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I workout for one reason, I want a top tier girlfriend. Maybe I'll MMA or boxing one day but I'm not in a position for that right now. I've made a lot of progress over the last couple of years. I've lost a significant amount of fat. I have muscle to the point where people for the past 3 days (including today) where other men have been pointing out how big I am and how much I lift. But all I ever wanted was to increase my chances of getting with women. All I ever wanted was that Tall, slim, brunette with the perfect eyes to like me back. I appreciate you kings for hyping me up, but I just wish getting fitter helped me with women.
It does when you actually talk to them dude. Women don't typically approach or make their intentions obvious. They play games of subtly.
Your chances now are better than what they used to be.
most girls I see outside are walking around holding hands with guys who look like they never set foot in a gym in their entire lives
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I keep repeating it: women do not actually like men.
>I workout for one reason, I want a top tier girlfriend.
you fell for the meme
Your chances are now better, even if you are not objectively more attractive, you are better regarded socially by other males, and depending on context, you will be seen better by females.
This is true. Women actually hate men. And it's way more common than misogyny
wrong you both are just unlikeable faggots but however you gotta cope i guess
The girl looks like Mia Khalifa.
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>I workout for one reason, I want a top tier girlfriend
If you want a girlfriend or wife from working out you want to have the physique between going bear mode and Shrek. If you're not working out to increase your strength stats for your S.P.E.C.I.A.L score or the clarity the pump gives you're not doing it right
simp lol
What meme? I missed the memo on that one
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Move to the mid west, every man has a truck, a fat beer belly and a beard. It's the opposite of this retarded meme, the options for roasties is actually awful. It's a good time to be jacked.
It's the one behind the tree that gets me every time.
>every man has a gut and a beard
I planned on going Wisconsin and Minnesota when I finally have some free time anyway. I have no idea what the fuck I am going to do there though.
you being an unlikeable faggot has nothing to do with some other anon paying for an onlyfans girl you retarded jeet
Attracting women with body is a 0 to 1 step function where 1 is David Laid, Jeff Seid top 0.001% of physiques and anything less than that is 0
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I see nothing wrong with this. Wanna wrestle? Loser gets fucked in the ass.
why? every time i visit the south there are tons of decent-looking guys who just settled with fem ogres, even worse if they got trapped with a baby. imagine it's pretty similar midwest maybe more methheads instead of fatties. no wonder cheating is so rampant
So I have abuse steroids and dirty bulk then? Got it
>I want a top tier girlfriend
>posts on 4chan
They pretend to be unaware of you and put themselves in the sightline.
The thing that will turn them away is the forced "I'm not attracted to you" energy that some guys project.
>I workout for one reason, I want a top tier girlfriend.
Yikes. You don't need muscles for that. If you can't talk to women, gg no re
Having muscle helps sure but you should lift to better yourself in general, not just get your dick wet lol
Put on a shirt.
>a fat beer belly
lmao what? There are more than enough Chads out here. It's getting more broootal every single day as more men lift to compete for the few remaining non-fat women
Guaranteed you are more attractive to women now than being unfit, unless you are power lifter type.

sub8s really believe this
I think it's a waste of time working out and dieting that much. I just lift for fun, do swimming and other shit. Then I talk to as many women as possible.
Shut up sub5.
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Says more about you then you realize.
Of course it's to get my dick wet. I honestly would've quit this shit a long time ago if it didn't help me get laid. All of the other health benefits are just a nice side effect that I don't really notice on a conscious level.
I like men, I love men.

Just not you. Or 85% of all of you. You're broke, short, say the wrong things.

If you want a gf, you need to make her feel special and treat her like a princess

t. Bf is a bodybuilder and i will marry him
No retard, it's because if you reject mw you'll probably attack me or kill me
They actually want to see how you approach a thing you like (them) as a man, which also gives clues to how you approach things you want in life in general. If you are a bitch that waits to be approached (like a literal woman) they get turned off by that
Dude has a shitty face so of course thats the outcome
he isn't wrong though
I fuck on the first date and I'm not even sure if they like me until I take the lead on making out with them and then fucking them
They'll literally just go along with anything as long as you're confident in it
>Maybe I'll MMA or boxing one day
women aren't attracted to brain damage and mental disabilities
That's not OP's problem, that's a problem with the media you consume and your shitty bigoted views of men.

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