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What's the quickest way to lose bellyfat?
Cut it off.
-EC stack
-walk 16 hours a day

I'm talkin fast, fast, fast.
what part of 'spot reduction is a myth' is so hard to understand??? READ THE FUCKING STICKY
sauce on that pic?

Stop eating at 8pm

drink black coffee

lift some weights while still fasted

go on with your day, you wont be hungry for a while.

When hungry don't overeat on carbs, you don't have to go full keto, just use pasta etc as a side and meat/cheese/whatever as the main course.

When you have a desk job, make sure you also do some light cardio, or at least get in like 10k steps a day.

All of these plus drinking more water, the perennial tip. Actually do some cardio and stretching shit, and I really mean actually do it. Don't half-ass a few exercises you remember from grade school and then call it good for two days before doing them again. Find a routine tonight, do some flexibility shit when you wake up, then do some cardio, then shower and do your day, then when you get home do the flexibility shit again, and do it again tomorrow. Think about your body as a reflection of where you spend your time - if 90% of that is seated or laying down, you'll look like it. You can tear yourself away from 4chan for 20 minutes a day to make a difference in your appearance.
I basically do this on my hikes i eat a fuckton and dont do the eca stack, but i still drop like 15 pounds in a month and get pretty shredded
Eat less, significantly less. Count your calories (i.e buy a scale, weigh it and look up the amount of calories and macros you're consuming) for a few weeks so you get a feel for how much food you're actually eating and how calorie dense your diet is.
Cut all the carbs out of your diet.
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It works
Being in a caloric deficit.
The steeper the deficit, the quicker you lose fat.
jerk off more, cum is stored in the belly
5 mg Tirzepatide + 4iu HGH. Thank me later
Avoid sugar and salt

How am I to fast and list at the same time. Is it doable.
That was a trick question, fuck you, why fast when cico exists? Ever heard of daily protein needs?

cheeze as main course? whoo

what are you using for measure? do these smartwatch thing work? which do you recommend? 15 hours for 1 kcal .. brutal.

salt doesnt make you gain weight you idiot it has no kcal. You actually need salt because its deficiency will trigger hunger.
Dont yall at me, Im not op.
>How am I to fast and list at the same time. Is it doable.
>That was a trick question, fuck you, why fast when cico exists? Ever heard of daily protein needs?
The question was how to lose fat the quickest. Lifting is more fatiguing than walking so you can't do as many hours and can't burn as much fat.
Are you ok after falling down that hill, anon?
Nice try, rabbi.
eat moderately less food forever

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