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Pull ups are the GOAT exercise

How good are your pull ups?
im digging them nowadays because im getting better at them but as a lanky person with long arms they suck so much ass. The rom is just unfortunate
I'm like top 2% with my 7 kip ups.
Well I was doing total weight of 207lbs for 5
>How good are your pull ups?
i can do them cold anywhere anytime, falsegrip muscle up no problem also exactly because i don't do them
I myself have been befallen with The Curse of The Lank as well. they blow at first but if you get good at them its extra impressive
nothing better than being able to crank out some classic pullups with perfect form in front of a bunch of dyels in the gym.
beats every powershitting exercise in masculinity
True. I recently started doing pull ups at the gym since I only did them at home and it feels awesome doing something a lot of people can’t
sure it does, lil bro
Muscle ups have higher mog potential.
Sucks so bad. For some reason pull ups feel infinitely more comfortable and easier with close grip (overhand still) than shoulder width, idk if that's an arm length thing or what. Shoulder width or wider feels like I'm trying to dislocate myself
I superset pullups with push movements. 10-12 reps x 4-5 sets. Can do 100 in under 10 min.
lil bro? i am 96kg doing four sets of like 8 pullups. it literally gets pussies wet, compared to some middle earth dwarf looking powershitters grunting out their deadlift 1RM

again, mog only if you have substantial body weight. a 65kg twink wont mog anyone. other than that I agree
Recently got back into a routine and been working on chinups. I used to be able to do 3 on a good day, now I'm doing sets of 4-5. Working on achieving 10x3 with descending ladder progressions. Feels good.
step up lil nigga im 106kg and can do 12 pullups with 25kg on a belt
Did 3 sets of 10 on wide grip pullups with 1pl8 today, so halfway decent I think. 180lbs bw btw
I also do chins with 2pl8 for ~7. Never tested my 1RM.
>tfw get tendonitis pangs doing pullups
I do them on the assisted pullup machine and for some reason when I start getting closer to just my bodyweight I get the pain. Which is weird since I can do everything else without pain.
6'3" and 205 lbs. My last upper day I did four sets with 9, 8, 6 and then 5 reps. Not great.
>9, 8, 6 and then 5 reps
Rest longer between sets.
I can do a pitiful 5, 4, and then 3.5 reps.
A lot better than the 0 I could do a couple months ago though.
I struggle to do more than 2 pull ups in a row. I'm 6'5 and 220 lbs. There is a gym buddy, smaller guy, who I bench way heavier than, lat pull down heavier, curl heavier, etc... but he can bang out like 10-12 in a row.
I used to love doing pullups until I fucked my bicep tendons up doing weighted pullups heavier than I should
god just doesnt want you to be a majestic pullupper. life is cruel sometimes
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>le calisthenic street workout
Do you get them on the inside or outside of your elbow? I get mine on the inside, and just push through the pain since it's only 5-6 reps anyway. Lightweight hammer curls have helped immensely with rehabbing that area. Might help you, too.
I can do 2 or maybe 3 with good form without exhausting myself. I moved to a new gym that has an assisted pull-up machine though, I think it will help me reach my goal of 10 consecutive pull-ups with good form

Using it definitely feels better than doing negatives to build-up strength
No! I'll pray tonight to see what he says about this.
I think inside so I guess I have golfers elbow instead of tennis. I switched to neutral grip pull/chin ups whatever and lowered the weight I'm doing just to keep the pain away.
Did 9 clean reps with +65lbs last session. It's my main upper body pulling movement though and I do 7 sets every pull day. I always imagine a fictional scenario where I can eventually impress my oneitis by doing pullups with her (roughly 115lbs) on my back
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They were better before I became a bloatchad
Last I checked I was at 5x8 at 230lbs, last set would need like 3 minutes rest kekw
False. Vast majority of people can't even do one muscle up. Doing multiple mogs anyone in a 30m radius, regardless of bodyweight.
getting back to ol good days. recently did 5x+63.75kg chinup and 1x+82.5kg chin up at 71.7kg bw. hoping to get back to my old PR within 3 months which would be +85 1rm and +65 5rm
A minute and a half isn't long enough?
pullups are a compound exercise, always target 3minutes+ for compound imo.
another good rule of thumb is, start next set once your breathing is normal again
2-3 minutes is usually good
I've been stuck at 3 sets of 8 reps for years, no idea how the fuck you're supposed to progress on these.
Last I tried I managed 4 reps
have you tried doing 9 reps
thank you hungry skeleton
I guess I'll try 2 minutes. My upper sessions are long enough as is, but what's another two minutes of waiting overall.
those additional reps on pullups you get from proper rest are well worth it, maybe cut a set from some isolation exercise if you rly need to save time
Do you consistently train? I don't understand how you can be stuck for years
twice a week for that exercise (PPL split)
Hit 90 lbs added neutral grip for 7, 6, 5 reps yesterday at 170 lbs bw. Trying to get up to 75% of bodyweight for a set of 5
Fair enough, next upper session is this afternoon, will see how it goes
Try with some weight
I do 3 sets of 12 warming up for back day
also the same for chin ups when i'm warming up for arms day
Im a skinny nigga (159lbs) and have been stuck doing 8 reps with 75lbs of added weight
I'm lanky as well and they fuck my shoulders worse and worse as I age.
I did 33 pull ups consecutively
I also did 1 pull up with 105lbs added
My form isn't very good. I can do like 10 in one set, but I tend to use momentum to pull myself up. Also my body is weirdly misaligned from sitting at my desk all day with one hand further out on the keyboard and one hand a bit back on the mouse, so I can't really pull myself up symmetrically. Every lift I do feels weird, especially bench press.
A few years back I couldn't do even one pull up, after 2 years of lifting I was able to do 17 in a row. But I injured my back and after a year of no lifting I'm back to square one
Terrible and I can only do 3 at a time. I tried to use an assisted machine to improve my pull ups but idk something about the machines I use makes my performance drastically worse. On the machines, I need about 30lbs assistance, but on a regular bar, I can do the set of 3 at body weight.
i find that a strong row leads to good-enough pull ups but not the other way around.
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just gonna post this purely for (You) purposes i know theres a kip but i felt the power back. WAGMI
I love them and nothing makes me feel more bad ass than doing 45 lbs weighted pull ups for 10 reps.
But then I got bicep tendonitis and had to eliminate the weight entirely and take time off.
> Feels bad man
I only do body weight for reps this time.
i thought you were wearing gladiator sandals
>Pull ups are the GOAT exercise
Damn straight.
I can do 9 with a slow eccentric to and from a dead hang between reps.
I weigh 215 lbs.
Sometimes I do weighted pullups, but most of the time I stick to the classic. Makes me feel agile cranking out 20 solid pull ups.
just added you to my filter, seeya buddy
highly recommend everyone else filters tripfags as well
I'm willing to bet $1,000 that I would win against this person in a pull-up competition.
>How good are your pull ups?
i can do 3.
1 in good form
1 my chin can't get over the bar
1 i can't get the bar past my nose
used to be able to do 9 in good form
at 170lbs
t. 190lbs 5'6"
Gen z get the fuck off my board
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just hit 20 relatively strict like yesterday niggers can I get a hell yeah
I'm also 6ft2in unlike bitchmade >>75479721
Also weigh 215 btw lol
I was lanky and am lanky no more pull-ups were always goated

did 17 wide grip yesteryday weight 82kg
Good shit. I’m around 84kg and can only do about 10 max
I can do 20 in a row on a good day and hate every second of it.
The benefits of not being a 250lb roidtroon
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this is a zoomer board now
total zoomer takeover
total millenicuck death
Today I got one set of 8 and three sets of 6. On my second upper day I do back after chest and shoulders (press super setted with rear fly and fly supersetted with lateral raise). So not surprised that I did less on previous session where back is first. Still, didn't fall off so much with 2 minute rests instead of 1.5 minutes.
never seen one single zoomer lifting to failure, ever. you seem to think its enough watching sam sulek going to failure for you, so you dont have to do it yourself. fucking weak generation

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