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ITT: we post useless exercises that some idiot somewhere in the world is doing right now

ill start:
500 sit ups
512 situps

Girl I'm talking to does shit like this, I don't have the heart to tell her it does absolutely nothing
Not going to bother explaining how to achieve a desired physique because I just know she won't retain any of the information and will keep doing these YouTube workouts
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That's not bad at all, she's doing a lot of body weight exercises and mobility.
yuo dont understand bro theres just something primal about OHP that makes me feel strong...like i can lift the world over my shoulders.....no it doesnt make any of my muscles bigger but i feel strong....and i want to achieve 1/2/3/4..
Given the amount of views that video has, it's highly likely that someone is doing that at this very moment. Women are so stupid.
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>HIIT for beginners
>"""""High intensity"""""
As pathetic as that shit is, it would be OK for someone who is totally sedentary to start with something like that for a couple of weeks before moving on to a real workout. The only problem is they probably don't realize they won't make any significant progress doing that, and will have to move on fairly quickly to something a bit more strenuous.
Back extensions
>you should do something useless before doing something useful
i mean yeah an argument can be made that it gets the blood flowing, but its the least optimal way of doing it
people (and based off what you said, i include you in this) generally have no idea how to achieve their desired body goals
you know that abdominal machine hat looks like it's making you such your own cock?
someone right now is doing that in a room full of people
Kunt I look fuckin sick so shut your gay mouth.

Think of it like how you do a warmup before a workout, but over a longer timescale. Like a warmup to being an active person in the longer term. Some people who have never done anything physical in their life will really struggle to even perform basic movements with no weight. They literally can not do a real workout, they can't push themselves to do an actual set, can't get their head around activating their muscles to move a weight. It's useless for a functional human, but for a non-functional human it may help to build basic bodily movement before trying to push for something more substantial.
you look like shit and dont know the first thing about fitness, you gave yourself away
>you look like shit
>t. fat loser who looks like shit
post bodies
>doing [exercise] every single day
for metabolic and joint health this sort of workout is fantastic. nothing wrong with it. I would say it's ideal for
- sedentary people trying to unfuck their shit somewhat
- women
- anyone recovering from an injury

>Not going to bother explaining how to achieve a desired physique
the workout you posted would do more towards achieving a "desired physique" for a woman than any kind of bodybuilding. the optimal physique for women is just healthy posture, flexible and slim. muscle mass doesn't factor into it at all. men aren't attracted to women's muscle proportions or size.
>stretching is worthwhile
active stretching of specific muscles that get shortened by the typical office posture, absolutely. your black and white thinking is holding you back.
The problem is the demographic most attracted to this, women, is the one most likely to not move on from it and make real progress. How many women do you see in aerobics classes and shit like this year after year making ZERO progress?
if you're expecting to see "progress" on a woman's body from something other than losing fat you need to re-evaluate your expectations. the only "progress" women make in traditional lifting is that they get fat, or they hop on steroids. *for the vast majority of women* there is no natty, slim "progress" to make from lifting weights.
again, the goal for women in fitness is to optimize metabolism and posture. aerobic meme workouts can accomplish this. all women really need is regular light cardio and taking all muscles through full ROM to maintain flexibility and healthy joints. yes, I would remove the stretching if I was in charge, but it's no big deal.
my ex would do these and "cardio dances" and holy fuck it is dumbest shit ive ever seen
naturally her body didnt change one bit, but she would always say things like "i feel like its working" and "i feel like i look skinnier"
just one of many red flags i shouldnt have ignored, even though i knew at the time i no longer wanted to be with someone so stupid, i felt like there was no way out without her ruining my life for leaving her
thankfully i was able to get out eventually
Heavy Squats and flat bench
>men shitting on womens home workouts
>these are the same men that recommend heavy lifting to women and jerk off to female bodybuilders
lmao unreal delusion on this board
Anything kneesovertoes guy recommends, but especially tib raises.
now listen here you little shit
This is the only gym exercise that can get you laid
Weight lifting is useless

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