How long can you stand on your non-dominant leg with your eyes closed?
>>75475340Forever, why, I’m not giving you ad views
>>75475340that was a lot harder than expected with eyes closed
>>75475351It's an article about diagnostic tests of health for old people. It was interesting actually. Not so much BB /fit/ but definitely TB12 plyometrics QOL /fit/
I just did two minutes. I only stopped because I don't really care to see how far I can take it.
Headphones on 15-20s on both legs surprisingly difficult, but without them hum from pc was enough extra help to keep me oriented 1+ mins on both legslink to the study
>eyes closedthis is the bosu ball squat bullshit all over again in which situation requiring balance would you close your eyes?
>>75475680There's no real life situation. But this diagnostic test quantifies multiple systems which are all predictive of all cause mortality and injury risk.By doing the test blindfolded you're eliminating the visual cues which you might use to be able to maintain a longer stance, this forces the body to rely on preprioperception. The system which the brain uses to align its body map with the environment. The non-dominamt leg is also weaker. Leg strength, particularly the quads, are an incredibly strong predictor of all cause mortality and injury risk across all injury scales from aches and pains to catastrophic trauma.
>>75475434I've never read/watched Berserker but this imagine has convinced me to give it a shot. Is the cartoon better to start with or read the manga?
Had to do this test for the army medical exam, wasn't that hard, but I remember that with my eyes closed, I wasn't 100% sure that I was staying balanced, but I did fine. That was in 2009
>>75475340I skated as a teen and i could go regular and switchie. You and mayo clinic can suck my dick
>>75476675Cartoon ends early - very early into the story. Basically act 1.If you want the rest you need to read. Mangas are incredibly gay and always a slog to get through so good luck. The story is pretty cool though.
>>75476675the manga is a masterpiece
>>75476045>*head gets cut off in freak accident>he has weak non dominant quadsyea this checks out
Just came to point out that they didn’t test unilateral (eyes closed) in the study. Only bilateral (eyes closed), bilateral (eyes open) and unilateral (eyes open). That said, I just did 28 sec. non dominant unilateral (eyes closed)
>>7547534048, just did a bunch of yoga class with a bunch of yoga shit on one leg, and full of hotties that all want me
>>75475340Wtf that was retardedly hard, I ended up hopping around not long after until I had to put my other foot down. Crazy how closing your eyes makes it that much harder
>>75475340with my eyes open, a long time, I stopped because I got boredwith my eyes closed, around 10 seconds, and I probably look like I'm standing on a tightrope with my arms flailing around.I think I'm gonna practice this exercise to improve my closed eye performance, because it felt bad
>>75475340Maybe start doing something manly like yoga.
>>75476675The manga. The art is way better but once you get past the golden age arc you can watch the 90s anime if you want to.
>>75475340This is the Mayo Clinic Food Guide.
I can't do it for more than 5 seconds.Is there something wrong with me?
>>75479080This is mine except eggs count as a fruit.
>>75476045>The non-dominamt leg is also isn't in standing on it, u stand better on non-dominant leg, that's what i have proven in my masters thesis which landed eventually in some paper published by my thesis advisorof course u bot will "think" otherwise because that's the "consensus" in the broad west because dozens of tenures would vanish if they admitted they were wrong all these years - they have faulty model of standing on tensometric platform yeah i got an A and my paper was 3 pages long excluding copied verbatim paper of 3 phd-s whom i have completely demolished - the experimet that showed no difference in standing (dominant vs non dominant leg) had so many holes in it it was kinda ridiculous xD average lenght of masters thesis was around 80 pages back then >why so short? because i didn't need any froth, we were flat out told 60 pages is bare minimum, turned out it wasn't the case at all
>>75479143Predicts all cause mortality. RIP
>>75478116do you think this is something that you can practice with and increase the amount of time drastically?If so would that then negate the outcome to what this is testing for? That is if practicing does help which I don't see why it shouldn't - unless practicing this helps train the parts of the body which makes you betterAll I know is I am also going to practice as similar to this anon >>75479143 eyes closed I can only do it for a short amount of time, maybe not as short as anon though
>>75480046saar, good saargrades for saarversity for saarserious saarademia