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anyone else getting intense growing pains from this guys method? ill be on rest day 3 and still feel like my entire chest is still growing from the workout i did those 3 days before.
c'mere and I'll show you some intense growing pains boy
i wish i had some HIT bros to hit the gym with

do some meth as preworkout, do 1 set per exercise going all out, and make more gains than all the high volume virgins ever will
high volume just makes no sense for weightlifting.
I do HIT when I'm cutting weight because it keeps my lifts from dropping and it absolutely destroys me when I actually get a spotter and do assisted reps to just murder every fiber of a muscle.

The times I've tried it without machines or a spotter it's just been shit never could get out of the hole on those last 2 or 3 critical reps and the static hold at the end.
agreed, last chest workout i did i had a buddy push up the machine with his arms ever so slightly as i was pushing with literally the last thing i had shaking and being all red in my face complete failure achieved, and my chest is still aching like crazy
i reached 2pl8 bench for reps in 6months doing high volume, push/pull no legs, 1 rest day/week. always to failure, like 30 sets per muscle group per week.
high volume is king, you bitches just dont wanna put in the work and then muh everybody on roids waahhh
yeah but not for bodybuilding lol dyel
>i reached 2pl8 bench
ronnie coleman over here
did the standard 3 sets pr exercise working out 5 days a week, and it makes no logical sense.
it is not an aerobic exercise. you must rest alot more than you lift weights in order to grow.
being a high volume weightlifter/bodybuilder just is straight up retarded.
>ronnie coleman over here
what were you benching for reps after 6months, you dyel goblin? im making overload progress every single workout I do. you mirin, mr."i go to gym 2 times per week, because i need enough rest" faggot
>you must rest alot more than you lift weights in order to grow.
what a cope. i guarantuee rest time is overrated and hugely overblown. like i said, i do push/pull with only 1rest day per week, and see constant progress in overload.
"enough rest" is cope for lazyfags
I dont' remember you dyel faggot. Nobody other than your mom can tell you lift, cuck.
He didn't train like this when he was a bodybuilder btw

But sure , go train each muscle once every 2 weeks
god damn you are the stupidest dyel
why not try the more rest? you would probably explode in gains if u started doing 5 days rest and then 1 workout with the 1 set max intensity set to failure.
why not try it. 4, 5, 6 rest days, then go workout with the intensity to failure Mentzer describes.
It makes so much sense to rest to grow.
nice b8 m8. you know those mentzers and yates blasted GRAMS of roids right? it doesnt matter what they do, they grow, even with 1set meme bs.
natties need constant stimulus to grow, and a 6day lifter will grow much quicker and better than a 2day lifter
steroids mainly helps recover from training.
working out intensly as you can the muscle group of your desire that day, and then resting for 3-7 days before next workout is awesome in my experience.
Almost all research points towards volume being the largest driving factor in hypertrophy. The thing is, the minimal effective volume can indeed be relatively low, depending on your current capacity, and you get diminishing returns from ever increasing volume. Basically, there is a chance that you already respond well to pretty low volume assuming intensity is adaquate (but actually not necessarily all out), and that you can get 80% of your potential gains from just a fraction of the maximum volume you could handle. Even if it sounds like I'm defending HIT here, my point is more so that there is a reasonable middle ground you could choose.
Stop taking meth focking junkie
Mentzertards really ruin any conversation about low volume training by being complete and utter retards about it
>bro one set a week bro you've never gone to failure bro you don't know how to train bro this is hardcore bro
why not try to rest
why not lose to Arnold you fraud
I've never seen anyone attempt this who wasn't using it as an excuse to be lazy. Every single person was also a natty who refused to do steroids, but still wanted to find some secret silver bullet to get more gains than anyone while putting in less work. Of the 4 people I know who did this at the gym, all 4 ended up turning into enormous fat asses and 3 of them just quit showing up altogether.
Mentzer method is ideal if you're a lazy roidtranny.
ITT: mad novices/intermediates who feel threatened by the idea their super hardcore routine 5x/week might've been a waste of time
It's super easy to out yourself as inexperienced in lifting if you still think more work = more gains (esp when natty)
itt, edgelords like you ignoring modern science that high volume is in fact the most benefitial for hypertrophy (~20 sets per musclegroup /week). after these 20 sets/w the curve of benefits flattens out to the point it might be counterproductive.
but ye, keep on barking your mentzer shizo shit just to be edgy, fucking zoom zoom
modern lifting basedence is best ignored in most cases desu
If you are so advanced you can just do a bro split and have 7 fucking days of rest for each muscle group

But let me guess,you need MORE rest than that right ?
its about so called effective reps putting tension on fast fibers and metabolic stress. rest pause and drop sets work too. the more reps the fewer sets are needed. 6-12 reps or worse 5x5 bullshit needs to go.

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