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>runs 2 marathons on a daily basis
>still carries some decent amount of muscle with him
>on top of being an elite runner he can also perform like 5000 pulls and push ups

How is he so powerful? This guy is legit superhuman
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By having complete disregard for how much damage he does to his body. He'll probably be a cripple within another decade.
easy that's his entire schtick, its vanity lifting and stroking his ego and why he will never make it
>some boat carrier is famous for doing feats that were the athletic standard in ancient Greek times
what yhe hell is wrong with his shin in that second picture?
big edema after a surgery on his knee (big shock there) I think.
>elite runner
he's a pretty average endurance runner actually he just injures himself as a form of ascetic self-flagellation online to gain a following

extremely far from an elite runner
The guy runs ULTRAS in his 40s and has several records
You are probably an overweight powerfatter who can't even run 5k in 30 min
He’d probably be fine if he run in minimalist shoes instead of big bulky running shoes
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Pretty amazing what taking roids can accomplish.
Goggins plays a retard online for attention. Go do push ups in the airport getting all sweaty before a flight and see how hard everyone thinks you are.
> t-two more weeks
Keep coping faggot. He's already 45 or whatever and haters have been saying that FOR DECADES NOW
> retard picture
> retard text
>dude is clearly not on roids, trust me bro
>roids will make you run marathons bro trust me
>dies of a heart attack in a sauna
He is not on roids, just nigga genetics
what running records would those be?

a lot of ultra runners are on the older side. my 5k is 18:39 as of last year around this time.
Records in made up categories no one else was competing in. It's like speedrunning. One guy beats Mario in 2 minutes and the score is unbeatable, so you do a Mario 99% coin run in 30 minutes and you're the number one Mario 99% coin champion. Someone beat you? Just do the 98% coin run.
>race against no one
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>roids only increase your muscle
>there are totally no PEDs that increase your endurance
Anybody running ultra marathons is elite to me.
>achieve 'elite athlete' status by simply participating
brain broken generation
>Go do push ups in the airport getting all sweaty before a flight
>implying Goggins didn't already train at 3 in the morning before catching his flight at 7
You never see him training during important events. He even says he has a huge social anxiety issue that he has to deal with by psyching himself up inside his car.
the only broken brain here is yours if you are actually implying most people never train for these types of events. Im sensing a bit of projection from you if anything
>I-It's roids!!!
>A-Acktually it's PEDs
Goggins is clearly on PEDS. I also don't trust anyone whos friends with Joe rogan cult.
And hes average at alll of them. Some ugly white chick is no.1 on most of his Ultra runs.
lmao this nigger really did that?
He's quite obviously geared up
Does your pussy still hurt that the tangerine tyrant won and Joe helped him out?
>Brings up American politics
Glad I live in Europe and not infected with this brain rot from you people.
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>Dude bro I could run 100 miles without stopping too bro!
Thanks for letting me know that you’re cucked and living in a shithole that’s even more insane than the USA
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ultras are shuffle-jogging and eating competitions. ur an e-celeb worshiping child.

t. ultra runner
> anybody that ever achieved anything is cheating
Faggot loser.
> making a speedrunning reference on fit
Lmao what a loser
he's on roids obviously. no shame, i would do it too.
He will cripple himself. It'll happen at any time before anyone can tell, just like with Ronnie Coleman. The damage is accruing, but he's just good at hiding it.
way to be autistic with it
the dude next to him is doing ok. he doesnt have to constantly tell himself things like
>if i dont run one more mile im a BITCH
he just runs, thats why i find it hard to respect david goggins. yes he was bullied, yes he had some health issues, yes he had a bad father, but jeez man, youre only impressing morons with the whole "grinding" shtick. the picture i posted is case in point. this guy running next to him is at the same running fitness level, and you can bet he doesnt go around talking about how he 'takes souls' or any of that weird shit.
Lmao someone link that vid of him doing "pull-ups". There's kipping, and then there's whatever the fuck he does.
He was 100% on roids in the military, he was 100% on roids when he did his pullup challenge. He's probably only on TRT now but that is still cheating because he has higher free test than every normie.
The guy on the right probably didn't abandon his wife and kid to roon either.
why doesn't he grow his hair out? he's been out of service for decades but still enslaved to the military. he's a legit norwood 0, what a waste.
I don't think black people benefit from hair or face real pressure to have hair
My toes look like that. Nails haven't turned black yet, though.
To be fair he could be somewhere based like hungary or poland
This dude is the rich piana of endurance sports
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Top athletes in the last 50 years? Of coruse.
You'd have to be an imbecile to think otherwise.
>How is he so powerful? This guy is legit superhuman
Wasn't he super fat before that? How was his childhood and his relationship with his father?

Him and 4am guy are just military industrial puppet pushers.
how the fuck is this nignog acting so uppity with nonexistent delts and bices ? xD it just doesn't make sense :D
Same thing tho
Pretty much yeah. If you don't cheat you're not taking it seriously.
shut the fuck up nippard lol
Lol retard.
>He is not on roids, just nigga genetics
"black genetics" means "doping", newfag.
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David: "You are fucking pussy. Just do it. Is 2:45 AM. Go run!
Bitch. I will kill you. I don't give a shit about fuck. I just do. I will fight a chimp and kill him. Pussy ass. Go run. Now. I am better than you. Go.! Be better. Pussy."

Bros, I am just trying to stay healthy. I get up at 5am to work and come home around 4pm. Take care of my doggy. Work out and do some hobbies. I enjoy time with friends and I feel okay.
Am I wrong?

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