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When are you going to stop spamming this board every single day? It's been years and you are still doing this, it's time to get a life and go outside. At least play a game or do literally anything other than this
I eat around 15000kcals everyday of mainly red meat and butter and I'm lean.
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Yeah CICO is retarded.

It's kind of neat how easy it is to be superior to >90% of the population, though. If everyone learns about carnivore it will be a level playing field.
>raw ground meat
The excess calories are consumed by a meter long tapeworm in his gut
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Oh yeah? Well I eat up to 90,000 calories in a day, all red meat and I'm jacked as fuck
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Dmub btch
Eat uranim
bst shap of my lief
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Fattie lion
you're just going to take the guy at his word and not ask for a pic of him either huh

i fucking hate these threads and you faggots
he looks satisfied
>Consume drop of uranium
>Enough calories to live for 30,000 years
>Lose weight
Cico btfo.
Happy and satisfied
it's not raw tho
actually though, how could he concievably eat that and not be sick halfway
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Then why is it as red as thr knife
>turns ribeye steak into burgers
for what fucking reason
retards gonna retard, what else do you expect from ketolards.
Because fuck you, that's why
7,000 kcal?
This only works if he is doing a fuckton of cardio every day and/or is on PEDs.
I don't buy it.
>seared on the outisde makes all the meat cooked!
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This is your brain on keto
how does this kill cicofags
he literally said he's gaining weight, he just claimed it's all muscle (delusional)
I'd rather eat grass than that each day.
I'm way too poor to eat like that every day. What would that cost at a restaurant? I'm guessing at least $150.
>I'm not getting fa--ack
Why would you go on the internet and tell lies?
It's fun.
You're more likely to get diabetes form eating a typical carb loaded western diet than you are to get a heart attack from eating meat
I'm very interested in this concept, do you have any more similar resources?
yo reddit what’s up
None of this is true. Please anons, don't eat 7,000 calories because someone on a Himalayan fashion board told you to.
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>the cam pans around and he looks like this
How in the fuck am I going to afford that kind of meal plan? I make low six figures and imaging the grocery bill has me sweating. I tried carnivore for a while and ended up eating mostly chicken livers when I took a look at my bank account

Eats "7000 kcal". Two or three hours in stomach, six hours in small intestine. Small intestine is where all calories are absorbed.

Of course he's eating at maintenance. He has to. His meal has to be calorically dense or he would be losing weight. Congratulations on "proving" that you need to eat 7000 kcal of fatty protein and fat at least once a day or you'll lose weight, asshole.
I rawdog prostitutes
Not proud of it, but it's the truth
powders just result in less of the food being shat out, that's all
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I'm not sure what you mean by resources but there are a lot of different scientific studies supporting it.

Do you want any specific ones? There are papers on insulin, well controlled weight loss studies, studies on what advice is best for humans in the real world, protein overfeeding studies, etc.

I'm not sure it would be useful to just start spamming my studies folder.
No. They checked the feces.

The study is rock solid and completely obliterates CICO.
Here's one such compelling study.

They feed humans excess protein. Protein can be measured with calories. No gain in body fat.

CICO resoundingly proven false.
CICOtroons will literally eat a measured portion industrial waste within their tde and then wonder why they're so inflamed, bloated and distended
>No. They checked the feces.
alright well now you're just lying
can't tell if you're so dedicated to this "cause" that you think lying for it is an "end justifies the means" thing or if you're actually spending 12 hours a day doing this le epic troll
either way you need to get help dude
>I'm not sure it would be useful to just start spamming my studies folder.
That's kind of what I want, but I guess even more what I would like is some kind of source that synthesizes this information into an actual plan
>resistance trained individuals
>high protein group eats mean 2,835 calories/day
>trains hard
>didn't gain fat
>follow up study
>resistance-trained individuals
>High protein group eats mean 2,614 calories/day
>trains hard
>didn't gain fat
So much for hypocaloric diet.
>I gained 5lbs the first month I ate keto because I was downing 4000-5000+ calories a day thinking calories don’t matter as long as my carbs didn’t go over 20g net.

Every diet is just CICO in the end retard
Let's just run all this info by Jeff nippard and see what he says. He's the authority on things like this.
Plan for what? If you want to achieve optimal health, a carnivore diet focused on beef seems to be delivering the best results in people who experiment with diet.

If you just want to be lean you can eat any low-carb diet even if it has vegetable oils and other trash.

Here's a graphic from a book, "Burn" by Herman Pontzer PhD. It is interesting because it shows that exercise doesn't actually raise TDEE. Another aspect of the CICO hoax that is utterly false.
And here's another graphic from the same book showing something similar.

African tribal people who walk many hours every day have the same TDEE as couch potato Americans. Totally obliterates the idea that obesity has been caused by lack of exercise.
Here's a study on something they used to do called an "insulin coma". It caused obesity.

This suggests that the driver of obesity is insulin, not "calories".
And another study showing insulin causes weight gain without hyperphagia (eating too much).

All signs point to insulin model of obesity. Not the bogus calorie nonsense.
This one is from a case study on a woman who had a tumor removed which caused excess insulin in her body.

She lost weight after removal. This isn't from eating less or moving more. She lost weight by having less insulin in her body.
Look at this guy, reading books and shit. Show me the research that proves ur a feggit lol
Here's a meta-analysis of studies where drugs were used to suppress insulin. Insulin suppressing drugs reduce body fat.

How could that be? It's because CICO is false. Insulin model of obesity is true.
The people that get heart attacks are loading up on seed oils and other such ultra processed slop.
Here's meta-analysis on high-fat dairy studies.

Fat has calories, so lower fat dairy should be less fattening according to CICO.

In reality we see full fat dairy is a slimming food. How could that be? It's because CICO is false.
in english please. my iq is about room temperature
In 1953 they knew you could cure obesity on an unlimited calorie diet. Just by quitting carbs.
I was talking to a vegan coworker of mine that mentioned "if you hear a doctor ever tell you to cut carbs, run the other way and find another doctor immediately".
Needless to say, he's a weak söyboy of a jeet.
I kind of feel bad for vegans because many of them have been tricked into a harmful diet by playing on their emotions. They are unwitting tools of the processed food industry.

Pic related.
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It really isn't as complicated as you faggots make it seem, I just consumed 180 terajoules by eating my fingernails.
This is all the proof I need CICO works.
Based Chael Sonnen

This guy is a retard who doesn't understand that calorie is a unit of measurement, not a thing.
>62 Posts
>Not one even remotely close to proving super high caloric protein diet prevents weight gain
but but muh first law of thermodynamics which is meant for steam engines
I only eat one egg every day and I've gained 10lb this month. I simply have bad genetics
This ignores the fact that they treated the extreme hypoglycemia immediately after each episode with high doses of glucose (i.e. enormous amounts of sugar)
No shit they gained weight
You ever treat a hypoglycemic person? I'm an EMT, shit ton of sugary drinks and candies then peanut butter sandwiches when they're a bit more conscious
Repeating that every day on top of a regular diet will definitely pack on the pounds
>Rare = raw
Your protein deficiency is showing via cognitive impairment.
>Carnivore sect still exist
And to think it all started with a balding schizo manlet immigrant to Sweden who murdered his gf...
I don't believe that is 7k calories
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I look red too and never felt better.
at least this guy can actually run
This is why people say red meat is unhealthy, having a entire stick of butter with a small steak is what is unhealthy.
Nobody ever consumes calories.
This is one of the most disgusting things ive seen.
What a waste of good ribeye. So obvious he doesn't manage to eat 2/3 of that even either.
People say red meat is unhealthy because it is the healthiest food possible and they are reality-inverting leftist liars.

Most leftist lies don't get any more complex than that. They simply invert reality.
Meat is healthy, its only faggot rightoids who push their carnivore and keto shit that's annoying.
What does that have to do with left and right anyways?
I am pretty left leaning and I eat mainly meat and animal products.
What's funny is how they will push their le based steppe warrior carnivore diet on their kids and then be suprised when they grow up to be 5'7 framelets
thread full of idiots speculating over things they know nothing about
its also completely rare in the middle when they "cook" it
I know for certain that CICO is a hoax spread by the sugar industry. I know about it in great detail.

Feel free to ask questions.
how many fucking threads are you spamming right now?
The 5'7 framelets come from single mother households served with goyslop like microwavable lasagna, chicken nuggets and high fructose drinks
The typical carnivore house has extremely healthy children
Just because you'll never be a woman doesn't mean you get to just bullshit about things you dislike because you had a neglectful childhood
You couldn't project any harder than that
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I can post studies too.
HCLF group loses fat and adds lean mass and maximal strength after 15 weeks of resistance training.
LCHF group (same protein and calories as HCLF) loses more fat, but also loses lean mass and maximal strength after the 15 weeks.
Actually read this study. It's shit. I'm not posting what it says again for you to ignore.
And you're just seething for no reason today huh
You retards would know that cico does work if you ever committed to tracking everything you eat instead of sitting on your fat ass reading (((scientific))) (((studies)))
meat and butter is gross to you? are you insane?
like yeah, he made a very unappetizing meal for the sake of getting a rise out of people like you, but it's a far cry from the most disgusting thing ever. roaming by the street vendors of mumbai, african mud cookies, or some of the shit they pass off as edible in china comes to mind.
genuinely curious if you even lift.
Look at midwesterners. Some of the biggest dudes of america come from there. They all grow up on heavily meat based diets due to close access to farms meaning cheaper protein sources.
sample size fucking one. shouldn't have been published.
>wasting probably thousands of dollars, countless calories and butchering countless animals while still not being able to get above a victim weight of 75kg
This really isn't a flex.

>The typical carnivore house has extremely healthy children
How can you even say that? This is a completely new retard food fad that hasn't seen any real longterm consequences.
>gets served undercooked food
>happily pays for it
>things that didn't happen
The midwest grows corn and soi, not meat. Everyone there eats complete goyslop.
Just because you eat something doesn't mean your body consumes all of it. There's a maximum amount of calories your body can absorb in any given time due to the limited surface area of your intestines. Anything past that is passed through, undigested.
More likely to kill the dude eating it
Yeah no that's due to their heavily germanic/scandinavian ancestors that all settled out there (probably because they were all already used to harsh winters from europe).
Reverse image led me to some 5 year old Ribbit post. For shame OP
Buy a meat freezer and get a whole, half, or quarter cow
Why can't you fat niggers just eat less? It's always these gay diets and excuses when everyone easily gains and loses weight by just adjusting their calories.

t. been everywhere between 170lbs to 250lbs by just tracking calories.
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I struggled with obesity my entire life until I figured out that CICO is totally false.

Belief in CICO causes obesity. It cannot cure it. It's the cause.

If nobody ever heard of the calorie measurement we would all be slim. It's intuitively obvious that some foods are fattening and other foods are not. Only calorie insanity can delude someone into thinking it's just "too much" in an abstract sense and not specific fattening foods (i.e. sugar, grain).
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>everyone easily gains and loses weight by just adjusting their calories
Point to where on the chart you think everyone started easily losing weight.
>not gaining fat
post body and proof you're not puking this back up
>chart that shows people are eating 400 more calories per day
now post sedentary time trend during that and you literally prove CICO
He's not eating carbs.
Define CICO in a way that is both meaningful and true.
Not the anon you are replying to but I kept my diet the same this year while adding on more exercises/lifts as well as more time spent on cardio into my routine. I found out I accidentally lost 15lbs due to the added exercises and only found out when someone asked what my current weight was.
You can do the same experiment as long as you are being truthful to yourself
Exercise alters hormones.
so stupid to eat the whole daily protein in one meal. body wont use more than 60g for muscle building
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It's from this reddit thread from five or six years ago >>75479909, that dude was living in Hong Kong and supposedly got rich off bitcoin. Claimed he had a perpetual dinner reservation at a restaurant, every night at 8 pm.
This OP looks like picrel. He spammed this shit for about three years and then disappeared for most of this year. Came back about a week ago and is shitting up the board again.
I'm sure this faceless meme picture inside a restaurant is truthful
This. It is literally impossible to build muscle on OMAD
Body composition is determined by hormones. Has nothing to do with calories. Scroll up in this thread and read all the scientific studies posted.
He is in better shape and health than you
>he says this as he proceeds to drown his leaves and veggies in a coagulation of machine oil and some seasonings
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> Left: Women from a half-marathon
> Right: Mice kept sedentary
lies, he hasn't posted for years on that acc
>Left: proof CICO is false
>Right: more proof CICO is false
The left is a convoluted mess of theologies originating on marx, you're the left's non practicing catholic, you don't go to church and you don't know the theology. But it exists and matters a lot
CICO bros, time to wrap up this thread. We just can't stop winning.
My bad if it wasn't clear.
Yes, reddit hong kong guy hasn't posted on reddit in five years.
The guy that made this thread (who is not hong kong guy) is the keto dude that spammed /fit/ for years, disappeared and came back in the last week or so.
I think it actually proves CICO is true. Your body adapts to new stress (increased activity) so you don't need to add more calories exponentially.

You literally follow your regular EE and stay in a deficit and lose weight. You'll need to slightly adjust for recovery, but shockingly what you posted shows that there is a set number of calories your body burns even if you add extra activities.
You fundamentally misunderstand the concept of CICO and the implication of these studies. I
You are the one who misunderstands.

CICO is pseudoscientific nonsense. It's a motte-and-bailey fallacy used to sell sugar. Nothing more.
The lengths amerisharts will got to so they can stuff their face without gaining weight. Just eat less. It's okay to be hungry sometimes.
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Never seen the show? Every episode he is telling people
>no bread
>no carbs
you're not immune against the laws of thermodynamics
try eating 5k cals a day and spending 1k and watch what happens
It's minced grassfed ribeye. It's not the ground trash you buy at the grocery store
>muh thermodynamics
CICO is not a law of physics. That's just how they trick people into believing it.
I don't care if cico is correct or if the insulin model is correct.
All I know is my own body. Whenever I do keto/no carb diets, I drop weight rapidly and get shredded quickly.
I love pasta and can't ever truly give it up. But in a pinch, keto/carbless diets are the best dieting strategy I've ever encountered.
>Body composition is determined by hormones. Has nothing to do with calories.
If thats the case, then why do fat people exist? They don't change their exercise routine but their caloric intake increases significantly?
>Body composition is determined by hormones
>It had nothing to do with the fact you workout
That's a brilliant idea, I might do just that
you may not like it but it's true, my high-calorie friend
Fat people exist because they eat carbs.
That's an interesting analogy but I think a more apt comparison is different denominations and sects. Like comparing a normal practicing christian to Amish or JW.
>turning ribeyes into burgers
Wtf idiot does this? Waste of a good steak
Tht's only 20,000,000 human calories though.
>People and rats are the same
Post nose.
Do people and rodents obey the same laws of physics?
Sure but it's not really an analogy. It is a religion based on marx's theology.
>people responding like eating a steak cooked with a fucking sink of all things and an entire stick of butter isn't somehow disgusting
Thats just how wypipo cook they food
My cico progress since June 1st.
>>I eat 20k calories and I remain at 8% BF all year around
get on my level
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Fuck you Dr. Now, I have read on 4chan that CICO is false. I can eat what I want.
>This isn't from eating less or moving more.
There is no proof of that tho
I saw someone try the diet once and it was giant portions of cucumber and dairy. And giant salads with no or very little meat.
How does the hoax work?
What do you think about beer?
Female fashion models eat 1200-1500 cals per day. So 1000 for a guy seems kinda American-tier crazy.
That shit is going to kill you. I don't care if you do carnivore, but you can't eat ALL red meat for years. Red meat should be less than 1/3rd. It's savage on your body and we've known that forever. Eat some fucking chicken. Jesus.
the people who eat too many calories are primarily getting them from sugar and simple carbs, you're arguing against your own position, which is what happens when you're an unserious troll who doesn't even believe the bullshit he's spouting

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