experienced by other fat people.
you'd probably think fat island would be too costly to set up, but I think mcdonalds would pay for it in order to have a monopoly over the food supply there
You are quite literally the most retarded person on /fit/ and your coping for your morbid obesity needs to start now or you will unironically die.
It's a direct correlation at 98% newfag.
You do realize that like everything the cardiovascular system has a genetic limitation and that once a certain mass threshold is crossed it is not sustainable right? The human body can only filter so much blood, pump so much, etc, etc before health problems begin.
The less mass, the more efficient and timely this process is.
>zoomies soiled their sheets for this
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>roid monkeys are damaged
All studies have shown that independent of body fat, having an increase in BMI is a direct connection to numerous diseases.
You're not getting away from this kid, it's been true every single time.

You're going to fucking die fat boy, a lot sooner than everyone else.
Woudln't be too hard to correct for this. Make it so >30 BMI people can avoid the tax if they pass a moderately difficult physical exam that tests both strength training (with bodyweight exercises included) and cardio to filter out fat powershitters.
post body
all these words and all anyone's really thinking after reading them is "wow, this pathetic loser is salty about other people having more muscle than him"
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So many crying skinnyfat pajeets in this thread, it stinks in here
>Most men
Man, bmi only works with an "average human". I'm 193cm 92kg. That's 25 bmi and i'm not even skinnyfat - just, I'm skinny. On the other hand a woman 160cm tall 60kg is 23bmi, which is considered normal. When in reality this is FAT.
>It'll backfire because the most thinning foods are the most expensive and the most fattening foods are the cheapest.
Quite the opposite. Muscles require much more oxygen than fat. Accordingly, the load on the heart is much greater when you're buff.
BF% would be the way to go, T levels can only be influenced so much with diet and exercise
state mandated TRT treatment sounds based but maybe you don't want millions of black dudes with roid rage and millions of white dudes with fertility problems
god ice spice is so ugly
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enough with the faggot euro units
Obesity allows us to voluntarily segregate the weak (mentally, emotionally, physically) from the normal
We should restrict various rights to only the physically fit
>want to vote? No problem, but you need to be slim
Let fatties consoom all they want, they're second-class citizens
This is the problem and why I like people like Andrew Yang who try to target the source rather than put a bandage over it or force people to do something through law like you.
Just give the fatties semaglutides. These drugs seem to be the gold standard now and only problem being the price.
If the US government gave a shit though the price would be a none issue.
>BMI is a direct correlation to unnecessary medical care.
>Even if you are low body fat.
This is simply not true.
BMI doesn't account for lean people who are overweight because there just aren't that many of them.
>300 pound roidtrannies are healthy
no they arent you retard they have heart attacks at 30 and die

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