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How bad is alcohol for gains?
redpill is that it has basically no effect on gains until you're like 25. it's still making you retarded and giving you brain damage but when you're 20 you can get drunk every weekend and still make new PRs. of course it'd be better for gainz to just not drink.
Not too bad if taken in moderation and not a daily basis, also depends on what you're drinking.
When I want to get drunk, I do OMAD and drink on an empty stomach. I prefer white dry wine, 2 glasses (~250kcals) are enough to get me drunk, 3 to get almost shitfaced (~375kcals). I'm very susceptible to alcohol, so I don't need much.
Fucks up with your sleep duration and quality (when you muscles actually grow), inhibits muscle growth in general, makes you tired and not properly recovered the next day. Also a fuckton of useless calories. I try to avoid it, and if I do drink, I try to do it when my rest day is coming up.

That's right though. If you're under 25, go wild, you probably still have an insane metabolism. Now that I'm 30 I'm more sensitive to the aforementioned effects though
they all have gay face
from left to right
>least gay
Zoomers like this exist and millennials think they still have a chance lol
what does this mean
all the zoomers are haggmaxxing and being the harry potter that the millennial buzzfeed ladies always wanted
I'm a roid tranny doing a 500mg per week blast. I went to a German restaurant and had 1 beer with dinner because German food.
> Felt awful
> Bloated like a balloon
> Blood pressure went from a nice 120s/70 to 152/85.
I had to take two hydrochlorothiazide pills one at night and one the next day to fix the bloat.
Drinking is gay like those guys in OPs pic.
You know they look completely average, right? The just fit the current trend.
those limp wrist dont lie
you oughtta know sweetie
you’re projecting
They all have girlfriends, retard faggot
It's normal for gays to have girl friends
They are having sex. And you are not.
>that pic
pick 1
yeah, with each other
Real straight bros aren’t afraid to act gay, their masculinities aren’t fragile
This is so far from the truth. You are just jealous
this is the face of a demon
How can he fix that?
bro just got done with a bangbros scene
It means he has the hots for these men.
When I was 22 it wasn't that bad
Now at 26 it's fucking terrible
Can you explain that in terms a straight person would understand?
>lol they look gay
i thought it wasn't such a big deal why is it a big deal "hetero" man?
come on out big boi
why are you so obsessed with their sexuality
based or cringe?
Terrible for your health. If you need alcohol to talk to women, you need to grow a pair. If you need alcohol to have fun, you're a fucking moron.

Finding out somebody drinks regularly instantly lowers my opinion of them. Keep drinking retard juice for losers.
If you drink a moderate amount and keep track of your diet?
Not that bad.
If you're an alcoholic and love drinking to excess, then eating way more afterward?
Yeah you are gonna get bloated and obese very quickly. Alcohol has a lot of calories and makes you crave food.

why do think this thread was made
90% of the time I’m in public I’m wearing sunglasses.

Main reason?

So I can stare at peoples faces to read their physiognomy uninterrupted. Looks like I’m minding my business - whole time I’m studying their mug in fine detail.
not that much on your gains but on your overall health heavy drinking is retardedly bad
Depends on what you drink, how often you drink and how active your lifestyle is. Big difference between a gym junkie getting blasted for a few hours on the weekend and some fat ass truck driver slamming a carton ever day after work
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oh jesus, what is he going to do with those bottles?
OP why do you have so many pictures of these guys and know their personal background stories?
what’s the issue?
theres a resident pedo faggot poster that just spams teen boy pics, has been going on for months now
I've always wondered what it's like being one of these guys. How do they see themselves? Do they see themselves as being elite, or just upper class? Or even upper middle class? What do they do for work? What are their skills? What are their hopes and dreams? What are their political views? What do they do for fun besides sit at bars and lounges, stand around on boats, and take photos?
>dinner because German food.
>> Felt awful
>> Bloated like a balloon
>> Blood pressure went from a nice 120s/70 to 152/85.
That was probably because of the German food, Einstein!
Why do you automatically assume that they’re elite?
Alright man, we could've had a nice conversation about these pics you keep posting, but now I'm just gonna ignore them and hope you get banned for posting low quality shit.
wtf no
These guys look like frat bros, so they mostly consider themselves normal Americans; they're in college so "work" if any is minimum wage bullshit; their hopes and dreams are to get a good job in their major; their political views range from Mao to Hitler; and their hobbies mostly involve alcohol, drugs, sex, and too-loud music.
Source: was in a fraternity in college
were any of them gay
My personal experience is that it isn't too bad. I usually stick to spirits vs avoid beers and wine and stick to a hard cap of two drinks on a rest day.

If I know I'm gonna have a bender I get an extra workout in the day before, stack my rest days to aligne with the bender, and stack my meals to be super clean/lean for at least two days on each side.

Currently 37 and in the best shape of my life. Out preform about 2/3 of the 20-somethings I work with on work's semi-annual fitness evaluations.
I had gyno (started drinking at 17) and two months after quitting (I was 30) it disappeared completely.
Avoid when possible

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