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Is it really impossible to get jacked eating vegan? Be honest.
It is possible but it will be more difficult, because meat, eggs and dairy are far and away the best and most convenient forms of protein.
You'll need to be much more diligent with your diet and you will probably need to supplement some things, esp. B vitamins
It’s the DIAAS scores of proteins. Every gram of meat protein is worth a lot more to your body than a gram of plant “protein”. Vegans always list their grams of “protein” to show their diet is healthy when it’s worth like half of meat protein. Your body needs a lot more protein than the bullshit rda based on grains anyway.
It is impossible to get jacked on a vegan diet unless you also do steroids because the steroids aid in protein synthesis. There also isn’t enough protein or nutrients in vegan foods so half of your diet is going to be “protein” powders and supplements.
Or you could just eat an egg. Eggs literally contain every nutrient that your body needs. They are an actual superfood, unlike some bullshit berry that has antioxidants that your body can’t even use.
Possible only if you roid and eat supplements
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The Bible says that anyone who teaches not to eat meat is preaching a doctrine of demons. (1 Timothy 4:1-31)
The Bible also said you should sow your clothing and buy a weapon and I'm guessing you don't own a weapon.
human body only absords like 60% of the plant protein. you need to eat much more of it, plus it tastes all like shit. must be living hell to be a natty vegan lifter
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Yes, my best friend is vegan and has no issues building muscle, we both started lifting around the same time and are around the same strength. Just eat tofu, seitan and TVP.
This is an American website, most likely people here do own weapons.
>Muh diaas score
Diaas only used raw uncooked beans. Which is obviously going to be less digestible than cooked beans and even less digestible than something like isolated pea protein. In the real world there is little to no difference.

>To summarize, our data suggest that whey and pea proteins promote similar strength, performance, body composition, and muscular adaptations

>A high-protein (~ 1.6 g kg-1 day-1), exclusively plant-based diet (plant-based whole foods + onions protein isolate supplementation) is not different than a protein-matched mixed diet (mixed whole foods + whey protein supplementation) in supporting muscle strength and mass accrual, suggesting that protein source does not affect resistance training-induced adaptations in untrained young men consuming adequate amounts of protein.

>no differences found between pea and whey proteins

>It is impossible to get jacked on a vegan diet
Literally thousands of people have done it.
Yes, I'm sure all the underage Christian larpers on an anime website own a weapon.
Ezekiel 4:9
Also take for yourself wheat, barley, beans, lentils, millet, and spelt; put them into one vessel, and make bread of them for yourself. During the number of days that you lie on your side, three hundred and ninety days, you shall eat it. 10 And your food which you eat shall be by weight, twenty shekels a day; from time to time you shall eat it. 11 You shall also drink water by measure, one-sixth of a hin; from time to time you shall drink. 12 And you shall eat it as barley cakes; and bake it using fuel of human waste in their sight.”

13 Then the Lord said, “So shall the children of Israel eat their defiled bread among the Gentiles, where I will drive them.”

14 So I said, “Ah, Lord God! Indeed I have never defiled myself from my youth till now; I have never eaten what died of itself or was torn by beasts, nor has abominable[a] flesh ever come into my mouth.”

15 Then He said to me, “See, I am giving you cow dung instead of human waste, and you shall prepare your bread over it.”

16 Moreover He said to me, “Son of man, surely I will cut off the supply of bread in Jerusalem; they shall eat bread by weight and with anxiety, and shall drink water by measure and with dread, 17 that they may lack bread and water, and be dismayed with one another, and waste away because of their iniquity.

>Be not among drunkards or among gluttonous eaters of meat, for the drunkard and the glutton will come to poverty, and slumber will clothe them with rags.
Proverbs 23:20-21
You are replying to a not that spams in threads mentioning meat
Nice, happy that it's working for him. All vegans I know are hollow-eyed and sickly looking
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I couldn't make a cross with them but here you go ;)
Do you know what the word all means
veganism is a cope most large scale farms kill millions of insects and small mammals with pesticide, devastating local enviroments and ecosystems, it is impossible to renewably sustain a population of 8 billion with current technology.
I said most, obviously not all will be armed, but that's just you arguing with yourself.
Americans have more private guns than the rest of the worlds military combined, the religious are more likely to be armed, I don't think it's spurious to assume that most (that means over 50% sweety) are armed. Most people just wouldn't want to post or report their gun ownership on a known honeypot.

1. Most large scale farms grow food to feed to livestock, which eat much more than humans thus veganism uses less crops as well.

2. I actually don't really care about those deaths. I would treat humans the same way. If a large amount of tribal humans were trying to eat our food supply, I would be okay with using lethal force to stop them.

3. The only way we will ever care enough to make a difference regarding farming practices is if we start giving animals moral consideration in the first place. Why would we care about small mammals when we are killing millions of chickens every day?
the malnourished guy on the right part actually started eating raw meat and other animal foods and looks way different now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2S0dIdvfKuI
>1. Most large scale farms grow food to feed to livestock, which eat much more than humans thus veganism uses less crops as well.

veganism is unnatural we were made to eat animal products and hunt our ancestors did it for thousands of years most vegans are malnourished and weigh about 50 lbs soaking wet, you would spend half your day eating to meet the same requirements you get from a balanced diet or one of just meat and milk.

nomadic societies which relied on meat and milk to live were healthier snd stronger than sedentary societies with grain and plant based diets

>2. I actually don't really care about those deaths. I would treat humans the same way. If a large amount of tribal humans were trying to eat our food supply, I would be okay with using lethal force to stop them.

but muhhhh heckin animals rights !!! why are they not worthy of ur consideration ? do they not need to live as well?

>3. The only way we will ever care enough to make a difference regarding farming practices is if we start giving animals moral consideration in the first place. Why would we care about small mammals when we are killing millions of chickens every day?

because it will work its way up the food chain retard the bigger animals need insects and small mammals to live
the only thing getting jacked by being vegan is you jacking off people in the locker room for extra protein
Everyone I know who is vegan have so many fuckin health issues its crazy. I have no idea why they do this diet since its obviously not for health reasons.
They all age like crazy within a year, their skin gets grayer as times goes by, and their hair is starting to look drier. They aren't even losing weight either, if anything some of them are starting to look chubbier. So I really don't understand the point of this at all
That's so funny, the last time I heard that I fell off my dinosaur
>veganism is unnatural
nigga you are sitting in front of a computer in an insulated home typing this
doesn't make the claim any less valid
yea, anyone who uses the "natural/unnatural" or "primal/our ancestors" argument are a bunch of fuckin morons. Pot heads use it to defend weed instead of just comparing it to getting drunk, nothing about it is healthy but i understand its fun.
naturalistic fallacy is not valid
your faggotry is valid
The thing is, I never said I didn't think you personally didn't have a weapon. I said every Christian larper here. And let's be real. The chances that anybody on this website has any actual non superficial knowledge of scripture or a weapon is pretty low considering the fact that it's colloquially populated almost entirely by autistic people who play video games and live in their parents' basements. Your statistics may be correct, but statistics apply to a general population, and 4chan is not a general population.
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>veganism is unnatural
Doesn't matter. Killing, rape, infanticide, disease are all natural. "natural good!" is a brainlet take.
>most vegans are malnourished and weigh about 50 lbs soaking wet
Source needed. Vegans on average have more b12 because they pay attention to it more(pic related)
>you would spend half your day eating to meet the same requirements you get from a balanced diet or one of just meat and milk
Vegetables are much more nutrient dense per calorie than most animal products. Fortified Onions milk has more protein and nutrients than cows milk.

>but muhhhh heckin animals rights !!! why are they not worthy of ur consideration ? do they not need to live as well?
Are you stupid? Not enough B12 or vitamin C? I explained that pretty clearly. "I don't think we should unnecessarily kill humans, but if a human were to trespass my property and threaten my food supply I would use force to stop them" Now replace Human with animal, hopefully that is more easy to understand for your simple brain.
>youre sitting infront of a computer in a warm house so stop eating meat
good point anon !

>killing and infanticide is the same as eating a natural diet

>vegans have more b12
yet most of them are still 50 lbs soaking wet

> "I don't think we should unnecessarily kill humans, but if a human were to trespass my property and threaten my food supply I would use force to stop them" Now replace Human with animal
youre still devastating local ecosystems and harming animals retard thats the whole point of veganism
there is nothing wrong with rape
the recovery is astounding, all the proof you need not to be a vegan
It's possible if you supplement. There some supplements that mix different grains so you can get all your proper amino acids.

The issue is always protein. It's hard to beat it without supplements
>It is impossible to get jacked on a vegan diet unless you also do steroids
It's impossible to get jacked without steroids.
Doesn't matter the diet or the workout routine
Fuck off vegan dyke faggot. go eat your 30 vitamin capsules and 10 tubs of protein powders and enjoy farting 400 times a day like a literal chimp.
Why this makes you mad lol?

It's just another diet scheme
He said most then you said all. Are you jewish?
idk, I know the meme is that vegans are skeletors, but the only vegans I've met have been fat fucks. Maybe they're just lying for clout or something tho
Yes. Typical male requires somewhere around 100g of protein to build muscle. Extremely difficult to get that much protein on beenz. It's even more difficult if you remove the highly estrogenic soi which vegans tend to rely on as a substitute for real food. If you limit yourself to local food and don't rely on the globalized food trade, then you can't even survive.
It's an ugly color, for skin especially, but the walls are okay. I think piss green or hot pink would be much worse for them.
sure it’s possible, you just need to inject vegan roids
>if you do all these things nobody does then You'll die
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Holy based. For all the hate he gets, Sv3rige/Goatis has unironically saved lots of lives. Hundreds, possibly.
He single-handedly destroyed the vegan movement by just showing people the long-term reality of their choice.
Are Americans always this dumb when it comes to Scripture?
>"natural good!" is a brainlet take.
American detected. Hasn't seen a tree in his life, is an expert on nature. Sounds like a Green voter, lmao.
Explain what the problem is.
The bassist for Earth Crisis is pretty big, has been since the late 90s and he's is vegan (and straight edge, so most likely natty).
I think Alex Leonidas (alphadestiny) went vegan too but he was eating meat up until last year so I don't think vegans can claim him.
All vegan protein sources have all 9 essential amino acids in varying proportions, but all of them tend to be lower in leucine compared to meat, so to maximize muscle gains you'll need to eat a bit more protein to get more leucine. Legumes, tofu, lentils have higher leucine compared to other plant proteins. There are also many vegan protein powders fortified with more leucine.

Looking specifically at essential amino acid profiles and hitting those daily norms, instead of just total grams of protein, is autistically extreme and wouldn't show much benefit to the average gym goer who isn't a professional athlete. For the average gym goer, if you have recently gone vegan, or started eating more plant-based, this simply means you'll need to eat 10-20g more protein each day, which is easy to achieve.

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