I'm at that stage where my gf asked to train with me, until now she was fucking around in another gym, doing some lightweight bullshit. But now she'll work out with me and I wonder what kind of program I could give her, something focused on glutes for sure (like all women do).Any program to suggest? I don't mind paying some thot influencer to have a reayd-to-use program, I just don't feel like spending weeks on it.
>>75475270The woman's book lyle mcdonald think it covers most of the ways women should train differently and the dietary differences that are often overlooked.
>>754752705 days a week>glutes>upper body>rest>glutes>upper body>cardio>restFor upper body, girls for whatever reason, enjoy calisthenics the most. You won't get her to bench, but if you put her on the assisted dip bar/pull up machine she will use it. Then the seated chest press, lat pull down, row, bicep curls, tricep pull downsFor glutes. Literally anything she wants to do. She probably doesn't need your help making a glute routine since it's all girls watch on instaCardio is whatever you both can do together. Walks, runs, hikes, biking
girls really struggle with motivation, especially gfs who just want to hang out with their bf in the gym, so start off light and let her naturally ask for more intensity as she gets used to the gym. for my gf i use a super simple routine:>30 mins 15deg incline treadmill walks or stairmaster for warm up>romanian deadlifts 2x15>squats 2x15>maybe dumbbell OHP 2x15 if she's feeling friskyi told her this routine is going to make her arms skinnier but it's really all about DAT ASS
>>75475270Who is she? very fit much impressive
>>75475888Isn't women ass is mostly genetic lottery of fat distribution?
I put my gf on 531. Worked bretty gud
>>75476533Quite a bit of definition is muscle most women who get a BBL would have been better working out instead of spending so much money on it. >t. Woman with a better shaped assPost cock first
>>75475494>30 mins warmupretard alarm
>>75475270why do fit bitches love getting tattoos so much?
Cung bitch fuck china dick
>>75479711Gym thots are damaged, they have poor self-esteem and body dismorphia is rampant. So a lot of them are getting tats.
>>75480448it stops incels like this faggot so its working for them
>>75475270New Rules of Lifting for Women
>>75480728enjoy eating shit
>>75475270Tell her no. You don't actually want her in your space.
>>75481000She won't go at the same time as me, we'll just go a few times together to get her on track
>>75475270what's her onlyfools?who's fucking her?
reminder girls ab fraud with makeup
>>75475403fpbp. I put my girlfriend on SS+GOMAD and her ass and thighs blew up overnight. I've never been happier.
>>75480981wrong but what do you expect from a terminally online faggot (you)
>>75475270>something focused on glutes for sureGTFO Retard