Workout A:3 x 5 barbell squat 3 x 8 dumbbell front squat 3 x 5 bench press 3 x 8 Dumbbell incline bench 3 x 5 weighted pull ups 3 x 8 lat pulldown 3 x 8 dumbbell curl Workout B: 1 x 5 deadlift 3 x 8 reverse hyperextension 3 x 5 OHP 3 x 8 dumbbell overhead press3 x 5 weighted chin ups 3 x 8 chest supported machine row 3 x 8 hammer curl Schedule: week 1 = ABAxBAweek 2 = BABxABand so on Thoughts?
>>75475970I have 3 suggestions>1)Drop frequency to 2x lifting sessions per weekAdd 1x or 2x SPRINTING sessions per week>sprint session structure:>go to flat open space like a park>jog into a 10 yard max effort sprint>rest until ready to go again>repeat until 4x sprints completed>work up to 10x total sprints over time, then start changing distances etc.>each sprint is always maximum effort>2)Your lifting should be cut down tooYou don't need barbell + dumbbell squat, or barbell bench + dumbbell incline benchThese slightly different lifts are a novelty that you should introduce after you have squeezed out progress on the original movementSo start with flat barbell bench, train hard until a genuine plateau, then switch to incline, or reverse grip, or dumbbell, or whatever, with a deload. So that your body gets a new novelty, and a break to figure it out, then you work up to a plateau and repeat. Over time you will find the lifts you enjoy doing for each movement pattern and you can prioritise those as you see fitThis much volume in one session is probably going to make you unable to put enough effort into later exercises to get any meaningful gains out of them, you'll just be going through the motionsBut if you want to do all these movements, cut down on the volume in each session and spread them out, like soA13x5 barbell squat3x5 bench press3x5 weight pullups3x8 dumbbell curl is plentyB11x5 deadlift3x5 OHP>there isn't that much difference between pullups and chinups, they don't need to be done every session3x8 machine row>add some core m8Then you could have A2 & B2 sessions next week if you wanted, with the other lifts I've left out>3)If your gym has a sauna, you should sauna after each session for 5-15 minutes
>>75476043Thank you for the advice. 1) I was thinking of dropping to 3 days a week , and then adding cardio. Isn't 2 days a week not enough frequency?2) I added those extra exercises because I want to look like I actually lift. My biggest fear is getting pretty strong but not aesthetic. I definitely should add core training though , thats for sure.
>>75475970>Run SS>Do cardio after every session >Stay the same weight until plateauing then gain slowly >?????Profit
>>75476185If you run an actual noob program, you should run it as written You shouldn't be programming a single damn thing until you're advanced
>>75476216I dont want to look like a powershitter after 6 months of lifting
>>75476210So you want me to look like a t rex huh
>Is a noob>Thinking he's gonna do weighted pullups right awayLmao
this is kinda dumb, too many pieces>Asquathorizontal pressvertical press (alternate order each session)tri's(more arm/delt isolations if you want to/can)>Bdeadlift or DL variationrowpull/chin-upbi's(more arm/delt isolations if you want to/can)>AxBxABxas you see this is a push/pull split, but on the two first A and B's you can mix in extra things, potentially you can do arms, chest and back x3 on this split. I squat on the B day in the middle of the week too. Back to back AB session should be strictly push/pull.