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Do you have a resident weirdo at your gym?
i lift to be strong enough to rape that guy.
Why does he have a chodeboner while lifting thinking about not being raped
did he like being raped?
Why does my brain take that like he's issuing a challenge?

T. Home gym
That's a very feminine motivation to liftt
Why are you all acting like raping people is some sort of cool challenging sport
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Because it is
Take care of your bussy, you never know
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>always there at the same exact time each day
>paces around in circles between sets
>avoids eye contact with others like the plague
>never smiles
>enters gym and power walks to an open squat rack so nobody beats him to it
>times his rest by staring at the gym tv instead of using his phone
>never seen him on his phone at all actually
>insists on using barbells and dumbbells for everything, never touches the machines
>hasn't cut his hair in years, sometimes goes weeks without shaving
>always wears the same brand of blank t shirt every day, only the color changes
It's me I'm the weirdo
I don't think I was acting like that, it isn't cool
however it is a challenging sport
How? Do masculine guys enjoy getting raped?
These two stupid niggers that are both DYEL as fuck
>Older one is a literal butter golem well over 300 pounds. Grunts loudly all the time as if he's pushing "real" weight. Fat fuck hasn't lost ANY weight for the entire year he's been at the gym
>Younger one wears muscle Tee's despite not having any bulging muscle and always keeps his hood up or wears a hat so no one can see his Norwood 4 receeding ugly head. Tries sucking in his gut, pretending he has a flat stomach
I fucking hate these two dipshits and when they walk in, everyone rolls their eyes. They just bring the mood down with how obliviously dumb they are
TND can't come quick enough, holy shit
I didn't say that you did. But since you said it
If it were a sport obviously raping stronger more dangerous and elusive targets would be scored higher. Raping women and children would be below even amateur league.
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Men are supposed to be doing the raping
A man probably did.
Yes I call him Hanz because he doesn't have hands. Literally handless on both and definitely not a war wound. More a birth defect.
> Stands around
> Takes comically long breaks
> Uses machines at comically low weights
> DYEL fatty
I think he's just checking out poon.
I saw a midget at my gym once. He got visibly angry when they started playing All the Small Things by Blink-182 and the staff had to tell him that it wasn't a prank since the music is randomized.
I just left the gym
There was a 50 y/o dude with classic roid guy who was talking to himself the entire time. Like saying “slow” to himself while lifting, muttering “calves next calves next”
He was wearing cowboy boots and listening to country
opened the thread for this
There's a guy at my gym who takes more supps than Bryan Johnson, does all his lifts with sandbags, and literally takes bleach baths afterward. Total nutjob who literally stares at the sandbags pounding cashews between sets.

>t. home gym user
which is exactly why you'd lift to avoid being the one getting raped
post body?
Niggas like to joke around about this shit but don’t underestimate how getting molested especially in childhood can fuck someone up. Look at LTG or Boogie2988. Even fucking Chris Chan was groomed by his mom to fuck her.
There was this guy at my gym who was on the bench using the suicide grip. As the good samaritan I am, I went in his direction to warn him that it was dangerous. It was only when I was about to talk to him that I realized he only had two stump fingers. Luckily I didn't open my mouth.
Weirdo at my gym:
>Wears same crappy cheap all black outfit every day
>Browses "girlswithmuscle" website between sets for test boost
>Smells of cum from pre-gym fap
>Constantly supersetting everything with pullups
based doom lifter
>Why are you all acting like raping people is some sort of cool challenging sport

a man raping another man is the ultimate act of power.

jews in israel just man-on-man raped palestinian prisoners, and there was almost a civil war because some said they should be punished for it. jews are evil though. but that is how the universe is, evil and uncaring, except or the modern state previously made by white men before being replaced by 3rd worlders and street shitters
>a man raping another man is the ultimate act of power.
Still gaaaaayyy.
there's nothing gay about asserting your dominance to your bros. it's just a way of life
>nothing gay
you are literally getting hard and turned on by a man and sticking it inside his stinky poophole lmao
yeah I struggle going 1-3 days without thinking about getting molested. It was two decades ago and fucked my schoolwork over for the rest of my time ini school. I was a straight A student and a good kid before that, but afterward it fucked me up bad enough i was almost failing for several years. I lost my dreams of becoming a mechanical engineer because i couldnt get into college and joined the Army after that to get the hell away from my state. Both of the people who did it are an immediate family member and a family friend. No one knows but me and obviously the perps, not even my wife.
No matter how much I lift, I cant get rid of it.
I am the resident weirdo at my gym. I go there every single day of the week. 1 hour of workout, then 1 hour of cardio. I havent talked to a single person ever. Except the one time this black guy who I see at the gym 3 days a week who said hi to me one time, about 6t months ago.
sounds really gay to me
Why haven't you gone for revenge?
Holy based fpbp
Don't forget cardio is important too.
That's stupid, training to fight would help prevent rape.
because they're teenagers who come on here to see how epically edgy they can be

their life's dream is for their post to be screenshotted and posted to r/greentext
Bleach baths are based. Anytime I have a spot or rash that could even possibly be fungal I just take bleach baths a few times and it goes right away.
Women like it.
It's not a sport, it's the way nature intended.
>bleach baths
you're either lying or you smell like the devil is behind you
No you just smell like you swam in a chlorinated pool afterwards. You don't use pure bleach. You just put like 4-8oz bleach in a full bath tub of water and soak for a while.
>End up going too late and gym is crowded af
>Usually it's pretty obvious what's open and isn't but it was too packed to tell
>Smith machine next on to do list
>Approach empty bench, no one is around it
>For some reason the bar's got three plates on both sides, must be about 300lbs total
>Start removing one thinking someone just forgot to take them off
>Skinny black dyel with noodle arms and frame approaches from fucking nowhere
>Rap blaring from his headphones
>Wearing fucking orange light reflecting construction safety vest shit for some reason
>must be mid-30s and can't weigh more than 150lbs
>tells me he's working it and directs me to another open one
>Take the other bench
>Look over and he's walking back to the fucking leg press machine he must have came from
>Try to take glances and see if he ever uses the bench but never get a good look
>I think maybe he does like one, maybe two reps and then fucks off to another machine, I guess planning to come back to it to struggle for no gains
>Later I see him talking to the staff on his way out and those fucking plates are still on the bar

I still wonder if he was just pranking people or something.
Sauce on webm?
agree, it's not a sport, it's a lifestyle
yes, its me :) i hate jews.
I’m the weirdo going in at 1 am and making friends with the evening staff and being autistic and putting weights there they belong.

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