>talk with the gym veteran>tell him about the "big four" lifts>he laughs and asks what's the fourth big lift>say OHP>he laughs even harderI fucking hate you /fit/
was he a big fat guy?
>>75481248for you
>>75481241let me guess he was shaped like the great pyramid
>>75481241most people don’t respect OHP or rows oh well more for me
>>75481241>the big 4ShrugsRowsLateral raisesAb wheel
>>75481241Call him a deltlet
>>75481544>oh well more for meThat's not really true in any way though
>>75481241I keep telling you faggots that no one does "le big four" outside of autistic internet bubbles. It's been this way for at least twenty years.
>>75481241>the big 4 liftsThe confidence pressWealth liftsKeep your chin upsBicep curls
>>75481566He would destroy my chin, I'm a DYEL>>75481952Okay but at least the big three is a thing, right?
>>75482087>Okay but at least the big three is a thing, right?yes, ohp is cool and i like it but its not culturally relevant like squat bench deadlift are
>>75482087In 90% of gyms men bench and women squat both rarely over two plates.Occasionally you'll see some dumb whore attempt a diddly with pathetic weight and terrible form. Some men will do "OHP" with DBs.
>>75481241I'm the gym veteran. So far this week I pulled 500 for a single, squatted 365 3x5, benched 275 3x5, and pressed 205 2x3. My current "weak point training" is pullups 3x10 with assistance.
>>75482558>with assistanceheh, i at least mog you in one thinglook at me, i am the veteran now
>the big 4Bill curlsCoin countsStock pumpsHip trusts
>>75481241You should tell him he doesn't understand how cool pressing shit over your head is and feels.
>>75482567It is what it is, man. We all start with the bar.