Does reps matter?if I could do 10 pull ups one set max, but instead did 5 sets of 2 would I gain the same amount of strength?IDGAF hyperTROPHY
for max strength you need heavy weight low reps for neural gains and some pumping for more hypertrophy.
>>75476664Yes reps fucking matter retard. The pic you posted even explains it in simple terms an idiot like you can understand.No, 5 sets of 2 pull ups is not the same as 1 of 10, as you are not adequately fatigued to stimulate muscle growth.
>>75476732this. you would need to do like 6-10 sets of 2 weighted ti stimulate similar level of growthnas one max set of 10. reps below 5 are shit for growth. expect atrophy without higher rep ranges. 3x5 you can get noob gains and thats it. plenty of guys stall at lol one plate bench on these programs.
>>75476664Read the sticky.
>>75476664For strength, they matter because lower reps allow you to move more weightFor hypertrophy, total volume (sets*reps*weight) is all that matters*. Reps matter in a practical sense because doing four sets of 12 with medium weight takes up a *lot* less time than eight heavy sets of 5 to achieve the same volume*assuming the weights you're using are actually stimulating
>>75476664Is Meg Squats single yet? I think her and I would really hit it off.
>>75476664>sets of 6oh no no no NO
>>75476664Each category is max reps to near failure. If you fail at a certain weight around 5 reps it's going to build more strength. If you fail in the 8-15 range it's going to be more towards hypertrophy. If you can lift a weight 15 times but only do 5 reps it's not going to do anything.
>>75476828The sticky is filled with dead links and has been irrelevant for the past decade.