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/fit/ - Fitness

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So, Just tried the sauna. OMG Salty as fuck burns eyes. I don't feel dehydrated and have no signs of skin dehydration. Skin seems to fit better. Nothing showing up on the tape yet. 2nd day.
The 3rd kidney. largest detox organ.
How do I keep from overdoing it?

I usually drink 1 gallon per day @ 220-230
Feel mostly hydrated except tongue ridges very often. Thirty as fuck and occasional night sweats. pee mostly clear/clearesque.
very limited sugar intake.
I figure electrolyte imbalance somewhere. What say you /fit/izens?
Bump. I just cam back from a long walk in the heat, sweating profusely and when I got back my skin looked clear and tight and so I pondered on the benefits of sweating like a pig.

One thing for sure is it cleans your pores.
My boy, are you fuckin retarded
I love the sauna but I need to leave after half an hour
You should drink gallon of beer or fifth of vodka like average Finnish fag.
steam room > sauna
Your saunas temp is too low if you can stay for 30minutes at time lol

Average Finn usually stays around 10-15minutes at time and pours shitload of water to the rocks so you get steam heat and dry heat lol

T. A 36year old Finn
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Finns are truly powerful
I'm unclear what you're trying to do.
I read a small pile of medical journal articles indicating 30 minutes of sauna around 5 days a week seems almost as good at improving cardio health as meme cardio exercise so in honor of protecting my knees I do sauna after lifting, so that's why I sauna. The gain is pretty small but its almost as big as the gain from exercise according to the journal articles. Honestly I think its just the effect of a half hour of forced relaxation.
> op drinks a gallon of water per day
WTF OP unless you have some kind of medical diagnosis or hyper athletic lifestyle (work as a lumberjack for 16 hours per day, etc) you sound like you have T1 diabetes. You might want to ask your PCP to run the (cheap and easy) diagnostic tests next time you're in the office.
If you're drinking a gallon a day and talking about third kidneys and shit you might want to run some simple kidney function tests while you're there.
Like WTF anon?
If you think I'm your PCP on the internet then I diagnose you as retarded this is not a md/patient relationship blah blah blah we probably don't even live in the same country. Mine has some sauna culture but not as much as the nords.
My gym's steam room has been broken forever. I fear that they've given up on it
How hot are your Saunas? Usually around 80 in my experience in UKay PLC.
my gym's sauna caps at 140 celsius
same here in America

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