>he barely has 10lbs of muscle built>already talking about cuttinghope this isn't you anon
Love me crunches love me goldstriker simplez
>>75474230If I need to go from 20% ish body fat to 12% by April when should I start my cut /fit/? January or sooner?
I enjoyed the first season a lot. Haven't been able to watch the following seasons, they don't seem as funny.
>>75474412should have started two weeks ago. ngmi
>>75474412You don't wanna do anymore than 1% total weight per week unless you're planning on dropping muscle too.
>>75474230I started off fat so I need to cut.I've never committed to a cut in 3 years past like 20% bodyfat because of alcohol and injury.Building muscle and bulking can wait until I am as lean as a Greek statue.