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>Advice for new runners
- Build up speed and mileage SLOOOOOWLY (start with 15 minutes, increase mileage at most 10% per week)
- It will feel like you're going slow, you are; don't worry about setting good times for a couple months
- If you start to feel pain anywhere, stop and rest
- Don't try to copy what pros are doing. Do what feels natural
- Once you can comfortably roon 6 miles/10km, start thinking about a goal in terms of race distance and time, and look for a training plan for that goal (see below for suggested plans)

>Couch to 5k/Bridge to 10k Guides

>I want to run a fast 5k, 10k, half-marathon, or marathon

>I want to stretch

>Performance calculators

Previous: >>75455934
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>ran for the first time in years
>legs sore as fuck three days later
How long until recovery?
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I am getting younger
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>track day
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>10km in 55 mins

But why did my pee-pee feel ice cold after that when the rest of the body was sweating as it should?
the blood was needed elsewhere
>or move to a warmer climate
If at some point I don't have anything for me in ny current country I will be moving to Spain Italy or Greece posthaste. Or if wealthy, getting a winter house there.
Not just for the eye candy but the beaches and year round swimming and running.. the dream... oh and the food too.
should I be doing zone 2 running? feels like I'd have to walk to get my HR that low
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>How long until recovery?
Until you toughen up and/or get smarter. By toughening up I mean running while sore and by being smarter I mean improving your recovery process.

I'd go even further and skip Europe entirely.

Are you running or thinking about running long distances then yes.
Try the walk/run cycle, let's say 4 minutes of running and 1 of walking to try and keep yourself in zone 2.

We are really back on projection and pointy elbows.
>We are really back on projection and pointy elbows.
Stop posing trannies, thanks.
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Legs feeling ok after running on the roads yesterday. Usually I am sore after every run regardless of surface. I put it down to the massage gun. It's a miracle tool. Get one right now. I'm sure there's a sale on somewhere.
You should be doing easy runs. I just go on feel and don't be stressing about numbers. If lower zone 3 still feels easy then it's fine.
Would Cialis have any beneficial effect on cardio/running?
I got a full box but injured myself so out of lifting for a while.
It's so cold bros

I hate rooning when it's cold
it was really icy when I went this morning really hate having to pay attention to watch out for black ice I just wanna switch off and roon
Just bought a INOV8 racepac 20 and I hooked up my 3L bladder inside and this shit is bouncing around like fucking crazy. I sucked all the air out beforehand but that isn't the issue. Its the water itself thats bouncing around like fucking crazy. On their website it says that its compatible with 2L bladders but I mean a fucking 3L fit inside so why doesn't this work?
You don't actually run with this thing on do you?
Why are your OPs always sprinters but all the talk is about distance
What do you guys do for warmups?
The first 1-2km is absolute fucking suffering for me.
walk for 5 minutes
I don't warm up, they're a waste of time.
Nothing. I walk to where I start my run, and that's it. To me, the start feels comfy, and I have to keep myself from going to fast
Does anyone here train sprinting? I run 10s, 20s, 40s and 60s rn. I'm training to run the 100m with a decent time just for fun
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>person talks about how seriously they take their health
>skinnyfat dyel
>28 minute 5K
>can't run a 10K
>has been running for 3+ years

I fucking hate the 'running community'
I love cold roons. No bugs, no heat exhaustion risk, no sunburn, nobody else outside.
Most communities these days are like that, which is why I avoid communities like the plauge.
"Toxic positivity" is a genuine plague.
Will walking help my knees heal, or should I just sit around?
For my morning runs, 5 minutes of absurdly slow jogging. So slow the only reason it qualifies as a run is that my feet are technically leaving the ground. I just need something to wake me up and it’s too cold in the mornings to be walking.
walk backwards up a hill no i'm not joking
>Cold out
>Go roon
>Breathing through nose, nose hurts like hell
>Breathing through mouf, throat hurts like hell

What is the best solution for this?
suffer, kek
For most runs I cycle to the park. Even still I do a little warm up jog. My achilles are so sore until they properly warmed up.
If I'm running from home then for sure I'm doing some foam rolling before going.
Do a run/walk cycle. Run 1 minute and walk 30 seconds. When you can do that and keep your heart rate in range, run 1.5 minutes and walk 30 seconds. Continuously lengthen your run interval.
Jeff Galloway, who is basically the godfather of run/walk/run advises against walk intervals longer than 30 seconds.
Damn I'll have to search for some hills, it's kinda flat around here, but thanks.
Yeah. Zone 2 is great.
t. 6 weeks of 75 minute zone 2 jog/speedwalk 2x per week moved my VO2max from 50 to 54
I've ran 15 miles this week and holy shit it fucking sucks lol.
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>What is the best solution for this?
Face mask, gauter, shemagh or whatever they call them.
Alternatively a running balaclava for bonus tactical points.

Naturally you need to do more.

I tried 30 secs but it's way too short of an interval.
4min run/ 1min walk is a lot more pleasant.

Round and round we go.
Damn, I went for a long walk to heal my knees, and now they hurt even more
You have to do a lot of filtering, but that goes for life in general
That's not how you "heal" your knees.
It's getting too dark for my usual route. I don't like it with a headlamp either, and running next to roads sucks even more. Might just get that gym membership
i think you're supposed to keep using them though
Unless you are Adam Jensen yeah.
It would be a lot more effective to work on strengthening your legs in general.
The knee pain is just a symptom of some issue with your kinetic chain.
>I hate the running 'community'
Same but because of people like you who fill the air with negativity and bitching about people who just like to roon.
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walking does literally nothing to strengthen your knee ligaments. you walk every day - why would that cause any change?
>gives up replying
much like your sexual stamina you just can hack it huh?
>Naturally you need to do more.
Cardiovascular wise I was fine, it was my legs from those hills, especially my quads that were fugged.
sprinters are more aesthetic imo
What do you think of running in regular clothes?
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Is a weighted vest good for beginners? Like maybe can skip a stage and 2x progress?
not good you look like a slob

sprinters and track athletes are among the most aesthetic of all athletes, but distance running is what is popular and attainable for most non-athlete folks
That's a perfect female physique. Whom'st?
if you're a beginner you'll fucking explode your knees doing this shit. DO NOT DO THIS
>Like maybe can skip a stage and 2x progress?
When you talk about progress you mean progress in destroying your knees right? This isn’t dragon ball anon…
I'm not gonna post a picture of a 40 y/o mother of three shitting herself while doing a 3 hour HM. It's not my kink
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>This isn’t dragon ball anon…
Haha, right, right...
only for walking. don't bother with ruck speeds if you're not getting paid to do it
you skip ahead right to the physios table
What's the benchmark for a good 5k time? Since July I've got mine down from 27:30 to 24:10. Feels like I've still got plenty of room for improvement.
Does anyone get rubbed around the crotch and asshole area after they run regardless of how clean they are?
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I have not improved my 5k time in 6 weeks
You have to be Indian, right?
>sub 25
decent, shows consistency
>sub 20
gold standard for most, a big achievement
>sub 17
very good, you will podium in fun runs
>sub 15
talented amateur or elite female
>sub 14
elite male
You are gay and wasted digits.
This is a Neverkusen mentality, you're stuck in the past. Would Xabi Alonso care about the dark? Would Wirtz care about running next to roads? Would Boniface need a headlight?

corr dat last ginger kittingtonshire last threadberg is one of best i ever seen
At these really low times, I assume people run anaerobically? Or is the distance too long for that?
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I actually misquoted and couldn't be bothered to edit the post but that does not change anything.
You're still the same flowchart NPC and a fag.
Oh and unfunny, which is probably the worst of your many sins.

Unfortunately both your cardiovascular and skeletomuscular system will only improve with more training, either/or that being the distance or the intensity.
For quads you can hit the gym or you can hit the trails for fastest results. To be completely honest you also have the the treadmills but those are gay.

The general consensus is that weighted anything while trying to run at any speed simply destroys your body. Take rucking in military for example - it is by any metric a horrible activity, responsible for a slew of injuries among ex-military personnel.
And I still stumble upon some posts on social media by some retard being all hardcore and rucking.
If you'd like to try training under load, I'd recommend hiking.

Come on man. Her name is right there, in the lower right corner.
>heh us runners eh
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Professional athletes should be seen, not heard.
>I actually misquoted and couldn't be bothered to edit the post but that does not change anything.
>You're still the same flowchart NPC and a fag.
>Oh and unfunny, which is probably the worst of your many sins.
>nobody else outside
I wish. Most of the week I have to run in the dark, so I'm either running through the homeless encampments in the park or in getting blinded by traffic.
>Come on man. Her name is right there, in the lower right corner.
I feel dumb for this.
In my defense, however, I wasn't looking at the corners.
Damn, now my knee is all swollen and red
Guess it's really over now
That sucks. I live in a beach touristy spot so it’s a wonderful ghost town in the winter, traffic-filled hell in the summer.
> swollen and red
RICE it nigga
I never understood the point of this, it's never helped in any way
It's a retarded bro science meme. Icing reduces inflammation which is BAD. Your body is inflaming it for a reason. Elevation is even dumber. More blood flow is GOOD.
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Trying to get back to low 17's in the 5K. Tried one on the track just to see where I am. Watch is a bit off real time was 17:57
I don't respect people who've gotten injuries that I've never gotten
>I don't respect people who've gotten injuries that I've never gotten
I think every non competitive runner who gets a running related injury is an idiot. Outside of some freak accident, how the fuck are you hurting yourself?
Yep. Have trained a couple of years (oldfag). Big improvements yr1, OK improvements yr2 then stalled with injuries. Back doing winter conditioning, so gym work, loads more plyos/ bounding, sled pulls and some sprinting.
Going to do more maxv next spring & summer.
Have joined in with other (very good) old boys for some sessions, which is better than training by yourself all of the time and helps you realise just how much work you need to put in to get good. Good, appropriate work though, not just junk volume.
Charlie Francis knew his stuff (Ben Johnson situation aside) and it's still mostly relevant today.
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I haven't been able to run for 3 weeks!
my last run was a 5k race, I did decent but since then my left knee and left calf muscle have been fucking killing me. I'm not sure what to do, I can't afford a doctor visit. Anyone of you guys have this kind of pain before? it's just below the knee and down my calf.

I'm assuming it's either a sprain/strain/tear but idk what the difference is
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Getting back into it, niggers. Far away from PR fitness (17:31 5k) but we grind.
Did 255lb x 3 diddle earlier today.
Sub 2:40 maratroon + 1/2/3/4 project continues.
Nice effort. Always hard to do a solo time trial like that.
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new 5k PR by about 2 whole minutes and it felt pretty easy. normally I'm sitting at 180+ BPM on my fast runs. loving this cold weather
>how the fuck are you hurting yourself?
Maybe we're just really stupid?
funny shaped track

tbf i do my "track" work on a 225m skating rink

dors thr job though
>First run in a month 2 days ago
>Hips feel stiff
>Garmin says I did aerobic of 5
Do I give it another day?
I'm scared
I did a medium roon and Garmin gave me a 4.9 "vo2max". Nigga, I didn't vo2max. Stupid app.

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