Rate my chud ass program. Alternating every other day. (AxBxAxB...)Workout ASquat 5x5 Bench 5x8Curls 5x10Leg raises 5x10Workout BPower clean 5x3Pull up 5x5Lying triceps extension 5x8Lat raises 5x10
>>75479737why are chuds so ugly
No deadlift or OHP? Why? Those are two of the most impactful exercises you can possibly do.
>>75479759It made my program look ugly in my head
>>75479759They have the worst stimulus to fatigue ratio of almost all exercises
>>75479787Nah. I enjoy those exercises but they look to big and bulky in my head. Plus in my head cleans do the same as deadlifts but are funner and are personally safer
>>75479787lol dont ever post again lil zoomzoom
>>75479737Kek this pic always gets me. I like to imagine that he's doing a proper Tom and Jerry yell
>>75479857it's his power yell anon
>>75479737>Rate my chud ass program.Trash / 10.That's not you in the picture.
>>75480042>leddit spaceWhy is it trash? Hurry and explain
>>75479737It fucking sucks.0/10
>>75479753this is like asking why are chads so handsome
>>75479857I think what does it for me is not the expression of exertion because everyone has to start somewhereit's that he build an entire deadlift platform to do 260 lbs.
>>75479737i am a true chud and my program looks nothing like this
>>75481794How do I become a true chud lifter
>>75482772be a lifelong virgin and get addicted to fitness for the dopamine hits it gives. develop an undying obsession with picking up objects and putting them down. one cannot teach these things.