So I started working out again after a long break because of a back injury and I've been wondering how to have at least some gains and not get injured again.I used to do 4-5 sets to failiure, and around three exercises per body part for example back - chin ups, cable rows, lat pull downs, chest - bench, dip, cable flies. I was also focusing on lower rep ranges. I decided to do 2 sets to failure instead with higher rep ranges.I also decided to do 2 exercises per bodypart. Will that be sufficient to build muscle? I kinda have ro limit the amount of excercise because when I do more my back starts to hurt real bad.
Yes. Make sure to get plenty of rest so you can grow.
>>75481434how much gear do you think Mike was on?
>>75481440No more than Arnold or any of the other guys at Gold's gym.
>>75481387Go to low back ability on YouTube. You are welcome. Saved my fuckin ass with lower back pain and 2 herniated discs. Now im clean and pressing 175
>>754813874 to 6 days a week.Always remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.
>>75481848Will look it up, I went to physiotherapy which helped me a lot. I somehow strained my upper back muscles, my family doctor told me that I just have shitty genetics so my muscles don't heal well after injuries
Activate your core muscles..
>>75481387How did you get injured and did you go to a physio or not
>>75482939BroIf your muscles don't heal well after injury, you have shit diet, shit cardio or you never ran a linear progression program to intermediate like you're supposed to in order for your body to be able to properly repair itself after lifting