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Leafs, how we holding up? I did back today
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Gonna train cock today. You ARE training your dick right...?
Rawdog coomed in a prozzie in markham a couple days ago. Hittin chest 2nite. Feelin good bud
Got the shits.
Too many jeets around
cry about it timmy
Lmao tell your sister to stop staring at me working out, I'm not putting my yogurt in her curry
ohp & deadlift tmrw
hopefully we find the strength for 5 doubles at 405
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Did chest and back today. I'm a NEET and hang out a lot at one of the gyms in Vancouver. Gonna do OHP tmr, hopefully it's not a high gravity OHP day.
How's the storm for you friend, I find it relaxing
Today was a pull day. And also shovelling my driveway if that counts lol. But I’m just trying to enjoy this pleasant early stage of winter before it gets super cold.
Did any sirs redeem the gym today?
i literally live close enough to the canuckian border to make a day trip out of it, never left murrica so i told myself if i get too old and still have never left my country ill drive up there and get lunch at a local restaurant or something so i can die saying i visited a foreign country kek
cute jeet
Hit upper body today, all isolation exercises cause I'm rehabing an injured shoulder before I get back into benching and pullups and stuff again. Shoulders feeling great actually, Ive been doing a lot of work on it, internal and external humeral rotations, deadhangs, lateral and front raises with full rom. Gonna keep on those exercises once I get back to the big compound movements and hopefully maintain bulletproof shoulders into the future.

Oh also all jeets must go home, fuck off we're full.
But this is our home sir
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So every country is simply the same?
We hebben een serieus probleem
I find it quite peaceful as well but tbf I just enjoy the sound of the winds from my room
Did chest/push yesterday.
Rest day today.
Squats and calf raises tommorrow.
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>the Hyundai Elantra for the jeets
Kek, every fucking time. I avoid those pieces of shit like the plague, it's a guaranteed jeetmobile

>Fuck """"indigenous""""
>Fuck cpp
>Fuck jeets
>Fuck chinks
>Fuck CRA
>Fuck Trudeau
>Fuck niggers
>Fuck jannies
>be me
>be today
>be about to shower
>heh, I'll do some bodyweight squats
>do first set of 20
>about to end second set
>door opens
>me butt naked doing squats
So I'm looking for an apartment now
Spent yesterday afternoon shoveling snow. Going to stretch and do core today. Currently waiting until lunch so i can cum inside my teen fwb.
Pull yesterday, push today. Not leaving my house this weekend because Taylor Swift is in my city.
Join us etobicokechads anon
The jeet fears the white neighbourhood
I love this meme format.
an evergreen statement
Depressed. Can't find a job that pays enough for me to move out so I'm still stuck at home. Best friend is moving across the country for better opportunities, but he was my main social contact so I'll have less to do when he's gone. But I hit a PR on bench, so that's pretty nice.
What province are you in? We're still wearing sweaters in ontario jfc I don't think it will snow until mid december
nta alberta got snow this week
It's snowing here in southeast BC but it won't stick for another week or so
I live in a very nice neighbourhood. If I move it'll be further away, too many fentanyl zombies here now.
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There is no escape. I consider myself lucky, my family owns quite a bit of land but I'm going to get raped to death by capital gains the second someone dies. Already happened once. Gramps buys a duplex in 1970 for $4.65 and suddenly it's worth $3 milly and we get taxed like we're the Waltons.
My highschool bud was a jeet and he's directly responsible for the increase of Timmigrants in 2020 since he worked in a Immagration Office as part of his Law Co-op term. God punished him by making him Norwood 6 at 24. He is never getting laid.
Finished College for a insurance degree and I can't get a job either. Had around 10 interviews with different companies over the last 5 months and I had some follow through interviews but they'll randomly drop me off and tell me they're not interested in me out of nowhere. I'm talking about 3 interviews with the same company and after the 3rd I'll get a rejection letter. I really don't know why, the job market here in Canada is retarded.
he can just turbanmaxx to hide that
It's cheaper to hire a jeet on a tfw than it is to hire you. The government also pays companies who hire tfw workers
It sounds very retarded that an Insurance company would hire a jeet that can barely speak a lick of English to handle auto claims but I believe it
>It's cheaper to hire a jeet on a tfw than it is to hire you. The government also pays companies who hire tfw workers
the only jeets at higher level positions are born here. the problem is they get hired for entry level slave labour and new grads are left out to dry. it's almost impossible to get your foot in the door anywhere unless you know someone.
My one buddy got me a Google Teams interview with his manager for a decent paying position at his company and my camera couldn't fucking work for some satanic reason and I lost the opportunity. Never had that issue with teams interviews before or after that interview. Shit sent me into a depressive spiral and I haven't came close since
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I'm going to binge drink and smoke a cheap, fat stogie in the middle of the day tomorrow in order to cope with being surrounded by stinky jeets in my stinky jeet city.
Then it's back to upper body on Friday.
Ontario anon? I'm in North York and it's pretty bad here but my gym is mostly white with a few changs.
You'd think we'd be safe in Québec but no.
Yeah I'm in Ontario, my gym has the same racial makeup (jeets don't lift lmao), but they're everywhere when I'm out and about.
Torontonian here, I've almost fully recovered from a pulled trap and ready to go back to the gym tomorrow for the first time after a week and a half long break.
Shooting for 3 pl8 t-bar rows for the first time.
What do you do for back?
>jeets don't lift
I fucking wish they didn't. Every single gym around here is overrun with 450 million Pooja, Raj, and Singh. I ended up building a home gym because I just couldn't stand how bad public gyms were getting.
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dis nigga from peel region
My Toronto gym is just whites and asians.
Delta in BC unfortunately
Idk how bad it is over in Ontario but I went to a Superstore the other day with my friend and we played "count the white people"
In the hour and a half we spent there on a Saturday we saw five white people
i used to tally whites as a lifeguard at a public pool. sometimes i'd take a tally and have to erase it if they had a russoid accent. pretty grim.
How do Chinese feel about them?
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PG here.
These subhuman animals are everywhere even up in the north.
Going back to school in my 30's and I'm usually the only non-Indian, nevermind non-brown.
At this point I legit get excited to see Filipinos in a class.
I cant stress how much I hate these lazy cheating pieces of shit.
So what jobs are you guys working now in the mean time?
This is why I work at a warehouse and saving as much Shekels as I can while my parents are still alive. I'm only gonna go to school once the jeet issue is sorted out and there's actually jobs to be had when graduating. Fuck being a debt cuck in 2020+4 in cuckanada.
>80k saved at 21
>I'm only gonna go to school once the jeet issue is sorted out
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Everyone hates indians, and this includes other indians. Older immigrants hate the new immigrants for coming in and:

1. giving them a bad name
2. being literal fucking stereotypes about how bad indians can be
3. disrespecting Canadian culture and making no attempt to adapt whatsoever
4. cheating, lying, violence, stealing, criminal behavior, being incredibly stupid to the point where you think they're doing a bit
5. the worst drivers bar none. king george highway and surrey are undriveable now, and it's spreading

Random story but here's an anecdote about what you can expect from indians.

>be me
>family owns cabin in interior of BC
>have owned it for 60 years (grandfather bought the land and developed it when he immigrated from finland)
>land on one side is government boat launch, land on other side is held by bipolar psychopathic aunt (long story)
>since no neighbors, nice and quiet
>bipolar psychopathic aunt sells property
>ah fuck here we go.jpg
>new neighbors come up when nobody is around
>look upon my works ye mighty and despair
>their entire property is now clear cut from dozens of trees(bad because prevailing valley winds can now fuck our cabin + roof and its a fucking eyesore)
>speaking of eyesores
>turfed over the grass and got a property inspector then placed an 8 foot black metal fence along the property line (which we went over but didn't know, so now our trailer + outhouse are fenced in on their side. didn't warn us, didn't tell us, just fenced it in.)
>know what they didn't fence?
>side of cabin + docks because it has power outlet, water outlet, propane outlet which they now constantly hook up to and steal to the point where family have to do full shutdown every time anyone leaves
>family gets frustrated and asks them when they are going to finish fence
>they say they don't have the people or the time
>offer to do it for them (trying to get them to stop stealing)
>refuse saying we wouldn't do "a good job"

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They're scared

The 24x7 seething about Indians on chan should give you the answer
>Surrey and Newton
Welcome to India, good saar.
Max your TFSA and FHSA, I'm all in ETHY.
None. I'm a neet at 25. I've applied to so many positions in my field on LinkedIn and ZipRecruiter and only 10% of them respond back with a request for an interview. All I do these days is go to the gym, practice folk music on my guitar, and play Pokemon on my emulators
it's crazy how jeet women can look white but will never be spiritually white their souls are always stained with something
Filipinos tend to be some of the nicer people, of course we don't prioritize them coming here.
>Filipinos tend to be some of the nicer people

Only on the surface, deal with them for a bit and you'll start to see how bad they are (generally incompetent, extremely nepotistic/chauvinistic).
their accent is abhorrent
Lmao. This is true. Work with two pajeetas and they are white girls in all ways, but they believe in arranged marriages only with indians.

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