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Fellas.... I think its working
Why is this nigga always so moist
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That's what it takes to not die.
Half of the shit that he goes is schizophrenic psycho shit.
All you need to do to avoid this shit is to eat well, exercise well, and not stress yourself out all the fucking time. Even if you can't do that, half of his stuff is just overkill, it's all just diminishing gains. Will your sons blood help out, yeah. But what's probably helping more is having a huge boost in collogen and elastin in your diet. Will surgery help. yes. Wouldn't it just be easier to not fuck your body up. yes. Half of his stuff is overkill, and half of his stuff he is paying way to much money fo when there are better options.
his vegan diet will kill him
It's a nice experiment. No one has done it to this extent. The whole point is to see what's possible if you try to do everything we know optimally.
who is this handsome young man? he looks underage tbqhwy
This fag throws away millions just to look like a tranny lmao
Are you saying trannyhood is the fountain of youth?

>Wasting THIS much time trying to live longer so you can live longer while trying to live longer.

Aye OK.
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>finally... eternal youth
>"this is the youngest I will ever be again"
the only 100% effective method to never grow old
came here for this, was going to make the edit myself with a knife
Live normal healthy life. Die at 90
Live insane schizo health maxxing life. Die at 95

I'll take the first one thanks.
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>The puzzle was finally solved and immortality reached
>I just needed to add lead to my diet.
>Its working
It sure is
>start doing this!
What the fuck are they doing to that boy? Did his parents allow that?
Why does this fella make people seethe so much? He's just a tech bro who made it early in life and wants to do something interesting.
kek so it was a grift all along

Why are you posting a little naked boy on the internet?
Bryan is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. If you think this guy has the time and energy to grift for 1-5% roi, you are clinically retarded. Longevity is his passion and his supplement company a way of expressing and sharing it. He shares all of his finds for free, as well as the ingredients and what the supposed benefit is so you can copy it without having to buy his stuff.

I don't understand this urge to bring others down. Speaks of poor character. And no I haven't bought any of his shit nor do I intend to.
I don't really care nor does anybody else about his so-called passion. It's unscientific and he is mentally ill.
Say what you will about him but don't say he cheaps out on indian shill farms
Hi there, Bryan
He won't reach 95 by a long margin. He'll die way sooner than his nutriders think.
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As a non-troon who recently surpassed BryJo in supplement stack size with about 2% of his budget, I think he's just trying to deplete his son's inheritance money with half the shit he's doing. The dermatology shit is the worst offender, he has all these expensive-ass devices collecting dust because he found all their shitty side effects, meanwhile I'm doing photodynamic IPL with a few cents worth of chemo and a $50 flash unit while he still hasn't figured that out.
>photodynamic IPL with a few cents worth of chemo and a $50 flash unit
what the actual fuck is this
oh, so "unscientific" and "mentally ill" is it?
Where have I heard that before?
Vaxx status?
Retard. What he is doing is the very definition of science.
We then have to see if it is reproducible on scale.
BTW, I am >>75479263
What exactly is he doing in this image?
Always is
I might actually start believing in God if this guy is suddenly killed in a hilarious freak accident of some kind.
Like lead poisoning from all.the weird Chinese herbs?
I was thinking more along the lines of falling into a manhole but that would work too and would add a layer of irony.
>lives in LA
>can't leave his house due to air quality and sun exposure
it's more like surviving forever than living forever

why doesn't he live in a temperature woodland somewhere
>no control
Writing it all down and measuring as much as he can is all well and good, but he's been taking so much shit that you can't demonstrate a link between one thing and another.
Is his skin good because of the estrogen, the moisturizer, one of the hundred supplements, his autism beam face masks? Maybe some combination? Which ones then? Which ones have the most potency? And so on, and so on
>>photodynamic IPL with a few cents worth of chemo and a $50 flash unit
>what the actual fuck is this

some actual next-level skin wizardry that mogs all your snek exfoliants, Bryan: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=photodynamic+intense+pulsed+light
Skin wizard, how do I remove bags from under my eyes? I always look tired despite getting 7-8 hours nightly with a relatively clean diet.
Seconding this
How to get rid of my dark bags??
chamomile cream.
> what is a case study
You don't. It's GENETIC.
Well unless you gain EXTRA FAT, LIKE A LOT.
They'll go away lmao

No it's not LE UNHEALTHY and has FUCKING NOTHING to do with sleep
>chamomile cream.
which one?
Can you spoon feed pls?
Sure yes. I actually use most of his Blueprint-branded stuff, and it's hard to overstate how much I cringe whenever I look at the fucking packaging.
Why is that printed in big bold letters on every bag of powder they're selling me?
Who needs to see this?
I'm lucky my household has already accepted I'm going through a weird phase so they don't dare to mock me for that shit.
But by God, they'd have every right to.
I don't know if I'm enabling Bryan's narcissism or just enabling my own mental illness. It all blends together in a wonderful shitshow of *Come to the don't die discord! We've got live events with other mentally ill desperate people that are afraid of decrepitude* wait what was I saying? idk. probably nothing.
Yeah, like seriously. All the IPL stuff that I find online is for hair removal; would that even be the right wavelength? Also, for the 5-ALA, I can not find any topical products. Do you make some sort of solution using the lab grade stuff?
It might be all in my head, but I think the CeraVe Anti Aging Retinol Serum I apply under my eyes every night might have helped a bit.
I suspect the way the famous and the beautiful do it is to just cake some make-up on, but it was already a stretch to start having a skin care routine, I'm not falling for this too.
>All the IPL stuff that I find online is for hair removal; would that even be the right wavelength?

IPL units are pretty much all Xenon flash lamps pumped by Marx generators that emit about the same spectra.

>Also, for the 5-ALA, I can not find any topical products. Do you make some sort of solution using the lab grade stuff?

This works, but there are many other photodynamic chemo agents out there. Some of the "alternative" ones I've tried include methylene blue, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, zinc oxide, graphite, and turmeric.
>It's a nice experiment
It's not even. A good experiment has ONE variable and everything else is controlled. When this guy dies, they're gonna go over his corpse with a microscope and a hundred different "experts" are going to insist the results prove each of their contradictory beliefs true.
Even if he does manage to live 150 years, no one will be able to say which drug, therapy, dietary consideration, meditation, or combination of the above was responsible. Or if he could have lived even longer without doing one of them. Or if one thing cancelled out another, for good or ill.
Not to mention N=1 is basically meaningless. Come talk to me when half a million men freeze themselves every day under study.
>> what is a case study
Completely fucking useless for extrapolating anything about anyone other than the study's subject(s). Retard.
>Half of the shit that he goes is schizophrenic psycho shit.
>All you need to do to avoid this shit is to eat well, exercise well, and not stress yourself out all the fucking time. Even if you can't do that, half of his stuff is just overkill, it's all just diminishing gains. Will your sons blood help out, yeah. But what's probably helping more is having a huge boost in collogen and elastin in your diet. Will surgery help. yes. Wouldn't it just be easier to not fuck your body up. yes. Half of his stuff is overkill, and half of his stuff he is paying way to much money fo when there are better options.

ahh yes random 4channers opinion on health over a billionaire with a team & extensive testing

>Even if he does manage to live 150 years, no one will be able to say which drug, therapy, dietary consideration, meditation, or combination of the above was responsible. Or if he could have lived even longer without doing one of them. Or if one thing cancelled out another, for good or ill.
if he lives to 150 then we know something he did worked, which is good now we can hone in on that specific thing, and we'll know atleast following everything he did will likely give you similar results.
I beg to differ. Know that crazy high glutathione level? I'm pretty sure his NAC consumption is mostly behind that.
>if he lives to 150 then we know something he did worked
No we don't, because maybe he was just that genetically gifted. Maybe he could hit 200 but some of the supplements he's taking combine to form toxins that'll kill him early. You just can't know. Even with a real study of a million people, there's still plenty of uncertainty, that's why "le science" can't decide if eggs are the fountain of youth or cyanide, let alone Bryan's sci-fi autism shit.
And he's not going to live to 150, I'd be shocked if he makes it past 95.
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It's not working
This guy is trans, but can't admit it, so is pretending to do all this weird stuff instead of actually transitioning
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Virtually unlimited money in the bank and still can't find satisfaction or happiness. Sad!
It took me ages to admit to myself I was a tranny. This guy is gen x, so he is struggling with internalised hatred.

He is literally on estrogen for, uh, anti aging reasons.
nuuu cat come back!!!!!!!!
its a gut problem. avoid all foods with antibacterial properties and eat raw foods
>eat raw foods

Enjoy salmonella
turns out he should have enjoyed his youth and not spent time "grinding", because you only get one youth and you can't bring it back no matter how much money you spend

who woulda known
his satisfaction is focusing on his healthy lol
and lifting.
this is /fit/ isnt it?
And he lifts
Yall are haters lol he is literally the dream of a fitness person. Whole life dedicated to fitness
>he is literally the dream of a fitness person

Lifters want to be women?
instead of that, eat all the foods with antibacterial properties and get plenty of good probiotics, but stay away from raw meat or milk.
Every time I see him he looks exponentially older
This is what happens when you go through school just memorizing and regurgitating everything, without ever developing the ability to think.
lol ignore all the other wierd shit he does, but focus on the lifestyle. His lifestyle IS the fitness lifestyle. Obviously he does some extra useless stuff, but with his time and money, what more could a /fit/ person ask for?
Everyone that is /fit/ should have one thing in common with him at least, and that is being fit and dedicating life to it. Sure everyone has their vices and whatever, and extra garbage shit they do, but in the end, life is oriented around being fit and healthy to feel good. Most people talking shit about him are jealous for sure.
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I'm not jealous, I pass
Maybe you're not, but for sure 80% of the human population would be. He is 47 and worth over 500 million and his whole day is dedicated to fitness. Ignore all the dumb shit he does and imagine if you had the time, money and freedom to just dedicate your whole day to fitness and leisure.
If I had 500 million I would give it all away to be 18 again. Some things, you can't buy
>He is 47 and worth over 500 million and his whole day is dedicated to fitness.

But he realized this is actually overtraining and cut back.

A diet high in polyphenols and a few grand a year in supplements is a decent non-shit-tier cope.
Nah, it's conceited. You could help a lot of people with that money, instead he divorces his wife once he finds out she has cancer and leaves her destitute.

He's a bad person, and worshipping such people is the downfall of humanity
Women do this shit all the time.
Woman loses weigh and ditches fat husband.
Deal with it. Why shouldn't he upgrade? You have loser mentality.
>But he realized this is actually overtraining and cut back.
kek, rookie mistake. that was exactly what i thought the first time i heard/ saw his videos.
Why should he help people? The bottom 90% would kill and eat the 10% if possible. Once you make it, you say fuck it and leave them behind.
A bad person is a bad person. You think like a child, tit for tat
Remember this when you're being abused in a nursing home as an old man
He is not bad.
Fuck you loser.
WTF are you talking about? Nursing home? WTF did that come from?
Bryan Johnson is worth 500 million, he can do whatever the fuck he wants.
And me? What do I have to do with a nursing home? What, cause I don't like the bottom 80% who look up with seethe envy and anger? Get your mind right.
You're a scumbag piece of shit. You are irredeemable and no one respects you. Also you're trans, accept it
It means when you have a might is right outlook, dont be surprised when you're on the receiving end of someone else's might
He is not bad.
I don't need to redeem anything
And people have to look up to me because this is the west and the west is capitalistic. You are dumb if you think most of his haters arent just jealous people.
And I am not trans.
Yes, this is the west, which is capitalistic.
Unfortunately, the might is concentrated at the top so I have no worries.
Lol based.

You're a sissy faggot, take your estrogen, put on a maids outfit and let men bigger than you put you in your place
I'm sure Jeffrey Epstein said the same thing
I don't get it. Bryan is worth 500 million.
>let men bigger than you put you in your place
No man is bigger than me. lol.
Look at Elon Musk, total loser dork nerd geek.
Who cares? Epstein lived a life most men can only dream of. Hell, even Trump takes shit.
And Biden. Cope.
The average man is taking shit daily, from the moment they wake up to an alarm to the momnt they go to bed.
Do you know just how much shit the average man takes per day? From the moment they travel to work (traffic issues, road rage, etc etc) to the passive aggresive shit at work and then the drive home with the same shit. Then they go home and try to unwind from all the shit that happend during the day, with like an hour of free time. Bryan has 500 million and does "nothing" all day.
Bryan's a bitch
Meh, in a feminized world where fucking girls on the side while married ends in a nasty divorce, the LEAST a man can do is something like what Bryan did.
Fuck you, cuck beta simp.
Moisture is the essence of wetness and wetness is the essence of beauty.
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I have a question for you bryan, what sin did you commit in this life that makes you so afraid of final judgement?

what are you running from that you would even turn yourself into a tranny faggot?
Not Bryan, but running from death because I'm like 90% sure heaven/hell/god = fake.
Leaving your cancer riddled wife destitute is pure evil.
Too fucking bad. She wouldn’t think twice about leaving an average husband for a multi millionaire that is good looking and not a betabuxxer.
Ooof the betamale doesn’t like that but doesn’t say shit when the men get divorced rape.

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