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People on here think normies are actualy happy while their dead inside just like you.
How would you know?
I went outside, talked to them, partied with them, infiltrated their groups, read their faces before and after they arent talking with someone.
I don't think that.They're tortured because they have no integrity. Imagine pretending recycling plastic is saving the world because you're supposed to and everyone else does for 80 years.
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you dont know me
They look happy in their photos on Instagram.
Meanwhile there's me, 33 years old, no friends, no Instagram, no photos with anyone for over 15 years...
I have a deep set autism that if stuff should be in the recycle bin, then it should be put there. Likely a result of myn-white ancestry having to survive cold winters.
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>you dont know me
I'm not dead inside.
I don't know you
>kicks you in the nuts
Also to add to this I feel like I have forgotten how to live. I went for a run last night. I heard some teenagers hanging out at a sports field near my house, around 9.30 pm. I had seen galaxy gas there in the past so it is probably them. They are probably bad kids. I didn't go near them but I was close enough that I could hear them. It was pitch black so they couldn't really see me and I couldn't see them. I thought about what would happen if I went near them. They would turn their attention on me, but what would they do? Would they laugh at me? Would they approach me? Would one of the group try to prove himself to the others and attack me? Would I have to fight them? I would surely lose, being outnumbered. And then I thought about how 15-20 years ago, I was in that exact same spot. Hanging out with my friends. That was my place. But I never encountered any men in their 30s passing by. or if I did, I don't remember it. I guess in my mind I am still a teen. I don't see myself as a man in his 30s. It bothers me that there is a place so close to my home that I can't walk by without possibly being accosted. I lost sleep over it. I need to see who these kids are and walk by them and see if they will say anything to me. They need to know they are on my land.
Buy night vision goggles and an air rifle. The hunter... has become the prey
Nice try but you used the wrong they so you're wrong and also stupid.
The only thing wrong with my life is the autism I have infront of women, aside from that literally everything else is going right for me. I have money, comfort, health, family and friends.
It just bothers me knowing these disrespectful little shits who leave cans of galaxy gas lying around are so close to my house. I shouldn't care about it because I'm in my 30s and someone in their 30s has no business being near those kids, but I should still be able to go wherever I want in my neighbourhood without fear of being harassed in any way. And I can't shake the feeling that if I did go near them, they would harass me. Well, I think I have to do it, I have to walk by them and see what happens. Maybe one of them will make a stupid comment about me and I'll hear it, and then I'll challenge them.
sounds like you're just a normalfag
Normies are all vaxxed so no.
Why is your identity tied to what a bunch of random delinquents think or do?
>And then I thought about how 15-20 years ago, I was in that exact same spot. Hanging out with my friends. That was my place. But I never encountered any men in their 30s passing by. or if I did, I don't remember it. I guess in my mind I am still a teen. I don't see myself as a man in his 30s.
You are not the same person you once were, you likely do not do the same things or think the same thoughts; the past version of you and the present you do not have to reconcile. You’ve changed, and confronting aimless hooligans to prove it is unnecessary; you’ve already won by maturing as a person. Do you feel that if you did get into a fight with the people you saw your past self in, you’d be distancing your true self? I don’t think it would, you’d be externalizing your internal doubts.
hello ranjesh
Old 4chan didn't care for proper grammar
>I went outside, talked to them, partied with them, infiltrated their groups, read their faces before and after they arent talking with someone.
holy 'tism. but at least you can talk to people so youre more normal than me
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Normies describe existence as if they are on a constant IV drip of morphine.
Normies enjoy mundane and dull things like speaking to people and noticing that nature looks nice while out on a walk.
Normies have dopamine receptors constantly firing off in pleasure and joy at every single minor sensory stimulation filtered into their skulls through the 5 senses.
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It's just cope. They notice leaves look good because they're wracking their brains to find something they like about life.
Nothing pisses me off more than normies who have pretty much everything someone can want in life, but still say how they’re depressed and miserable. They have friends, relationships, maybe kids, good job and finances, hobbies, but still cry that they feel unfulfilled.
Nah, the normies with mean girl syndrome come on here
It's this (me).
If you bias your life toward what you're "supposed" to do instead of what you want, because you live in the delusion that's what's satisfying, you're living vicariously through an avatar.
I think you're just projecting and are so autistic that you believe most people think like you
the leaves actually look nice, anon
Half true. Thing is obsessive spirals of depression are not super common, most people do plenty of shit in their lives to be miserable about, but don't think about it often enough to be constantly emotionally crippled over it
>They have friends, relationships, maybe kids, good job and finances, hobbies, but still cry that they feel unfulfilled.
who says that those things are "everything someone can want in life"? its just what you think, because external entities told you so. its creating the hamster wheel or crab bucket what is called society, and normies and their neverending chase of external things to display that.. they are... NORMAL. until they die.
instead get to know your true self and build your life accordingly
Happiness is only present inside your brain
Happiness doesnt exist outside the brain
You have constructed a checklist of things that you think equate to happiness and fulfillment. And you think that because you lack these things you must be unhappy.

You're imagining that having all these things makes you happy when the reverse is more likely to be true; That being happy gets you friends, family, a good relationship, kids, job, finances and hobbies.

Everything you see is inside your head. Everything you see that effects your happiness is inside your head.
>They notice leaves look good because they're wracking their brains to find something they like about life.
Yes and their brain is still firing off pleasure signals at this, making them happy most of the time.
Normies are constantly high on life like wealthy wall street traders were high on cocaine before the 2008 crash.
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It's not that they are unhappy, it's that they endlessly bitch about it. That'd what gets me. Everyone's got their issues, I just know people don't give a shit about mine.

Except for you guys sometimes, you guys are cool.
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I eat pussy like you for breakfast

I’m happy when I’m alone. Normies irritate me.

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