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Dark fitness hacks
>If you regret eating something you can throw it up, wash your mouth with water and then brush your teeth immediately and there are no downsides to this
>You can explain any body composition change on stopping eating seed oils and any normalfag will believe you and inquire no further
your esophagus will certainly not like this
Esophagi get damaged from involuntary, uncontrolled vomiting, not from controlled slow vomiting
>post lgbt/tranny porn to convince other males to become gay/transition
The less males on the dating pool, the less you need to lift to succeed
All vomiting is involuntary even if it's induced. Your esophagus makes no distinction between whether or not it was intentional.
I don't need to induce vomiting to vomit
Bro, this is just bulimia for roided men
More hacks pls
Tell people not to take finasteride to reduce dating market competition
A better solution is to chew the bad food so you can enjoy the taste and mouthful and then spit it into the bin. That way no vomiting is necessary
I do this with chocolate and lollies all the time

Only downside is you need to do it alone otherwise people get weirded out when you spit out every mouthful of food and continue to put another mouthful in afterwards
Not the sane feeling
I would never want to have anyone to vomit, voluntarily or not, because that shit has scarred me for life. Just put down the fork how fucking hard is it?
t. got a condition that makes my stomach produce shit ton of gastic acid which leads to vomit which is either controlled by meds or could be fixed forever through surgery that will cause me to never vomit again.
>throw it up, wash your mouth with water and then brush your teeth immediately and there are no downsides to this
Esophageal cancer/pyloric sphincter scarring
Upper esophageal sphincter*
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I give people bad fitness advice on purpose.
I don't want anyone else to be successful.
When I get a gf, I'll stop, but for now, I must devote all my time to hindering every other male's success.
In any way I can.
I think I'm personally responsible for many people failing on /fit/.
>be the biggest black piller on north eastern 4chan servers
>am secretly always trying hard af
>overdose on watered down black coffee to induce shitting before gym
>train hard as fuck without risking shitting yourself
Your welcome, gym shitters
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Unironic eating disorder behavior. This is what weakass Stacey's in highschool do to stay skinny. Be a man, nigger.
Op being unfathomably retarded and gay again. But I gotta admit, you got a chuckle out of me For sure. LOL. LMAO. ROFL.
>be a man
I'd rather be slim and attractive
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LMAO cursed thread
>Your welcome
ESL detected, opinion discarded
This is what I've been thinking lately. Been posting for 20 years. Did the incel thing, crawled out, made my way to the other side. High body count now. I really blame 4chan for making me depressed and amoral. I also broke out through actual connections, reading real books, stuff this place mocks but works.

Now I’m "free," I help people on here a lot. But lately, I think, why? You’re possible competition. Every anon that escapes is another rival; taking girls, jobs, parking spots, trying to square up against me. The fact is an awakened Chad can bed literally hundreds possibly thousands of girls to fill the hole in his heart from women ignoring him.

We all spread our misery, knowingly or not.
this anon has never heard of baking soda and water apparently, crazy. probably doesnt even know what the pH scale is
thats insanely based, i dont know if its something i should be depressed about or just neutral but i dont even have to worry about that here. literally 99% of the population around me gives 0 fucks about their health and physical fitness. bunch of fat and/or skinny DYEL skinnyfat uneducated retards who think exercise is for kids and drinking beer and smoking cigarettes is just how adults should live their lives
i can smell the curry from these posts
>Did the incel thing, crawled out, made my way to the other side. High body count now
you don't "become" an incel, you were a volcel the whole time and have nobody to blame but yourself. if you were truly genetic leftovers you'd still be rotting in your room despite all your efforts.
>If you regret eating something you can throw it up, wash your mouth with water and then brush your teeth immediately and there are no downsides to this

Apart from your fucked up esophagus, the vomit that when up your nostrils and oh yeah you still brought up puke to your teeth so they still got hit with acid even though the quick rinse mitigated damage
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First anon is like half of /fit/ threads
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>hehe im bulimic and have an eating disorder and nobody can even tell!!!
What you are describing is called bulimia nervosa, a type of eating disorder.
It is very dangerous to live like that and I suggest you bring this up with your doctor.
>wash your mouth with water and then brush your teeth immediately and there are no downsides to this
Erode your tooth enamel, your teeth don't grow back retard, stomach acid will fuck anything north of your stomach up
Ok gym shitter
i do the opposite of everything posted here. You're helping a bunch of people and only fooling the bottom 20% which would be giving up even if the advice was good. You are increasing discussion by getting others to
correct you increasing the eyes on solid advice.

By posting you are a net positive in the community.
OMG Rippetoe posts in here???
tell people to use finasteride to reduce dating market competition
Always do the opposite of what /fit/ says. Works like a charm.

>low fat high carb
>high volume for hypertrophy
>don't put too much emphasis on legs
New lifters should delay working on triceps for 6 months and only focus on biceps until then. Your arms will look weird in the short-term but when you finally gain thickness and mass from the tricep exercises they will look comparatively better because of more prominent biceps

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