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I'm built like Robert Oberst, wide shoulders, short arms, barrel chest, short legs, long torso, massive and wide head

Like him after 2 attempts at starting strength, I've realized I can't deadlift for shit, my press is amazing and easy but my deadlift will always be gimped by biomechanics, my deadlift lockout is above my wiener

Tweaked my back doing 300lb 1x5, I'm 5'9" 315lbs

Squat Full atg highbar on the traps 280lb 2x5 1x4

Bench 190lb 3x5

Ohp 150lb 3x5

I guess I'll transition to bodybuilding training on back and deadlifts and continue SS on the lifts that are easy for me, thoughts?
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>strongest man in history
He was really good at ohp
You're weaker than me ať twice my bodyweight. Learn to NLP properly.
Fat fuck
borther, that's really fucking fat. Speaking as a guy who's been 5'9 160.... wew. Consider cutting.
So how much do you ohp, and how much did you ohp at 2 months in the gym
Seething, off topic
Not really a coherent thought

Are you trying to say I should do a bb split
Okay, post body. Lets see those powerlifting muscles at 315.
>muh body
Post lifts

I look good for being a fat fuck because my torso is so big
>no body
>built like Robert Oberst
>Same weight but a foot shorter
You're not built like him at all. You're a fat fuck with a beard. It's not the same. More of you fuckers need P90x than you need squats and deadlifts
Gets mad about others calling him fat fuck
Calls self fat fuck
Wow lol
>Strong and Ugly
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>I'm 5'9" 315lbs
According to Robert's website he's 6'8" 375lbs
375lbs ÷ 80 = 4.6875
315 ÷ 69 = 4.565

Did you dumb animals pass 1st grade

Not mad at all I know I'm fat but it's irrelevant to the discussion at hand and you would look significantly worse than me at the same body fat percentage, that's the advantage of having a top 1 percentile bone structure
That's already obvious you dumb animal
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>I'm 5'9" 315lbs
You get no points for being small
And being 315lbs at 5'9" reflects the disadvantage of having bottom-one-percentile levels of self-control and willpower. Nobody would look good at your body fat percentage; they would just look fat, like you. Your posts read like a midget bragging about how intimidating they look despite their 3'8" frame.
bro if you are op you bench 190 and ohp 150 as a fucking 315lb male.

You are not strong,you are giga fat
But I look significantly better than 99 percent of people at my body fat percentage so calling me fat isn't really the dig you think it is

Literally irrelevant to the discussion at hand about biomechanics on the deadlift
K what's your ohp

When I was 17 doing starting strength 14 years ago I pressed the exact same amount before I hurt my back somewhat ego lifting on the squat and deadlift

I weighed 180lbs

These stupid animals love to jabber
I'll have to take your word for it as I don't think I've ever seen 100 people who weigh >315lbs. Maybe they're more common in the land of the free.
That's fine, you live in an ectomorph shithole devoid of northern and western anglo genes, it's hard to understand your betters till you're face to face
>what's your ohp

I will awnser but you need to understand me being weak doesnt make you not fat and weak for your weight

I ohp 50kg 5x5 at 1.88cm and almost 90kg(burger units ohp 110? and weight almost 200 I guess). I am a detrained lifter for 2 years and started lifting again in September

I let myself go last few years and feel fat at my current weight/height.
Cant imagine how it feels to be 140kg
The problem with your theory is I ohped 150lb 3x5 in high school doing ss at 180lbs

I am extremely advantaged on the press and disadvantaged on the deadlift
You could have been really fit in HS , Im not denying that.

But now you are obese. And as far as I know presses and squats are much easier when you weight a lot more. But too much weight hinders dl.

Not saying there is no possibility for you being biomechanically a bad deadlifter but its hard to tell right now.
retarded spic goblin
>5'9" 315lbs
How much you eat to get that big?
Help me out.
Read op post again deadlift lockout is above my wiener

I hurt myself in almost identical manner to high school except I was jumping 10lbs a workout for the last few because I wanted my squat over 300

Dl and squat were around 315 when I pulled some shit in my back pretty bad

My second attempt on ss I've only advanced 5lbs a workout and my squat feels amazing, switched to highbar

Once again deadlift is my weak point
During covid, anything and everything

Now I'm adapted to it
I guess I could be more specific about the tweak in my back

It's like the lowest point of the left side of my back that connects to my leg, when I stand on 1 foot or focus my weight on it bending over I feel it

I think I could go light and be fine, but definitely don't want to go heavy on it
It's like a pinching and aches and I feel the left side of my back is super loose now when usually it's tighter than the right
OP, I remember you from your /plg/ posts where you legitimately seemed like a satirical character by the schizo. But if you're making a whole thread for this then maybe you're real.

Here's the truth. You are extremely weak in every way, and yes that includes your "amazing" OHP. Even if you weighed half of what you do now I'd tell you the same thing. You do not need to worry about the minutae of body proportions at your level, you just need to fucking lift. Do you want to know why your back gets hurt deadlifting? Because you are so fat that you have to reach around your belly to get to the bar which necessarily puts your lumbar in flexion. Combined with the passive strain on your low back holding all that weight in front of you every day, such injuries are expected. Lose some fucking weight if you want to ever improve.

For the record, a "good" OHP for a 5'9" 315lb man is at least 315lb.
For the record you're completely full of shit because I had the same issues seaslifting when I was 180lbs that I do now, good job dunking on me though retard

What's your ohp again
>What's your ohp again
>5'9" 315lbs
Not him but you're obese and mentally disturbed, and to answer my OHP is 165 at 185 bodyweight. Your body hurts because you're obese. Your can't lift properly because you're obese. The past doesn't matter. Lose weight and eat healthier. Sending good vibes your way
>5'9" 315lbs
Man, I'm 5'8" and 175 and I feel (and look) fat as shit and my lifts aren't far off from yours...
Wow mine was 150lb 3x5 at 180lbs 3 months into ss at 17 in high school

How long have you been working on that staggering lift, dyel?

Cool post a vid and Secondly what was your ohp after 2 months of training big puss?
i believe he said on his rogan interview that he just subbed deadlifts for power cleans when he first started lifting so, i guess look into that if you want strength and power.

>5'9" 315lbs
>150 ohp
dawg im 5'5" 165lbs and i knock out 150 ez. i wouldnt worry about biomechanics just yet.
>I guess I'll transition to bodybuilding training
You need to transition to a fucking diet pal.
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>Cool post a vid
Push press ok? Here's 327x2
>and Secondly what was your ohp after 2 months of training big puss?
idk like 135 probably, at 200lb bodyweight
>5'9" 315lbs
No coping that a push press is an ohp isn't OK

What would make you think that
Cool post it

Also didn't you say that I'm incredibly weak even though my strict press was further along than yours was at a lower bodyweight for 3x5
calves of peace
No you're not. You're just fat OP. It's time to cut.
Not a chance
Nobody can admit I have an extreme mechanical advantage in the press for some reason when it's obvious when it also comes with an extremely shitty deadlift
Faggot, you're 315 lbs just for a 280 lb squat, 190 lb BP, and a 150 lb OHP. Cut down to 180 fat ass.
Why, size matters
I haven't recorded a strict OHP in a long time. That's the closest I have. It's heavier than my claim and for reps.

I was also incredibly weak. My press is still weak for my bodyweight.
Now you're just humble bragging, this is all because you can't admit I'm good at press and bad at deadlift due to genetic factors

I've seen your deadlift you lock out above mid thigh pretty average maybe advantageous, now imagine locking out the deadlift above your dick close to your hip and tell me that I'm just fucking weak for not hoisting 500 2 months in
you're not good at anything right now and you're way too new to declare your strength and weaknesses either way
just do rack pulls instead of deadlifts like alex leonidas
>I guess I'll transition to bodybuilding training on back and deadlifts
no, just keep doing linear progression
It doesn't matter your proportions, unless you're a cripple or elderly you will be able to at least get your deadlift past 1x bodyweight
I have the exact opposite bone structure, I'm a deadlift monkey, I deadlifted 2x bodyweight within 3 months of lifting
but benching and pressing are miserable to progress for me. Doesn't mean I just gave up though. And resigning yourself to just doing fluff and pump bullshit is giving up
Didn't lift the weight. You used the momentum from lifting your heels to force it up with your body.
Lose weight fatso
I gave in to the dark urge

did my warmups for squats really fast, kind of felt like body building when I do that

got to the 280lb I failed on my 3rd set last time, loaded up the bar, did my first set, felt difficult, of course high bar atg

I sat there pondering my life and my goals for some time, why am I lifting this heavy ass weight when I don't feel strong atm, I watched a vid from mike israetel last night, he mentioned that if you're doing strength training you have to be locked in and body building is more lackadaisical and chill

I sat there for longer pondering my life and realizing, I don't actually want to lift this weight, I got up and started stretching my legs, felt good, then I chatted with an oldtimer on the leg press machine

came back to the bar, unracked it, wasn't feeling it reracked it, deloaded 225lb, unracked did 1 squat, reracked

decided, I actually don't want to squat right now, loaded up the ohp and did my warmups hit my 155 3x5 which I probably wouldn't have gotten if I gassed myself on the squat

feeling good, wearing a tight shirt which despite my fatness my shoulders are huge, decide it's bro day, no power cleans, no deadlifts or variations, just lat pulldowns and machine rows today

and I indulged, felt the pump
>you would look significantly worse
I wouldn't because I would never weigh that much in my fucking life
hypothetically though, if you did have my bf percentage you would look like jaba and the fat would overtake your bone structure

but I have top 1 percent shoulder width, top 1 percent chest breadth, and a long torso so it doesn't just look like a massive blob of shit, I have some structure
Only if it's muscle mass. With your lifts, it's mostly fat. Cut now fatty.
no, seethe
You don't have to do full ROM https://youtu.be/z3d3HXYtgd8?feature=shared&t=1358
interesting, I was considering trap bar deadlifts
It's called a pushpress you stupid jeet.
Good. Having fun in the gym is insanely more important than "motivation" or "discipline" especially when you're new.
mvp of the thread right here, thanks man, I'll incorporate some of this
honorable mention
True, I've resisted bro tier workouts for literally years but the truth is biomechanically I'm basically destined to be a bodybuilder

My genetic potential in pressing is insane, my quads were always big but blew up in high school when I first started squating, and my deadlift was never good and it's obvious why

I always thought starting strength was just a factual document but even rippetoe on one of his podcasts said he had like 2 people out of 1000 who lock out the deadlift above their genetals and those people just aren't made to deadlift

I'll try the rack pulls like was mentioned in the thread but I think it's hard for /fit/ to wrap their mind around just how shit my leverage is for dl
Also if anyone was curious robert oberst locks out his deadlifts like an inch below his genitals from the footage I've seen

He is also always complaining about how he can't deadlift for shit and Brian shaw told him to do shortened rom deadlifts

So imagine that leverage but even worse by 2 or 3 inches, and I'm obviously not as strong as him

Hopefully this thread will help somebody out there like me and I got a few helpful responses
his idea of cant deadlift for shit is "my PR is only 800 pounds instead of 1000 pounds" btw
you are hard coping but its w/e not my issue have fun doing what u like
You are literally a stupid animal robert gets paid to lift and is 6'8" top 1 percent athlete overall

With enough years of training, body recomposition, tren, growth hormone I could deadlift 2x bw

But you're missing the point, oberst has significantly better leverage than me and he still is bitching about it

Yet you won't call him a bitch for his valid point

But I guess I'm the easy target

What's your ohp again
you gave up before u even finished sharting strength ofc ill call u a bitch u fat retarded nigger
K if we shortened your arms by whatever it takes to lock out a deadlift above your genitals would you progress in starting strength to the point you got

The answer is no

Also I will always be better at ohp than you, seethe more
i ohp more than you at half your bodyweight with longer arms and im taller than you
K post it
Also post your ohp from 2 1/2 months in the gym

I have a strange feeling my advancement will be much more rapid than yours on this lift, maybe double
post yours
I have multiple times in the plg you dumb animal I posted my 150lb 3x5 and I did my 155lb 3x5 today

You dumb animals didn't deserve my brilliance today though with your shit attitude

I'm sure you post your amazing lifts though
I think I already ohp more than Bobby lol

But no I wore the snorlax costume to my gym on Halloween I think that was 145 or 140 I don't remember
giving up on ss deadlifting because leverages is the exact type of shit bobby would do
dont end up like bobby bro
Dude, I've explained it a number of times, I'm a genetic anomaly and I've accepted it

I won't give up ss on the bench and ohp, I think I'll do the 90% deload on the squat

And I'll do the rack pulls, shortened rom deads, Romanians and trap bar

If you still can't understand it you're just trolling me
stop being such an idiot and just lift
Long armed seether

2 people in this thread actually gave me great advice
>I'm 5'9 315lbs

Nigga u fat as fuck
Oh fo realll?

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