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>fixes all your wrist, forearm & elbow pains within a month
I don't get wrist forearm or elbow pain because I don't try and lift weights I can't do at least 8 reps with. That's what Jay Cutler recommends, why would you do anything different?
okay then this thread isn't for you!
thanks for your blog post tho
No one gives a fuck about Jay Cutler. On that note, I've been thinking about incorporating rice bucket work into my routine, can i expect to see any meaningful grip and forearm strength gains?
you might get some noob gains but they're more useful as a rehab/recovery/conditioning tool
Are you sure this will make more "straight' men want to have sex with me?
How often should you do this? I have only done it a few times once a day for 6 minutes every other day. I follow a video on YouTube, and I started to do it because I had wrist pain probably from playing too many video games. I think I'm noticing Improvement but is there any other recommendations you have?
I believe you. I'll see what I can do
this is for rehab after serious surgery, otherwise it's completely fucking pointless
unless you're that guy in the soi-bot meme
This, and any ball barring progressions, are very good if you have poor finger and wrist strength. The average lifter will only see benefits if they are either weak in grip strength, have injuries, or are training specifically for grip strength. I would recommend doing these about twice a week so that you can train your grip. once the rice no longer gives you a challenge, either go to small rocks or to steel/metal ball barrings so that there is more resistance when exercising.
what even is?
What are you doing with that clearing bucket?
will this grow my wrists? i have some wrist pain but im not doing it if so
could grabbing a girl's ass or boobs really strong have the same effect as doing this?
basically any exercise that gives you the feeling of a pump can eventually lead to hypertrophy

autists are too literal and they want a very specific instruction with pictures and a link to buy the product with a 20% discount rather than getting the general message of 'fatigue your forearm muscles if you want to grow your forearm muscles'

you can do this with rotating your wrists holding on to a resistance band if you want.
I got a sand bucket and it is magic!
I sit down with it and watch mma for one or two hours and by the end my forearms are cooked.
It has great helped my forearm endurance for grappling and wrestling.
I do it daily and I haven't had any negatives, just make sure to do it at the end of day.
Nice. Jay Cutler always have nice tips
You're a loser
girls boobs are just bags of sand so yes
I'm a "straight" man
Post body and I'll tell you
>babe it's arm day, I have to knead your tits for an hour
word of advice for anyone that's going to attempt this: don't get brown rice. It goes rancid relatively fast compared to white rice; my kitchen started smelling nasty after a week of having the bucket out.
>ball barring progressions
Are you seriously using rice?
That's wasteful and dumb.

This is a Shaolin training method and you're supposed to use fucking sand
Don't ever post again Lil Cely.
>I know more about bodybuilding than Jay Cutler
I seriously used rice, yeah. I guess you could argue it's wasteful because I didn't eat it, but I don't consider it as such because I used it for something.
>supposed to be a Shaolin training method
Not sure how that matters
>you're supposed to use fucking sand
Couldn't get sand as easily as rice. Is there actually a reason to use one over the other or is this some "it's not Japanese so it's wrong"-tier weeb shit?
Not that anon but the difficulty of the movement changes with different mediums, obviously. So different grades of sand will allow a sort of progressive overload in regards to resistance. He's not openly saying that though, and is probably a gay nigger who is going to hell.
Because I don't have $5000/month to spend on designer steroids
I save the little silica packets from random products / dry goods and toss them in my rice bucket. Keeps it from getting funky
Rice buckets are useful. I think anything that has repetitive motions under mild load helps with finger/wrist/forearm stiffness and pain. I noticed all my carpal tunnel symptoms went away after I started riding motorcycles and was operating clutch/brakes all the time.
Odd because repetitive gripping motions while the torso/neck/shoulder is vibrating is generally the most common cause of carpal tunnel.
Like when someone uses an impact drill for too long.

What I found works for all of this stuff is actually just stretching. Not like may may gay ass arm rotations.
Just sitting down with a hammer in my hand and rotating my wrist and letting it sit there for like 10+ minutes in one position.

Often times thirty second stretches aren't enough, there is a point where your brain shuts off and the body begins to stretch past that point.
Reality is we just don't stretch enough.
Because all rice bucket is, is just stretching using resistance.
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3.5 MB GIF
basically practice for fisting men
I guess using ball berrings and as they get easier you use bigger ones so that they provide more resistance to them. Or maybe heavier ones so that you need to exert more force in order to move them better.
Jack on and achieve same result and coom
yes, you very likely know more about natural bodybuilding than him. the reality is that everything that makes him great is genetic, from his insertions to his predisposition to building muscle and his respondence to steroids. he's a just a junkie who's chosen drug has the side effect of muscle growth, nothing more.
why do twinks love when "straight" guys pump them full of cum?
I use sand.
i jerked off my boyfirend too hard from doing these
degradation fetishes and self-loathing
they view heteros as superior to them, get off to being made fun of and humiliated, and hate themselves for being gay
Dunno if I can eat that much rice in a month though.
Stop trying to make this a thing or just go back to /plg/, you fat fuck.
I wish I were a girl but that's not possible and gay dudes are gross so the only option is to look as appealing as possible to guys who are usually in to girls.
Simple as.
>I wish I were a girl
Why? They live life on hard mode, even when they’re given everything they still suffer from lack of purpose in today’s society.
Retard. Hard mode means more rewarding. Girls live on easy mode, absolutely hideous women live on easy mode but with a faulty controller/keyboard.
But I don't know what my forearm muscles are and how to fatigue them??
thanks for reminding me I need to buy another bag of rice
nothing can grow your wrists, anybody posting about that is a tranny trying to demoralize you and give you body dysmorphia
nah try it once dude. It hits little muscles and sinews deep inside your hand that you've never felt a burn in before, it feels super nice
sand is harder to move in, and not in a productive way, in a "trying to put socks on wet feet" way, it binds up and goes non-newtonian on you. Dirt isn't bad though.
Have you ever looked at the price of ball bearings? Fuuuuuck that.
put a salt layer on the bottom of the bucket and the rice doesnt get rancid
Lol they put rice in salt shakers too. What a world, what a world.

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