>fell for the rooning meme>after a few months get "serious" with it>dick no longer worksWhy didn't you fuckers warn me about this. The more I run the less horny I am and don't even feel like fapping anymore, my dick is dead
stop being obese
>>75480355you've probably increased your mileage by too much too fast when i started running long distance after a year of running 3-5 kms 5 days a weekafter a month or so of running long distance my dick got crazy hard all the time just stick with it anon
>>75480355>Finasteride gives you ED>Running gives you ED>Fapping gives you ED>Watching porn gives you EDMaybe the problem is you, OP.
>>75480620So what DOESN'T give you ED
>>75480355wait wait... what distances are we talking about here op?
>>75480355Improving cardio made my dick work better. Are you obese or something
>>75480647a blue eyed blonde milf's tight little asshole
>>75480355The opposite happened for me. I was out of shape. I started running a ton. Holy shit my dick came back in full force after almost being apathetic to women for a couple of years.
>>75480355Running have you ED? Nigga wut
>>75480647LiftingWhat are you running from lmao skelly man
>>75480355Made up bullshit for console wars nonsense. Rope yourself.
Do you take rest days?Do you get in a sexy mood from time to time?
>>75480355>get "serious" with itlet me guess you started doing an hour 5 times a week or someshityea obviously that's going to fucking with you in one way or another
>>75480355100% bullshitYour dick WILL increase in size and ease of erections if two factors are in place.1) You maintain a healthy heart. The stronger your heart, the harder and thereby MORE FULL OF BLOOD your dick will be during erections. The more full it is, the larger it is. Also, the healthier your heart, the easier it will be for you to become erect in the first place.2) The less fat you have, the less fat you have to conceal your dick's true size. If you have 0% body fat, your dick will be at its most prominent and displayed in any state. Studies show most men have 1-2 inches of usable dick that is concealed by body fat. So if you look down and see a humble 5 inches, you could have a bold 7inches if you take up running or at least sustained walking. Drop that gut and add up to 2 inches of dick right now!Your mission is to get to this place: Lowest body fat and healthiest heart.Studies that show I'm right (I CAN ONLY FIT A FEW HERE. BUT THERE ARE MANY):https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3275865/https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5960035/https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4039497/https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5963213/https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9481637/
>>75482608>Studies show most men have 1-2 inches of usable dick that is concealed by body fatdo u need a study to press ruler into fat pad over pubic bone lol? u can measure it to milimeter immediately while being obese slob
>>75480355This happens with all exercise. Whenever I take a week off I'm so fucking horny and realize that recovering from lifts saps testosterone from other male functions like our sexual function. Cardio has a low demand on test unless you're doing some crazy high level shit. You probably have low testosterone to begin with and barely any to dedicate to other tasks. It has many functions.Or did you start taking any new supplements or make any changes to your diet? Could be a new chemical fucking your system up. I've been poisoned by tea tree soap and Costco vitamins that were from China and were probably just gutter oil pills. Both killed my ability to get a boner which I definitely knew because I'm like a 6-8 boners a day kinda guy. For my dick to just shut down and not work is shocking, and it stopped right when I stopped using those products. If I have a health problem always ask myself if I started using or doing anything new, and can usually pin it to a product. It's almost always supplements since most are counterfeit these days.
>>75480355ive got that theo vonn style childhood trauma/insecurity ED that medicine won't fix. i can only jerk off, I can't get an erection with a woman at all. its pretty fun
>>75482009jogging is betasprinting is alpha
>>75482945riding a bicycle in the sun for 2 hours while half-drunk on craft beer is superior to both. and it's not even close.
>>75480620>Fapping gives you ED>Watching porn gives you EDBeen tapping to porn 9+ times daily for 36+ years and always get it up instantly. How fucked are your genetics?
>>75483022>Been tapping to porn 9+ times daily for 36+ yearsnot as fucked as yours you degenerate coombrain lmao holy shit you fuckin' buried yourself i am laffin', go outside or something, fuck lmao
running is the secret to natty gains
>>75482608Kek, a healthy heart can only be achieved by being active when you are a preteen, if you have been a slob as a kid you are FUCKED
>>75480355AYO THIS GUY DICK DONT WORKAlso>running causing EDkek dude wtf you're a literal genetic dead end running only enhances erections.
>>75483067Doomer retarded, fuck off back to r9k
>>75483094Actually this guy >>75483067 is kinda right, I have a friend that turned vegeterian because of religion and doesn't workout anymore but he is thin and he gets wet dreams every 3 days and high test just because he played football at high level in highschool. Meanwhile I was a fat slob playing world of warcraft growing up and picking up lifting and running at 18 and lifting since then i barely get morning woods anymore, the only time i get really hard is when im about to fuck but that's it
>>75482608And if you already pass those two criteria, then what?
>>75483022This is like a 90 year old telling people how they smoked their entire lives and turned out fine so smoking is fine.
>>75483464Yes. I am 83 and I have smoked 3 packs a day for 75 years. My lungs are still pink and fresh just like a babies (they are only my second pair.) I don't know why Redditors insist it's bad for you, perhaps they suffer from low testosterone.
>>75480355You're just tired. The cardio benefits will build up over time and give you a better boner for life, but if you've gone from sedentary to lmao "serious" running in the span of a few months, of course you're exhausted.
>>75480355KekEat more, take rhodiola and liftAlso, poop more
Why do so many of gen Z have dick problems
>>75483631Gen Z is just more willing to talk about their dick problems than any generation before them. Your father and his father and his father all probably had limp dicks and just beat their wives when they couldn't keep it up.
>>75483631dopamine receptor system wrung out like a dry rag by infinite vidya games, porn, 4chan, etcwhen I go on a camping trip and get separated from those things, my peanus wenis magically starts working again
>>75483631I can't get hard to slutty obese black women sorry. Maybe if the world was thin and white...
>>75483648based. we need to retvrn
>>75480355running gives me rock hard and regular erections
>>75485524Look at this dude getting all turned on by running.