>be meaverage lifter bro, struggling with injuries.>scrolling through /fit/ one daysee threads about BPC 157.>“ultimate supplement” they saycuriosity exe.>Research use only >order some online, thinking it’s a scam.>arrives in discreet packagingtime to test the magic.>start injecting like a proknee pain? Gone.>shoulder aches? Who?>Male pattern baldness reversed to stage 2.>lifting like an ogre, setting PRs every week.>thank you, /fit/life has never been the same.
Don't download this, it's a virus
>>75475199I name my files by squeezing keyboard and waving my hand around like a cat.
Would definitely try
>exe.AI fucked up
>>75475194Did you inject it into your scalp?
>>75475283lol, there's no need. although it would be hilarious if hair started to grow on my arm.>>75475256sorry my hands are shaking a bit
>>75475283Ut actaully makes sense to use it as an alternative to minoxidil as it creates new capillaries. I wonder if anyone tested it for real.
>>75475318That weird lesbian vampire guy includes it in scalp injections.
>>75475194Nice story anon. Did you inject lyophilized powder?How many mg did you buy? Where did you source the needles? What gauge did you use? Research sites don't sell syringes and usually don't sell BAC. The easiest way to tell you're lying is because BPC 157 is snake oil with 0 clinical data showing it's efficacy on anything other than your stomach. MPB was probably a tell as well. Now if you want something with actual proof behind it get tb500. I sadly fell.fornthr bpc scam, but luckily got turned onto tb500, which I still use.
>>75475373That woman makes me salivateI want to put bitemarks on her
>>75475373>ruined by shitty tatsevery time. I'm a zeldafag even
>>75475373It’s helped me before. What does he gain from lying?
>>75475348She does so much shit that it's impossible to analysi any single variable. Everything she does is absolutely useless frok the standpoint of actual science His hair loss formula has absolutely every hair loss drug out there in huge doses... we can't know if anything of that actually works if at least a single drug guves results.
>>75475194Where do you inject it?
>>75478580Not OP but most SARMs are injected subcutaneously. Usually in the abdomen, like insulin injections.
>>75480601Are you retarded or trolling? SARMs are oral anabolics. BPC 157 is not a SARM. It's a peptide.
>>75480657my bad I meant injection peptides. all this time i thought sarms and peptides where the same thing.
>>75475373not op but>how many mg did you buy?30>where did you source the needles?amazon>what gauge did you use?29>Research sites don't sell syringes and usually don't sell BACother places dobpc helped me recover from a nagging shoulder injury of two years, injected 1mg every day for a month and the chronic pain is goneit works for sure, at least when it comes to tendonitis.